How to tell if a guy likes you: 38 signs he has a crush on you

How do you know if a guy likes you? He may be acting friendly and flirty towards you, but how can you know if that’s just his personality? You want to know if he has a crush on you rather than just being someone who hits on every other woman he meets.

It can be pretty hard to figure out if the attention a guy is giving you is genuine. Hopefully, this guide can give you some clarity.


  1. Signs a guy likes you
  2. How can you tell if a coworker likes you?
  3. Does your best friend like you?
  4. How to be sure whether or not a guy friend likes you

38 signs a guy likes you

When a guy has a crush on you, his behavior towards you will usually change. However, it can be difficult to figure out. He may be acting nervous because he’s shy or flirty because he’s friendly and outgoing.

Here are the best signs to help you tell if a guy has a crush on you or not.

1. He stares at you

You probably know how hard it is not to look at someone you like. Prolonged eye contact without talking is a big tell that a guy likes you.

But to be fair, it’s common for guys to stare at any girl they find attractive. And it’s an easy way for him to show his interest without having to approach you. But who knows, he might even have a secret crush on you.

2. He mirrors you

Mirroring means that his body language, posture, or even what he’s saying reflects what you said or did.

Examples of mirroring:

  • When you take a sip of your glass, he also takes a sip of his glass
  • When you cross your legs, he crosses his legs
  • When you get very animated/passionate in a conversation, he also gets animated
  • When you lean in, he also leans in
  • When you laugh, he laughs

Note that mirroring is done subconsciously when he has a good rapport with you. But it can also be done consciously if he wants to impress or bond with you. It’s a great sign either way.

3. He added you on social media

Adding you on social media means he wants to keep in contact with you and might be interested in you. This is also good because now you can more easily start a conversation with him online.

4. His texts are longer than yours

If his texts are about the same length or longer than yours, that’s great. It’s especially good if they’re longer than yours.

If he usually gives short answers compared to you, that’s a bad sign. When you’re giving him long replies but not getting the same in return, it means you’re probably too eager.

In that case, it’s good to step back a bit and try to match him better. Keep in mind that some people are naturally better at others at texting.

5. He teases you

Most forms of teasing (even mean teasing) are usually a sign he’s interested in you. It means he’s trying to create a flirty vibe between you and that he wants a reaction from you.

Have fun with it, and don’t be afraid to tease him back! 😉

6. He’s leaning in

If he’s leaning in toward you, that shows he wants to get closer to you (or he’s really passionate about what he’s saying). When a guy has a crush on you, it can feel like he’s magnetically drawn to you.

7. He’s getting physically close to you

If you’re in a conversation and you feel like he’s edging closer to you, or as if he’s almost uncomfortably too close to you, that’s a good sign. He may be attracted to you and wants to feel physically and mentally closer to you.

Note that different cultures have different “personal spaces.” So, if he’s from a different culture than you, see how close he gets to others to see if it’s just you.

8. He offers you a massage

This is one of the most obvious tells that a guy likes you. Offering a massage is a nice thing to do, but it’s also a smooth way for a guy to get you both touching each other. (Remember to offer him one back if you like him!)

9. He smiles at you

If he’s smiling toward you from afar, that’s an invitation to approach him. (I’m assuming you didn’t just forget to put your pants on when leaving home.)

If he’s smiling toward you when you’re in a conversation, that’s a sign he likes you. Especially if he has a light smile while you’re not even joking.

10. He’s giving you mixed signals

Mixed signals are really tricky to interpret and can make anyone confused. But in most cases, they do mean he’s interested in you. Here are the most common reasons why he’s giving you mixed and confusing signals.

Nine reasons why he’s giving you mixed signals:

  1. He doesn’t want to come off as too eager
  2. He’s shy
  3. He’s nervous and insecure
  4. He’s afraid of seeming desperate
  5. He’s afraid you’ll reject him
  6. He’s inexperienced in flirting
  7. He’s following some weird rules or pick-up tips he’s read
  8. He’s just flirting with you (because flirting is all about giving mixed signals)
  9. He likes the attention or validation he gets from you but isn’t really interested in you

Giving mixed signals may mean a guy likes you, but it doesn’t mean he’d make a good partner. If someone sometimes ignores you or is mean to you, you should avoid dating even if you have a mutual crush on each other. You deserve a partner who won’t have you second-guessing yourself.

