How to tell if a guy likes you: 38 signs he has a crush on you

How do you know if a guy likes you? He may be acting friendly and flirty towards you, but how can you know if that’s just his personality? You want to know if he has a crush on you rather than just being someone who hits on every other woman he meets.

It can be pretty hard to figure out if the attention a guy is giving you is genuine. Hopefully, this guide can give you some clarity.


  1. Signs a guy likes you
  2. How can you tell if a coworker likes you?
  3. Does your best friend like you?
  4. How to be sure whether or not a guy friend likes you

38 signs a guy likes you

When a guy has a crush on you, his behavior towards you will usually change. However, it can be difficult to figure out. He may be acting nervous because he’s shy or flirty because he’s friendly and outgoing.

Here are the best signs to help you tell if a guy has a crush on you or not.

1. He stares at you

You probably know how hard it is not to look at someone you like. Prolonged eye contact without talking is a big tell that a guy likes you.

But to be fair, it’s common for guys to stare at any girl they find attractive. And it’s an easy way for him to show his interest without having to approach you. But who knows, he might even have a secret crush on you.

2. He mirrors you

Mirroring means that his body language, posture, or even what he’s saying reflects what you said or did.

Examples of mirroring:

  • When you take a sip of your glass, he also takes a sip of his glass
  • When you cross your legs, he crosses his legs
  • When you get very animated/passionate in a conversation, he also gets animated
  • When you lean in, he also leans in
  • When you laugh, he laughs

Note that mirroring is done subconsciously when he has a good rapport with you. But it can also be done consciously if he wants to impress or bond with you. It’s a great sign either way.

3. He added you on social media

Adding you on social media means he wants to keep in contact with you and might be interested in you. This is also good because now you can more easily start a conversation with him online.

4. His texts are longer than yours

If his texts are about the same length or longer than yours, that’s great. It’s especially good if they’re longer than yours.

If he usually gives short answers compared to you, that’s a bad sign. When you’re giving him long replies but not getting the same in return, it means you’re probably too eager.

In that case, it’s good to step back a bit and try to match him better. Keep in mind that some people are naturally better at others at texting.

5. He teases you

Most forms of teasing (even mean teasing) are usually a sign he’s interested in you. It means he’s trying to create a flirty vibe between you and that he wants a reaction from you.

Have fun with it, and don’t be afraid to tease him back! 😉

6. He’s leaning in

If he’s leaning in toward you, that shows he wants to get closer to you (or he’s really passionate about what he’s saying). When a guy has a crush on you, it can feel like he’s magnetically drawn to you.

7. He’s getting physically close to you

If you’re in a conversation and you feel like he’s edging closer to you, or as if he’s almost uncomfortably too close to you, that’s a good sign. He may be attracted to you and wants to feel physically and mentally closer to you.

Note that different cultures have different “personal spaces.” So, if he’s from a different culture than you, see how close he gets to others to see if it’s just you.

8. He offers you a massage

This is one of the most obvious tells that a guy likes you. Offering a massage is a nice thing to do, but it’s also a smooth way for a guy to get you both touching each other. (Remember to offer him one back if you like him!)

9. He smiles at you

If he’s smiling toward you from afar, that’s an invitation to approach him. (I’m assuming you didn’t just forget to put your pants on when leaving home.)

If he’s smiling toward you when you’re in a conversation, that’s a sign he likes you. Especially if he has a light smile while you’re not even joking.

10. He’s giving you mixed signals

Mixed signals are really tricky to interpret and can make anyone confused. But in most cases, they do mean he’s interested in you. Here are the most common reasons why he’s giving you mixed and confusing signals.

Nine reasons why he’s giving you mixed signals:

  1. He doesn’t want to come off as too eager
  2. He’s shy
  3. He’s nervous and insecure
  4. He’s afraid of seeming desperate
  5. He’s afraid you’ll reject him
  6. He’s inexperienced in flirting
  7. He’s following some weird rules or pick-up tips he’s read
  8. He’s just flirting with you (because flirting is all about giving mixed signals)
  9. He likes the attention or validation he gets from you but isn’t really interested in you

Giving mixed signals may mean a guy likes you, but it doesn’t mean he’d make a good partner. If someone sometimes ignores you or is mean to you, you should avoid dating even if you have a mutual crush on each other. You deserve a partner who won’t have you second-guessing yourself.

11. He compliments you

Getting a compliment from a guy your age is a good sign. If he’s giving you compliments about how pretty you are, it’s an even better sign.

It can be hard to tell a friendly compliment from a romantic one because they can sound exactly the same. To know for sure, look for other signs he’s also giving you or describe your situation in the comments below.

12. His pupils are large

If his pupils get large when you’re in a conversation, you’re doing something right. This one is quite subtle because pupil size is primarily determined by light levels, but secondarily attraction can also increase pupil size.

13. He makes eye contact with you

When a guy has a crush on you, it can be so hard for him to keep his eyes off of you. You can notice this if he’s holding eye contact with you for slightly too long.

It can almost feel a little weird or intense when it happens. And that’s great (if you like him).

14. He looks at you with open body language

This sign is most useful at a place with some background music, for example, at a bar or a club.

If he’s moving in rhythm with the background music and at the same time looking at you, that’s a sign he’s attracted to you. Dancing like that and looking at you is an inviting form of body language. That tells you he wants your attention and is trying to get you to make a move.

15. He straightens his posture

Is he straightening his back and standing up more straight? It means he’s a bit self-conscious when hanging out near you and wants to make a good impression.

It’s not a strong sign because most single guys want to make a good impression on attractive girls. But if you see it together with many other signs, it means more.

16. He faces you in group situations

If he’s facing you more often than he’s facing others in a group, that’s a sign he’s into you and values you more than others in the group. This is especially telling if you’re not the one talking the most in the group.

17. His feet are pointing towards you

If his feet are pointing toward you, that’s a sign in the same line as if his body is facing you. He’s subconsciously focused on you, which makes his feet point toward you.

18. He fiddles with his clothes or accessories

This could be because of nervosity, but it can also be because he wants to look good in front of you. It’s a classic sign of attraction.

19. His palms face you

If the palms of his hands are pointed in your direction, he might be interested in you. It’s a small sign, but it’s still positive because it’s part of his open and welcoming body language toward you.

20. He touches you when you touch him

For example, if you touch his arm, does he touch you in a similar area later on in the conversation? If he does reciprocate your touch, that’s a great sign.

