47 Signs a Girl Likes You (How to Know if She Has a Crush)

How do you know if a girl likes you or even has a crush on you? These days, it can be quite difficult to know. She may be acting friendly, but what if she’s friendly towards everyone? Is she flirting, or are you imagining it?

Some women are more outgoing than others, so they may seem like they’re flirting even when they’re not. And some are shy, so they may seem withdrawn and uninterested even if they have a huge crush! It can be pretty hard to figure out, which is why we wrote this guide.


  1. Signs she likes you
  2. Does your best friend have a crush on you?
  3. How can you know for sure if a girl likes you?

47 signs she likes you

Unless a girl tells you outright that she likes you, you will have to try to understand by her context clues. When we have a crush on someone, there are usually changes in behavior around that person. Some changes are intentional (if they’re trying to show you that they are interested), while others are unintentional (due to nervousness).

The more of these signs she shows, the more likely it is that she has a crush on you, rather than just being a flirty or friendly person overall. Here are 47 signs to help tell if a girl likes you.

1. She laughs at your jokes

Laughing at your jokes can be a huge sign of interest (especially if you are not a particularly funny person…) If she smiles and laughs a lot around you, she may have a crush.

If you want to make a girl you like to laugh more, you may like to read this article on how to be funny (for un-funny people).

2. She mirrors you

Mirroring means that her body language, posture, or even what she’s saying reflects what you said or did. So if you take a sip of your glass, if she’s mirroring that, she’ll also take a sip of her glass. Or if you cross your legs and she does the same, that’s also mirroring.

Remember that mirroring is done subconsciously when she has a very good rapport with you. But it can also be done consciously if she wants to impress or bond with you. It’s a great sign either way.

3. She adds you on social media

This one means she wants to stay in touch and is at least a little bit interested in you. It also makes it much easier for you to take initiative by messaging or commenting on her posts.

4. She writes you long texts

Is she always giving you short answers, or is she giving you a small novel as a reply?

If her texts are about the same length or longer than yours, that’s great. It’s especially good if they’re longer than yours.

If you’re usually giving her long replies but not getting the same in return, it means you’re probably too eager. In that case, it’s often good to step back a bit and try to match her better. Give her some space, so she wants to come back to you again.

5. She teases you

Is it mean teasing or more flirty and light-hearted?

Most forms of teasing (even mean) are usually a sign she’s interested in you. I LOVE it when a girl I like tries to tease me. It means she’s trying to create a flirty vibe between you and that she wants a reaction from you. Just don’t take it too seriously and try to have fun with her!

6. She leans in toward you

If she’s leaning in toward you, that’s a sign she’s eager to get your attention or get her message across. And in the best case, it also means she’s eager to get closer to you.

7. She moves closer to you

If you’re in a conversation and you feel like she’s edging closer to you, or as if she’s almost uncomfortably too close to you, that’s a good sign. It could mean she’s attracted to you and wants to feel closer to you both physically and mentally.

Take note that different cultures have different “personal spaces.” So, if she’s from a different culture than you, it might just be because of that.

8. She bites her lips

Biting herself lightly on the lip is a flirty and cute (or sexy) signal. If she’s biting herself in the lip while you’re talking, that’s great. She’s probably into you.

9. She smiles at you

If she’s smiling toward you from afar, that’s an invitation to approach her. Or she’s flirting with you. (I’m assuming you didn’t just forget to put your pants on when leaving home).

If she’s smiling toward you when you’re in a conversation, that’s a sign she likes you. Especially if she has a light smile while you’re not even joking.

10. She licks her lips or teeth

Is she licking her lips or teeth? This is similar to biting her lips, but a bit more subtle and less flirty. Still a good sign she might like you.

11. She’s blinking more than normal

According to Blake Eastman, a body language expert, an increased blink rate can signify attraction[1], so it may be a good sign if you notice that she seems to be blinking more around you.

12. Her pupils are larger than normal

If her pupils get large when you’re in a conversation, you’re doing something right. This one is quite subtle because pupil size is primarily determined by light levels, but secondarily attraction can also increase pupil size.

13. She’s keeping eye contact for longer

If you notice that she’s holding eye contact slightly longer than normal, she’s probably trying to get your attention or make a connection with you. It’s a good sign that she’s interested in you. That kind of eye contact often feels more intense and can even be a bit weird or uncomfortable.

