How to tell if a guy likes you: 38 signs he has a crush on you

How do you know if a guy likes you? He may be acting friendly and flirty towards you, but how can you know if that’s just his personality? You want to know if he has a crush on you rather than just being someone who hits on every other woman he meets.

It can be pretty hard to figure out if the attention a guy is giving you is genuine. Hopefully, this guide can give you some clarity.


  1. Signs a guy likes you
  2. How can you tell if a coworker likes you?
  3. Does your best friend like you?
  4. How to be sure whether or not a guy friend likes you

38 signs a guy likes you

When a guy has a crush on you, his behavior towards you will usually change. However, it can be difficult to figure out. He may be acting nervous because he’s shy or flirty because he’s friendly and outgoing.

Here are the best signs to help you tell if a guy has a crush on you or not.

1. He stares at you

You probably know how hard it is not to look at someone you like. Prolonged eye contact without talking is a big tell that a guy likes you.

But to be fair, it’s common for guys to stare at any girl they find attractive. And it’s an easy way for him to show his interest without having to approach you. But who knows, he might even have a secret crush on you.

2. He mirrors you

Mirroring means that his body language, posture, or even what he’s saying reflects what you said or did.

Examples of mirroring:

  • When you take a sip of your glass, he also takes a sip of his glass
  • When you cross your legs, he crosses his legs
  • When you get very animated/passionate in a conversation, he also gets animated
  • When you lean in, he also leans in
  • When you laugh, he laughs

Note that mirroring is done subconsciously when he has a good rapport with you. But it can also be done consciously if he wants to impress or bond with you. It’s a great sign either way.

3. He added you on social media

Adding you on social media means he wants to keep in contact with you and might be interested in you. This is also good because now you can more easily start a conversation with him online.

4. His texts are longer than yours

If his texts are about the same length or longer than yours, that’s great. It’s especially good if they’re longer than yours.

If he usually gives short answers compared to you, that’s a bad sign. When you’re giving him long replies but not getting the same in return, it means you’re probably too eager.

In that case, it’s good to step back a bit and try to match him better. Keep in mind that some people are naturally better at others at texting.

5. He teases you

Most forms of teasing (even mean teasing) are usually a sign he’s interested in you. It means he’s trying to create a flirty vibe between you and that he wants a reaction from you.

Have fun with it, and don’t be afraid to tease him back! 😉

6. He’s leaning in

If he’s leaning in toward you, that shows he wants to get closer to you (or he’s really passionate about what he’s saying). When a guy has a crush on you, it can feel like he’s magnetically drawn to you.

7. He’s getting physically close to you

If you’re in a conversation and you feel like he’s edging closer to you, or as if he’s almost uncomfortably too close to you, that’s a good sign. He may be attracted to you and wants to feel physically and mentally closer to you.

Note that different cultures have different “personal spaces.” So, if he’s from a different culture than you, see how close he gets to others to see if it’s just you.

8. He offers you a massage

This is one of the most obvious tells that a guy likes you. Offering a massage is a nice thing to do, but it’s also a smooth way for a guy to get you both touching each other. (Remember to offer him one back if you like him!)

9. He smiles at you

If he’s smiling toward you from afar, that’s an invitation to approach him. (I’m assuming you didn’t just forget to put your pants on when leaving home.)

If he’s smiling toward you when you’re in a conversation, that’s a sign he likes you. Especially if he has a light smile while you’re not even joking.

10. He’s giving you mixed signals

Mixed signals are really tricky to interpret and can make anyone confused. But in most cases, they do mean he’s interested in you. Here are the most common reasons why he’s giving you mixed and confusing signals.

Nine reasons why he’s giving you mixed signals:

  1. He doesn’t want to come off as too eager
  2. He’s shy
  3. He’s nervous and insecure
  4. He’s afraid of seeming desperate
  5. He’s afraid you’ll reject him
  6. He’s inexperienced in flirting
  7. He’s following some weird rules or pick-up tips he’s read
  8. He’s just flirting with you (because flirting is all about giving mixed signals)
  9. He likes the attention or validation he gets from you but isn’t really interested in you

Giving mixed signals may mean a guy likes you, but it doesn’t mean he’d make a good partner. If someone sometimes ignores you or is mean to you, you should avoid dating even if you have a mutual crush on each other. You deserve a partner who won’t have you second-guessing yourself.

11. He compliments you

Getting a compliment from a guy your age is a good sign. If he’s giving you compliments about how pretty you are, it’s an even better sign.

It can be hard to tell a friendly compliment from a romantic one because they can sound exactly the same. To know for sure, look for other signs he’s also giving you or describe your situation in the comments below.

12. His pupils are large

If his pupils get large when you’re in a conversation, you’re doing something right. This one is quite subtle because pupil size is primarily determined by light levels, but secondarily attraction can also increase pupil size.

13. He makes eye contact with you

When a guy has a crush on you, it can be so hard for him to keep his eyes off of you. You can notice this if he’s holding eye contact with you for slightly too long.

It can almost feel a little weird or intense when it happens. And that’s great (if you like him).

14. He looks at you with open body language

This sign is most useful at a place with some background music, for example, at a bar or a club.