If he’s shy or inexperienced, he might not feel comfortable touching you back, even if he has a crush on you.

21. He is extra touchy with you

A good tell he likes you is if he’s touching you unusually much compared to others.

Common areas to touch are arms, shoulders, back, hands, or thighs. Hands or thighs are usually more intimate if he touches those.

22. You have “peripheral physical contact”

Peripheral physical contact is when some parts of your body are in contact with each other when you are doing something else.

A good example is when you’re both sitting down, and your thighs barely touch each other.

This kind of passive physical contact means a lot and can build a lot of suspense and attraction. It’s the best feeling being close to someone you got a crush on.

23. He gives you more of his attention than others

The more attention he gives you, the more interested he usually is in you. Compare this to how much attention he gives to other girls also hanging out with him or in the same group as you.

For example, If you’re in a group and he seems to direct most of his attention toward you. It could be that he’s asking you lots of questions or that he’s laughing more than others at your jokes. Or just listening more intently to you.

24. He blushes when you talk or make eye-contact

He might just be shy, but he’s probably a bit extra self-conscious around you because he likes you. This makes him blush around you.

Social anxiety can also cause blushing. But it’s still a great sign.

25. He seems to look in your direction from far away

Guys can be a bit sneaky when they want to check you out. They can make it seem like they’re only looking in your direction or just grazing you with their eyes. And if he has sunglasses, it’s even harder to know if he’s checking you out.

So if he’s looking in your direction, especially if he does it several times, he’s probably checking you out.

26. He keeps the conversation going

What happens when there’s a pause in the conversation or if you stop talking? If he seems eager to get the conversation going again, that’s good. If he lets the conversation die out or excuses himself, he may not be that interested (unless he’s just shy).

If you have problems with the conversation dying out, check out this guide on keeping the conversation going with a guy.

27. He quickly replies when you text or message him

A quick reply is a good sign he likes you. Also, if he replies with several texts to your one text, that’s even better.

However, if he likes you, he may also delay his replies to avoid seeming needy or desperate. But as long as he replies, it’s all good. If he’s slow to reply, it could just mean he’s busy, or he doesn’t like texting, so don’t read too much into it.

28. He texts or calls first

Is he the one initiating contact, or are you? If he is, that probably means he’s interested in you.

But if he never calls or texts first, that shows a lack of interest. In that case, it can be good to take a step back to see if he will take initiative. If you’re always so quick to take initiative, he might never even have a chance to do it first.

29. He texts you often

Compare this to how often you text him. He’s eager if he’s texting more often than you, and you’re more eager if you’re the one texting more often. If he’s sending you several texts in a row without a reply, it’s a stronger sign.

30. He becomes awkward in a conversation with you

Does he stammer, stutter, or otherwise become awkward with you? This could mean that he feels shy or self-conscious around you. When a guy likes you, it’s common that he gets a bit extra flustered when talking to you. That’s because he gets uncomfortable and doesn’t want to mess up in front of you. It’s kind of cute, isn’t it?

31. He doesn’t back off if you get a bit too close

If he doesn’t even flinch when you get a bit too close to his personal space, that’s a sign he wants you close to him.

If you take a step closer, and he backs off by a step, that’s a sign he’s a bit more reserved toward you.

32. He talks about things he wants to do with you

Planning or mentioning things he wants to do with you in the future strongly indicates some sort of interest, romantic or platonic.

Example: If you’re talking about a newly opened restaurant, they say “We should go there someday!” or “I’ll show you how amazing that place is!”

33. He’s happy to discover you have something in common

If he’s happy, that’s good. This sign is extra strong if it’s something very trivial, such as you living in the same part of town, being the same age, or you both like pizza. For more tips, check out this guide on how to talk to a guy you like.

Example: You discover that you both grew up in the same city, and he gets really excited about it even if it’s no big deal.

34. He asks you personal questions

Personal questions are telling you that he wants to know more about you and is interested in you. The more he asks, the better.

Example: Asking about your plans for the future, your childhood, or your favorite food.

35. He asks you about your plans

Asking about your plans for the day or weekend might just be empty small talk, but it could also be him trying to open a window where you can meet again and hang out. It’s more likely it’s a sign of interest if he brings it up near the end of the conversation.

36. He tries to make you jealous

This is a strong sign he’s interested in you. But it’s also a sign he’s emotionally immature and manipulative. I would avoid someone acting like that. You deserve to be treated with respect.

37. He’s told his family about you

This one is most relevant once you’ve already started dating. But it’s such a huge sign of interest (and approval) that I think it’s worth mentioning. It’s even bigger if he’s from a culture where approval from the family is important.

If he’s told his family, it means he is visualizing and planning a future with you. Congrats!

38. He stays to talk with you even though his friends have left

This is a big tell. If you’re in some sort of group conversation with him and his friends, and all his friends leave, but he stays – he’s probably into you. It still might not be a romantic interest if you just have a great conversation and have lots in common.

An example could be when you’re at a party, and all his friends leave to get a bite to eat, but he stays with you.

How can you tell if a coworker likes you?

At work, It can be hard to tell if a coworker is flirting with you or just being friendly. Usually, guys play it safer at work because he doesn’t want to create any awkward situations if he would be rejected. So, he might be probing to see if you like him before he gives you any clear signs of interest.

Six ways to tell if a coworker likes you:

  1. He comes over to talk with you as often as possible
  2. He often teases you
  3. It seems like he’s flirting, but you’re not really sure
  4. He tries to hang out near you when possible
  5. He tries to be funny when he’s near you
  6. He’s eager to do any work tasks where you work together
  7. He goes above and beyond to help you out at work
  8. He gets weird or stiff when he’s near you, but he’s normal with everyone else

How do you know if your best friend likes you?

Here are seven signs your best friend might have started liking you as more than a friend:

  1. He’s acting differently from how he usually behaves
  2. He seems jealous or dismissive of other guys you might like
  3. He’s suddenly extra touchy-feely
  4. He seems unusually interested in your interests
  5. He seems extra needy
  6. He’s told you he has feelings for you

If you’re still unsure, let me know about your situation in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to help.

How do you know for sure if a guy friend is interested?

You can’t know for sure if a cute guy is interested based on a sign on this list. But there are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  1. Is he regularly showing you signs of interest?
  2. Does he act differently to others than to you? (So he’s not just flirty with everyone.)
  3. Has he shown any particularly strong signs of interest?
  4. Can you see any patterns in his behavior toward you?

