Do People Ignore You? Reasons Why & What to Do

Scientifically reviewed by Viktor Sander B.Sc., B.A.

When I was younger, I was often ignored in social settings.

Later in life, I started studying social interaction. Doing so helped me figure out the reasons why people ignored me. Today, thousands of people take my courses on social skills.

Here’s what my journey taught me about being ignored:

People ignoring you isn’t a reflection of who you are. You are still a worthy person even if people ignore you. However, by figuring out why people ignore you, you can work on developing certain social skills that will reduce the chance people will ignore you in the future.

By making small changes, you can make people notice you, respect you, and want to talk to you. You don’t need to change who you are.


Reasons people may ignore you

Feeling ignored can be downright painful. The “still face experiment” shows that babies become overwhelmed when their attempts to connect with their caregivers are ignored, and the same pattern continues when we are adults. There is nothing wrong with you for feeling distressed when ignored by others.

Here are some reasons people may ignore you and what you can do about it.

1. You’re too quiet

People usually don’t understand that you’re quiet because you’re shy or don’t know what to say (or because you’re an overthinker, like me).

Instead, they think that you’re quiet because you don’t want to talk to them. So, they think they’ll do you a favor by leaving you alone.

If people try talking to you, but you only give short replies, you aren’t “rewarding them” for making an effort and talking to you. They might even feel rejected and won’t want to try again.

If you know you’re quiet, overthink situations, or are shy, I recommend you work on your conversation skills or shyness first. If you do, your problems with being ignored will likely solve themselves.

2. You’re trying too hard

I tried too hard to make friends, and people picked up on that. Healthy people may shy away from people that come across as too needy.

I experienced this later in life from the other side. When someone seems too eager to talk to me, I just feel that they are a bit desperate. That makes me less motivated to speak with them.

At the same time, you don’t want to be distant or not take the initiative to talk. So how do you take the initiative without coming off as needy?

The solution is to be proactive by talking to people. Just stop rushing the process. You can see it as doing the same thing but dialing down the intensity a few notches. Stop trying to prove yourself through bragging or humblebragging. It has the opposite effect.

Instead of trying to convey all my personality on the first day, I let it take weeks or months. Instead of forcing conversation, I made it when it felt natural. In other words, I “smeared out” my initiatives and inquiries with people over a longer time. It stopped making me seem needy, and people were more eager to talk to me.

Be proactive and social, but take your time doing it. Never look for approval. It’ll make you more attractive.

3. You’re waiting for people to acknowledge you

Because I was insecure, I used to wait for people to acknowledge me. To avoid the risk of rejection, I wanted to wait for others to be nice to me first. Instead, people took me for being unfriendly and arrogant.

I learned that I needed to greet people first and be warm right off the bat by smiling and asking friendly questions.

If I was uncertain whether someone I met would remember me from the last time, I dared to be warm and confident. “Hi! Good to see you again!”. (This has ALWAYS been appreciated and feels much better than ignoring them out of insecurity.)

Being warm and friendly doesn’t mean being needy.

4. You might struggle to build rapport

One of the pillars of social skills is to build rapport. That is, being able to pick up on the situation and act appropriately. People who don’t build rapport tend to annoy those around them.

You may be thinking that if you change depending on the situation, that makes you fake.

Being able to bring forth different aspects of who we are is a fundamental part of being human. You act in one way with your grandma and in another with your friends, which is how it should be.

I think it’s beautiful that you can connect with people deeply by picking up on the mood and letting out a part of your personality that matches.

Here are some examples of breaking rapport that can make people ignore you:

  1. Talking much more or much less than others
  2. Being way too high or low energy
  3. Talking about stuff others aren’t interested in
  4. Swearing heavily when no one else is
  5. Trying to be cool or aloof when others are being nice

The list goes on forever. We simply can’t memorize all these things, and it would be fake to have a list of ways to act.

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Instead, think about how someone is. In other words, how would you act if you wanted to imitate that person? Are they soft-spoken? Calm? Intense?

We have a surprisingly good understanding of how someone is when we think about it, right? The next time you meet, bring forward the part of you that’s also soft-spoken, calm, or intense. The wonder of being a human is that we have all these aspects inside of us. Rapport is about using them when it’s appropriate.