If he’s moving in rhythm with the background music and at the same time looking at you, that’s a sign he’s attracted to you. Dancing like that and looking at you is an inviting form of body language. That tells you he wants your attention and is trying to get you to make a move.

15. He straightens his posture

Is he straightening his back and standing up more straight? It means he’s a bit self-conscious when hanging out near you and wants to make a good impression.

It’s not a strong sign because most single guys want to make a good impression on attractive girls. But if you see it together with many other signs, it means more.

16. He faces you in group situations

If he’s facing you more often than he’s facing others in a group, that’s a sign he’s into you and values you more than others in the group. This is especially telling if you’re not the one talking the most in the group.

17. His feet are pointing towards you

If his feet are pointing toward you, that’s a sign in the same line as if his body is facing you. He’s subconsciously focused on you, which makes his feet point toward you.

18. He fiddles with his clothes or accessories

This could be because of nervosity, but it can also be because he wants to look good in front of you. It’s a classic sign of attraction.

19. His palms face you

If the palms of his hands are pointed in your direction, he might be interested in you. It’s a small sign, but it’s still positive because it’s part of his open and welcoming body language toward you.

20. He touches you when you touch him

For example, if you touch his arm, does he touch you in a similar area later on in the conversation? If he does reciprocate your touch, that’s a great sign.

If he’s shy or inexperienced, he might not feel comfortable touching you back, even if he has a crush on you.

21. He is extra touchy with you

A good tell he likes you is if he’s touching you unusually much compared to others.

Common areas to touch are arms, shoulders, back, hands, or thighs. Hands or thighs are usually more intimate if he touches those.

22. You have “peripheral physical contact”

Peripheral physical contact is when some parts of your body are in contact with each other when you are doing something else.

A good example is when you’re both sitting down, and your thighs barely touch each other.

This kind of passive physical contact means a lot and can build a lot of suspense and attraction. It’s the best feeling being close to someone you got a crush on.

23. He gives you more of his attention than others

The more attention he gives you, the more interested he usually is in you. Compare this to how much attention he gives to other girls also hanging out with him or in the same group as you.

For example, If you’re in a group and he seems to direct most of his attention toward you. It could be that he’s asking you lots of questions or that he’s laughing more than others at your jokes. Or just listening more intently to you.

24. He blushes when you talk or make eye-contact

He might just be shy, but he’s probably a bit extra self-conscious around you because he likes you. This makes him blush around you.

Social anxiety can also cause blushing. But it’s still a great sign.

25. He seems to look in your direction from far away

Guys can be a bit sneaky when they want to check you out. They can make it seem like they’re only looking in your direction or just grazing you with their eyes. And if he has sunglasses, it’s even harder to know if he’s checking you out.

So if he’s looking in your direction, especially if he does it several times, he’s probably checking you out.

26. He keeps the conversation going

What happens when there’s a pause in the conversation or if you stop talking? If he seems eager to get the conversation going again, that’s good. If he lets the conversation die out or excuses himself, he may not be that interested (unless he’s just shy).

If you have problems with the conversation dying out, check out this guide on keeping the conversation going with a guy.

27. He quickly replies when you text or message him

A quick reply is a good sign he likes you. Also, if he replies with several texts to your one text, that’s even better.

However, if he likes you, he may also delay his replies to avoid seeming needy or desperate. But as long as he replies, it’s all good. If he’s slow to reply, it could just mean he’s busy, or he doesn’t like texting, so don’t read too much into it.

28. He texts or calls first

Is he the one initiating contact, or are you? If he is, that probably means he’s interested in you.

But if he never calls or texts first, that shows a lack of interest. In that case, it can be good to take a step back to see if he will take initiative. If you’re always so quick to take initiative, he might never even have a chance to do it first.

29. He texts you often

Compare this to how often you text him. He’s eager if he’s texting more often than you, and you’re more eager if you’re the one texting more often. If he’s sending you several texts in a row without a reply, it’s a stronger sign.

30. He becomes awkward in a conversation with you

Does he stammer, stutter, or otherwise become awkward with you? This could mean that he feels shy or self-conscious around you. When a guy likes you, it’s common that he gets a bit extra flustered when talking to you. That’s because he gets uncomfortable and doesn’t want to mess up in front of you. It’s kind of cute, isn’t it?

31. He doesn’t back off if you get a bit too close

If he doesn’t even flinch when you get a bit too close to his personal space, that’s a sign he wants you close to him.

If you take a step closer, and he backs off by a step, that’s a sign he’s a bit more reserved toward you.

32. He talks about things he wants to do with you

Planning or mentioning things he wants to do with you in the future strongly indicates some sort of interest, romantic or platonic.

Example: If you’re talking about a newly opened restaurant, they say “We should go there someday!” or “I’ll show you how amazing that place is!”

33. He’s happy to discover you have something in common

If he’s happy, that’s good. This sign is extra strong if it’s something very trivial, such as you living in the same part of town, being the same age, or you both like pizza. For more tips, check out this guide on how to talk to a guy you like.

Example: You discover that you both grew up in the same city, and he gets really excited about it even if it’s no big deal.

34. He asks you personal questions

Personal questions are telling you that he wants to know more about you and is interested in you. The more he asks, the better.