14. She’s gives you a light smile

Say that you’re all standing in a circle, and you two make eye contact when someone else is talking. Does she give you a slight smile? She probably likes you (or is a very kind person, which is also a good sign!)

Same thing if you make eye contact at a distance, in a park, or at a bar. A smile is like an invitation to start talking.

15. She looks at you with open body language

This sign is most useful at a place with some background music, such as a bar or a club.

If she’s moving in rhythm with the background music and at the same time looking at you, that can be a sign she’s attracted to you. Dancing like that and looking at you is an inviting form of body language. That tells you she wants your attention and is trying to get you to make a move.

16. She corrects her posture

Does she straighten her posture when she gets your attention or is close to you? That means she’s trying to make a good impression on you.

On the other hand, a more relaxed posture can mean that she feels comfortable around you, which can also be a good sign.

17. She faces you

If she’s facing you more often than she’s facing others in a group, that’s a sign she’s into you and values you more than others in the group. This is especially telling if you’re not even the one talking the most in the group.

18. Her feet point towards you

If her feet are pointing toward you, that’s a sign in the same line as if her body is facing you. She’s subconsciously focused on you, which makes her feet point toward you. It’s a sign of open body language.

19. She fiddles with or straightens her clothes, jewelry, or accessories

This could be because of nervosity, but it can also be because she wants to look good in front of you. It’s a classic sign of attraction.

20. Her palms are faced in your direction

If the palms of their hands are pointed in your direction, she might be interested in you. It’s a weak signal, but it’s still positive because it’s part of an open and welcoming body language she has toward you.

21. She touches you back

For example, if you touch her arm, does she touch you in a similar area later on in the conversation? If she does reciprocate your touch, that’s a great sign, but it also depends on if she’s touchy with most people or just you.

Keep in mind that shy girls usually don’t touch back because they’re so afraid of messing up.

22. She touches you when you talk

Common areas to touch are arms, shoulders, back, hands, or thighs. Hands or thighs are usually more intimate if she touches those. Some girls aren’t so comfortable with touch, and it takes them a while to warm up. So if she doesn’t touch you, it isn’t necessarily a sign that she doesn’t like you if she shows many other signs on the list.

23. You have “peripheral physical contact”

Peripheral physical contact is when some parts of your body are in contact with each other when you are doing something else.

For example, if you’re both sitting down and your thighs are barely touching each other. Or if you’re walking side by side and she grabs hold of your arm. That kind of passive physical contact means a lot and can build a lot of tension and attraction.

24. She’s giving you more of her attention

For example, if she directs most of her attention when you’re in a group. Or if she’s only asking you questions or if she’s laughing more than others at your jokes.

The more attention she gives you, the more interested she usually is in you.

25. She blushes

Does she blush when you talk or make eye contact? She might be shy, but she’s probably a bit self-conscious around you because she likes you.

26. She looks at you from afar

Girls are often a bit sneaky when they want to check you out. They can make it seem like they’re only looking in your direction or just grazing you with their eyes. I’ve even seen girls using window reflections to check out a guy (and to check if he’s looking at them). Sunglasses are even sneakier.

So if she’s looking in your direction, especially if she does it several times, she’s probably checking you out.

27. She keeps the conversation going

What happens when you stop talking or can’t come up with anything to say? If she seems eager to get the conversation going again, that’s good. If she excuses herself, she may not be that interested.

Click here to read my full guide on how to talk to girls.

28. She always replies

Does she always reply when you call or text?

Quicker responses are often a sign of interest. But many girls are so afraid of appearing needy that they delay their response even if they like you.

29. She texts or calls you first

If she’s often the one initiating, that’s a very strong sign she’s into you.

But if she never calls or texts first, that shows a lack of interest. In that case, it can be good to take a step back to see if she will take initiative when you don’t do it before she even has the chance.

30. She texts you often

Compare this to how often you text her. It’s the same principle as matching the length of her texts. She’s eager if she’s texting more often than you, and you’re eager if you’re the one texting more often.

31. She stammers, stutters, or forgets what she was about to say

Does she seem nervous when you guys are having a conversation? This could mean she’s a bit extra shy or self-conscious around you, which tells you that she might also be a bit extra interested in you.

32. She doesn’t back off when you get closer

If she doesn’t even flinch when you get a bit too close to her personal space, that’s a sign she wants you close to her.