11. He compliments you

Getting a compliment from a guy your age is a good sign. If he’s giving you compliments about how pretty you are, it’s an even better sign.

It can be hard to tell a friendly compliment from a romantic one because they can sound exactly the same. To know for sure, look for other signs he’s also giving you or describe your situation in the comments below.

12. His pupils are large

If his pupils get large when you’re in a conversation, you’re doing something right. This one is quite subtle because pupil size is primarily determined by light levels, but secondarily attraction can also increase pupil size.

13. He makes eye contact with you

When a guy has a crush on you, it can be so hard for him to keep his eyes off of you. You can notice this if he’s holding eye contact with you for slightly too long.

It can almost feel a little weird or intense when it happens. And that’s great (if you like him).

14. He looks at you with open body language

This sign is most useful at a place with some background music, for example, at a bar or a club.

If he’s moving in rhythm with the background music and at the same time looking at you, that’s a sign he’s attracted to you. Dancing like that and looking at you is an inviting form of body language. That tells you he wants your attention and is trying to get you to make a move.

15. He straightens his posture

Is he straightening his back and standing up more straight? It means he’s a bit self-conscious when hanging out near you and wants to make a good impression.

It’s not a strong sign because most single guys want to make a good impression on attractive girls. But if you see it together with many other signs, it means more.

16. He faces you in group situations

If he’s facing you more often than he’s facing others in a group, that’s a sign he’s into you and values you more than others in the group. This is especially telling if you’re not the one talking the most in the group.

17. His feet are pointing towards you

If his feet are pointing toward you, that’s a sign in the same line as if his body is facing you. He’s subconsciously focused on you, which makes his feet point toward you.

18. He fiddles with his clothes or accessories

This could be because of nervosity, but it can also be because he wants to look good in front of you. It’s a classic sign of attraction.

19. His palms face you

If the palms of his hands are pointed in your direction, he might be interested in you. It’s a small sign, but it’s still positive because it’s part of his open and welcoming body language toward you.

20. He touches you when you touch him

For example, if you touch his arm, does he touch you in a similar area later on in the conversation? If he does reciprocate your touch, that’s a great sign.

If he’s shy or inexperienced, he might not feel comfortable touching you back, even if he has a crush on you.

21. He is extra touchy with you

A good tell he likes you is if he’s touching you unusually much compared to others.

Common areas to touch are arms, shoulders, back, hands, or thighs. Hands or thighs are usually more intimate if he touches those.

22. You have “peripheral physical contact”

Peripheral physical contact is when some parts of your body are in contact with each other when you are doing something else.

A good example is when you’re both sitting down, and your thighs barely touch each other.

This kind of passive physical contact means a lot and can build a lot of suspense and attraction. It’s the best feeling being close to someone you got a crush on.

23. He gives you more of his attention than others

The more attention he gives you, the more interested he usually is in you. Compare this to how much attention he gives to other girls also hanging out with him or in the same group as you.

For example, If you’re in a group and he seems to direct most of his attention toward you. It could be that he’s asking you lots of questions or that he’s laughing more than others at your jokes. Or just listening more intently to you.

24. He blushes when you talk or make eye-contact

He might just be shy, but he’s probably a bit extra self-conscious around you because he likes you. This makes him blush around you.

Social anxiety can also cause blushing. But it’s still a great sign.

25. He seems to look in your direction from far away

Guys can be a bit sneaky when they want to check you out. They can make it seem like they’re only looking in your direction or just grazing you with their eyes. And if he has sunglasses, it’s even harder to know if he’s checking you out.

So if he’s looking in your direction, especially if he does it several times, he’s probably checking you out.

26. He keeps the conversation going

What happens when there’s a pause in the conversation or if you stop talking? If he seems eager to get the conversation going again, that’s good. If he lets the conversation die out or excuses himself, he may not be that interested (unless he’s just shy).

If you have problems with the conversation dying out, check out this guide on keeping the conversation going with a guy.

