How To Be Friends With An Introvert

“I have an introverted friend who seems to like spending time with me, but he’s pretty quiet. Sometimes I’m not sure whether I’m making him uncomfortable because I can be quite extroverted. How can I make our friendship work?”

Unlike extroverts, who are often portrayed as people magnets, introverts tend to be more quiet, shy, and reserved. This can make them harder to read, approach, and befriend. If you need help understanding and dealing with an introverted friend at work, in school, or in your existing friend group, this article can help. It includes tips and strategies for being friends with an introvert and will provide information to help you better understand people with this personality trait.

Being friends with an introvert

Making friends with an introvert may take a little more time and effort than it would with an extrovert, but in the end, it may be a richer relationship. Being in the small inner circle of an introvert’s world means you have earned a special place in their life. Below are some tips on making and keeping friends who are introverts.

1. Respect their personal space

Introverts really value their personal space and privacy, so it’s important to respect their boundaries. This means not showing up unannounced at their home and not bringing surprise guests along without letting them know in advance.

Introverts often need time both before and after social events to prepare and decompress. This means you should avoid making any pop-up visits or throwing a surprise party for them, as they may feel overwhelmed by these last-minute plans.

2. Don’t take their silence personally

Introverts spend a lot of time in their own inner world of thoughts and feelings and may be quiet in groups of people. This can lead them to be misunderstood by others, who may be offended by their silence.

Instead of asking, “why are you so quiet?” or assuming they are upset, try assuming your introverted friends are just naturally quiet. Being quiet is normal for them and doesn’t mean they aren’t listening or engaged.

3. Invite them to hang out 1:1

Introverts tend to feel less overwhelmed when they interact with people 1:1 or in small groups.[1] Consider asking your introverted friend to hang out in a quiet setting where you can talk, like at an uncrowded cafe or at a local park. These low-key settings are often just their speed and also offer opportunities for deeper conversations.

4. Understand why they decline invitations

When an introverted person feels overwhelmed in a social situation, they may leave early, decline an invitation, or even back out of existing plans. While this can feel personal, it is more likely to be a sign that they are feeling nervous, overwhelmed, or just need some alone time to recharge.[1] Try not to take it personally when this happens, as they are probably just taking some needed personal space.

5. Encourage them to open up to you

Introverts can be quiet and reserved and often need someone a little more extroverted to draw them out by asking questions or initiating conversations with them. Because they may not speak up unless asked, opening the door to a conversation can help move your friendship forward. It’s usually best to start with more superficial topics and work up to deeper or more personal topics as trust develops.

Some questions to get to know an introvert include:

  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Do you have a lot of family around here?
  • What kinds of shows and movies do you like?
  • Tell me more about what you do for work.

6. Spend quality time with them

Not taking time to make new friends is one of the top reasons adults make fewer friends than younger people.[3] Spending quality time together is important for developing and maintaining friendships.

Here are some ideas of how to spend quality time together:

  • Have deeper conversations rather than sticking to the surface
  • Share meaningful or memorable experiences together
  • Show up when it matters or when they need your help

7. Help them expand their comfort zone

It can be healthy for introverts to expand their comfort zone and learn to act in more extroverted ways. In research, extroversion has been linked to higher levels of social status and success, proving that this is a valued trait in our culture.[4]

Here are some ways to help an introvert expand their comfort zone:

  • Invite them to try new things or go new places with you
  • Ask them to help you co-host a small gathering
  • Encourage them to participate more in social events or group conversations
  • Introduce them to some of your other friends

8. Be ready to make compromises

If you are a person who is naturally more extroverted, it will be important for you and your introverted friend to find a balance in your relationship. This may mean making some compromises to find ways to spend time together doing the things you each enjoy.[1]

Some examples of ways to find this balance include:

  • Taking turns choosing activities
  • Both of you agreeing to try things the other likes
  • Spending 1:1 time as well as time with groups of friends

9. Let them know what you need from them

While you may need to make some changes to accommodate your introverted friend, it’s also important for them to meet you in the middle. If you are naturally more extroverted, you may need to be clear about your expectations in friendships with an introvert. Otherwise, you may not get your emotional needs met, and the relationship can become balanced and unhealthy.[1]

Some examples of things you may need to ask your introverted friend for include:

  • Letting them know it’s really important to you that they show up for a specific social event, celebration, or party
  • Asking them to make more of an effort to call and reach out to you, instead of you always being the one to call
  • Asking them to make a speech or to play an active role in your wedding

What does it mean to be an introvert?