Example: Asking about your plans for the future, your childhood, or your favorite food.

35. He asks you about your plans

Asking about your plans for the day or weekend might just be empty small talk, but it could also be him trying to open a window where you can meet again and hang out. It’s more likely it’s a sign of interest if he brings it up near the end of the conversation.

36. He tries to make you jealous

This is a strong sign he’s interested in you. But it’s also a sign he’s emotionally immature and manipulative. I would avoid someone acting like that. You deserve to be treated with respect.

37. He’s told his family about you

This one is most relevant once you’ve already started dating. But it’s such a huge sign of interest (and approval) that I think it’s worth mentioning. It’s even bigger if he’s from a culture where approval from the family is important.

If he’s told his family, it means he is visualizing and planning a future with you. Congrats!

38. He stays to talk with you even though his friends have left

This is a big tell. If you’re in some sort of group conversation with him and his friends, and all his friends leave, but he stays – he’s probably into you. It still might not be a romantic interest if you just have a great conversation and have lots in common.

An example could be when you’re at a party, and all his friends leave to get a bite to eat, but he stays with you.

How can you tell if a coworker likes you?

At work, It can be hard to tell if a coworker is flirting with you or just being friendly. Usually, guys play it safer at work because he doesn’t want to create any awkward situations if he would be rejected. So, he might be probing to see if you like him before he gives you any clear signs of interest.

Six ways to tell if a coworker likes you:

  1. He comes over to talk with you as often as possible
  2. He often teases you
  3. It seems like he’s flirting, but you’re not really sure
  4. He tries to hang out near you when possible
  5. He tries to be funny when he’s near you
  6. He’s eager to do any work tasks where you work together
  7. He goes above and beyond to help you out at work
  8. He gets weird or stiff when he’s near you, but he’s normal with everyone else

How do you know if your best friend likes you?

Here are seven signs your best friend might have started liking you as more than a friend:

  1. He’s acting differently from how he usually behaves
  2. He seems jealous or dismissive of other guys you might like
  3. He’s suddenly extra touchy-feely
  4. He seems unusually interested in your interests
  5. He seems extra needy
  6. He’s told you he has feelings for you

If you’re still unsure, let me know about your situation in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to help.

How do you know for sure if a guy friend is interested?

You can’t know for sure if a cute guy is interested based on a sign on this list. But there are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  1. Is he regularly showing you signs of interest?
  2. Does he act differently to others than to you? (So he’s not just flirty with everyone.)
  3. Has he shown any particularly strong signs of interest?
  4. Can you see any patterns in his behavior toward you?

Are you still unsure if he likes you?

Write down your situation in the comments below in as much detail as possible. That way, others can help you out by giving their opinion. I also expect you to help someone else by replying to their comment. We need to all pitch in and help each other.

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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  1. Hi, theres a guy I know for 11 years, he’s my bestfriend’s friend. Our first time we met, we were teenagers and he teased me about something I can’t forget beacuse I was so offended, yet I am not sure he remembers me from that time. We meet at events my friend organizing sometimes and in one party we met I brought my ex, he had a girlfriend but she didn’t come, and he was treating him so bad he made him drink and was targeting him, and we were making barbecue so he asked me to wipe his hands infront of my ex.
    Next time we met I already broke up with my ex and he has a new girlfriend, he aproached me and asked for my name it was like, “sorry remind me your name” I felt so bad, is he playing a fool. But on the other hand, he was smiling at me and asked about what I do and he was “happy” to hear we have in common and told me about his plans.
    And I think might I have feelings towards him and the problem that sometimes I avoid my friend’s meetings becuase they are also “best friends”.

  2. I really like this boy at my school. He flirts with me, but he flirts with other girls to, and he has a girlfriend. Hes really confident about himself, and he compliments me but he compliments other girls to. I don’t know if he really likes me or he does that to make me feel embarrassed because he knows I like him.

  3. So my best friend has this friend and he has a vwrry cute friend and we when to them on a weekend to meet them and have a good time but when we got ther her friend was a bit too much drunk so he was not nice att all and really disrespectful to me and hea cute friend didnt know me but got mad cos he was disrespektful to me and atuf so he ende up talking to hia friend about not being mean to me and stuf .
    And when me and my friend where gona go home he snapt my friend asking her if he could get my snap and she did give it to him .
    The next day we snapt a bit i got the feelimg that he is the shy guy and dosent talk so much .
    So i askt him if he would like to kome and meet me and my friend att this volly practis and he sed yeah , but when he got ther he was ignorent and was a bit cold to me , and wanted to go home but when he saw that i wanted to talk he stopt and told me i can talk now if i want but i was upset about how he treted me so i didnt wanna talk and when he got home he started snaping me wanting to know what i wanted to talk about .
    Do you think he likes me or not i wanna know