If you take a step closer, and she backs off by a step, that’s a sign she’s a bit more reserved toward you.

33. She talks about future plans

Planning or mentioning things they want to do with you in the future strongly indicates some sort of interest, romantic or platonic.

For example, if you’re talking about a newly opened restaurant, they say, “We should go there someday!” or “I’ll show you how amazing that place is!” If you’re talking about art and she wants to share her work, that’s a good sign too.

34. She’s pleased with your commonalities

How does she react when she finds out that you have something in common? If she’s happy, that’s good. This sign is extra strong if it’s something very trivial, like that you live in the same part of town, you’re the same age, or you both like pizza.

35. She asks you personal questions

If she is, that’s telling you that she wants to know more about you and is interested in you. The more she asks, the better.

For example, asking about your plans for the future, your childhood, or just about your favorite food. Asking you questions is literally showing interest in you.

36. She asks about your plans

Asking about your plans for the day or weekend might just be empty small talk, but it could also be her trying to open a window where you can meet again and hang out. It’s more likely it’s a sign of interest if she brings it up near the end of the conversation.

37. She seems embarrassed if you two are the only two people left in a situation

If she does but doesn’t do anything to leave the situation, that means she’s just a bit shy but still interested.

A classic example is if you meet her with her girlfriends at a bar, and then all her friends leave, but she stays. That’s perfect because it also means her friends approve of you.

38. She tells her friends or family about you

This one is most relevant once you’ve already started dating. But it’s such a huge sign of interest (and approval) that I thought it was worth mentioning. It’s even bigger if she’s from a culture where approval from the family is important.

If she’s told her family, it means she is visualizing and planning a future with you. Congrats!

If she just told her friends, that’s also great, but not as big as her family.

39. She offers you a massage

Offering a massage is a nice thing to do, but it’s also a smooth way for a girl to get you both touching each other. (Remember to offer her one back if you like her!)

40. She reschedules when she can’t make a date

Say you were meant to meet up with her, but she cancels. How can you know if she truly couldn’t make it or if she just isn’t interested?

Life happens, and everyone has to change or cancel plans sometimes. If she tries to reschedule when she cancels, it’s a good sign she is interested in you and had to cancel for legitimate reasons.

41. She compliments you

If she gives you positive feedback, it’s a good sign she likes you. While teasing can also be a sign she likes you, some women are more prone to compliment a guy they like, and many do both.

42. She gives you small gifts

Does she pick up things for you or give you gifts or trinkets? That’s a sign that she’s thinking about you and wants to make you feel good. For example, if you’ve mentioned that you have a weakness for pastries, and she shows up with a croissant the next time you meet up, that’s a really good sign that she likes you.

43. She follows up on things you tell her

Remembering that you said you have a test coming up and asking how it went is a sign that she takes you seriously and also that she wants you to know that she listens to you and cares.

44. She lets you know she’s single

Bringing up the fact that she’s single could be a way for her to let you know that she’s available and interested.

45. She asks for your help

Asking for your help can be a way to spend more time with you and establish a connection. It can also be a way for her to check how responsive and helpful you are to get an idea of how you would behave as a romantic partner.

46. She opens up to you

Asking you questions about yourself shows that she’s interested and wants to learn more about you. Sharing things about herself is a sign that she trusts you and wants to get closer to you.

47. She has a nickname for you

Giving you a nickname can be a flirty way to show that she likes you.

Does your best friend have a crush on you?

It can be more difficult to figure out these signs if you’re already friends with someone. If you’re close friends, she probably already texts you, tells you about her life, teases you, spends time with you, and so on. How can you know if it’s just friendship or if there’s more going on?

Is she acting differently from how she usually behaves? If there’s a sudden change in her behavior towards you, it may be a sign that her feelings have changed. On the other hand, if her behavior has changed in all aspects of life, it may have nothing to do with you.

Does she seem jealous or dismissive of other girls you might like? Is she suddenly extra touchy-feely? Is she unusually interested in your interests? These changes may indicate that her feelings towards you are shifting or that she’s trying to work out what she feels.

Those are all signs your best friend might have started liking you as more than a friend.

How do you know for sure if she’s interested?

You can’t know for sure if she’s interested based on a sign on this list. But there are a few rules you can use to help you know:

  1. Is she regularly showing you different signs of interest?
  2. Does she act differently to others than to you? (So she’s not just flirty with everyone.)
  3. Has she shown any particularly strong signs of interest?