Are you still unsure if he likes you?

Write down your situation in the comments below in as much detail as possible. That way, others can help you out by giving their opinion. I also expect you to help someone else by replying to their comment. We need to all pitch in and help each other.

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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  1. Hi, I knew this guy for like a couple of months now. We just meet every Saturday which is our school day, we are classmates by the way. Fact, I like him. Fact, I don’t know if he does. Between us, he’s always the one approaching me (I’m scared to approach him cuz I don’t wanna look like as if I’m chasing him and someone might tease me). He’s giving me mixed signals, when I’m serious he laugh. when I joke he’ll TRY to act serious and hold his laugh. One time he asks me ” what do you like?” and I’m like ” oh I like coffee” and he will be like “Oh I thought it’s me. lol” and Like “Are you happy?” and I will be like “Yeah of course” he like ” why are you happy?” I’m like ” ohh because blah blah” and he will be like “Oh I thought because of me”. He is sooooooooooo confusing and one time! He told me not to take everything seriously and I was hurt! but then again when I said I’m not serious “that hurts.. you’re never serious about me” What the HELLLLLLLLL brooooo. What should I dooooo? I really reaalllyyyyy need your help. Pleasee

  2. I work with my crush. I started in February 2019, when I first met him I was attracted to him. After that we started talking little by little. Then it turned into longer conversations, he would come in my department and chill with me. After my shift we would walk around the store and talk or go outside. We have messed around, did not have sex though. We still flirt and talk but I don’t know how he feels. I want to tell him but at the same point I don’t want to be vulnerable. He does little things that make me think he feels the same but I’m not really sure.

  3. I like a work colleague and I have told him this, he told me from the beginning he didn’t want any relationship as he is bettering himself! Up until Christmas we messaged everyday for over a month, these were flirty messages that generally lasted an hour or so constant messaging and in these messages he would slying add sentences to say I was hot or mentioned I was attractive. He messaged me early hours Christmas morning wishing me a merry Christmas, this is likely to be the first time he has ever messaged me first. I asked him a few days later if he was still set on not having a relationship and he told me he had no mutual attraction and couldn’t see me and him together in the future. We still message each other but I found he messaged me like he used to the other night when he was drunk which went on for over an hour again. he has been away so it will take him a long time to reply. I am so confused, he told me he barely used chat yet I see him online every hour, i don’t know if he likes me and is scared. he told me when we went out for lunch one day that when he has a girlfriend she is the only one and he puts all his time and effort into a relationship and he doesn’t want to get hurt. He also told me previously that I am a bit of a distraction to what he wants “bettering himself” and he sometimes has to stop leading me on so he doesn’t lead himself on. I also made a comment to him about eye contact and he said that I intimidate him and make him nervous which is why he doesn’t make a lot of eye contact with me.

  4. Ah I feel silly to be doing this right now but here goes nothing…
    I attend swing dance lessons every friday night, I really enjoy dancing and it forces me to make new friends and socialize. Ive met two guys there that i think have an interest in me? They will ask me 5 or more times in a night to dance, and by now I have both their numbers. One is kyle, one is dekota, and as much as i think they like me im not certain.
    Kyle pulls me closer, and will switch to ballroom dancing to keep me close. But he has no problem holding a conversation, while i get flustered and stumble for words because im too busy worry about how close he is (lol). Dekota will always offer a hug after a dance and tends to hold more conversations about what i enjoy doing outside of dancing and school, and we get along quite well when it comes to passions and hobbies. I JUST got their numbers the other day, so all thats been communicated over text was a short goodnight and i was glad i met them. Is there any way i can make moves back so they know im interested? I dont know which one i like yet, i dont know them enough but i really do find their personalities both attractive in their own ways. Thanks!

  5. Okay so I like this guy, he is in only one of my classes. He bugs me all the time. He also says pick up lines to me.
    When we hang out at school he walks the same speed as me, and a lot of the time follows me around. He started following me on Insta, but we don’t talk out of school. What do you think? Does he like me??

  6. Ok so well theirs this guy i like and hes my best friends brother but we have some history and i went over to his house for his little sister and he knew i was their cause it was during chritmas and i gave him a little chocolate cause i gave everyone in his family something and he gets out of the shower with just a towel around his waist and he’s like hey hows it going and he looks at me when he says that when he said it and he smiled big and so he always texts me back but this time on chritmas i said merry chritmas and he didnt reply but it said he read it buttt he didnt awnser my friend etheir cause she said the same thing to see if he would awnser and im gonna see him this week and i mean do u think he likes me still?

  7. There’s this guy I’ve known for a few years but I know him through some friends and when I met him he was dating someone that’s a friend of some of my friends. Back then we talked a little but it was all platonic cause obviously he was in a relationship. They’ve since broken up and we didn’t talk again until this year. He’s also shifted friendship groups so he’s not really close with most of the guys in my circle anymore. I should also note that he goes to an all boys school and I go to an all girls school. Thus, I rarely see him in person except for the occasional party. However, recently we have talked a lot over Snapchat. He engages in our conversations and responds quickly. Not only that, but he’s usually the one to initiate the conversation. Sometimes he jokes and teases me, for example he sometimes jokes about me being born the year after most people in our year level, and he also calls me nicknames such as champ and kiddo (which I assume is because of me being a year younger than him). Most of these things I would consider good signs, however I know he is online a lot and talks to a lot of people, which makes me think that maybe he talks to all his friends in this manner and enthusiasm. I also know that he still talks to his ex (whom I mentioned earlier and dated for nearly a year) a lot and that they’re still good friends, but I don’t know if he’s still interested in her or if he really does just see her as a good friend. When I talk to him online he’s really nice and easy to talk to, however since we rarely see each other in real life and never call each other, it’s very awkward when we do see each other and we end up not talking much and going to other people to talk to instead. Am I reading too much into this? Does he potentially like me or does he just see me as someone nice to talk to over text? I like him but I’m too scared to make a move (I know, I’ll have to get over that fear eventually).

    • If you want an outsider’s opinion on your situation, it may not be what you want to hear, but at this point I’d say you’re reading too much into it and he’s probably not into you in a romantic way. Not at the moment at least! If you really do like him, continue to talk to him and interact on social media. And when you see him in person try and actually talk to him about something you know you have in common. Ask him questions. If he asks you questions back, that’s a great sign. If not, you may be wasting your time. Everyone deserves to feel wanted. But don’t worry, you’re still really young and have so much time to meet people and date, I promise. Good luck!