  4. there is a guy i like in the beginning he didnt look later he found out that i look at him and there where two times we passed into each other …………….and once i saw him and his friends laughing and looking at me and whenever i and he look at the same time if feels he looks at my direction but not at me so i thought maybe he likes my friends…..and once when are results was out i got first and when i went out he looked at me and went ahead me and my friends chatted and walked behind his friends …..i saw him looking back many times once he saw me he turned back and walked …..then once while hanging with friends he was facing other direction once he saw me he stood strAIGHT AT MY DIRECTION so iwent and stood at other place then again he turned that way…..whenever i hangout with friends he hears our conversations and he always be in places where iam and peeks …..and once when he went to take food i was passing by instead of taking food he kept looking at me and he always plays with his hair ….once it was raining after lunch while walking he looked at me and was kind of nervous and after i passed he ran upstairs ……and he keep staring at me while we used to be down and while going also he keeps following us ……and just looks my friends saw …………….but idont know whether its love ……coz i see him looking at other girrls eating with girls though he is reserved ……..but he passes by me looks at me i dont dare to look at him ……rumours say he has a girl friend ……so is this love or just my thoughts……

  5. So there is this guy I have a little crush on at work. I started this job in August 2019. This guy works on one side of the building and I work on their other, so we hardly get to see each other. Just a month ago, I spoke to the guy and asked him for his name. We talked for about 5 minutes about the company and when we started. Now when ever I get the chance to see him, he speaks to me. He smiles and waves at me when he sees me. He even made a joke when I almost hit his head while opening a door, but for some reason I didn’t catch the joke until the next day. I’m really not good at these things. I couldn’t tell if he was flirting or being serious. The odd thing is, when I am coming back to work from my lunch break, that’s when he goes to lunch. And when I go to lunch, he would be coming back to work. I recently asked him about his plans for thanksgiving and he asked the same question. After thanksgiving, I asked him how did it go and he asked me the same question. It’s crazy because I noticed that he is interested in having a conversation with me, but I am not sure if he is interested in getting to know me a little more. For example: We actually bumped into each other on our lunch break. I was actually at a different restaurant. I had to used the restroom, but their restroom wasn’t working so I walked across the street to use the other restaurant’s restroom and I ended up seeing the guy. We walked right pass each other, but he didn’t stop me and ask me to have lunch with him. I’m really confused. I have been wanting to get to know him more, but I am not sure if he feels the same. I don’t want to seem fast forward and ask “Are you single?” Or “Would you be interested in getting to know me?” Because I’m afraid of rejection and I don’t want it to be awkward at work. Plus he is probably just being friendly and nice at work. I also thought maybe he is shy. Not sure how to go about asking him out, I thought about inviting him to my church or to a family/friends function. But I’m not sure. Well I am really bad with names and I forgot his name, so I hate to walk up to him and ask for his name again. I think I might have sent him mixed signals because I didn’t laugh at his joke and every time I catch him looking at me, I turn my head and look the other way. Either way, I’m used to the guy approaching me not the other way around. I like to know if the guy is interested in me first before making the move. But my gut is telling me something is different about this guy.. he seems like he would be my dream guy. Not sure if I should wait on him or make the first step?

  6. I and this guy are best friends. We tell each other we love ourselves. Then when you now realize you are beginning to like him, he tells you he likes your sister and you can’t tell him at that point that you are liking him. But he still tells you that even in 100 years to come your sister cannot replace you. What exactly does it mean cause there are time he’ll peck you and say he loves you and there are times where you will just feel like he doesn’t care at all. At this point is it that he doesn’t like the best friend at all or what. He doesn’t call or keep up with chats but does so for the sister

  7. I have a crush on my colleague,but he seems to give me mixed signals, everytime he looks at me he smiles,when I tells story he smiles,when I was so stressed during class he would comfort me,he hugged me twice and the second time was more tightly. Whenever I need help he always helps me,he once paid the bill for both of us and asked me for a cup of coffee,and when I accepted me smiled shyly,he teases me and we laugh a lot.

  8. We r both married, work friends and he’s double my age. It started with consistent gazing into eyes while talking. We usually talk looking into each other’s eyes. But there r some situations when I m attracted to him n wants to kiss him. I’m not quite sure about his thoughts. But a couple of times when I was explaining something to him, he was looking at my eyes n then to my lips n again eyes. Another time he was observing my earring n suddenly I stopped talking n he acted just how a student was caught not listening while teacher was giving lecture. I’ve seen him look n talk to other women the same way. That’s why it’s so confusing. he has no problem how close I get to him. Any help as to what he feels.

  9. Ok,
    So weird story… and I maybe really messed up my opportunity but I haven’t liked n e 1 this much, in maybe forever.

    I am married, also a long story, and we are now separated, in short though we have an extremely toxic relationship that should have ended when it began. He’s cheated, always lies and even about things there is no reason for, he’s horrible with finances, it almost seems like he enjoys being angry and fighting,… etc etc… it has been just a horrible last 15 yrs. I’m over it!

    When we first got to this location, my future X husband had hit the guys car when it was parked by the laundry, the guy had just pulled into the laundry area and future X decided to turn around and then hit the car… it just seems like everything that happens results in us running into each other or like this where something happens that caused us to meet in the first place. I immediately fancied this young man, he’s the nicest person I’ve ever met. He reminds me of how I am. We have a ton in common, like everything. We have similar upbringings, from the same background, we both are totally about God (not like crazy religious ppl, just really love God and try to do as we think he would want).

