How to tell if a guy likes you: 38 signs he has a crush on you

How do you know if a guy likes you? He may be acting friendly and flirty towards you, but how can you know if that’s just his personality? You want to know if he has a crush on you rather than just being someone who hits on every other woman he meets.

It can be pretty hard to figure out if the attention a guy is giving you is genuine. Hopefully, this guide can give you some clarity.


  1. Signs a guy likes you
  2. How can you tell if a coworker likes you?
  3. Does your best friend like you?
  4. How to be sure whether or not a guy friend likes you

38 signs a guy likes you

When a guy has a crush on you, his behavior towards you will usually change. However, it can be difficult to figure out. He may be acting nervous because he’s shy or flirty because he’s friendly and outgoing.

Here are the best signs to help you tell if a guy has a crush on you or not.

1. He stares at you

You probably know how hard it is not to look at someone you like. Prolonged eye contact without talking is a big tell that a guy likes you.

But to be fair, it’s common for guys to stare at any girl they find attractive. And it’s an easy way for him to show his interest without having to approach you. But who knows, he might even have a secret crush on you.

2. He mirrors you

Mirroring means that his body language, posture, or even what he’s saying reflects what you said or did.

Examples of mirroring:

  • When you take a sip of your glass, he also takes a sip of his glass
  • When you cross your legs, he crosses his legs
  • When you get very animated/passionate in a conversation, he also gets animated
  • When you lean in, he also leans in
  • When you laugh, he laughs

Note that mirroring is done subconsciously when he has a good rapport with you. But it can also be done consciously if he wants to impress or bond with you. It’s a great sign either way.

3. He added you on social media

Adding you on social media means he wants to keep in contact with you and might be interested in you. This is also good because now you can more easily start a conversation with him online.

4. His texts are longer than yours

If his texts are about the same length or longer than yours, that’s great. It’s especially good if they’re longer than yours.

If he usually gives short answers compared to you, that’s a bad sign. When you’re giving him long replies but not getting the same in return, it means you’re probably too eager.

In that case, it’s good to step back a bit and try to match him better. Keep in mind that some people are naturally better at others at texting.

5. He teases you

Most forms of teasing (even mean teasing) are usually a sign he’s interested in you. It means he’s trying to create a flirty vibe between you and that he wants a reaction from you.

Have fun with it, and don’t be afraid to tease him back! 😉

6. He’s leaning in

If he’s leaning in toward you, that shows he wants to get closer to you (or he’s really passionate about what he’s saying). When a guy has a crush on you, it can feel like he’s magnetically drawn to you.

7. He’s getting physically close to you

If you’re in a conversation and you feel like he’s edging closer to you, or as if he’s almost uncomfortably too close to you, that’s a good sign. He may be attracted to you and wants to feel physically and mentally closer to you.

Note that different cultures have different “personal spaces.” So, if he’s from a different culture than you, see how close he gets to others to see if it’s just you.

8. He offers you a massage

This is one of the most obvious tells that a guy likes you. Offering a massage is a nice thing to do, but it’s also a smooth way for a guy to get you both touching each other. (Remember to offer him one back if you like him!)

9. He smiles at you

If he’s smiling toward you from afar, that’s an invitation to approach him. (I’m assuming you didn’t just forget to put your pants on when leaving home.)

If he’s smiling toward you when you’re in a conversation, that’s a sign he likes you. Especially if he has a light smile while you’re not even joking.

10. He’s giving you mixed signals

Mixed signals are really tricky to interpret and can make anyone confused. But in most cases, they do mean he’s interested in you. Here are the most common reasons why he’s giving you mixed and confusing signals.

Nine reasons why he’s giving you mixed signals:

  1. He doesn’t want to come off as too eager
  2. He’s shy
  3. He’s nervous and insecure
  4. He’s afraid of seeming desperate
  5. He’s afraid you’ll reject him
  6. He’s inexperienced in flirting
  7. He’s following some weird rules or pick-up tips he’s read
  8. He’s just flirting with you (because flirting is all about giving mixed signals)
  9. He likes the attention or validation he gets from you but isn’t really interested in you

Giving mixed signals may mean a guy likes you, but it doesn’t mean he’d make a good partner. If someone sometimes ignores you or is mean to you, you should avoid dating even if you have a mutual crush on each other. You deserve a partner who won’t have you second-guessing yourself.

11. He compliments you

Getting a compliment from a guy your age is a good sign. If he’s giving you compliments about how pretty you are, it’s an even better sign.

It can be hard to tell a friendly compliment from a romantic one because they can sound exactly the same. To know for sure, look for other signs he’s also giving you or describe your situation in the comments below.

12. His pupils are large

If his pupils get large when you’re in a conversation, you’re doing something right. This one is quite subtle because pupil size is primarily determined by light levels, but secondarily attraction can also increase pupil size.

13. He makes eye contact with you

When a guy has a crush on you, it can be so hard for him to keep his eyes off of you. You can notice this if he’s holding eye contact with you for slightly too long.

It can almost feel a little weird or intense when it happens. And that’s great (if you like him).

14. He looks at you with open body language

This sign is most useful at a place with some background music, for example, at a bar or a club.

If he’s moving in rhythm with the background music and at the same time looking at you, that’s a sign he’s attracted to you. Dancing like that and looking at you is an inviting form of body language. That tells you he wants your attention and is trying to get you to make a move.

15. He straightens his posture

Is he straightening his back and standing up more straight? It means he’s a bit self-conscious when hanging out near you and wants to make a good impression.

It’s not a strong sign because most single guys want to make a good impression on attractive girls. But if you see it together with many other signs, it means more.