  8. Hello, so I met this guy that works in the same center I work in but different companies. He’s 14 years older than I am. We had a meeting two weeks ago and it turned into a 3 hour fun conversation where we shared a lot about one another. He shows he’s interested with his body language but is not making any move. He once asked me if I ate I said yes he said well I was gonna tell you have lunch with me and walked away. That was it, He’s giving me mixed signals I can’t decide

  9. Hi I’m a single parent. I met guy at his place of work. When I’m there he will come over to talk to me but he has to be careful as he can get in trouble for talking to customers about private stuff. He always treats my child differently to the other customers children by giving him extra turns or toys to play with. One day he got me on my own to tell me I was beautiful. A bit later he said I have a lovely personality. Since then he asked me to add him on social media. We chatted a fair bit on there. He keeps complimenting me on my looks and personality. Anyway a few days ago he gave me his mobile number and gave him mine and we have been talking all day since. He could get in a lot of trouble at work if his boss found out. The guy knows that I had a bad breakup with my sons sperm as he left me when i was six months pregnant.

  10. Hi, I used to ride a bus to get to work and there was a new guy who just moved to the area. And I had never seen him before. One day there were only a few people on the bus. And he got on the bus and started staring at me like a crazy person and wanted to sit right next to me but I didn’t move my bag and did not offer him the seat. He had gym clothes on, that was the only thing I noticed. I generally don’t talk to strangers and didn’t even look at his face. A few days later I saw someone on the bus and he seemed very mad at me. That was pretty weird. And I kinda figured that he must be the same guy. He would still stare at me and mirror my actions but he never approached. Later on, I somehow learned that he is a med student and a former marine officer. He’s been doing the same thing for two years now. I am shy and introverted by nature, plus I grew up in a different country and moved here not too long ago. That being said, not fully familiar with the cultural norms. On top of that, I have never dated anyone. His mixed signals were driving me crazy. I was curious to know what he had in his mind. So, I decided to send him a follow request on Instagram along with a text asking how he’s doing and where has he been? He never replied and posted his dog’s picture with the answer to my question instead. A couple of days later he canceled my request. However, he is teasing me until now indirectly. As soon as I post something on Instagram, he would do the same. I am very confused about the whole thing.

    I don’t know if sending him the following request and the text was a good idea or not. Keeping in mind that he is a med student and stays very busy and is able to find time to play these mind games. I am a student as well and trying to find a solution to this issue. I would highly appreciate your thoughts on it. Thanks!!!

  11. A work colleague always stares at me, I didn’t notice at first but now whenever I look over he is looking at me. We would have a laugh in work sit next to each other and get on really well. But recently he has started to avoid me but continues to stare. He would not look away but also doesn’t smile when I catch him looking. The problem is now he is my boss. Do men stare at women they don’t like?

  12. There’s a guy I have a crush on at work. He often does little nice things like printing out and bringing a document to me, or getting my mail from the office mail box, without me asking. For example, our boss emailed the whole office with a schedule of duties. I was in my office, minding my own business, when my crush comes in and puts a copy of the schedule on my desk. I hadn’t asked or even hinted that I wanted him to get me a copy (cuz I could have easily just printed it out myself), so I thought that was really sweet.

    Also, he does this thing where, when we’re talking if there’s a lull in the conversation he’ll do a deep sigh and say “Jane, Jane, jane” (my name). That one kind of gets me going, cuz it’s kinda hot to hear him sigh my name like that, haha

    He’s also started to tease me in goofy ways, like reaching in and switching off my office light as he’s walking by. I’ve reciprocated by doing some goofy things too, like throwing a bouncy ball into his office when I walk by. We’re calling it a “prank war”.

    He can also be somewhat touchy feely. For example he puts his hand on my shoulder to reassure me a lot. Or, one time, when he was talking about how he’s had to “hand hold” our customers, he was saying “Yea, they expect you to…” then he grabbed my hand to demonstrate holding their hands/leading them along.

    Yet another thing – he often calls me into his office show me something mundane or ask for my opinion on a mundane thing. Like the other day we were cleaning our keyboards and he had some trouble getting the space bar back on. The next day he called me into his office just to show me how the space bar was still jiggly. Then we ended up chatting for like a half hour, which is what usually happens when he calls me in for a random mundane thing.

    Anyway… flirting or nah? I feel like it’s gotta be! I know you’re not supposed to crush at work, but he is freakin adorable!

