How to Double Your Confidence in 5 Minutes

The science behind the experiment

In our course “Fast Friend Protocol“, you’ll learn how to talk to people and connect with them—even if you don’t know what to say or get stuck in endless small talk.

How will you use what you learned in this video clip? Share in the comments below! If someone writes something you agree with, let them know you have their support!

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  1. This was simple, understandable, and yet obtainable. I will definitely try this in my next social situation. The video was excellent and easy. Thank you!

  2. I was not even going to look, but this is my second email from you, and i could not remember signing up for anything so i was prepared to dismiss yet more spam, unsubscribe and move on.
    And yet, way to go, this is well done, for me was a humbling lesson and those are the best, driving me to fix my own sxxt. Thank you.

  3. Thank you for the above info on focusing all my attention on the person lm talking.
    Im grateful for your help and will try this out soon!

  4. I realized that I often focus on me and how I am perceived by the other person. I’m always checking others for signs of rejection because of past experiences … Shifting my focus seems like easy advice that will take a lot of practice. I’m glad, though, that it’s backed by science ☺️????

  5. I think this video was helpful because I knew fo the first time that
    confidence person can feel nervous than me and It is better to focus on other person then yourself.

  6. Damn this video was much better than I expected! Very valuable and some very crucial things have been said! Focusing on the other person vs focusing on the self image, and the fact we put too much importance on to ourselves, like we most likely still look confident even when we feel like we don’t have confidence, and others might be feeling similar to you even though they don’t look like that.

  7. How do you handle a situation where the other person has taken the same advice and wants to only talk about me?? I want to talk about them ans they keep redirecting the conversation to me….help! How do you keep the conversation about the other person?

  8. I Learnt how to not dwell on your thoughts about yourself, but to focus on the person your with…. definitely going to give it a try ????

  9. I didn’t think that I would like this video but after watching it, I really liked it and I just got more relaxed. Yeah, you’re right. When we focus on ourselves, especially with kind of “negative thoughts”, we experience anxiety and a flood of negative thoughts following the previous ones.

  10. Hello, wow, I really loved this is exactly what I am living now, I AM focusing on myself during conversations and not on the other person or the moment as well, that makes me feel weak during a sharing time…I feel tense…I have to let it go!

  11. Not was I was expecting. This shows social situations. I have one friend and he’s very ill. I have zero social situations.

  12. focusing on being curious about what the other person is saying works. Sometimes, I feel like I do it so well that i dont get much of anyone being aquainted with anything about me. I understand that people love to talk about themselves so i find it pretty easy to get conversations going, but I do feel like I have left many conversations where people dont know anything about me. How do I share myself without being boastful or appearing too confident? Is it ok to talk a little about my experience? Even if they dont ask?

    • I wondered about the same thing, people like to talk about themselves and sometimes I think forgets to ask about me and how I am doing.

      Maybe ???? spending more time with them they will ask who we are and what do we think. If that doesn’t happen write off as an acquaintance and Maybe they aren’t the friend I want in my life? Just a thought! What do you think?

      • There is a possibility that they are less in to you. Like, they may care a little when it comes to your side

      • Sometimes people do that because they are nervous themselves, people with trauma history will do that too…

        Definitely say something for yourself when you’re feeling confident. Maybe even ask if there’s anything they’d like to ask you to remind them they can…

        If people just talk at you and never ask you anything about yourself I’d be thinking (and I have someone doing this to me at the moment) that although I’ll maintain the contact maybe not to rely on that person as ‘close friend’ material because whatever is going on with them right now they don’t seem to have the capacity for that….don’t take it personally…. its more about them than about you!

    • I also have the same problem many times! I find it easy to ask good questions of the other person, have them talk and open up. But they don’t end up asking me very many questions. So I just started to give my own thoughts, experiences, and opinions on things whenever there is a pause and without out them asking me. At least I feel like I am getting my 2 cents out there, whether they are interested or not! If you keeping asking questions about the other person and they are talking most of the time, then it becomes all about them and very one sided. So I ask questions to learn more about them, but also to hopefully start a back and forth conversation going.

    • Yes exactly, it is the go-to tip for every article on how to get people to like you.

      But it has to be mutual, how can you have a conversation where you are both engaged, instead of an interview type of situation, where I have to listen constantly, and nobody is ever interested in me?

    • Maybe share something about you that is relevant to them or what they’re saying, and are likely to be interested in?
      (Disclaimer: I’m also figuring out how to talk to people)

    • Yes girl add what you want to say as well so they get to learn about you about well. I usually don’t ask because I think I’m doing too much and I expect them to just say what they want and I resent people when they don’t ask questions about me like of they don’t care but maybe they’re just overthinking it like me


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