16. He faces you in group situations

If he’s facing you more often than he’s facing others in a group, that’s a sign he’s into you and values you more than others in the group. This is especially telling if you’re not the one talking the most in the group.

17. His feet are pointing towards you

If his feet are pointing toward you, that’s a sign in the same line as if his body is facing you. He’s subconsciously focused on you, which makes his feet point toward you.

18. He fiddles with his clothes or accessories

This could be because of nervosity, but it can also be because he wants to look good in front of you. It’s a classic sign of attraction.

19. His palms face you

If the palms of his hands are pointed in your direction, he might be interested in you. It’s a small sign, but it’s still positive because it’s part of his open and welcoming body language toward you.

20. He touches you when you touch him

For example, if you touch his arm, does he touch you in a similar area later on in the conversation? If he does reciprocate your touch, that’s a great sign.

If he’s shy or inexperienced, he might not feel comfortable touching you back, even if he has a crush on you.

21. He is extra touchy with you

A good tell he likes you is if he’s touching you unusually much compared to others.

Common areas to touch are arms, shoulders, back, hands, or thighs. Hands or thighs are usually more intimate if he touches those.

22. You have “peripheral physical contact”

Peripheral physical contact is when some parts of your body are in contact with each other when you are doing something else.

A good example is when you’re both sitting down, and your thighs barely touch each other.

This kind of passive physical contact means a lot and can build a lot of suspense and attraction. It’s the best feeling being close to someone you got a crush on.

23. He gives you more of his attention than others

The more attention he gives you, the more interested he usually is in you. Compare this to how much attention he gives to other girls also hanging out with him or in the same group as you.

For example, If you’re in a group and he seems to direct most of his attention toward you. It could be that he’s asking you lots of questions or that he’s laughing more than others at your jokes. Or just listening more intently to you.

24. He blushes when you talk or make eye-contact

He might just be shy, but he’s probably a bit extra self-conscious around you because he likes you. This makes him blush around you.

Social anxiety can also cause blushing. But it’s still a great sign.

25. He seems to look in your direction from far away

Guys can be a bit sneaky when they want to check you out. They can make it seem like they’re only looking in your direction or just grazing you with their eyes. And if he has sunglasses, it’s even harder to know if he’s checking you out.

So if he’s looking in your direction, especially if he does it several times, he’s probably checking you out.

26. He keeps the conversation going

What happens when there’s a pause in the conversation or if you stop talking? If he seems eager to get the conversation going again, that’s good. If he lets the conversation die out or excuses himself, he may not be that interested (unless he’s just shy).

If you have problems with the conversation dying out, check out this guide on keeping the conversation going with a guy.

27. He quickly replies when you text or message him

A quick reply is a good sign he likes you. Also, if he replies with several texts to your one text, that’s even better.

However, if he likes you, he may also delay his replies to avoid seeming needy or desperate. But as long as he replies, it’s all good. If he’s slow to reply, it could just mean he’s busy, or he doesn’t like texting, so don’t read too much into it.

28. He texts or calls first

Is he the one initiating contact, or are you? If he is, that probably means he’s interested in you.

But if he never calls or texts first, that shows a lack of interest. In that case, it can be good to take a step back to see if he will take initiative. If you’re always so quick to take initiative, he might never even have a chance to do it first.

29. He texts you often

Compare this to how often you text him. He’s eager if he’s texting more often than you, and you’re more eager if you’re the one texting more often. If he’s sending you several texts in a row without a reply, it’s a stronger sign.

30. He becomes awkward in a conversation with you

Does he stammer, stutter, or otherwise become awkward with you? This could mean that he feels shy or self-conscious around you. When a guy likes you, it’s common that he gets a bit extra flustered when talking to you. That’s because he gets uncomfortable and doesn’t want to mess up in front of you. It’s kind of cute, isn’t it?

31. He doesn’t back off if you get a bit too close

If he doesn’t even flinch when you get a bit too close to his personal space, that’s a sign he wants you close to him.

If you take a step closer, and he backs off by a step, that’s a sign he’s a bit more reserved toward you.

32. He talks about things he wants to do with you

Planning or mentioning things he wants to do with you in the future strongly indicates some sort of interest, romantic or platonic.

Example: If you’re talking about a newly opened restaurant, they say “We should go there someday!” or “I’ll show you how amazing that place is!”

33. He’s happy to discover you have something in common

If he’s happy, that’s good. This sign is extra strong if it’s something very trivial, such as you living in the same part of town, being the same age, or you both like pizza. For more tips, check out this guide on how to talk to a guy you like.

Example: You discover that you both grew up in the same city, and he gets really excited about it even if it’s no big deal.

34. He asks you personal questions

Personal questions are telling you that he wants to know more about you and is interested in you. The more he asks, the better.

Example: Asking about your plans for the future, your childhood, or your favorite food.

35. He asks you about your plans

Asking about your plans for the day or weekend might just be empty small talk, but it could also be him trying to open a window where you can meet again and hang out. It’s more likely it’s a sign of interest if he brings it up near the end of the conversation.

36. He tries to make you jealous

This is a strong sign he’s interested in you. But it’s also a sign he’s emotionally immature and manipulative. I would avoid someone acting like that. You deserve to be treated with respect.

37. He’s told his family about you

This one is most relevant once you’ve already started dating. But it’s such a huge sign of interest (and approval) that I think it’s worth mentioning. It’s even bigger if he’s from a culture where approval from the family is important.

If he’s told his family, it means he is visualizing and planning a future with you. Congrats!