  13. There’s this guy I work with. More like my work requires me to come into his work and pick up items at his store and deliver to them to customers. He will constantly joke around with me and be like- I saw you in aisle 20. When I was only at the store for maybe 30 min and for him to see me seems like he’s looking for me. I always joke with him and say are you creepin? The first couple times he said no and would laugh. The last time it happened, he said well maybe and laughed. One time I saw him at the store when he wasn’t working, but there shopping for himself. I told him he was my favorite person that worked there, that and another guy who are both really nice. He gave me an awkward side hug. He followed me around doing my shopping and talked to me a lot, without grabbing any more items for him even though he said he was still shopping. When I was ready to check out, he came with me and unloaded my cart with me into the checkout stand. He only had a few items in his basket so I said why don’t you go first. It turns out he wasn’t even ready to check out yet! So he stayed with me and helped even when he had other shopping to do. I made cookies for the other worker that I mentioned and when he heard about it, I made sure to bring him some too. He told me they were the best cookies he ever had and that I made his day better. Said he only shared with one friend because he wanted them all to himself. He made a joke that I always come through his line and I said I try to either go to yours or the other worker guy that I like. I joked and said do u want me to go into another checkout line? He said no, no, don’t do that. Around Christmas time I told him about these pastries I make for family and he said they sounded so good so I made him some. My work causes me to have to go to this certain store multiple times a day. So after I made them I brought them with me every time this one day but he hadn’t come in yet that day. As the day was coming to a close I joked with the other worker that I had these pastries for him and he said he will be in in 15 min. So I sat and waited for him. Once I gave him the pastries I told a funny story about how I had tried to give them to him all day and I laughed (I’m super sarcastic and was totally joking). But he has this weird look on his face. Like he thought I was upset. I can’t explain it. I said I’m not mad I was totally joking that it was funny how much I tried to get them to you today so that they would be fresh. Then he hugged me and as he hugged me I saw his manager was standing right there. I told him bye and left. The next day that other worker told me he got in trouble because when he was talking to me and accepting the pastries that he was supposed to start his shift, and I was holding him up. When I saw him next I told him how sorry. He said it wasn’t that big of a deal and it was totally fine. I joked with him that if he was going to get in trouble, that that should have been a better hug. He was awkward at first, I understand how that come off but I jokingly meant a longer hug or more intimate hug? I think he got it after a minute because he laughed and said, right! I got drunk one night and my friend told me I should try to text him. I don’t have his number though, so my friend somehow found it. She’s a crazy social media person so I chalked it up to that. I just texted him Merry Christmas (because it was Christmas Eve). He didn’t reply back until I was already asleep but basically he wanted to know who this was. In the morning I was so embarrassed. I told him I don’t normally drink, told my friend he was cute and that she found his number and I didn’t mean to actuallY go through with it and said my bad. Naturally, he was still curious who this was. I told him I was severely embarrassed and kind of didn’t want to tell him. Because he persisted, I made him a deal. If he guessed who I was, I would tell him. He said it would be weird for him to just start listing names and I joked that it would embarrass him just like I’m embarrassed right now. So he decided to say two names. One of which was my name. Which I didn’t know if that was a good sign or not. Either it could be women that he wanted it to be, or it could be women he just thought liked him… so he asked questions to figure out which woman I was and eventually gave in and told him, because after all I didn’t say I would admit it if he guessed. He said my pastries were the best in the world when he found out who it was. I joked I would have to go through another line now at checkout and he said no don’t make it weird, I consider you a friend and I’m glad I met you. And he said he was glad I got his number. From my perspective, it kind of meant he was friend zoning me. I mean even though I was embarrassed, I still admitted to him that I thought he was cute. And he was basically like… you’re my friend… Am I being crazy to think that it seemed he was into me and now he’s not? I know the texting thing was a little weird but we all make mistakes and I do think that the light hearted game of text guessing who I was took away from the weirdness of how I got his number. And for the record, he hasn’t texted me since then. Which was a few days ago. So he can’t be that excited that I have his number or he would be using it lol.

  14. So i like this guy in college.He is in my class.I am not sure if he likes me or not.
    He at times seems like a player but maybe he is not.
    Whenever there is a group project i interact casually with him and share some laughs .
    He views my ig stories sometimes too quickly and sometimes after a long time.
    Also he and i have similar music taste though we have never discussed about it but i get to know about it from ig.
    Also when speaking to me he is extremely polite .
    Also i haven’t seen him interacting with any of the girls of my class.
    He tries to speak in my native language sometimes.
    I don’t know know whether he likes me or not.
    What should i do?

    • Continue to be friends with him but don’t be easily fooled and don’t catch feelings so fast. Always mind the signals that he gives. In my pov, it’s good to continue this kind of thing with him, like getting to know him through similar interests and such. My main point is, be casual around him and don’t overthink as well and just be yourself.

    • Continue to be friends with him but don’t be easily fooled and don’t catch feelings so fast. Always mind the signals that he gives. In my pov, it’s good to continue this kind of thing with him, like getting to know him through similar interests and such. My main point is, be casual around him and don’t overthink as well and just be yourself.

  15. We’re in the same friend group, and he does several of these, we text back and forth daily, and even say good morning to each other. He met my parents, and that was adorably awkward, and we’ve caught each other staring multiple times. On my birthday, he tied a card to the tree in my front yard at 5 in the morning. He’s always super supportive and caring when I talk about my problems or anything, and shows genuine certain for my well-being and safety at times. His parents are super nice to me, and even though him and I have only been friends since this summer, they know me by name and give me compliments. Almost everyone I’ve talked to about this has said that he probably likes me, but it’s really difficult to believe that for myself. One of the things that confuses me is that whenever accidental physical contact happens, he shies away, or pulls away, like if we’re sitting together and our feet touch, or sitting across from each other and our fingers touch. I’m mostly lost as to what I should be doing and how to respond at this point. What do you think?

  16. Hey so long story short I have a best friend of the past 11 years who I’ve fallen hard for in recent months. Problem is we’re both guys and he says he’s straight. However he really doesn’t seem it to me he treats me differently from other friends and flirts almost constant. He is always teasing me by saying things such as “I like your new outfit but it would look better on my floor, I wanna caress you and kiss your lips, everything alright beautiful” etc… and a lot more things that are a bit mature in content….but I understand guys do this messing with each other sometimes heck I do it some of my other guy friends and I mean nothing by it but I feel he crosses the line and seems half serious with what he says. He also play fights and touches me a lot whenever he’s passing me something or if he just takes something off him without fail anytime I try to get it he’ll play around with it in his hand and twist it around so I can’t grab to the point where I’ll have to grab his hand and try take it, where he’ll say something along the lines of I’m getting very touchy or “feeling him up”. I’m not out myself only recently found these feelings but he always insinuates that I am as if he knows. And I can’t help but smile and blush like an idiot when he does these things I’m always 100% sure he knows. However he can be homophobic sometimes but it never seems truly genuine it almost seems like he’s projecting or that he feels the need to be so that nobody thinks he is himself. I personally think he is and can’t admit it as he’s had a lot of trouble in his past with abuse from male family members and I feel that really may be affecting him. Everything points to him being at least bi but I may be just holding my hopes up for something to happen. So please any outside opinions are welcome I’m in dire need I want to spend the rest of my life with this person and don’t want to be wasting my time if he’s not reciprocating the feelings the way I believe he is.

  17. We had been friends for more than 3 months.He is the one who initiated an eye contact with a smile.Before a week I showed my interest towards him through text, he didn’t answer me ,but he is behaving very casual to me. After a week I texted him sorry if I had hurted you, the reply from him was I had no clue how to respond to this that’s why I didn’t reply you & sorry if you’re hurt.
    But till now I didn’t get any reply for my proposal, but he is behaving very casual to me till now.