27. He quickly replies when you text or message him

A quick reply is a good sign he likes you. Also, if he replies with several texts to your one text, that’s even better.

However, if he likes you, he may also delay his replies to avoid seeming needy or desperate. But as long as he replies, it’s all good. If he’s slow to reply, it could just mean he’s busy, or he doesn’t like texting, so don’t read too much into it.

28. He texts or calls first

Is he the one initiating contact, or are you? If he is, that probably means he’s interested in you.

But if he never calls or texts first, that shows a lack of interest. In that case, it can be good to take a step back to see if he will take initiative. If you’re always so quick to take initiative, he might never even have a chance to do it first.

29. He texts you often

Compare this to how often you text him. He’s eager if he’s texting more often than you, and you’re more eager if you’re the one texting more often. If he’s sending you several texts in a row without a reply, it’s a stronger sign.

30. He becomes awkward in a conversation with you

Does he stammer, stutter, or otherwise become awkward with you? This could mean that he feels shy or self-conscious around you. When a guy likes you, it’s common that he gets a bit extra flustered when talking to you. That’s because he gets uncomfortable and doesn’t want to mess up in front of you. It’s kind of cute, isn’t it?

31. He doesn’t back off if you get a bit too close

If he doesn’t even flinch when you get a bit too close to his personal space, that’s a sign he wants you close to him.

If you take a step closer, and he backs off by a step, that’s a sign he’s a bit more reserved toward you.

32. He talks about things he wants to do with you

Planning or mentioning things he wants to do with you in the future strongly indicates some sort of interest, romantic or platonic.

Example: If you’re talking about a newly opened restaurant, they say “We should go there someday!” or “I’ll show you how amazing that place is!”

33. He’s happy to discover you have something in common

If he’s happy, that’s good. This sign is extra strong if it’s something very trivial, such as you living in the same part of town, being the same age, or you both like pizza. For more tips, check out this guide on how to talk to a guy you like.

Example: You discover that you both grew up in the same city, and he gets really excited about it even if it’s no big deal.

34. He asks you personal questions

Personal questions are telling you that he wants to know more about you and is interested in you. The more he asks, the better.

Example: Asking about your plans for the future, your childhood, or your favorite food.

35. He asks you about your plans

Asking about your plans for the day or weekend might just be empty small talk, but it could also be him trying to open a window where you can meet again and hang out. It’s more likely it’s a sign of interest if he brings it up near the end of the conversation.

36. He tries to make you jealous

This is a strong sign he’s interested in you. But it’s also a sign he’s emotionally immature and manipulative. I would avoid someone acting like that. You deserve to be treated with respect.

37. He’s told his family about you

This one is most relevant once you’ve already started dating. But it’s such a huge sign of interest (and approval) that I think it’s worth mentioning. It’s even bigger if he’s from a culture where approval from the family is important.

If he’s told his family, it means he is visualizing and planning a future with you. Congrats!

38. He stays to talk with you even though his friends have left

This is a big tell. If you’re in some sort of group conversation with him and his friends, and all his friends leave, but he stays – he’s probably into you. It still might not be a romantic interest if you just have a great conversation and have lots in common.

An example could be when you’re at a party, and all his friends leave to get a bite to eat, but he stays with you.

How can you tell if a coworker likes you?

At work, It can be hard to tell if a coworker is flirting with you or just being friendly. Usually, guys play it safer at work because he doesn’t want to create any awkward situations if he would be rejected. So, he might be probing to see if you like him before he gives you any clear signs of interest.

Six ways to tell if a coworker likes you:

  1. He comes over to talk with you as often as possible
  2. He often teases you
  3. It seems like he’s flirting, but you’re not really sure
  4. He tries to hang out near you when possible
  5. He tries to be funny when he’s near you
  6. He’s eager to do any work tasks where you work together
  7. He goes above and beyond to help you out at work
  8. He gets weird or stiff when he’s near you, but he’s normal with everyone else

How do you know if your best friend likes you?