38. He stays to talk with you even though his friends have left

This is a big tell. If you’re in some sort of group conversation with him and his friends, and all his friends leave, but he stays – he’s probably into you. It still might not be a romantic interest if you just have a great conversation and have lots in common.

An example could be when you’re at a party, and all his friends leave to get a bite to eat, but he stays with you.

How can you tell if a coworker likes you?

At work, It can be hard to tell if a coworker is flirting with you or just being friendly. Usually, guys play it safer at work because he doesn’t want to create any awkward situations if he would be rejected. So, he might be probing to see if you like him before he gives you any clear signs of interest.

Six ways to tell if a coworker likes you:

  1. He comes over to talk with you as often as possible
  2. He often teases you
  3. It seems like he’s flirting, but you’re not really sure
  4. He tries to hang out near you when possible
  5. He tries to be funny when he’s near you
  6. He’s eager to do any work tasks where you work together
  7. He goes above and beyond to help you out at work
  8. He gets weird or stiff when he’s near you, but he’s normal with everyone else

How do you know if your best friend likes you?

Here are seven signs your best friend might have started liking you as more than a friend:

  1. He’s acting differently from how he usually behaves
  2. He seems jealous or dismissive of other guys you might like
  3. He’s suddenly extra touchy-feely
  4. He seems unusually interested in your interests
  5. He seems extra needy
  6. He’s told you he has feelings for you

If you’re still unsure, let me know about your situation in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to help.

How do you know for sure if a guy friend is interested?

You can’t know for sure if a cute guy is interested based on a sign on this list. But there are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  1. Is he regularly showing you signs of interest?
  2. Does he act differently to others than to you? (So he’s not just flirty with everyone.)
  3. Has he shown any particularly strong signs of interest?
  4. Can you see any patterns in his behavior toward you?

Are you still unsure if he likes you?

Write down your situation in the comments below in as much detail as possible. That way, others can help you out by giving their opinion. I also expect you to help someone else by replying to their comment. We need to all pitch in and help each other.

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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  1. There is this guy that my friends introduced he is really friendly and talkative. The first day he always talked to me and when I got isolated from the conversation came to me and started talking, and now the second day he’s been talking with me look down at me and kinda staring and hugging me all the time (while we were walking or sitting ) and today he asked me to go to school by bus together so we talked in the bus and then he again had put his arm around my shoulders. Now I don’t know if he does this to everyone because he is friendly or if he likes me?

    • Hi I’m sorry I’m replying to your comment but i had no other idea on how to post this (on mobile).

      Ok so, I need to vent about my feelings since I don’t think anyone else cares lol

      Ok so I really really like this guy in my computer graphics class. We seat next to eachother everyday. There’s this other group of friends we talk to also. We always have mini private chats and laugh at stuff on the computer during free time. He always makes jokes and touches me like either on my arm or hand. But I’m not really sure if he likes me or not. We always make eye contact and one time our thighs were touching. Idk how to say I like him without making my self seem desperate or awkward.

  2. I was introduced to a guy by my friend. During first meeting we talked but it was small talks and considered a short conversation because there were so many of his friends and my friends at that point, that we were so occupied with ourselves. Apparently his friends and my friends are mutual in some way. A few days later he followed me on instagram, then I followed him back. A week passed by, I noticed he liked one of my recent photos which had been posted more than a month ago. Either he was stalking or it could be that my post was appearing on his feeds (only God knows what). Then a week later we accidentally met at a wedding party. When he saw me he ran into me and we said hello and exchange kisses on the cheek. we chat a little, he asked me whether I came alone to the party or with someone, but I told him that i went there with my brother and my cousin. But not long after that he excused himself to be with his friends. Still at the party after mingling with each of our friends, it happen he was alone and standing not so far away from me then I ask him to have a glass with me. And so he ran to the bar and grab a drink and have a toast, then a we chat a little then we wander and mingling with others again. During the party since it was held indoor it’s not allowed to smoke, but me and 3 of my other friend and my brother found a hiding spot by the emergency exit to smoke at. Then the 5 of us went there. 5 seconds we got to the emergency exit, my crush and 2 of his other friends join us. Then we chat a little longer during that time, and he also chatted and introduced himself to 2 of my friends & my brother. Apparently he knows 1 of my friend already. But he did not introduced his 2 friends to me nor the other person on the emergency exit. Then while we chat I realized his 2 other friends had left the emergency exit, so it was just him, my 3 other friends & my brother. In short although we were having small and rather short conversation it happen we bumped into each other few times that night. I also caught a glance of him staring at me from faraway that we accidentally stare each other for couple of times. FYI both of him and me had been single for so long (around 2 years or so). But to this point we had not exchange phone number, nor chat through instagram.
    What do you think is his intention? Does he had interest in me? Will he contacted me first if he had interest?

  3. Hey. Last summier I had my first summer job and crushed on my coworker. We starten the same day with the same job and he was just one year older than me. We talked and laughed a lot and a lot of people from the company said we were flirting and I kind of tought we were. But then he would say things like
    ” … said we were flirting, but I said we weren’t” and laughing with it and making fun of the person who thought we were flirting. To top it al of, he is supper populair and a lot of my friends know him and know bad things about him. He always asked me how my weekend was and what my plans were and he told me his. One time we agreed to buy each other a drink on friday evening at the café were everybody hangs out. He was there with his friends and I was with mine, I chickened out and ignored him because I was so nervous. He joked about it on monday but I had the feeling that I missed my oppertunity that friday. When we were working together he asked a lot of questions and teased me a lot. But when I started to text him he always waited a very long time to answer and didn’t show as mutch interest. When our jobs ended and we didn’t see each other anymore I asked to meet up sometime but he was on vacation and the next time I asked he was working. Now that school is back on I only see him friday evening at the café averybody hangs out. Even though the summer had long passen I still don ‘t have him out of my system. This friday at the café I was going home and walked past him and he sudenly turned over to me and asked why I didn’t say goodbeye and he gave me a hug. So all this time I tought he didn’t like me but sinds that hug I simply don ‘t know anymore.
    Can you help me.