  18. I have been working with this guy for 5 years, we worked closely together for 2. At out year end function we hooked up. We never really spoke much throughout the years in a personal note and he is the quiet guy out of the rest. I have always found him attractive and when we kissed he admitted the same. It’s been 3 weeks, I told him how I felt and he Santa to speak in person. He has been on leave and so have I and he would like to talk at work. We both have very similar things in common. We greet each other now, however he is difficult to read. He never looked at me when I spoke to him about work but now he does when we greet – keep things the same at work. I am now just a little nervous and scared as to when we will talk as I am not going to push him on it. However it’s the mixed signals I am not quite understanding. Is there a reason for any if this?

  19. I met this guy a year ago at church after beginning serving in a ministry. Over a span of a year, he’s randomly gifted me with a present, he shared his breakfast one day, playfully pulled my ear lope another, leans towards me and has even called me pretty. Recently he complimented the smell of my hair following a hug. But he won’t make a move. There’s tense energy when we’re in a room together, I felt it last Sunday. I shifted uncomfortably and noticed he did the same. ♥️

    • He is most likely interested but fearful with today’s me–to movement. I have had several crushes from various church’s I’ve attended but left two of those parishes cut to miss reading very friendly for interested.. one time I was close and went for a quick light kiss, ended that friendship instantly and though not asked to leave, things got cold.the other time, she would join for brunch but when I bravely tried for more, it ended. That hurt my ego, my chi, my me … bad enough that I didn’t want to go seeing as I was the one who didn’t notice how friendly she was eeveveevereveeveryone. And I’m usually excellent at reading people, even getting others to want to do things they would normally never even consider, both a gift and a curse. Comeiing in for an ink cartridge and leaving with both a new computer and printer… dating a guy who is there at the club with you and you in my bed an hour later… ready to write me up or fire me and I walk away with a free day off or a promotion… but at church I fuuudhge it up. Give the guy a break, be forward and ask him straight up, first ask if he would like to get brunch after church, then ask about dinner the next time. If he goes for the dinner, then he is ddedefddefinitely into you. Me? I’m now in my 40s and getting a little out of shape, or in shape if round is a shape, but I always shower the pretty girls with compliments as well as employees of stores I want extra better service. My local kfc-tsco bbell gets tons of love via their online receipt surveys, even got several promoted to leads or management, now they go out of their way to make my visits spectacular. tthe local grocery girl, maybe 20yo, I sorta jokingly profess my love, compliment her pretty small round face, tell her things (cleanly and not wierdly) that I’d do with her ,, only if I were younger. She knows I’m not a threat aaand is starting to reciprocate ssosomsomsomesometthtthe niceities. . TThThrThThrow him a line and see if he takes it or if he is like me and just likes to compliment.

  20. Hey so I have been liking this guy and he is the type of guy which u can’t predict. Our parents work together and we hang out on meetings he also goes to my school and we are in the same year group since September on meetings he would talk to me more and then he started holding my hand out of no where a few weeks earlier he told me that he likes my friend so this countinued lately we also have been hanging out with friends but when I am with my friends with him he kinda ignores me a d doesn’t talk to me and one day I was driving home with him after the hangout and he started holding hands with me even though before he kinda ignored me On Christmas we spent time together and we played billiard alone and he teased me a lot and laughed together a lot and he played with my hair and stuff and held my hand but on the next day we hung out he ignored me so I decided to confront him why he is going ignoring me he said he didn’t and after the hang out we drove again together and he kinda held my hand but it felt kinda akward and not right which I thought was very weird because that never happend my friend then asked him if he liked me and he said no so I am kinda confused I asked my friends and they are aswell so ya

  21. My crush is a doctor. He ‘s just learning to become a doctor
    But he works at his uncle’s medicine shop
    I once went there And he asked me how did I got
    Fever ?? I was quite unsure and I did not knew what to say.
    I was only 14 year old. I kept quiet.
    Then he went away. And I got medicine from his uncle
    It was quite an awkward situation
    Then we met again after a year. I was sitting in the shop He came after me. And stand up facing towards me
    I was sitting on chair
    We both looked at each other. I was wondering if it’s the same guy I’ve met a year ago. And I just couldn’t take my eyes off to him. His uncle , my dad and many other people were also there. Some of them might be starting at us also.
    After some time he broke eye contact And came towards me. Before my chair there were medicines. I don’t know what was he doing there. I also wondered if he was even looking at me
    Or at the backside ??
    Then I went home after taking medicine
    I couldn’t forgot him
    I actually thought his name. And his name was actually what I thought. After that I wanted to meet him again and again
    Once I went to his uncle’s shop. I saw him wispiring about me to his cousin.
    After two years , when I quietly forgot about him. I saw him. He stared at me.
    But I didn’t gave any respond.
    After this incident I realized that I cannot forget him. I’ll always love him. And my feelings for him would never change. I hope we will meet someday. My dear Karan.

  22. He’s a public figure, and I’m a public figure. I made a donation to his account with a note to recover quickly from an illness, but it didn’t go through. I then had to send a DM on Insta to ask what was going on. He said the email had an issue and to use another one, but there seemed to be a lot of flirty signs, like emojis with heart eyes and kiss lips. He saw the message and liked it 2 hours before I woke up and responded as soon as I hopped on. I had only ever previously left neutral comments on his posts a few times in the past few months. After the DM convo, he didn’t follow me on Insta. I wasn’t flirting but had had a legit question and was donating out of the kindness of my heart and to show support. Just kind of confused now. I looked at his Insta stories the following day and the day after that but wish I hadn’t, because I realize he could see that. I didn’t look today, but I swear the photo he took looked flirty, and the one yesterday was a bag of round pastries and the caption said, ‘you wanna taste my….’ He didn’t post stuff like that before, so it seems it could mean something but also not. Ideas? Maybe it’s just in my head. I dunno.