Here are seven signs your best friend might have started liking you as more than a friend:

  1. He’s acting differently from how he usually behaves
  2. He seems jealous or dismissive of other guys you might like
  3. He’s suddenly extra touchy-feely
  4. He seems unusually interested in your interests
  5. He seems extra needy
  6. He’s told you he has feelings for you

If you’re still unsure, let me know about your situation in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to help.

How do you know for sure if a guy friend is interested?

You can’t know for sure if a cute guy is interested based on a sign on this list. But there are a few questions you can ask yourself:

  1. Is he regularly showing you signs of interest?
  2. Does he act differently to others than to you? (So he’s not just flirty with everyone.)
  3. Has he shown any particularly strong signs of interest?
  4. Can you see any patterns in his behavior toward you?

Are you still unsure if he likes you?

Write down your situation in the comments below in as much detail as possible. That way, others can help you out by giving their opinion. I also expect you to help someone else by replying to their comment. We need to all pitch in and help each other.

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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  1. I email him that I like him and he says he just wants to be friends. I dressed really sexy the next day and he looks at me with like, adoration. I am in seventh grade. What do I do? I am an extrovert and he is sort of an introvert.

    • Hey Beverly,
      Honestly, if a guy says he just wants to be friends then he probably means it. If he doesn’t mean it and just lied to you than he’s not the kind of guy you want to be with anyway! Men can be visual creatures sometimes, so if you dress sexy he’s going to notice, but that doesn’t mean he wants anything romantic to happen with you. I say it’s best to start moving on. Sorry for my bluntness, but I say with matters of the heart it’s best to be upfront about things. I wish you all the best!

  2. So this guy works security at my job and I like it a lot but idk if he is interested in me we always talk a lot when were face to face I always make him his coffee when he comes in and he always asks bout my day and always winks and smiles when he sees me at work, were always smiling around each other has always come around how do I say personal space but I don’t mind just last month we were talking about what we like to do on our free time when we’re not working and recently we followed each other on Instagram he does sees my stories but I can send him a message he’ll respond like a short answer and if I reply hell just read it so I don’t know haha how to interpret his feelings and just yesterday I asked him to be my valentines he smiled and chuckled and made a joke but he then said that was funny so I don’t know

  3. I have a crush on this guy, and a few days ago, I was talking to him and his friends. When We talked his friends said:”oooo talking to your girlfriend” and they kept pushing him toward me. What should I do???

    • Eliana,

      If his friends are teasing him about you being his girlfriend than he’s probably been talking to them about you or they’ve noticed that he’s showing signs that he likes you. I would go ahead and ask him out. You can be casual about it, maybe just say something along the lines of “hey, I was thinking about going to see this movie or check out this new place that opened up. Do you want to go with me?” If he says yes than things will most likely flow from there. If he flat out says no without trying to make different plans with you for another time or to do something he’s more interested in than he’s not into you and you can start moving on. Good luck! I hope it works out for you!

  4. Here is a good one for you. (I’m a guy)
    Things I’m noticing with my crush is that she is always looking at me and smiles when we meet eyes. She flirts with me by making fun of me(in a playful way), compliments my earrings, finds ways to touch me, back or wherever, never talks about other guys to me. She definitely has a crush on me but she says she never uses social media much and she doesn’t respond much through the phone. Sometimes she asks for my nicotine and gives puppy dog eyes if I say idk(jokingly). I noticed recently that I when started bringing in chapstick to work, she did the same thing and puts it on when I’m near. Same with the gym, I started going there, then she all of a sudden went. We always say hi when we see each other at work and smile. making her laugh is pretty easy since she seems to laugh at the things I say that don’t make any sense. She has been to my place like twice, once just hanging out and the other for a party. When we had our party and she was over, we ordered pizza, and she was asking to see if the pizza guy was cute, which I feel like she was doing to make me jealous lol. I’m confused about what I should do since we don’t really talk much through the phone, only when I see her at work. I already got her number a few months ago when I asked.