  4. Last year I had a crush on a guy in about December but then he got a girlfriend so i stopped liking him. He found out that i liked him shortly after and told all of his friends. His friends didn’t really do anything for a couple months. Then in about May and June his friends kept pushing him into me all of the sudden. He would always get embarrassed when this would happen. He also always kept staring at me and looked away quickly when i catched him. One time during science class his friends kept saying to him “ Just ask her out” “It’s the end of the school year” but he never did. Now it’s a new school year and his friends still push him into me. This happens with a bunch of his friends and this happens many times.
    His friends also call him a nickname whenever we are next to each other. I also heard his friend ask him “ Why are you talking to her” and my crush said “ To make her jealous” and it works because i always see girls trying to talk to him since he’s popular and i get jealous. I have a feeling that he has a crush on me too but i’m too nervous to talk to him. Also there is this guy that has had a crush a me for a while and my crush and him are friends. During class I saw them both looking at me and when I catched them they both started laughing and looked away. This was last school year. A couple of weeks ago I heard my crush’s friend say “ Wasn’t she (the person that had a crush on me)’s crush first?” One time when i was close to his friends, one person kept saying how strong he was but when I left he stopped talking about him. I tried to talk to my friends about this but they always say that it’s nothing and that i should move on. I then asked one of my guy friends and he said that my crush probably likes me back. I just need to know if my crush likes me back.

  5. hello. this will sound strange but im getting very mixed signals! this guy is my pt n also married but he really cares about me! he has gone above and beyound to help me this whole year! i get to see him alot bc the pt is at the gym i go to. he has helped me do things like walk n trying to help me get answers to problems and he never once gv up! he gave me free sessions. the body language i hv noticed is he leans towards me n gets close when we talk. i hv caught him looking at me several times! and he is very touchy feely! meaning hes pretty much touched me everywhere- not inapproprately tho , i dont think that at all. my friends say hes giving me mixed signals. he definitly cares about me. i can feel it n also the way he has helped me n he brought me out of my comfort zone! i hv had other pts and they never treated me as much or cared as much or gone completely out way to help my situation! help!!!

    • Honey, there is nothing worth jeopardizing a relationship with a guy and his wife just to get with him. Not to be rude, but If this guy is acting this way toward you, he may want to cheat on his wife. And when he does, what makes you think he’s not going to cheat on you? You don’t want to get caught in a tug of war between a man and his partner. Just because he seems to care about you doesn’t mean you should be caught in a spell and hurt his wife’s feelings. You need to find someone available, go on a dating site do something that doesn’t involve hurting other relationships. You can thank him by doing him favors, not hooking up with him. Don’t make dumb decisions. Go ask your friends to hook you up with someone that doesn’t involve married people. Marriage isn’t a freaking 2 day date where partners easily leave each other. Marriage is about commitment. I don’t care how much he tried to butter your emotions, it isnt worth it. Don’t be selfish. That guy is not that important. Out of all the thousands of guys in this world you chose the married one. And he is giving mixed signals bc he is married!!! Maybe you don’t want to hear this but its the truth. Also think about it. When your married or have ever been you wouldn’t like other girls drooling over your man. Or your man finding other girls more interesting than you. You wouldn’t want that so don’t do it to somebody else. If he is divorced, it’s fine. But don’t ruin someone else relationship bc if he gets with you it’s probably not going to work out anyway just being honest.

  6. so i like this kid. and a few weeks ago we would always snap back and forth and i saw him in person. whenever i walked by him he would blush and get super red. and we made eye contact so many times. he also would make convos and be super interested in me. but now i’ve noticed he jsut leaves me om open. what does this mean?

  7. Hey,
    So this guy and I like each other and he says we’re together but doesn’t act like it and he rarely talks to me. He apologizes that he rarely talks to me. He has told me why he likes me and other stuff that makes me think that he does but what is going on inside his head?

    • Hello. Maybe he is just shy, but then if he genuinely was your boyfriend, he would be talking to you far more, so it’s possible he is just saying that you two are together just for the attention. Therefore, I would say that if you genuinely like him that you strike up conversations with him because you clearly want a proper relationship with him, so why not go for it? Good luck.

  8. So I like this guy who I became friends with around 12 weeks ago. He’s part of the friendship group I’m now in- we’re all between 16 and 17. We message each other on snapchat and instagram outside of college but he hardly ever replies within the hour. He sometimes comes over to sit with me but it is unlikely, but when he was asked a week ago if he likes me by a friend he said “no comment”. A few days ago, he was speaking to another friend who knows I like him and he says that he thinks I have a crush on him. I don’t want to confess because I’m scared it’ll be awkward for the rest of the friendship group if he doesn’t like me back.

  9. Please i have a crush on him too and i know he has a crush on me but i just don’t want to be in a relationship with him.Can i make him like someone else and how do i get rid of my crush feelings for him, because i get jealous when he’s talking with my bestie cos i know she has a crush on him too but she doesn’t want to let me know.