  23. I have a crush on my coworker. He used to talk to me every day asking about everything and anything or just talk to me when I had no intention of wanting more and thought he was just being really nice and social. We had a few moments looking away and shy away. I always smile when he came to see me and blushed. He used to ask me why was I laughing, but I never answered him. We had a little moment. Three weeks ago we had a Christmas party at work. We spend the Christmas party at a bar/dance club type of thing. Music was kind of loud. He did not come talk to me like he normally does. I kinda figured he kinda ignored me for a bit and talked to other people which is fine. Suddenly, he started drinking and became more open and we danced a bit. The weird thing is he kissed my hand while dancing… called me baby while we were sitting down. I seriously thought he was just drunk and did not think about it too much. Had a candy cane in his mouth and even asked me if I wanted it…. The next Monday, we talked a bit, but nothing special happened. I just felt really awkward because it was a coworker. Tuesday passed by and I don’t know why. I could not say hi and when he passed by. I just turned without say hi twice in the same day. I kind of regretted it afterwards because I felt like we knew what happened. He was awkward for almost a whole week. Stopped coming to my office to talk. Passed by and only said hi. He tried to talk a few time but I think I was just too embarrassed and shy. Later, I figured I was slowly having catching feelings for him. I tried to talk to him but was kind of shy. I tried to sit next to him for dinner with everyone and make little gesture to make me comfortable around him. One time, I was near his desk at the printer center. Another male coworker asked me if I needed help. I said yes please. The other coworker could not help me. My crush came to talk to me and asked if I needed help. I ask if he knew how to do this even if it was extremely awkward. I could not even look in his eyes. I told him if he has something else to do its fine. I would try to figure out on my own and then he said okay. This past Monday, we finally talked. He talked to me while looking in my eyes. I was so shy my eyes shift. I could not look at him the whole time but he kept looking. He came again to talk to me afterwards about work and while I was sitting. He did a ”squat” and was really close to me. He said can you help me with something about work-related stuff. I joked around and said no. Then, he laughed and kindly said with a sweet voice ” oh you don’t want to” but I laughed it away and said for sure I will help you out. After dinner, he was walking towards me. I was looking down because I felt he was looking with a smile at me. When I finally found the courage, I looked straight to his eyes and smiled. He said afterwards, yes I need to talk to you with a big smile like he was so excited. He told me he made a mistake and wanted my help for something work-related again. I was walking towards him and we came so close to each other. I said what did you do again and he smiled and said I think it was a mistake what I did and then he asked for my help and I joked around and said don’t make the same mistake again okay.
    Then he told me he was going to send the mistake and request to me by email. I found out afterwards it was not a mistake so I went to talk to him about it at his desk. I came close to him but he did not flinch and I touched his keyboard and computer. He did not move. Just stayed there without saying anything and after finding out there were no mistake he looked at me with his eyes with a smile and a smirk. Again, I shy away and moved to the other side. I wanted to go back to my desk but he asked me to stay with him to verify if everything was really okay. Then the next day, he tried to talk to me but I was shy again and did not say much. He tried to say hi and I smiled at him. Wednesday, we had a Christmas dinner at work. He was talking to everyone except for me. At one point, he put not his entire back towards me but I could see a bit of his left face and talk to other people. While I was listening to them talking. He did an amicable hugged to his female coworker/ friend who has already a boyfriend. I felt like he was ignoring me. At one point he talked to a coworker but his feet and face were facing me. Thursday came and it was his last day at work before the Christmas holidays. He said hi to me while putting both of his hands in the air. A really weird hi from him. He then came to talk near my desk but with my supervisor but did not talk to me at all. I called him later on asking him something for work before his flight. At the end of the conversation, I told him to have great happy holidays. He told me to be careful. I am just wondering if he is interested because when we talk I feel there is chemistry between us and a weird attraction. I don’t know if I am just being biased because I over analysed things cause I started to catch some feelings. I feel when I am around he changes his attitude. He becomes sometimes overreacting with other coworkers or he does not talk too much but I can feel his awkwardness. I want to make moves after the holiday break but I am just scared that he did not feel the same way and that I imagined the ”chemistry”. I was deeply hurt from a past relationship. He cheated on me. So I had to put my guard up with guys. Need advice for what should be my next move and I want to know why I feel mixed signals from him. Is he interested or he is just not interested. Or he is scared like I am.

    Ps. He never asked me out because we are only coworkers who spoke once in a while.

  24. I went to this house party and maybe 30 mins to an hour in I remember looking at a guy once or twice across the room, but I knew he was a little out of my league so I dismissed my chances. Maybe 30 mins after that I was standing and watching people play at the beer pong table and he came up to me. I don’t remember how exactly he started the convo but we started talking and there was a lot of eye contact. He then went to get a drink and when he came back he kind of grabbed my hips to surprise me for a second and said “did I scare you?”. I said he did a little bit, and then we kept talking and I asked him what grade he was in etc just to make sure we were the same age (which we are). I really enjoyed his sense of humor and I feel like we would click more if we had more conversations. Eventually I mentioned I forgot to take my watch off and he laughed at how I held my arm up to check the time, and made fun of how I wore a scrunchy (or hair tie or whatever you call it) on my wrist. I was embarrassed for whatever reason (probably because I thought he was cute) and then I eventually asked for his Snapchat and he gave it to me. I danced a little to myself to a song and I noticed he started dancing too which I guess he was king of mimicking my actions. He asked if I had any friends I was here with and I pointed to them (idk if he was trying to make sure I was alone or if I’d be able to get home ok). Eventually my friends told me we were leaving but he went upstairs a couple minutes before that so I didn’t get to say bye. An hour after he asked where I went on snap and I said my friends wanted to go and he snapped back “I wish you would’ve stayed longer”. Ik this is an obvious sign that he was interested but the next couple weeks all we did was start a streak. He started one convo where we talked about where we both lived and he mentioned I was four hours away which was really far, and how he wanted to see me really bad or whatever. I told him that we go to the same school so we’ll be closer most of the year. I even said we could study or hangout whenever he wanted and gave him some times I would be free but he never really contacted me. At one point (the night before my birthday) he posted on his story asking if anybody wanted to study with him, but it was 11 pm so it was a little late for me, plus his dorm building was a 10 min walk in the cold for me so I didn’t go. Basically every streak he sent after that is a full face picture and it’s usually at night. The past couple of days we haven’t really kept the streak going and I think he might’ve just lost feelings or just doesn’t want to put the effort in? If you could give me any advice as to how we could talk more or hangout that would be really appreciated. I know it’s rare to actually form a relationship with people you meet at parties like that but I don’t know if I should give up any hope I have left. Thank you for reading

    • He was trying to get you in bed, I’ve used parties like that very successfully many many times. Your best off not with that player.

  25. There’s this guy who I’ve known for a little while and have a slight crush on. I can’t understand why, but whenever we run into each other, he says hi and seems really friendly then clams up and looks away whenever I glance at him. He waves to me and says how nice it was to see me again even if we hardly spoke. He currently has a girlfriend and I don’t see him often, yet it’s always super awkward when we’re together. Any advice?