The only one to know for sure is to check with her. Let her know you are interested and see if the feeling is mutual.

Are you still unsure if she likes you?

Write it down in the comments below in as much detail as possible for other commenters to help you out. I’ll also respond to a few of the most interesting comments. But I can’t keep up with all the comments alone, so try to help others by answering them too. Poorly written comments with bad grammar will be deleted.

Show references +

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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  1. Firstly, me and this girl have been texting for two months. When we first texted she sent pics of herself, sometimes with her clothes before school and in bed. Texted in the morning and throughout the day. This was all in the first few weeks. Initiated convo and still does. She would also text me after class even when I just seen her. I only imitated the convo a few times. Lots of emojis used by her.

    However, she stopped texting for a while. I asked if she lost interest in me. Then she friendzoned me but asked me after if I liked her. I said yes. Then she said it takes time for her to get into someone.

    Now we are texting 5 times a week. Even after class. She even sent this to me ????. I didn’t react to that. She still initiates convo, also text me at night that she can’t sleep, asks “how I are you” out of random and even before lesson starts. I don’t think I’ve shown interest back.

    Is she in to me?

    • yep HAHAH das cool bruh.. u said she initiates the convo, sends u pics, and even sent u a ????.. so she IS into you,,
      but u also said that she friend zoned you so maybe she has commitment issues, idk..

      • Bad:
        1. The thing is when she friendzoned me, she was like she only liked me as a friend, and stopped texting the usual messages because she didn’t want me to think that she wanted more from me. She ghosted for a whole week.

        2. She’s got a lot of male friends.

        3. She got mad one time when I made a joke about her in front of her friends.

        4. She texted me friend.

        1. She told me she was going to buy food for me without asking and wrote me a letter about who good of a person I am and at the back of the letter was a cool drawing of her favourite anime character.

        2. She tends to ask for my Instagram so she can send cool posts.

        Btw all this happens over text.

      • oh okioki,, well all i can say is it doesn’t matter if she has many male friends, i am a girl too with a lot of male friends, what matters is how she treats them, differ from how she treats you…

        you say that she’s gonna buy u food, not only that but she also wrote you a letter and even gave the effort to add in her fav. anime character, and SHE EVEN ASKED FOR YOUR INSTAA FOR HER TO SEND U COOL POSTSSS…

        now now, i don’t know if it’s normal for girls to ask someone’s instagram just so she could get to share cool posts,,

        also given the fact that she has a lot of other male friends to send those things to, she chose to give and share it to you…
        you also said that she ghosted u for a week, and even stopped her usual way of messaging you… now, I don’t know what happened to her, but u said in ur first comment that
        //it takes time for her to have interest in someone

        so for now just keep it cool you know, and as “321” said try starting small

        P.S. don’t stress too much, you got this:)

      • Spoke with her whilst playing a game. She told me about her life, problems and stuff. But I don’t remember what we talked about, but she said “you’re still my closest friend”. She also said she liked someone else but they didn’t like her back last year (I didn’t meet her until 3 months ago). She also said she wasn’t ready for a relationship.

  2. hello evryone. as u no i had my first date about a day ago. AND IT WAS A SUCCESS. the relationship is going strong between the girl and i and only growing more. so i want to thank 321 whom helped me with this. 🙂 who helped me understand girls better. and victor sanders for making this article. thank u all of u and this ends my story. i will now join 321’s mission to help others.

  3. Hi I’m a twelve year old boy and I like this girl in my school but its hard to talk to her because last year in my school I liked her and everyone knew about it and then she just started to hate me

    • oof, that’s hard buddy, but i have a question…
      before everyone knew that u have a crush on her, what is ur status? like between u and the girl? r u like friends? close friends?
      wat’s, the yknow, ur relationship wid each other?

      coz if u are like friends before she started hating u, she could just be uncomfortable with the situation u and her are in… coz u know it’s getting attention from everybody, and she doesn’t like that kind of attention towards her…

  4. hello its me im back……..again. so after the movie date we did alot of fun stuff back at my house. now the last thing we did was karaoke. we were doing a song that consist of one guy and one girl (i dont remember the song specificly) but as we were doing it my mom was watching. the thing was we were so into the music that we forgot that my mom was there……and u can guess what happensd next. we kissed. but in front of.my mom. so yes i got a beating (discipline wise) and the girl left…..u guys think she still likes me???