    • I’m a girl and to me it sounds like she likes you. Have you ever invited her to do something just the 2 of you or have you always been in groups? If you say “hey let’s go see this movie together,” or “do you want to go try out this new pizza place with me?” It sets the tone that you want to have more alone time with her and if she is into you then she’ll be more than happy to do stuff with you and if she’s smart she’ll know what you’re intentions are by asking to do stuff just the 2 of you. If you have done stuff together alone, then I would just ask her to do something and when she says yes then just add “great, it’s a date.” At the end. By calling it a date than it leaves no room for confusion and will move things along, hopefully in the direction you want it to go.

  5. There is this guy I met at work recently but whenever I see him I get so excited like my heart would pop out of my chest when I first met him I thought he was never gonna talk to me but once we introduced ourselves he started being super nice to me he talks to me more than other he even ask me if I had a boyfriend or what am I planning for my future as time passed by he’s always checking on me at work because he usually starts work later than me he’s always coming to my department to say good morning like he’s been waiting to see me and he likes to tease me a lot and also everything I say is funny to him he also introducing me to people that he talks to and he met my mom recently he kept on thanking her for coming back to work and helping me he said: “she been so busy she really can use the help thank you for being here.” When he comes to my department he won’t let anyone else serve except me. But what I get hurt the most about is that he’s so nice to everyone. I would always not talk to him when he does that. Today he showed wanted me to serve him and he even helps me put stuff and introduce me to his new friend saying I’m his best friend the one that always makes his day feel better but I got sad and confused later on while serving him I look over at him and he smiled while texting someone on the phone with a serious face. Does he like me or not?! All these are running inside my head. Did overthink the situation?! Let me know what do I should. I don’t know if I can give up.

    • Hey Nalla!
      Honestly, it’s hard to tell with the phone thing and the fact he’s nice to everyone. But there are definitely ways to find out. My advice would be when you see him again maybe mention something you’ve been wanting to do like see a new movie that came out. You could say something along the lines of “hey have you seen X movie yet? I’ve been wanting to see it, but I don’t have anyone to see it with right now.” If he’s into you then he’ll mostly take the bait and step in to be the hero by offering to take you.

  6. I can’t really agree with this lol. As a guy I always send reply message with short answer. I tease other girl and never tease my crush.

  7. When a guy you know starts teasing you and being very playful and flirting. Then all of a sudden he starts staring at you, won’t speak until you give him eye contact. He has become so intense when we have conversations. What does that mean?

  8. When a guy is around you before he was very playful and joking around, now he is very intense when we have conversations. What does that mean?

  9. I know that store owners are usually friendly just to make it to where they possibly try to keep their customers satisfied in wanting to come back to their store but I went inside this convenience store and I haven’t been in there in quite sometime. The store owner noticed me in the store and I was sitting at this table at the simple simons part of the store. He stopped to talk to me and carried on the longest conversation with me. Although I have seen him from time to time for many years, I never actually knew this guy. The whole time he spoke to me he was smiling from ear to ear. He may quickly smile at others but i seemed to be different. Was he speaking to me because he hasn’t seen me in awhile? Or is there something more? I am a woman in my 30s and he is probably in his 50s.yes,i know quite the age difference. I all the time get compliments on my looks usually by guys on Facebook that doesn’t know me or hardly know me and I guess I am letting social media get to my brain. Why would I think he’s flirting?

  10. This guy and I have been talking for a little over a year now. We go on dates every week but he hasn’t explicitly asked me to be his girlfriend yet. He’s told me I’m the only one he wants and he doesn’t talk to anyone else but he’s never asked me to be his girlfriend. We’ve talked about traveling together (after the pandemic) when it’s safe to do so. I haven’t met his family yet but he’s come to my house to briefly meet my dad. We’ve never kissed, but we have been intimate in other ways. I tend to overthink everything so I wanted to reach out for help. Are these red flags? Should I be concerned??

  11. I have a this manager who I have a crush on and I think its mutual . When we are in a chat in ; his body is always pointing towards me and constantly makes eye contact with me more than others. We often look each other when someone makes a joke or I would give me a look when I’m trying to communicate something non- verbally. He will find a way to touch my hand by handing something to me. He can tell when something upset me by cheering me up and he gets me a special order since I’m vegetarian when catering to others.
    I remember him getting upset because I was on a phone with “someone” in the break room so he did the same thing to make me jealous ? What is this mean? And how should I go about this with boundaries?