    So I know he liked me, he had me over, he said he didn’t sleep well and neither do I so I went to hang out. We are talking laughing and I’m making excuses why it’s fine that we go lay on his bed cause it is more comfortable (his idea) so after a while (few hours) it’s really late, he makes the comment that he doesn’t want me to get in trouble and maybe I should get going.

    So we text, and he actually reads my overly long texts as well as responds pretty much with the same. Lol I’ve never had n e one do that before. Usually I think I just annoy them. Lol

    He text me one day about doing massages on each other, or would that be too far he asks. ???????? I said something like ehh… maybe,

    Anyway,… all this great stuff,… one night he even almost had me over again for… but this was now after he told me he had a dream where God visited him and pretty much just the whole thing about being with a married woman, well it’s a huge sin and he took it as a warning/message that we shouldn’t be doing this…

    I totally agreed at first, but then I just couldn’t stop still txting him, we got close still a few times even after his dream, but he held strong. (Damn him. ????????Lolol)

    I don’t know why I’m so obsessed with this guy, but I just can’t stop thinking about him… last time I msgd with him I told him he should block me (I have a few drinks and get the courage to text him) I don’t know if he did… but he left now as he graduated his trade school. And he doesn’t know my future x husband and I broke it off… at the same time though, I wonder if I have to be already divorced? (The only reason I got married in the first place was for medical insurance, I would have nvr married that @$$ if I didn’t need the medical) I don’t want to contact him through social websites cause then I’ll feel like a stalker…. I don’t know what to think or do…

    Last little note, we would always run right into each other, I couldn’t bring myself to even look at him though bc I was always embarrassed after txting him… my future X really has done a number on me,… it’s so crazy how much different I feel not being put down constantly and getting yelled at over idk what…. that’s how I was treated as a kid though too,… so probably makes me subconsciously feel at home. Hahaha I also cut off 90% of my relatives just about 6 months ago also,… in fact my life has never been better, I have more self esteem, I’m not as anxious, lots of good things happening.. but I do find myself having a hard time realizing that I’m finally free to think how I want and do what makes me happy! The only thing I would like is to just have a friendship with bennis with this amazing man who’s name was the main characters in both the movies I watched today, I see it everywhere, I even could sense when he was near. I feel like he could be my soulmate. I just dont want to get back in any relationship for a while, but I’d still like to have something with this guy….

    There is a few more things that he’s done but this is already so long… n e tips would also be appreciated… like would it Indeed be creepy to request him on social media?

    Well thank you, I know super odd situation. He’s all I can think about, I’m stuck and I don’t like it. I’ve asked him to say something mean to me, or just tell me to stop contacting him so I can get it through my head… it makes me wonder if he likes torturing me. Lol

    Have a lovely day/evening! And thanks again! Great site.

  10. Hi, so I’m a little young for this, but oh well. Anyway, last year I had a boyfriend and we broke up because of some of his friends and things took a wrong turn and everything is really chaotic. So, we are in 7th grade now and in the beginning of the school year, at P.E, my friend and I were playing hockey and he was staring directly at me. Then the next day, my friends and I were walking the track and somehow we locked eyes, if that makes any sense. That situation has kind of “dialed down”, but a few weeks ago, I had a little problem with his friends before he go to school, but when he did get to school, they told him all about it and in the mornings before school my friend group and his friend group meet at the same place and so I could hear them talking about it and saying how they wanted to fight me then I heard my name coming from their direction, so I looked over there, and he looks at me with a worried look. So, now I’m really worried because I don’t want him to like me again. And to make matters worse, I think one of my best friends from my childhood likes me and I’m really trying not to be in another relationship. Anyway, he’s honestly really nice and everything to everyone, but he’s been extra nice and everything with me. We don’t have each other’s numbers, but we see each other everyday at school and he shows many of the 43 signs on the website towards me and it has been kind of bugging me/messing with my head. Please tell me what to do because I am really confused and I don’t want to mess up my friendship with my childhood friend and I don’t want to cause more and worse drama with my ex and his friends. Thank you.

    • Ignore the ex and his friends. About your best friend, you don’t have to say but give him signs that you aren’t interested (don’t be mean) like keep telling him about how you aren’t interested in any relationship right now. If he asks you out turn him down politely. And honey, you’re right to want to focus on yourself. At your age you don’t really need a relationship.

  11. Hello, i go to a 1 room library everyday. theres a guy who looks at me everyday and makes a 2-3 seconds eye contact. If im sitting on terrace he will find some reason like peeing or using his phone or filling his water bottle and will come to balcony. He always have a blank face. He never tried to talk to me or never tried to take information about me from my friends. His stares never made me uncomfortable.I dont know if all this is coincidence or not. Is he interested in me?

  12. Ok so this guy in my master’s program so we have pretty much all our classes together and we both are tas!!!! One day I was finishing up teaching kind of late and he pops in after he’s finished teaching and helps with cleaning up the whiteboard!!! And he initiated adding me on Facebook and Snapchat!!! Kind of keeps a low profile but super down to earth and funny! Occasionally will have some good group convos and see him in group hangouts occasionally but not much with one on one conversation! Also he pointed out that our Myers Briggs types were close lNFP and INTP!!! Also he’s on tinder and he was having some other people in our program help him message a match and apparently she wanted to meet up don’t know what happened in regards to that but that sent some red flags! Anywho just curious what to make of it!