  5. ok well coming back after a few days i told her i liked her she said she does as well which is amazing but she mentioned how right now we both like each other and she only wants to date long term and how can i guarantee her that i woldent just leave or lose feelings my response to this was i cant make her empty promises and that isnt something i can guarantee but how i feel right now i know it can work long term. We decided that we would recap in a month and as of right now there’s a mutual understanding that we both like each other any suggestions on how i should go about this next month

    • kain… u just made urself ur entire speech for her hshshs

      “how can i guarantee her that i wouldn’t just leave or lose feelings my response to this was i cant make her empty promises and that isn’t something i can guarantee but how i feel right now i know it can work long term.”

      sheezz what a man… ↑↑↑

      and to answer ur question “how can u guarantee her that u wouldn’t just leave or lose feelings?”
      -reassure her:)

  6. Ever heard of “Spin The Bottle Game”? well thats what i did last night. when im with people its always a mix of boys and girls. im usually the person who gets everyone laughing. anyways the game spin the bottle was perfect for this kind of group of friends. we tried to not pressure anyone. luckily i never had to kiss anyone. twords the end of the night i got a call from that one girl (the first 1) and we talked for a while and at the end of the call she asks me out to the movies (or watch a movie). and i said yes. so lets see how it goes.

  7. 321, first of all let me say that I’m gay. There’s a girl I work with who is straight but classifies herself as pan sexual, and I don’t know if she’s shy or curious but we’ll message each other and every other message or just about every message I receive she’ll message me things like “you make my day better everyday”, “good morning gorgeous”, “I love your hugs”, I’m excited to see you”, and with almost every one of those messages she’ll put a heart emoji. I don’t know if she’s flirting, has an interest or what it all means..it’s just confusing. And I’ll be honest, I find her very interesting and intriguing

    • she does like you,, based on what she’s been texting you (she’s such a smooth talker sheez).. YEP 100% SURE SHE IS… ghad, how i wish someone would say those things to me tsss, smh HAHAHHAHA

      she could be just flirting or shi–, sooo try to give back the same energy to her…. u know, flirt back HAHAHA
      let’s see where that goes;)

      P.S. Anonymous u got this!

      • Thank you, that’s actually a little comforting because as I said it’s just confusing, for example. For Christmas I gave her some Victoria Secret underwear and a pair of earrings. And I’m not shy and my flirting just comes naturally, so I told her jokingly I wanted a pic of her in one of the underwear that was in the bag..her response was “OK”. If she wasn’t interested she would’ve said no. But I got my pic, three of them in fact. I was expecting a pic from the waist down and instead got three full body pics. So that’s another thing that confuses me, because your not just gonna send pics of yourself and be ok with it..I’ve sent her flowers about five times..the fifth time I delivered them personally and when I got home my phone blew up with messages saying “I love my flowers they’re beautiful”, and a message saying “also I took this for you, it’s kinda lame but shows what you got me, he he.” It was a video of her twerking in a different underwear I gave her. In not gonna lie, my mouth dropped because it caught me off guard for the simple fact that I wasn’t expecting it, she sent that all her own and then messages again saying “I hope you like the video.” And to be honest yes I did like the video, lol!!! But that’s where I’m confused because it’s like a cat and mouse game. She messaged me the other day saying “guess what gorgeous” or “good morning gorgeous what are you doing for lunch, I’m off today and you’re bore you can out with me, I’m just home chilling.” Seconds later another one that says “let me know if you would like that.”
        My thing is any advice or opinion I can get would be really helpful because it’s all just confusing and I don’t wanna push her away either..

      • brooooo, pics huh? HAHAHAHA

        anyway, jokes aside, u sent her flowers FIVE TIMESS and got her a VICTORIA SECRET UNDERWEAR ON CHRISTMAS..
        BRO srsly what is up with u 2? if i didn’t know any better that’s what couples do.. don’t cha think? HSHSHSHS


        that could just be how she is, you know, care-free and flirtatious ????