  12. i love a boy he loves my bestie , but she does not like him he is not leaving her and now recaently he is forcing me to tell my crush and as changed weird like he is askign my interrest etc so wht should i do? and should i tell my crush is him and wht to do if i want to know if he has space in his heart for me?

  13. I have a doubt whether the guy I love loves me back. I have seen him on a bus I daily travel back home. he is the bus conductor of that bus. one day I noticed that he is looking at me. so from that day onwards, I was watching him. but when I look he looks somewhere. and one day he didn’t come. I missed him. the next day he came. he was wearing a casual dress, not in his uniform. his hair was tied up. I think he stares at me when I am not looking at him. but I am confused whether he loves me or any other girl on that bus. I love him a lot. is that my imagination he is loving me because I love him. please can you find me a way to find whether he loves me or not

  14. there’s this guy that I like and he acts a lot different ever since we became friends but I don’t know if I should ask him out or not because I’m scared if I ask him out that he won’t be my friend and not talk to me anymore

  15. So it’s like I like this one guy who’s 1 year younger than me in my school.
    I like noticed him after seeing him staring at me and now it’s been 4 years since then. And in these times I have only talked to him once directly as he was the one who talked first and the other time in insta. But in these years he has given me many mixed feelings as sometimes he just keeps on staring at me even after I notice and even talked about me to his friends in front of me but sometimes it’s like we are strangers and it’s confusing me. Normally when I walk behind him and his friends all his friends would be looking at me. Once they even took a present in front of me saying “dude she’s here you should show her what you got for Christmas”. But the issue is I’m not sure what it is and I really don’t wanna ask cause he is a popular guy why would he even look at me and I don’t want my heartbroken. Also, my fate is trashy the times when I really wanna see him I don’t but when I am not thinking about him he appears unexpectedly. I really love him but I don’t know what to do…….

  16. so I like a guy on my hockey team. he’s a year younger than me. I consider him a friend but I want it to be more. I don’t know if he does so it’s really confusing. we mostly talk on Snapchat because of covid. he shows interest in getting to know me which is good. My mom keeps taking my phone so I can’t really talk to him and I’m afraid that he’s going to lose interest if he hasn’t already. that’s all.
    – Vayda

  17. So there’s this guy that goes to my gymnastics that I really love. He’s so funny, kind and chill. I’ve had feelings for him for a while. He’s rejected me before but he still looks at me this way, kind of flirty and he’s helped me up so many times when I fell over. He also smiles at me all the time and we talk more often than the rest of the people in our friend group. I don’t know if he likes me or not. What do I do?

  18. So I have a co-worker that I met this past summer. We’re basically working in a camp of 80 people as were tree planters. When we first met; I didn’t think anything of him other than that he was pretty funny and quirky.

    But over the course of the summer, a friend of mine who’s known him for years told him that I was a favorite new person this summer (that was 2 weeks into the season). This led to me finding out later on that he was super supportive of me as I had team members telling me how much he would tell them not to bother me, let me do my thing; he always had my back yet we never spoke. Until one day when we’re like a month into the job, we’re alone and we just got to chatting and connected on a deeper level.

    He asked me personal questions about my interests, yet these were things I never told him about (so he must’ve asked other people or was eavesdropping)… This led to us realizing we had a lot of things in common; the conversation was full of ease and playful teasing and laughter as well as touching on serious things that he hadn’t shared with anyone else.

    After that moment, things just grew. One day I hit a personal best and he was the one who told me I could do it and when I showed back home after work, he asked me if I succeeded even though he already knew I did (he didn’t know that I knew he knew) and I replied yes, in which he called me over to congratulate me with a big hug. This led to us becoming cooler with one another, a few days after that it led to conversations of relationships, sex, playful banter between us in which throughout the summer he’d make a lot of sexual innuendos toward me. I’d catch him countless times staring at me or only focusing on eye contact with me when we were in large groups.

    During the days he and I would go back and forth teasing each other, jokes towards each other. He’d tell me I’m the funniest person he’s ever met. The first time he saw me dressed up; he was intrigued trying to get my attention all night.