When you do, you’ll connect with people on a deeper level, and they’ll want to be around you more.

5. You might be negative or low-energy

Always being negative or low-energy is also a way of breaking rapport, but since it’s such a common reason for being ignored, I want to elaborate on it.

It’s OK to be negative or low energy sometimes. We all are. But if it’s a habit, it’s something worth looking into.

Here are some examples of having a negative attitude:

  1. Not smiling or showing happiness
  2. Not being appreciative of your friends
  3. Being quiet and giving one-word responses to questions
  4. Being overly cynical
  5. Arguing with someone who says something positive

It’s devastating to be low energy or negative because people are affected by that energy. Since people want to avoid negative emotions, we avoid people who emit them.

This isn’t about being annoyingly positive or overly high-energy. It’s about being able to pick up on the energy level and positivity level of others and be in the same ballpark.

You don’t have to pretend to be happy when you’re not, but be aware of the energy you bring to social situations.

For example, you can say you’re not in a good mood but still refrain from bringing negative energy into your interactions. You may say something like, “I’m not doing so well today, but I’m sure it will pass. How are you doing?”

You might also like this article on how to be more positive about life.

6. You might look tense

I couldn’t understand why people approached and talked to my friends but not me. It took me years to discover that whenever I got uncomfortable, I had a stern look that signaled, “Don’t talk to me.”

Ask your friends if you look angry or stern in social settings. If you do, remind yourself to relax your face and practice greeting people with a smile instead.

7. You might come off as weird

Another mistake I made was trying to be unique by having odd humor that people didn’t get. It turned out that they didn’t know if I was joking or not, which made them uncomfortable. And people tend to avoid people who make them feel uncomfortable.

Another way you may seem weird is by bringing up niche interests that are unrelated to what people are talking about.

Being weird is a big topic, and I recommend you read my guide: Why am I so weird?

8. You’re talking too much

Talking too much can overwhelm the other person, and they may not know how to handle the situation other than ignoring you and hoping that you stop talking.

Telling someone that they’re talking too much feels impolite, so many people would rather ignore you than tell you that you’re overwhelming them.

This article on how to deal with talking too much can give you helpful tips.

9. You’re asking too many questions

Asking someone too many questions can make them feel like you’re interrogating them.

You want to balance asking sincere questions and sharing bits and pieces about your life.

Why don’t people just say they don’t want to hang out?

Ignoring someone is not particularly nice, but remember that most people struggle with social skills and communication to some degree. Telling someone, “I don’t want to spend time with you,” feels hurtful and impolite, so ignoring the situation and hoping that the other person picks up on it feels easier to most people.

It’s a case of inaction being easier than action. Even though ignoring someone can hurt just as much as rejecting them outright, it feels as though it’s less hurtful.

Also, people have their own lives going on. They aren’t obligated to help you out socially, nor do they have the training or resources to do so, even if they are interested. That’s why many therapists, coaches, and courses specialize in healthy communication, social anxiety, improving relationships, and so on. It takes time and energy to learn and teach these important skills.

The good news is that when you do the work to learn these skills, you’ll get rewarded with a rich and rewarding social life.

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Their plans start at $64 per week. If you use this link, you get 20% off your first month at BetterHelp + a $50 coupon valid for any SocialSelf course: Click here to learn more about BetterHelp.

(To receive your $50 SocialSelf coupon, sign up with our link. Then, email BetterHelp’s order confirmation to us to receive your personal code. You can use this code for any of our courses.)

Reasons for being ignored in group settings

Does it seem like the people you talk to ignore you once a third person joins the conversation? Do people look at your friends when they talk, but not you? Do people talk over you in group settings?

All these things are super painful when they happen, but they don’t have to be personal.

Here are some reasons you may be getting ignored in group settings and what you can do about it.

1. You’re too quiet or take up too little space

Whenever I’m in a group with someone quiet, I think, “That person probably doesn’t want to talk.” So I don’t bother them. After a while, I usually forget about the person because the people active in the conversation capture my attention.