Introversion is a personality trait that develops in childhood and remains more or less fixed throughout a person’s life. Most of us need close relationships to be happy, but introverted people tend to meet their social needs differently than extroverts,[1] with extroverts seeking out more social contact.[2] Extroverts feel energized when spending time with others, whereas introverts often find social situations draining.

Some of the traits, habits, and qualities of an introvert include:[1]

  • Disliking small talk or superficial interactions
  • Becoming fatigued or drained by social activities and interactions
  • Disliking a lot of stimulation
  • Needing alone time to recharge after social occasions
  • Preferring solo, low-key, or quiet activities away from noisy or very stimulating environments
  • Liking to connect 1:1 with people or in small groups vs. large groups
  • Often engaging in deep, reflective thinking and introspection
  • Disliking being the center of attention, preferring to observe
  • Prioritizing quality over quantity when it comes to friends
  • Being slow to warm up or open up with new people or in groups

These introvert quotes may help you better understand your quiet friend.

It’s important to know that being introverted is not the same as having social anxiety. Social anxiety is not related to temperament and is instead a common, treatable mental health condition that some people overlook. People with this condition tend to have an extreme fear of social interactions, rejection, or public embarrassment and may go to great lengths to avoid interactions.

Final thoughts

Introverts sometimes get a bad reputation for being standoffish or antisocial, but this is often untrue.[5] In reality, introverts deeply value their friendships but also need quiet and alone time to recharge after being social. Being friends with an introvert can be difficult, especially for people who are naturally more outgoing, but it can still be deeply rewarding.

As long as both people are willing to work a little harder to relate and connect, introverts and extroverts can become great friends and can even help to keep each other balanced.

Common questions about being friends with an introvert

How can an introvert be a good friend?

Introverts tend to prefer deeper connections over superficial relationships, which sometimes results in a higher quality friendship. Introverts make great friends because they are careful in selecting their companions and highly value the people they choose to spend time with.[1]

Can an introvert be friends with an extrovert?

Opposites can attract, and introverts and extroverts can actually help to balance each other out.[1] Quiet friends can help an extrovert find ways to slow down and relax, and outgoing friends can challenge an introvert to expand their comfort zone.

How do I get along with introverts?

Getting along with introverts is the same as getting along with anyone. Show them kindness, respect, and curiosity. It may just take a little more time and patience to get an introvert to warm up to you than it would take for someone more outgoing.

Why is it so hard for introverts to make friends?

Some introverts may prefer to be alone because it takes more energy and effort for them to be social, which can put them at a disadvantage when it comes to making friends. Because they often have solitary habits, they may even feel more content being alone.

Can two introverts be friends?

Introverts can be great friends to each other as long as one or both people push themselves to reach out and connect in the beginning. If they can get through this initial phase, they often have an innate understanding of the other’s need for space, privacy, and alone time.[1]

Show references +

Hailey Shafir is a licensed mental health counselor, licensed addiction specialist, and clinical supervisor working out of Raleigh, NC. She has a Masters in Counseling from NC State University, and has extensive professional experience in counseling, program development, and clinical supervision. Read more.

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  1. Thank you for this. Even It’s hard to really understand my introvert friend (actually it’s like a sister) now it make sense for me, all the things that have written here is really existing in real life. Now I really understand how Introvert deals to their life.

    Everytime she need a space to have her energy back, I always took in a wrong way and I became upset. After reading this article I actually understand more of her.

    Thank You for this.

  2. I really agree with this statement and interpretation of an introverted person. To the other person who has the same personality or character as mine your not alone I just wanted to say that we are not different from others were breathing the same air we just prefer other ways to live our life and our feelings are valid and acceptable. This explanation really means a lot to an introverted person and especially to me that others can expand their understanding of our behavior so that they don’t misinterpret our actions. We set ourselves into many boundaries because we are comfortable there.

  3. I let an introvert friend know my needs and they refused to even try, saying people are just different and she can’t change. I had to stop contacting her as it was affecting my self-esteem. I guess she was never my friend and I made a fool of myself even thinking she was. I suppose she’s breathing a sigh of relief to have got rid of me.


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