    At camp he would yell my name across the room, “Hey ______, how was your day?” (and just smile, yet I was sitting with a whole group of guys). I could see him subtly becoming more flirty when he would touch my lower back playfully if I was tying my shoes, or touch my arm in conversation.

    And things kind of changed another night as I was dancing with all the girls and he came up to me asking me to slow dance with him. I was so awkward and later in the night, he pointed at me to come over to him to dance! I’m a super sensual dancer and so it got hot but we didn’t touch, he would just watch my body and would be grinning/smiling.

    On other party nights, if he was drinking, he’d always come up to me and tell me that “he loves me and adores me.” Nearing the end of the season, he’d say things; like “I’m going to cook us dinner or teach you how to do an activity.” After the season we’re living in the same city, and he initiated some hangouts but didn’t follow through completely. On a few nights out he got to the point of kissing me on the forehead in front of others and even hand-holding as we go bar to bar. But the issue is, is that he was in an open relationship during the summer…. idk where they stand now? But I’m curious to know if he really liked me? I’ve never even kissed a guy and I’m 26 so it’s hard for me to dissect this stuff (people think I’ve done everything cuz I’m super confident in their eyes but in relationships I’ve never even kissed or done anything with anyone…) And I’m going to see him in a few months for round 2…. So I want to know how I should ask him or if I should just initiate a kiss when we’re getting super flirty with one another.

  19. I’m so confused we used to talk loads but now we’re distant and he smiles at me and I catch him staring in the distance loads I try to stare but I’m just a shy person I try to impress him and I usually bite my lips which I realized is kinda flirting I practically try to get his attention and I get jealous easily

  20. So I met this boy at my new school a few weeks ago and he teases me and messes with me. He knows I like him and he has told his friends that he likes me more and more everyday. So what should I do? Should I make my move and ask him out? Or should I wait until he asks me out?

  21. Am feeling confused, I actually liked this guy before then I decided to get over him and I did. we became close friends he is actually the only person I trust I am feeling scared he is going to leave me soon the way every one of my other friends did. He at times tells me he is busy to talk to me. He talks to other girls and I have no problem with that but what troubles me the most is a girl that wasn’t talking to him before that suddenly started talking to him I feel she has a motive behind it. At times I would catch him starring at me .many times he has dragged me close to him but in private. We hardly talked in public. I don’t understand his behavior any longer. I can’t explain what is going on.

  22. I confess but he rejected me last year. And now he looks at me in a different way than he did. He keeps staring et me when I talk to other boys.

  23. Hey, so I met this guy at a wedding and caught him staring at me a few times, he does stare but does not give very clear signs… He starts setting his hair at times when I’m around.. so I was a bit confused… And I’m a bit nervous about starting a conversation.. so I need some tips on how to approach him as well.

  24. Hey, so I met this guy at a wedding and caught him staring at me a few times, he does stare but not giving very clear signs.. He starts setting his hair at times when I’m around.. so I was a bit confused…

  25. Hi. I’m wondering if my Manger likes me. He has been talking to me a lot and picking. He pokes me a lot and does a thing to aggravate me, it doesn’t. He cooked brisket for me and my son. We’ve texted some back and forth and talked on the phone a few times. He bought a bidet for the Christmas present thing at work but didn’t join. I wanted it and he was off this past week and messaged me about one He found for 20 if I wanted it to go e to my person. Sometimes his text is short. People were starting to talk and say I had a crush on him and I told him as well as maybe I did have a crush on him. One of us would have to relocate stores. He does pick and carry on with the others one I. Front of me but he always looks at me and starts with me.

  26. Co-worker has a gf but I swear he likes me, he’s always chatting and asks questions not related to work, I’ve felt him watching me and caught him, he holds ey contact and seems to have alot of common interests, he will often say yeah I like that too, or I’ve done that, or love that band, etc, he never mentions his gf to me or brushes it off if I ask him, ie you seeing your gf this weekend, he often goes na,can’t be bothered they live a distance so I can gather, I do like this guy but no way would I do anything when he’s not single, and I don’t think his that guy either, maybe he’s just being friendly, but my gut tells me different


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