        //in my opinion she has ~the feels~ for you;)

      • The funny part is that we aren’t dating..and to be honest I think something is there, I’m just waiting on her to show or say something. And I know couples would do things like that, but nothing is official..so I’ve been bringing my A game and of course flirting for me comes naturally so it’s all good. I got her another pair of underwear for Valentine’s Day lol..I’m thinking if I get a pic of her in these then she’s the one hiding her feeling for me..but slowly but surely she’ll come around. When get called boo, something is there

      • Let’s hope and see if she does..been messaging lately that you misses me. But thanks for the encouragement, I really appreciate it

  8. so after reading a very helpful comment left by 321 i took his advice and asked the girl on a bike ride. a she said yes and we met the corner of our street. when we got there we happened to run into another girl. now if u read my first ever comment i had said that my bsf that was a girl gets jelous of other girls. anyways the other girl tagged along witch made matters worse. all i could hear the whole time was the sound of fighting between the 2. then they started fighting about something tht really triggered me. they were fighting about who i like. who was better. all of that. and then the second girl calle out to me and yelled my name and i was like r u kidding me. and then she askd the question that was seeale from a mile away…….actually svratch that. we got off our bikes (all of us) and thr second girl just came running to me and hugged me and i could see PURE HATE in her. i kind of pushed the girl hugging me away in as nice of a way as possible. later on when we fi nished riding i talkedd to the other girl and i think she likes me too. WHY THO. WHY 2 GIRLS!!!!???? MY ARMS ARE BEING PULLED ENOUGH!!!!!! WHAT ELSE DO I NEED!!!! god. plz someone tell me what to do now asap.

    • that’s tough buddy, maybe the other girl doesn’t rlly like u or sumtin’. she could just be like that to you coz she hates the first girl(the one u asked for a bike ride)…. coz she knows that she likes you, so she’s like squeezing herself between u two…… and getting ur attention in the process, to piss off the first girl….


      the second girl likes u too, and now they’re fighting for u buddy

      i think u should assure the first girl… assurance is all we girls want 🙂
      but i think in the situation of u two, there’s rlly nothing to assure about. given the fact that u two are only bsf…….. so if the signs are clear that she likes u too, idk confess? so it would be much easier for u two 🙂

      ur call buddy 🙂

      • yes, I agree. I’m glad we got an opinion from a female, It’s very important to hear both sides. I agree on what “:)” said. Who do you like? You can’t confess to someone you don’t like because you don’t want to hurt their feelings. There’s nothing TOO confess.

      • ok 321 and “:)” if u r reading this i very much respect u both for what u do. also i do consider u as friends. so if i can help in any way plz let me no

    • Ok so 🙂 and 321. first mayi say 🙂 i also like to comment on the other sides of things i belive i commented on 43 ways to know how a guy likes u. anyways yes i feel like the other girl may have been trying to do something between the first girl and i. but thx what u said was helpful. and honestly no offense but ur like a female version of 321. 321 has good ideas and so do u. anyways to comment bck at 321 there kinda is something to confess. i do like the first girl i just havent thought of when to tell. (witch is a pure cop out). but thats all

      • ha ha ha! That’s a good deduction. Is it really an offense to be compared to me? I think not. But I know what you were saying. I liked ????’s comment because it offered more….viewpoints. Even I hadn’t thought of the possibility that the 2nd girl was trying to get between you two, but that’s what discussions are for, right?

      • Yes im glad and this is what its for and im glad i get a chance to talk to people like 321 and 🙂 because it really helps. also 321 i noticed u always help other people but never tell ur girl problems could u maybe 1 day

      • I was also TheThe2 before I adopted the name 321. My issue: Hello. Last year, there was a girl in my class. Over the course of the year, I grew fond of her, and I felt sure that she felt fond of me too. I’d catch her look at me often and she’d act differently around me, like she wanted to impress me by talking louder while keeping me in the corner of her eye, and one time, we even had stared at each other for more than 3 seconds. I was shy, and I thought she was shy too. After covid hit, I started to Email her, and I heard from her friend that she didn’t want to receive my emails anymore. She FINALLY answered my emails and I told her how I felt, but she brutally rejected me. I’m wondering what just happened when all of the signs were there. She couldn’t be THAT shy, could she?