  13. this guy at my school sits next to me and he sometimes puts his hand on the pole of the desk and barely touches my knee. And one day he did the moon walk on my leg for some reason and then he took a pen from one of a students and i tried to give to the student and he went down to my legs so that i wouldn’t be able to grave the pen.

    • so this guy and i talk a lot he is in a nother class and he told me he wants to focuss on his school he said cause its his last class so i really really like him and he knows that and every time i walk off the stairs or sit with my friends he looks at me sometimes i catch him then we smile and he always sits next to me in the schoolbus and walk home so i dont really know whatsup

  14. Please help me out am so confused about this guy. The first time we saw each other after a very long time he waved at me casually, but then later one day he saw me from afar, looked at me for few seconds and then turned to the other side. Also, l was coming to the mall and then l saw him from afar and then he was staring at me with his eyes wide or his pupils dilated and then later l saw him walking with his girlfriend. But then the next day l heard something that someone has broken up with his girlfriend and would u believe that they have the same name but l don’t think he is the one or Is he? Then recently l saw him again from afar at the atm and then the next thing he bent down trying to hide or whatever the reason is. I don’t get him at all. But he has a girlfriend, so l don’t think he likes me. Please make me understand why he is acting weird. Thank you.

    • If you like him go up to him and ask him casually about his gf and why he’s been acting weird around you. If you don’t just ignore him.

  15. My case is like that.
    I just came for work in a 1500 people village in a foreign country.I am here just 15 days yet and I met a guy who is a barman in one of the few good bars here and also attending the same lang course as me.
    I am attracted to him and I believe based on your points that he is also interested. He is awkward around me,extended eye contact,nice warm smile,watching me when I interact with others,body lang towards me.
    I would like to show my interest too more vividly but I am afraid he might back off .Its really early to expect progress from now or shall I wait till he opens up to me?I am just afraid of making the wrong move.How shall I handle it?

  16. Hii my situation is my friends told that i liked him that time he didn’t say anything to this why? After that he so many times looks at me

    • I think it’s either:
      1. He likes you too but he’s shy to let you know, or
      2. He didn’t really have feelings for you but once he knew that you like him, he starts to become interested in you and might even start to like you. Kinda similar to how we get to like those who like us

  17. My colleague lives in one state and I another. We started working together via phone about 1 1/2 years ago. We were always chatty and talked about work or random things and family. We are both originally from the Midwest. I finally met him in person on a work trip I went on to his location with overseas colleagues. Since that time I have had to return a few times to his work location but not always to meet with him. He would always find me or meet with me or spend time to chat with me in his office. I am attracted to him both mentally and physically and enjoy talking to him. He bends over backwards at work for me as does his staff. I know they have teased him innocently when I am around. We went through a span of time without seeing one another due to a role change at work for me however he would always seem to email or call me regardless or pull me into group discussions. Well, we worked together last week and went out for drinks, we kissed but he was a gentleman and didn’t allow it further. Next day at work I felt awkward, so I asked for a chat. He let me know nothing to be awkward about as we are both adults and hugged me letting me know we would always be friends and have a working relationship for a long time. I left Friday and he called me today. I will be back next all week at work with him. I am confused. Caveat is we are both married and this is first time I have cheated on my spouse whom I been with for almost 14 years. What is your thought?

  18. So I’ve told this guy i like him a lot and he responds with some new subject is he trying to say that he doesn’t like me? or is he not ready to date (we’re both 13). He draw’s me hearts with rose’s inside of the hearts. He stares at me a lot then when i catch him i said “what” He keep eye contact and he laughs and smiles. (online school so wifi goes down a lot.) We both like each others hobbies. (he likes dirt bikes and i jr dragster race). He seems to always tease me because im the shortest one and he make me laugh a lot. Does this mean he likes me and doesn’t know how to tell me?

  19. There is a guy at work that seems to want to be a friend of mine. He asks my birthday and age, and wants to give a gift of appreciation as a close friend. He always messages me first to say hi and all. He confuses me because I have searched him on social media and found out he has already a girlfriend.

  20. I recently had eye contact with a male doctor who was examining at a routine visit. We both th have gotten a lot friendlier to each other recently more comfortable with each other during conversations. I wasn’t looking at him bc thought he sensed I liked him and I did not want him to know bc I did not know how he would feel so he tapped me slightly to get my attention and he also caressed my hair so he could move it to look at my surgery on my neck he performed. Anyway we both started having prolonged eye contact. I know I felt emotional bc I knew I would not be seeing him for a year bc of the good outcomes me from the test he did before the surgery and he also knew he would not be seeing me either like if I would have needed more treatment. I think we both felt it. It was like he wanted a reaction from me if You felt the same way towards him. I do not know for sure how long it lasted but a was holding back my response but ended up crying softly (he could hear me and saw I got emotional over it THEN he broke the eye contact and finished his exam. It has been about a month and a half and he has not called me or contacted me about it so So I am wondering if there really was anything there after all? What do you think?