It’s nothing personal against the quiet person.

You must take up more space if you want others to notice you in group settings. You can learn to talk louder and practice knowing what to say

2. You forget to make eye contact when you talk

I was puzzled that when I started talking in groups, someone could speak over me. Then, I realized that when I spoke too quietly (like I talked about in the last step) or when I looked down or away.

If you start talking and look away, it’s like you say something in passing. If you want to create the feeling that you’re about to tell a story, you have to keep eye contact from the start. When you make eye contact with someone, it’s almost impossible for them to start talking about something else.

3. You’re not showing interest

Feeling left out of the group conversation, zoning out, and looking unengaged are common reasons people get ignored. People will subconsciously feel like you’re not part of the conversation anymore (even if you’re physically still there), and they’ll ignore you.

The trick is to look engaged even when you’re just listening:

  1. Make constant eye contact with the speaker.
  2. React to things people say by saying “hmm,” “wow/interesting/ah,” nodding, and showing other forms of engagement whenever it fits.
  3. Ask follow-up questions.

When you show that you’re engaged and attentive, you’ll notice how the speaker starts directing their story toward YOU.

You might like this article on what to do when people leave you out of a group conversation.

4. You have a closed-off body language

If you get shy or anxious in groups or worry that people won’t like you, you may play it safe by acting more distant. Unfortunately, this backfires. People don’t want to interact with someone who looks unapproachable.

You need to keep an open body language and look friendly. This can be hard, especially if you’re nervous. But the good news is that you can fake it until you make it. Practice looking approachable in the mirror. Use that look consciously when you know that you might look closed off.

5. You’re misjudging the situation

I often obsessed over not being included in the group and being left out. There was this super social popular guy I knew, and one day I decided to analyze him in social settings.

To my surprise, he sat silent for long periods without anyone speaking to him. It’s just that he wasn’t bothered by it. When I paid attention to it, people regularly got left out of conversations for a long time. It’s just that I hadn’t noticed because I was busy worrying about myself.

Pay attention to how others are treated in groups. Sometimes, it could be in your head that you’re ignored more than others. People may talk over you because they’re over-excited rather than not caring about what you say.

Reasons friends may ignore you

Do you meet people who are friendly at first but then seem to lose interest after a while? Perhaps you hang out for weeks or months, and then they stop returning your calls or are always “busy.” If you can relate to this, the issues are quite different from being ignored in early interaction. There are many reasons why friends stop keeping in touch after a while.

Often, it’s because we do something that takes rather than gives the friend energy.

Here are some reasons friends might ignore you:

  • You might be too negative
  • You might be too high or low energy compared to your friend
  • You might talk too much about yourself
  • You might talk about things your friend isn’t interested in

Reasons for being ignored on text/chat/online

“Why do people ignore me when I text them?”

“I see that people read my message, but then they don’t reply.”

This really sucks, and there can be several explanations.

For example, if people ignore you online AND in other situations, you want to start by looking at the general reasons I started off this article with.

Here are three reasons for being ignored online and over text.

1. You make small talk

We can make small talk in real life to kill awkward silence. Online, people often expect more of a reason to talk, like planning something or sharing specific information.

On text, don’t just write “What’s up?”. People often don’t respond to those types of messages because they expect the person who texted first to share their reason for texting.

To prevent being ignored online, include a reason for contacting people. For example, “Hey, do you happen to have a copy of the exam questions?”

With almost all of my friends, I only communicate to 1) discuss something specific, 2) send easy-to-consume memes, 3) link to something we know that the other person really likes, or 4) plan for meeting up.

2. People might be busy

I used to feel terrible when people didn’t respond. Then, as my life got busier, I started doing the same thing without having any bad feelings about the person. If you send a normal, legitimate question like something I mentioned above, wait for two days, then send a reminder.

If people, as a pattern, don’t reply after that, you want to look at the general reasons why people might ignore you.

We have more specific advice on how to start a conversation over text and how to make friends online.

3. Your messages aren’t clear

Sometimes someone may ignore your message if it isn’t clear what you’re trying to say.

If you’re unsure if you’re getting your message across properly, consider asking someone to read your messages and offer you some feedback.