    • I had a new housemate. I felt a connection with him since we started talking. He teases me and i tease him back. He is always smiling, making eye contact and sometimes stays longer to just chat with me even when our other housemates have left. He is always talking and smiling to other housemates too and hadn’t been any strong signs so I didn’t think he was actually interested in me. But yesterday we all had some drinks and even though I wasn’t talking much, I could see him making eye contact with me a lot and smiling. He has never really touched me before but after everyone went back to bed, we still were sitting and chatting and then he lied down near me on the couch. We were still talking but he started making lot of physical contact like just randomly touching my legs or yawning and putting his arms on my legs. He even requested me to give him a little head massage claiming he had a slight headache. After this he complimented my massage and asked if I could give him a shoulder massage. I felt a great chemistry last night but other than those physical contact and talking we didn’t do anything. But this morning he seemed a little withdrawn. I am not sure what to make of it.

  10. Hi, I used to date the friend of a guy im into, but hadn’t seen him for a year. We met up for breakfast to catch up but he wasn’t as smiley or relaxed as usual… I sat forward all the time and he did for a lot of it, and then he’d sit back still talking. He made the move to leave after an hour though but he did pay. We were walking back to our cars casually knocking into each other cos we were close and I gave him a hug with a squeeze. 10 mins after leaving he text saying it was lovely seeing me, and he did suggest trying the other place so I guess it’s ok but I can’t read him. He gives full eye contact while talking but that might just be how he is with everyone. What’s your interpretation?

    Thanks for reading!

    • He would not suggest trying that other place unless he was interested in you. As long as he follows up on making the second date happen.

      The reason he wasn’t as smiley could just have been nervosity.

  11. Hi There!
    Thank you for writing this article, it certainly has helped me but I’m still unsure if this guy is interested in me or not.
    We work together all the time but we don’t text or talk online, after getting to know him a little bit, he started to give me one of those guy handshakes but only once, when I was with my sister, then one day, when he was getting off, he gave his friend a handshake but came over to me and just hugged me, which I wasn’t expecting from him.
    After a while, one day he went on break and we didn’t really talk during that short 15 minutes but I caught him staring at me a lot, then the next day he went in break again, he came over and gave me a hug, which I was like okay he’s friendly I guess, and we talked through his 15 minute break and before he left, he hugged me again. After that it became casual for him to hug me(even though nobody else does it)
    Then one day when I went in to buy something for my sister, he was working that day and my sister said he was staring at me the whole time and dropped his paper while he was doing it because he wasn’t paying attention but then when I said hi to him he just waved at me and smiled a little, I’m so confused, one day he talks to me, the next day he act different. I would really appreciate it if you could help me clear this up.

    Thanks so much for reading.

  12. i had a crush on my boss, i worked with him 5 months. he was so caring so helpful and still he is. after i quit my job he messaged me several times share his personal problems with no reason, but whenever i messaged him he reply so lately and often he dont. when i worked with him sometimes he comes so closed to me which i think not normal, if i give something to him as for example charger or pen his finger touches my hand, at first i thought its coincidence but after that it happens twice or three times. one day a client propose me and when i tell him about that he reacted as the way which i think he felt jealous but he would be normal again. recently he offer me a job at another company just because he need a trusted person for this post. this is so confusing, sometimes i feel he likes me and sometimes feel its all just normal. nothing love or like that. i dont understand please help me.

  13. Hello!

    There’s a co-worker that I’ve been talking to but I’m unsure if he’s interested or just treating me as a very close Friend. He is 7 years older than I am. Let’s name him S.

    We started texting outside of work (non-work related topics) and started to get close. Hung out a few times together with other colleagues etc. During the period when I had insomnia, S would send me messages to comfort me and even bought me sleep ear buds (knowing I’m a light sleeper) so that I can sleep better. When I was sick and lost my voice, S went out to buy medicine for me as well (he doesn’t do this for other colleagues and he’s a pretty lazy person).

    Recently we started talking about our personal lives and he’s been sharing his thoughts and emotions with me. He’s not usually the kind of person to share his feelings. However, he does share it with a friend of mine, J (female), who is also working in the same company as they’ve known each other for almost 2 years (while I’ve only known him for 6 months) and they work alongside very closely.

    My colleagues have been asking if I’m single and have been trying to ‘introduce’ S to me. They’ve also been asking S if me and him are together but I’m unsure what he replied them (I’ve never talked to him about this topic before as it’ll be awkward. Got to know about this through J as he went to tell J that other colleagues have been asking him that y).

    However, there are times where he doesn’t really want to talk and would not really reply to messages. Sometimes, he would pretend as if he didn’t see me when I clock in for work etc. Which makes me confuse as to if he’s really interested or that if he really just treats me as a close Friend/little Sister.

    Hope to hear from you soon 🙂 Thank you 🙂

  14. Hi,
    There’s this guy at school whom i am friends with. We laugh in some classes if we sit near each other. I started realising that his friend keeps saying “he likes you”.
    At first i didn’t believe it but then my best friend kept telling me that he stares at me in most of my classes and i also started realising that. Whenever we talk, walk together or get paired together for some classes everyone ships us together and his friends start saying our ‘ship name’. I remember once telling him who i liked and he started teasing me about it and i realised that he still remembers that and he remembers the small details of some other things. But today in one of my classes, me, my best friend, him and his best friend sat together. My best friend started saying “she likes you and you guys looked so cute together in drama class yesterday because you had to touch hands”. And he just gave a nervous laugh and i was like “we are just friends that’s all”. And then he was like “yeah we’re just friends plus i’m taken”. My best friends kept asking him who he is taken by and he said i wont tell you. We asked his friends and they said he is not taken. i just ignored it and brushed it off. Then i hear a rumour that he is gonna ask one of my friends out and my OTHER friend likes him. I don’t think he even likes that girl and i don’t think he will ask her out, but what i’m worried about is that i think i have a crush on him and my other friend likes him so know i’m stuck in this love triangle. What do you think i should do and do you think he likes me?