    • It sounds like he might have a crush on you or just thinks your cute but won’t act on any of his emotions because do his relationship. Guys that don’t say anything but tend to linger after a convo usually want to keep it going but don’t know how. You could ask him about it but I feel like it would make it more awkward. I’m sorry for your situation though, don’t we all love mixed signals 🙂

    • Since he has a girlfriend, don’t interfere with their relationship. Just act casual as your are and be yourself. And sure he seems like a nice guy but it’s good to be friends first with someone you like because that is a foundation of a solid relationship.

  26. I’m a sophomore in high school and I’ve liked this guy (let’s call him X) since the end of ninth grade. We have health class together every other day, and he sits across from me at lunch. We see each other between classes and he always says hi to me, and if we’re going in the same direction we always talk to each other. We’re incredibly similar so we’re really good friends. I look forward to seeing him at school to the point where I’m actually excited for Christmas break to be over so I can see him again. And more often than not, he’s the thing that gets me through my school day.

    On Friday during health class something interesting happened though. X was told by someone else that another girl (we’ll call her Y) likes him, and he said that he could never imagine dating her because they were more like “bros” than anything else. The person that told him (I’ll call her R) said that she “ships” him with me (as in she thinks we’d be a good couple). X responds by saying something like “people always say, ‘I ship you with (me),’ and ‘I ship you with Y’ and ‘I ship you with R’.”
    I rarely hear people “shipping” us so he’s either exaggerating or his friends tell him about me when I’m not around, which means that they like the idea of us, right?
    So then R says that we’d make a great couple and that he should “ask me out already.” He doesn’t, obviously. I ask him if he has a type and he says rather unconvincingly that he’s not sure. Is it possible that he didn’t want to say it because it would match me?

    As more evidence (maybe), X can get really flustered in conversation with me. Sometimes it takes him a few tries to say a word right and sometimes he straight up forgets what he’s going to say, or he stammers or something. He’s usually pretty well-spoken around other people, so perhaps this is also a sign?

    We also don’t text very often, but when we do, we have extremely long conversations. I’m the one who typically starts conversations via text; it’s like a 5:4 ratio. I’m worried that maybe X doesn’t start text conversations with me often for a number of reasons. Is he worried about being persistent? He doesn’t have a phone; he texts on his iPad. So maybe he doesn’t use his iPad often?

    I really want to believe that X likes me back. I don’t know what I’d do with myself if he doesn’t like me, and I’m worried that telling him that I like him could ruin things, so I try to exhibit some of these subtle “crush” signs myself. But I’m worried that it may not get through to him though because like me, he’s not that good at reading social cues.
    I feel like the signs of a crush could be different between us because neither of us are neurotypical (we both have Asperger’s). I believe there are exceptions to all of these signs so I’m kind of confused.

    Anyways, I’m sorry that this is so all over the place. At this point I don’t even know what I’m asking anymore. Does X like me? I know that there is no way to definitively tell (other than, of course, him telling me if he does), especially given the few scenarios I wrote about out of all our time spent together. Do any of these scenarios even mean anything? I usually overthink this stuff.

    Hopefully someone can help me out with this. Whoever manages to read all of this as well as write a response, thank you.


  27. So I’ve been seeing a guy for about a year now, and we both liked each other, but I don’t know if it’s really going anywhere, he says he wants to get to know me better and such, but I’m kind of getting a feeling that maybe I’m wasting my time. After a year, I’d think he’d at least know something. I believe he still dates other women, but he tells me it’s just friend dates, and that I’m the only one that he’s sexually interested in. I’m not trying to be just a sex friend. I think maybe I’m wanting more than what he’s willing to offer at this time, but mind you he’s 9 years older then me, so I thought maybe he’d know more or less if it’s even going anywhere at this point. I’m lost and confused, I give him his space, I don’t bug him or text him when I don’t hear from him, for fear of him thinking I’m being pushy. But I also don’t want to lose him. what do I do at this point? I’ve already met a lot of his friends and his mom, kids and some family also, but of course, as a friend.

    • Okay, I’m no physiologist or anything, but honestly, if you think your wasting your time, you should try looking for someone different. Honestly, it’s not right that he’s going out to “friend dates.” Follow your gut and try to meet someone new. Also, you’re not being pushy, you just seem worried about him, you know, like a girlfriend should be. It’s a pretty dead give-away if he says he’s just interested in you “sexually.” Men should be treating women with utmost respect and shouldn’t be interested with them sexually, but interested with them and their lives in general. Trust me when I say that you deserve better, as well as other girls out there. Good luck!

    • Hate to say it but if he hasn’t made a move after 10 meetings, walk away and look elsewhere. A guy interested will almost always take the bait if you dangle it, even shy ones and if after a year? And goes on friends dates? Don’t pine away, look for someone either to treat you right and put you first or for a one or two nighter, depending on your desire.

  28. I couldn’t understand this situation i have. I mean, we don’t necessarily know each other. But, he would start small talks. And we may have 1 or 2 full conversations. But, i notice sometimes he would look at at me not noticing. Later on i do. He doesn’t look away, and we would make locked eye contact for a good time. I wanted to be friends with to know him more, i saw things difficult to get close to him. So i did was telling him,”hey, i’d like to be friends with u, but i see it difficult to get along with u. Cuz i’m a shy person.” He gave me an ok look. Then, on monday, i entered the classroom, he noticed me and kept on turning and looking back at me several times. What does it mean when he does that???

  29. Hello!
    I’m on highschool and there’s this guy I like. He only stares at me and he gets so exited when I’m around, but he never talks to me even though we have so many mutual friends. We went to a party, when he got drunk, I was leaving and he said “Ah where are you going?”. Does he like me, please help me!

  30. I am a social worker and for the past year and a half, have gotten to be really close with a law enforcement officer. Last year I told him I had feelings for him. He told me how amazing I was and he didn’t want to mess up a great work relationship and then stated “unfortunately I am in a committed relationship”. I knew he had a girlfriend and I made sure to say that when I told him. We have continued to get closer and he NEVER brings up his girlfriend. We talk everyday and recently took a day off work to hang out and spent 11 hours together, she was not mentioned once. He shared a lot of vulnerable information with me about his past as did I. We have mutual friends who say he talks about me and worries about me. He and his girlfriend have been together for four years and recently moved in together in April. He never mentions her to me! I am falling hard and fast but know I am going to get hurt. What do I interpret about this guy. Is he using me to stroke his own ego? HELP!


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