Reasons for being ignored at a new job/school/place

It can be very stressful to start at a new place and feel left out. You want to blend in and feel comfortable, but it doesn’t seem to be happening.

Here are some reasons for being ignored at a new job, school, or place:

1. People mainly hang out with those they are most comfortable around

People with around three or more close friends are often less motivated to socialize (because they have their social needs covered). These people aren’t going to actively try to socialize with you. It’s nothing personal. When you have your social needs fulfilled, you will be as content as they are.

We can’t keep score of who takes initiative first. You must take the initiative repeatedly if you’re around people who already have their social needs met. It’s essential to do this in a non-needy way, as I talked about at the beginning of the article.

2. You haven’t built up your friendships yet

Most friendships are based on mutual interests. It seldom works to make close friends with people you have nothing in common with. If you’re new somewhere, seek out groups of people who share your interests. You can then use that interest as a reason for keeping in touch with them.

“Hi Amanda, how’s your photography project going? I just took some long-exposure photos in the park yesterday. Do you want to meet up to take photos together?” works infinitely better than out of nowhere saying, “Hi, want to meet up after work?”

If you try to make friends with people you have nothing in common with, you have a higher risk of being ignored.

3. It hasn’t been enough time

It takes time to make friends, and that can be stressful. I remember panicking when I was new in class. I thought that if people saw me by myself, they would think I was a loser. That made me try to push my way into the social circle, which came off as needy.

Later, I learned this from a socially savvy friend: It’s OK to be by yourself, and if you look like you enjoy it, people won’t see it as bad. They’ll just think you’re an introvert who prefers time alone.

Instead of pushing yourself onto others, learn to enjoy being by yourself occasionally. If you have open body language and a warm, relaxed face, you don’t come off as the loser but as the chill person who’s decided to have some alone time.

Feeling ignored when you have social anxiety

If you come off as very nervous or insecure, that can make people less motivated to interact with you. Why? Because when you feel awkward, they feel uncomfortable, and we humans want to avoid negative feelings.

Social anxiety can also make you prone to overanalyzing social situations so that you feel ignored even when people don’t mean to ignore you. For example, you may become hyper-aware of how long it takes someone to text you back, and you stress out when it takes them longer than before.

If you have social anxiety or shyness, put all your effort into working on that first! When you can be a bit more relaxed meeting with people, the problem of being ignored will probably self-solve!

Feeling ignored when you have depression

It’s especially common to feel ignored when you’re having depression. It could be for any of the reasons I’ve covered so far. But when we feel depressed, some additional things in our brain can distort reality.

1. It’s harder to see things from others’ perspective

When we have depression, studies show that our brain is worse at seeing things from others’ perspectives.

If we’re in a good mood and don’t get a response to a text, we probably just assume the person is busy. In a depressed state, it feels like proof that we’re worthless to others.

Consciously remind yourself that when you’re depressed, your brain is tricking you. Ask yourself: How would a happy person think about this situation? I’m not saying that mindset will help your depression, but it will help you get a more realistic view of the situation.

2. People may think you don’t like them

I’ve encountered people who seemed unfriendly and cold, only to discover later they were depressed and felt lonely.

If you behave coldly toward others, they will often assume that you are unfriendly and don’t like them.

Don’t wait for people to come to you when you’re depressed. Let your friends know that you appreciate them and like them. Tell them that you are going through tough times and any bad mood is because of that, NOT because of them.

What can you do about it?

Seek professional support from a therapist

Depression is not easy to deal with by yourself. For some people, it may be impossible. Consult your doctor and consider looking for a therapist.

Today, there are many types of interventions for depression, including talk therapies, group therapy, medication, somatic-based therapies (therapies that focus on noticing body sensations rather than talking), and so on. So even if you’ve tried therapy or medication in the past and it wasn’t helpful, it’s worth inquiring about different treatments.

We recommend BetterHelp for online therapy, since they offer unlimited messaging and a weekly session, and are cheaper than going to a therapist's office.

Their plans start at $64 per week. If you use this link, you get 20% off your first month at BetterHelp + a $50 coupon valid for any SocialSelf course: Click here to learn more about BetterHelp.