    • Probably ought to leave that alone. Ethically he should not contact you unless it was out of professional setting. Did he ask you for your number? Do you see him outside in public places? If he is still your doc then you should not cross that line.

  21. Ok so a family friend of mine, who is 3 years older than me, slid into my DMs a few weeks ago. He was teasing me about a night out and saying how much he knew “I wasn’t such an angel” and constantly sending ????. He asks for £20 after I tell him to not tell my parents about a certain part of the night, still sending the winking faces. So, I start flirting back with the odd winking face myself. We continued the convo about my night and then I added him on snapchat. He starts sending snaps of him topless in bed. Then he starts sending kisses with the snaps and we say goodnight.
    The following day me and my parents go out and end up bumping into him. He talks to my parents but avoids eye contact with me the whole time. At one point he came up behind me and tapped me on one shoulder and then ducked back to the other side so that I’d look the wrong way. We both say “hi how are you?” and then that’s it – he still avoids any eye contact the entire conversation. Afterwards, he has a convo with my mum while I’m there and I’m stood right close next to him but again avoids eye contact with me.
    When we left, I snap chatted him saying thank you for not telling the parents about the night out and he replied with “no worries ????”
    The following weekend, I’d been drinking at a friends house and I’d asked him earlier in day if he could buy some drink but he didn’t open it until later on when it was too late. So eventually we start having a conversation and we’re sending snaps to each other and chatting. He’s saying how pissed I’m getting, yet he’s sat in a pub himself. After a while he comes back with “I’m sorry but I’m not looking for a relationship at the moment x” when he was the one who has been flirting with me all night. Then in the morning, I said to him “I’m sorry about anything that was said last night” and he starts teasing me about what was said and won’t tell me to begin with and then eventually says that I apparently said to him “how much u like my bum and how much u love me ????x”. Now I’m 99% sure I didn’t say that as my friends were there through all of this the night before and they were pretty sober compared to me so they knew what was going on at all times! So I kept denying it and he just keeps saying that with a winking face. Later on, I say to him to definitely not tell the parents about that, if it is true, and he starts teasing me again saying that he’s on his way to my house now with a ????.
    Anyway, after that finished that was it for 2 weeks, and now out of the blue he pops up again to something on my snapchat story and my mum labelling boxes in her room with pictures, etc. He says “????????”, so I go “I understand labels but not pics as well ????” and he goes “she does look after you ????” and I said “that’s one way to explain it ????” and then he replies with “she even got the sexy leg pics up for u ????”. So, I shut that convo down and then the next day, again out of the blue, he starts video calling me on snapchat. I don’t pick up and then leave it a few hours and then reply saying “sorry missed your call ??” He replies with “sorry didn’t mean to”, but surely if it was an accident then he would’ve said straight away, not waited until I had asked? So I go “it’s fine don’t worry” and he replies a while later saying “playing it cool are we ????”. This then continues as I ask continuously what he’s on a bout and he just says things like “you’d know what I’m on about if u saw me earlier ????” and then eventually I work out after he tells me that apparently I walked past him in town and he thought I saw him. So, then I understood why he was saying what he was. I explain this to him and he teases again basically not believing that I didn’t see him. But all the time sending winking faces again.
    Now we’ve finished the conversation, but the whole thing is just confusing me completely. I do like him but I feel like he’s giving mixed signals and I just want him to be straight up!!

  22. So. There’s a guy I’ve had a crush on pretty much since I’ve met him, and we’ve always been super close but he’s two years older than me and that’s a little weird, especially at the small school we go to. He always gives me his full attention, and teases me ab stuff that’s happened up to years ago. His family loves me, and his little brother’s my age and a good friend of mine. The only problem I have is that If I were to ruin our relationship, there’s no way to fix it and it would make things really weird between us. How do I tell if he likes me, because conventional ways don’t really work with him? He’s not a flirt, but we quip back and forth perpetually. Should I go for it, or wait for him to make a move?

    • Hmm I think there’s no better and surefire way to do this than to explicitly tell him you like him. If you are really good friends (his family is already close to you), it might get awkward for a while but it shouldn’t mess up your friendship

  23. I am a social work and for the past year and a half have gotten to be really close with a law enforcement officer. Last year I told him I had feelings for him. He told me how amazing I was and he didn’t want to mess up a great work relationship and then stated “unfortunately I am in a committed relationship”. I knew he had a girlfriend and I made sure to say that when I told him. We have continued to get closer and he NEVER brings up his girlfriend. We talk everyday and recently took a day off work to hang out and spent 11 hours together, she was not mentioned once. He shared a lot of vulnerable information with me about his past as did I. We have mutual friends who say he talks about me and worries about me. He and his girlfriend have been together for four years and recently moved in together in April. He never mentions her to me! I am falling hard and fast but know I am going to get hurt. What do I interpret about this guy. Is he using me to stroke his own ego?

  24. So here’s is the guy we are in the same class though we don’t talk in class much but on texts n phone calls we talk alot .I share almost all of my secrets with him he teases me too but he doesn’t share his all secrets with me, he even shares his childhood memories with me, in class we have many eye contacts but he never smiles to me he tells his future plans also i am confused

  25. Hii,
    I think I’m in love with my boss. Sometimes I just open his profile picture and look for hours, I dreamed about him but I’m just a worker at his office. The 43 sign which you mentioned here are matching what he do when I am around him So,what it means he also love me??
    He never told me but I feel
    Please help me. Due to this I can’t focus on my studies , family and work because all the time I just think about him.