  15. Let me start off by saying this is a coworker so this can be a little tricky. We are equals though. These are the following behaviors/actions I have observed:
    Mirrors me.
    Ask how my weekend was.
    Tells me my office smells good.
    Stated “That’s one of things I love about you”, regarding me being solution based when it comes to solving problems.
    Gave me 2 hugs at a company bowling event.
    Stated “we should go to dinner I mean lunch” but hasn’t acted on it.
    On time for our 1-1 meeting which he is usually late for.
    During our meeting, he got up 3 times to lean in behind me to read what was on my screen even though I was reading it to him.
    Compliments me on the shirt I was wearing.
    As we were standing outside talking, another coworker stated “are you going to stand outside and just chat up this young lady” my crush stated “How can I not on this beautiful day.”
    Swats bee away from me.

    These are all new behaviors. However, we can go days without interacting and that is why I am a little confused and would like some guidance on this.

    Thank you in advance for your assistance,


    • Hi!

      I am in college and recently have started to like this guy and we’ve hung out before and it was really good it consisted of him really opening up and telling me a lot of his insecurity and past and him telling me he trusted me and what not. Lot of his friends had been teasing us and everything so I talked to him telling him that I was interested in getting to know him more than just a friend which it may have been too soon to do so but he said he was flattered but didn’t feel the same way and that it was more him because he recently went through a bad break up with a girl and just hasn’t seemed ready to be in a relationship again. So recently he has been really confusing with signals that really show that he must be interested like giving me attention in a group situation and teasing me while also sometimes playful pushing me and having to touch me in the smallest ways or having some sort of contact. However recently he has kind of been ignoring me or not acting how he usually does and I don’t know if that has to do with jealousy or not cause we were in the same place and when I saw him I was walking out with one of my guy co workers so I don’t know if I should continue acting normal and hope that this doesn’t last. I just don’t know if there is a chance of us going pass friends in the future cause it can be really confusing at times the way he acts around me is like couples would.



  16. Hi there! I’m in a bit of a sticky situation.
    So I have a really crazy crush on this guy he trains at the same gym as me and he is also a personal trainer there too. We got off on the right path when we met face to face for the first time he was telling me funny stories, asking about what I do etc etc. He was staring/smiling and he did call me pretty on our first time talking! The next day he requested to follow me on Instagram. We talked but he takes a while to reply however he did say he is busy with his schedule for this week but is going to try and manage to fit me in for a workout. Today I saw him again and he was smiling he said hi twice and he even came into the women’s section of the gym and asked “if I was using the weights” which he normally never comes in to! But towards the end I saw him talking to two girls and they were talking for maybe a while and he still hasn’t replied back to my message ???? I’m getting a few mixed signals here. Any input from your genius self would help so much! Thanking you in advance. 🙂

  17. So we at a function while his fiance was there. He flirted and then Instagramed me after. We hit it off. We hooked up twice. Then we went quiet. He came back. Stronger than ever, he calls me every day, texts me all day, we recently spent the night and then he never asked to see me again. It’s been 3 days. He still video calls me everyday for hours.. And texts all day. He stares into my eyes and shares details of his life with me. What does he actually want or mean?

    • He’s not a good man. Imagine if you were his fiancé and he did the same to you. Why are you wasting your time on him? You deserve so much better.

  18. What if the case is that I’m a loner girl, but have known these 3 guys since childhood but never actually talk or hang out together. Like. Childhood acquaintances. One day, we’re in a group together and they’re asking me “My guy type, how do i show my interest, do i try to make myself interesting to show my crush, whether im single or not, if i have ever been in a relationship, my hobbies, my future goals.” Those obvious interest questions. And this one guy had like, obvious reactions to my answers too “Oh, so you did not like if my hair is messy like this.” Etc.


    1) They guy does not even chat me or follow me in social media. (MAIN CONFUSION)
    2) This guy talks about his ex lovers, their personalities, how different they are with me. (He actually talked about this a lot. But I originally thought that he means: I’m way too different with his types. But then, he made it obvious tho that he’s interested in our differences by saying “We’re too different. I’m interested. How bout we go out?”)
    3) He brought his “girl friend” just like the other day and I am super confused because he had a “girl friend”. (He mentioned that the girl is just a friend to me tho. Which I also received as a form of showing his interest.) But I don’t buy it?? Is that: a) He’s interested in me just for fun?? or b) He does that to make me jealous or something??

    And when I read this, I feel bad for him because I do not show him signs of interest at all ????

    • He sounds interested in you, but it sounds like he has read too much weird pickup material and is trying to use it on you to get you interested.

      • Thank you for replying! I don’t know how to react for his interest tho. I’ll start by confronting him on chats sometime when my confidence strucks haha how bout it

  19. i had a crush on my boss, i worked with him 5 months. he was so caring so helpful and still he is. after i quit my job he messaged me several times share his personal problems with no reason, but whenever i messaged him he reply so lately and often he dont. when i worked with him sometimes he comes so closed to me which i think not normal, if i give something to him as for example charger or pen his finger touches my hand, at first i thought its coincidence but after that it happens twice or three times. one day a client propose me and when i tell him about that he reacted as the way which i think he felt jealous but he would be normal again. recently he offer me a job at another company just because he need a trusted person for this post. this is so confusing, sometimes i feel he likes me and sometimes feel its all just normal. nothing love or like that. i dont understand please help me.