(To receive your $50 SocialSelf coupon, sign up with our link. Then, email BetterHelp’s order confirmation to us to receive your personal code. You can use this code for any of our courses.)

Would you still be ignored if you were better looking?

It’s true that looks can affect your social life.

But while people are more likely to notice conventionally attractive people, being beautiful is not enough to build fulfilling relationships. Nor is being unattractive a reason not to have friendships.

Investing in good hygiene, clothes, and posture can make a world of difference. Even if you’re not naturally attractive, there is a lot you can do to draw positive attention to yourself physically. If you’re insecure about your physical appearance, consider investing in a good haircut with a professional hair stylist, consulting with a clothes stylist to find the colors and styles that compliment you most, or improving your posture by working with a physical therapist. Remember that this is what most celebrities and influencers do. Sure, they start with good genes, but they have whole teams working behind the scenes to ensure they look good every day.

David Morin is the founder of SocialSelf. He's been writing about social skills since 2012. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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  1. I feel like I am ignored by women because they think I believe I am attractive when I don’t. People do get discriminated against for not looking like a model, but people who put effort into looking their best can also be discriminated against as well. The only reason I even knew this was happening is because I had coworkers at 2 different jobs tell me that it was the reason the other girls didn’t like me. I go out of my way to be kind and fit in and it sounds bad to even post this because it could come across as me thinking I’m more attractive than others and I can guarantee you that couldn’t be further from the truth.

  2. This article is full of bs. All the titles begin with “YOU”. “You are too weird”? Who in the world gives out advice like this?

    I think this article is rather teaching you how to be liked by everyone else by changing who you are & how to become a snob.

  3. This article contains a mix of things that are obvious and complete BS. If you are struggling in this area there are so many better resources out there.

    David Morin. Otroligt mycket av det du skriver är direkt kontraproduktivt. Har du kompetens att hjälpa människor eller är du bara en fantastisk entreprenör i din “hemstat”?

  4. This is a nightmare for an autistic person. It’s overwhelming and you can’t just be yourself — no one will like you because you’re “weird”. Enter “masking”, which is exhausting.

    I’ve taken to telling people I’m on the spectrum and that I’m not “unfriendly”, just overwhelmed in certain venues. It’s too difficult to try and deal with all these “rules” neurotypicals have and judge others by.

  5. I have been in social situations when the conversation comes around to talking about a person in this group I would normally talk well about the person but if someone in the group started to say horrible things about this person I would not conform to this group’s behavior if the group then ignored me because I did not conform to what they are saying i would move on its a bit like pack mentality when one leaves the pack like a heard of lions they would not be welcome back (if this makes sense), it would not bother me at all because I don’t follow sheep.

  6. This is very generic to living in an ego-based world. When people connect more with their true essence they will realize how tedious it is to try and make sure we tick all the boxes on the above list. For most of my life, I’ve been a chameleon who changes for others so that I’m accepted. I would much rather be alone than dilute parts of myself that aren’t accepted by the group I’m with. Who really wants to fit in cos it’s based on our survival. Really doing this means we are dead and are not able to be an independent thinker. Doing this leads to a lot of Co dependency.

    Find your tribe rather than trying to be things to all ppl. We are fundamentally flawed as human beings. So what’s the point in faking who you are so that you’re accepted by people who don’t see you for you.

    People are selfish and really only care about their own needs being met.

    When you accept yourself even when there are things that your struggle with. You change.

    The deeper you go into life, the more you realize no one really cares. Unless you are serving their agenda.

    This doesn’t cover all the agenda-based relationships. And no one sadly wants to hear the truth.

  7. The article accurately identified the mistakes I made while conversing. However, I realized that there were people to whom I have been extremely helpful and supported through a lot of things. They also invalidate my presence, and that too possibly because of reasons cited above. I realized these friends are undeserving for making such efforts, and you might as well stay away from them and stick to the select few who will treat you for the person you are. People around and popular media might make you feel that having more connections is a good thing, but living a fulfilling life is far from that. Few good relations in your life will make it very fulfilling, and you will truly cherish it.


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