    • Okay first and foremost this shouldn’t affect your work negatively. If this crush makes you do a good work for him to see or you’re more motivated to go to work that’s good, but if you’re distracted and any interaction with him affects you then it’s not good. I think if a person really likes you, there are many signs and you just somewhat feel that he likes you. Anyway this is a bit risky since this is a professional setting; I suggest you can let him know once you’re out of the boss-employee relationship, or hang in there until your feelings die down (hint: it will. unless you really see him as a part of your future)

  26. Hey..
    I like a guy who is with from 9th class and we are in 12th now
    He stares at me…teases me…stares me when I’m not looking at him and when I look vo khi ar dekhne lgta h
    I proposed him and at that time he said dekhte h
    Then I asked again and he tried to ignore that question for about 2 months
    Then after he said no…and when I asked do u have feelings for me he said no bt he didn’t looked into my eyes….
    It’s almost one year now …bt he teases me stares me get uncomfortable when I talk to other guys…even while playing volleyball he stares At me….
    I think he likes me bt I can’t ask him now
    Bt my friend says she will say you after 12th bcoz he wants to focus on studies now….bt do u think that he has feelings for me??
    Please help me to find out…
    And also he’s a bit shy kind of person

  27. Hi. I am in school and curious. Obviously. There is this guy who I kind of know but we never really hang out. Often when I see him he says hi but it’s only really when he is alone. When we are in class together he sometimes looks at me and will ask me something or talk a little. Im thinking that he is definitely not into me, he’s just trying to be nice. I guess I just hoped he liked me. Either way I wanted to know if there was maybe a suttle sign that he did like me. If not than I will have to move on unless I can get him to like me even though I know I can’t. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

  28. So there’s this one guy in my year. We sit together in one class, and we’re mostly talking during that class, but like only there and a few other classes. Sometimes he’s teasing me over that class and involuntarily I’m teasing him back, like, it’s my nature. So a few weeks ago he was all talkative and flirty and smiley at me and was ignoring the girl who’s been hitting up on him when he was talking to me or she was trying to be rude towards me and then a few days later he’s being silent again and he’s giving her attention. But there are also some stories from the class trip we had at the beginning of the year and we talked a lot and stuff, he came with his best friend (who’s like the biggest f-boy of our year or sth like that but I don’t think he is) a lot in our room, like where I was staying with my roommates and again he kept smiling a lot when he was talking to me. He’s also staring at me sometimes, like idk, a lot? But I’m not sure, and I don’t know what to make out of it. Like 2 days ago his best friend told me casually that he talked about me, he said that this guy I’m crushing on was saying nice thing about me like all the time. He said that he’s talking about me all the time. But then today I had this class with him and he just ignored me.
    I must add that I met him about three months ago when the year started, because I’m still kinda new and we’re both 16. Please help me.

  29. So theres this guy at work who i believe likes me but the mixed signals confuse me. He stares at me a lot, he likes to ask me very personal questions. He has co-workers that he’s know for a while and every time I’m talking to them or hanging out with them, he finds an excuse to get them away from me. This happens every time. I don’t know if he’s jealous because he has a tough exterior and you cant tell if his emotions change. But, I look at his eyes and I have been able to tell multiple times that he has been jealous. He confuses me. I’m assuming he does like me he just wont dare tell me. Today i walked into his office and he stared at me and once he realized that i wasn’t paying him any mind he went about his business. Im just so confused with him. I wish he would just say that he likes me.

    • I think he likes you. Best way for this is you ask him directly. It might be scary at first, but it’s way better than playing chess in your mind for who knows how long. Plus I think he really likes you so what’s there to lose. Anyway if by any chance he doesn’t like you, then good riddance because it means he’s a flirt or is just there for the short haul, and you can move on to other guys

  30. Ok. So, I have a coworker that I am getting mixed signals from. He is normally a touchy guy with other female coworkers and is really nice. Recently I noticed he is constantly touching me every time he sees me, but doesn’t do that with other female coworkers. He constantly makes his way near me to talk and hug/touch me. Constantly teases me, but does to others sometimes, but to me more. We buy each other coffee, but coworkers state he doesn’t buy anyone anything generally. We have started hanging out recently outside of work in a group setting. I feel at times he may be into me, but other times I think it is because we are friends. I think he may just like me as a friend, but my friends who see us interact, think otherwise. I do like him, but don’t want to ruin our friendship by exploring this too deeply if he isn’t in to me. As friends in the past, he explained he wasn’t ready to date. He had a serious relationship and has a 10 year old daughter, which I totally understand and respect. I just feel like now, it is getting to feel like feelings are developing. I could be wrong. He is 10 years older than me. He is a great guy. I do like him, but I don’t want to read too much into it. I’m thinking I should just let it play out over time and see if something develops? Or, should I make more subtle moves and see how he responds? Again, I really cherish our friendship, but don’t want to miss out on something that might be there. I’m just getting mixed signals. What do you think?


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