  20. S.O.S.

    I moved to a new city about two months ago and met a friend very quickly. She knew I was looking to make more friends so she invited me to come to church with her and her husband. She introduced me to some of the members in the church’s young adult group and one guy in particular stuck out. Let’s call him Trevor. He was very attractive, friendly, and funny. I very quickly picked up that he was the center of attention. He had a way of being able to talk to just about anyone and making people laugh with his sarcastic sense of humor. Come to find out that all the girls in young adult group have a crush on him. I mean, how could you not? He is tall, attractive, and hilarious! Don’t get me wrong, I thought he was attractive too (more so his personality) but he wasn’t exactly my type (body wise)… he’s a little too small for my preference. And I also have a sarcastic sense of humor and love talking to people so Trevor and I got along very well. And I thought, “This is great! Another friend in a new city where I know no one.” A few weeks go by and he hasn’t been around church or youth group because of work. In the meantime, I hear that he’s leaving within the year to a better job in a bigger city. I’m thinking, “Perfect! Another reason to only see him as a friend.” I’m also thinking that he’s not looking for anything considering he’s planning on moving away anyways. So now it’s Friday night and a handful of us young adults from the church group are hanging out. Keep in mind, he’s not there. One of his closest friends tells me that he’s trying to set Trevor and I up. But he had been drinking so I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not. Then he goes on to say how great Trevor and I would be together. We both have matching personalities, both attractive, …he even said we would make beautiful babies (at this point, I knew he had to be joking). I told Trevor’s friend that I thought Trevor was great, it’s just that he’s not my usual type. Now it’s Sunday and after church some of the young adults go on a hike. And Trevor’s there. Well I guess being new to the area and never hiking through the canyons before, I was a little slow and always fell to the back of the group. At one point, Trevor stayed back with me because he was being a “concerning friend.” We got to talking and he was asking me about my past relationships, if I would ever date a short guy, and what my “ideal type” of guy is. At the time I didn’t think anything of it other than him just being friendly and wanting to get to know me. And vice versa. My number one thing is that the guy I’m with HAS to be taller than me. It just so happens that Trevor is taller than me even when I’m wearing heels and he loves to pick on me for that. We also tend to pick on each other/tease/give a hard time about other things. That could be us flirting or just us being us because of our sarcastic sense of humor. I made a comment when the whole group was together about working with a NBA team because I could find and date a tall guy and Trevor followed with: “Taller than me? I doubt it!” Anyways, when it was just him and I our conversation was great! We were both opening up to each other about personal things and our past relationship. While still poking fun at the other and making each other laugh. A few times I was struggling getting over bigger rocks and he would help me by grabbing my hand or giving me a boost. I was under the impression he was just being a nice guy and helping his friend. He’s never added me on social media, asked for my number, go out of his way to talk or see me so I had no reason to believe that he saw me anything other than just a friend. Now it’s Tuesday and I was looking back at what had happened and got confused. I told my friend about it and she said he was definitely flirting with me. Especially since he was asking me what my type of guy is. So my question is: was Trevor actually flirting with me and I was too naive to notice or am I just overthinking because of what his friend told me on Friday night and Trevor is only being friendly?? (P.S. Trevor is a very friendly/extrovert guy so it’s super difficult to distinguish his actions between flirting or friendly.)

  21. Hi
    I met this guy at my work about 4 months ago. We kept having small talk at first and then one day i just reached out and messaged him and ever since that day we have been talking everyday. We grew this connection, chemistry and it made our friendship much closer. We both have the same humor and are very sarcastic. Over these months through text we are both super flirty with each other kinda in a low key way sometimes he will say something sweet to me out of the blue. Anyway he just recently left my place of work and is working somewhere else but we still have been staying in touch by texting everyday. Last night we met up for the first time in a week since we have seen each other and it was a one on one. It was werid. He was really fidgety and his eyes were darting around the room alot checking out my place and taking time to look at everything and almost every photo. Our conversation was normal and we caught up with what happened at work and our lives so on. But at the end when he needed to leave we were hugging and we would have like very brief short moments where i was giving him opportunities to kiss me and he kinda would let go and step back a bit awkwardly and i was confused. I let it go because this guy has a past. He was married now divorced with two kids and hasn’t been with someone since that marriage which was 3 or 4 years ago. Does this guy like me but is unsure about his feelings and is scared? I need help. I just don’t want to keep liking this guy but be wasting my time.

  22. Hi,

    There’s a guy at work that is giving me mixed signals. We are both in committed relationships so it makes it even harder to decipher.

    The chemistry is strong, so I think we are both trying our hardest to ignore it, but I’m not 100% sure if he’s hiding it, or it’s all in my head!
    We have strong eye contact, just slightly longer than I would consider appropriate with most platonic friendships, we’re a little flirty at times but nothing inappropriate, we laugh a lot, we like to hang out together but always make excuses to do it with other people and rarely alone.
    We don’t have to work together directly too often, but when we do (for me at least) it feels electric!
    I’m scared that if I say something I’ll be embarrassed if I’ve read the signs wrong, or worried what might happen if he admits the sexual tension is there for him too – what would I do with that information…!?!

    Keen to hear what you think!

  23. What does it mean when an old associate starts calling you “darl” instead of by your name or “mate”? Is he interested romantically?? Post anonymous

  24. Hi,
    So I met this guy on the field I play Ultimate frisbee at a couple months back. Now, I usually feel comfortable talking to people I meet for the first time, and that was the case when I met him. We didn’t talk to much but we knew each other’s names and were happy when we got put on the same team. We had a good connection with eye contact.
    When the last tournament came by we felt like we had each others backs and were comfortable and excited to be on the same team, I was more or less his co-captain. We got to talking a bit during the break about our lives and the significance of a necklace I wear. He got talking to be about his plans being in the country that we both live in, it felt easy and simple. Through all of that there was eye contact and easygoingness.
    The 2 weekend’s after that I saw him again, but this time he felt more distant and stand of-ish. When we would see each other in passing we would have eye contact but ever so slightly have smiles on our faces. I talked to him after practice about something that has been bugging me for a couple of weeks that I didn’t do during the tournament. He looked confused as if he wasn’t sure what I was talking about and it felt like there was something else. But I didn’t know what it was. All he said was he was appreciative of my apology and that he was happy on how we were by the end of the tournament. I thought everything was fine and dandy.
    This past weekend, we had a full weekend practice at the campus of the where he works at. I was really excited because it would be a chance to see him outside of the field a bit and get to talk to him more. All of our conversations after the tournament were awkward and not great.
    This past weekend was a bust, I got to see him and talk to him briefly, but we didn’t get to talk. But we were pretty much looking at each other when something was explained during the Spirit Circle or when were on a break. He would hover around when I was having conversations with other people and chuckle or smile and look at me but not say anything else.
    So I guess, what I want to know is, is there anything there is this relationship that makes it a bit more than a friendship? Or should I just treat him like a normal friend and not do anything?

  25. There’s a teacher in my school who always seems to light up whenever he sees me (he’s not the happiest guy you see around).

    He’s hit me playfully on the bottom of my bag once to get my attention in front of around 30+ other students (no one else noticed apart from me and my friends). He also took something I was using and hid it and found it amusing when I was tryi go to find it. I asked if I could check the pile of papers next to him to see if it was there and while I was checking he had a huge smile, however it may have been that he just found it amusing and knows how to wind me up).

    He’s pulled back a blind to wave at me while I was walking past (I didn’t know he was there). My friends and I all thought this was really out of character for him since he’s really quiet and a little shy in general.

    My friends say that when I talk to him he’s flirting with me (I’m pretty socially awkward so I’ve never really noticed if he does) and they say that he has a smile which he only ever gives me. Just to make me even more unsure as to what this exactly is he hasn’t taught me 3/4 years (he never really knew who I was back then other than a student in his class. Me and him only started talking again last year)

    My friends always try to get me to talk to him. One time when they needed something they sent me to him to get it and when I asked him (they were stood there) they said I was just staring at me (I didn’t notice since I struggle with eye contact in general – is it normal to just look at someone when they speak to you? I have no idea) and that he was leaning it towards me when I was speaking (I didn’t move) although he was quite close (I don’t know whether it’s because I didn’t realize it I didn’t care or what).

    I obviously know that nothing can come from this given that he’s in a position of authority but I just want an idea of what exactly this is or whether my friends are just pulling my leg.

  26. I started a new job not too long ago and this co-worker was rather rude and short tempered the first week before we did the standard get-to-know the new co-worker routine. Nothing exciting there but now he greets me with a smile when I come through the door or around the corner.
    He also will come up and say “I’m bored” and when he leaves another co-worker claims he has never ever said that at work and that he’s saying it now because he likes me. (Next time he says he’s bored I’ll see if I can get him to clean for us lol.)
    Occasionally he’ll pick on me (with a smile) about my appearance and now he’s wandered up to a conversation I was having with someone else and is talking past the other person trying to tell me about his ex and the mother of child.
    What the heck is going on here?

  27. My friend will often bother me, smile at me like he’s on drugs and then casually wink, or pull out his middle finger. He’ll try to high-five me at any chance he gets and he will often look at me. He’s pretty funny, and seems like someone pretty flirty that will also try to play wrestle with you. Try to imagine a younger and more energetic version of Prince Naveen; that’s him. He doesn’t minds when we have eye-contact for more than 10 seconds and also doesn’t minds when i invade his personal space. I don’t really have a crush on him, mainly because i already like someone, but i’m so confused about him because he also friendzoned me when i didn’t even like him.

  28. Hi.there’s this guy i like since 6th grade and its been 3 years.Now he is starting to change.He comes to where I sit and sits with me for a whole 1 hour.And when we head back to class,he kisses my cheek.It’s been 1 week now and he still hasn’t stopped.He also hugs me but i do t know if he loves me yet.This friday,as we were about to leave with my friends he told me it was my tirn to kiss him and he made me kiss him twice.what do you think?

  29. Hi , I recently started seeing a guy i dated 10 years ago. We’ve kept in touch all this time but only just giving it another go.
    We saw eachother again for the first time in a few years lady week . Before that he was sending me flirty texts and messaging me all the time . Since we met up again he’s gone all serious in texts and the flirting has stopped. He’s adamant though that he definitely wants to see where this goes and that he really likes me . He gives me a good morning text and a goodnight text every day and even talks to me on the phone at work , he’s a builder, and texts me throughout the day when he can . He’s chased me for weeks via texts do I’m very confused now that the, fishing to see if I’m interested phase has stopped, so does he still want to carry on ??

  30. I have a personal fitness trainer. I have seen him about 4 times now. He completed my nails when I got them done. He also noticed my new gym outfits he said “oh so you’re matching today” but in an exciting voice. I go with one of my guy friends to the gym and my trainer asked about him twice. He also laughs at my jokes alot and always seems to find a way to text me almost every day. We talked about relationships a bit and he smiles alot when we talk during our work outs he even once said “that’s cute” and laughed when a did a certain work out. Lastly, he once asked what am I have for dinner tonight. I am not sure of he just wants me to train with him more or if he likes me.


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