        Let me add that before she responded, some weird person named “Patch :]” emailed me about how people extending everyday politeness doesn’t indicate a romantic interest. Who in the world is that!???? Anonymous person from the shadows indeed. I figured it’d be the girl’s mother, because the timestamp difference. What she was doing wasn’t extending kindness. She’d look at me almost every day, she wouldn’t talk to me very much, but she’d be in the same places as me often. She’d also make a scenario when she was by herself so that I’d come and sit with her. But, me being shy, I didn’t do that. —————————-> For some reason, I still like her. I can’t stop liking her. Something isn’t right with the situation. It’d be hard to believe that she’d look at people and behave like that normally. I cling to any excuse that’d be the reason of her not liking me. That’s why I decided to help other people with their problems. (I’m writing this one because the other version of this commment I wrote still isn’t showing up)

      • ok 321 i was looking at the comment u peft when u had the name “TheThe2” and noticed i had commented. here is what i quote
        “TheThe2 it seems she is screwing with u
        she could could have also been that “patch :]” person. trust me girls r tricky. the only thng im good at with them is talking. im not shy at all. if i were u i would see what u can do while u can. time is ticking so hurry up maybe!!”

  9. ok I’m 17 and my friend broke up with his gf about a month ago but thing is me and her were pretty close and ive caught feelings for her as after she broke up with him me and her are constantly texting or on call like we will be on call for 3 4 hours straight through the night to the point at about 5 6 into the morning we both fall asleep on call she also laughs at everything i say even though to me it doesn’t always seem funny but she has mentioned me being a friend quite few times could this be a subtle hint that she doesn’t like me? so at this point i don’t want to risk asking her out if she doesn’t like me as ill lose her and a friend me and her will also wake each other up for our online lessons and she has called me cute and sweet multiple times one final thing she seems to mention the future occasionally in our convos and marriage she has also said she thinks id be a good father. i really hope some1 could help me with this as there are multiple positve signs but there are also negative signs and i think an outside opinion would help a lot.

    • Well… what I think is that she COULD have feelings, but let’s not jump to conclusions just yet. Try waiting, see if she does things around you she wouldn’t do around others. Try watching her behavior from afar around her other friends and compare that to her behavior with you. Am I asking you to stalk her? Yes. Not toooo much tho, just “notice” her norm attitude. This could be the result of her break up.

      • Thing is due to lockdown I dont actually see her in real life right now so I can’t stalk her.????
        However yesterday she did mention how I was really good freind and that she doesn’t wanna mess up our friendship she mentioned this at random.Another thing she comments on how no one in sixth form can relate to her and im probably the person who knows her best in sixth form.

    • let’s consider the fact that ur friend just broke up wid that girl u’ve caught feelings wid……. don’t u think she’s being like this coz she no longer in a committed relationship?
      and most girls are complicated, they could be talkin to u every day and every minute of the week and still label ur relationship as a friendship:)

      all i could advice is to try to kinda suppress watever ur feeling towards her and TRY TO SEE HER THE WAY SHE SEES U, a good friend:)
      because maybe wat ur feeling for her isn’t really romantic feelings……..

      keep ur head up kain, u can get through this:)

      • I know man I’m probably going to supress it for now unless there is a clear sign as I do like her but I also don’t wanna ruin our friendship I’m trying to work it out but there’s positives and negatives every day like what I’ve commented on in my other reply but she also keeps calling me “weird” ill ask her what she means by that and shell say I’m weird in a good way and that I’m different plus she randomly out of nowhere will say that I’m interesting. So I really don’t know what she thinks about me.

    • ok from what im guessing kain is that she likes u.bhope im not giving information. if she calls u wierd and stuff then shes just teasing u. also if she called u a good friend at a random moment she could be wink wink hint hining u. this is what i think dont quote me.

      • thanks bro your comment gave me a big confidence boost i took a leap of faith and it seems to have worked out now i just gotta hold onto her.

  10. This is my opinion: Yes, ask her out. Nothing too fancy, just “hang out” and laugh and stuff. I doubt she’d feel rejected at this point, so now’s the time. Again, this is just my opinion.

    • Ok but how should i ask her out, i mean im not shy at all. its just ive never dated or kissed anyone so….yea. if u have any ideas tell me!!!

    • It’s pretty hard to ask someone out at such an age, maybe not for some tho. All you have to do is go up to her and say, “I’m going to the park. You can tag along if you want to.” When really, the whole point is to get her to tag along

    • Or, you can say: “I’m so bored I could die, What are u up to today?”
      From here, you could ask to tag along or she might request for you to tag along with her. Also, humor isn’t a bad thing to try once in a while. Hope this helps

  11. Sorry I couldn’t come faster. There’s somethin’ I’m not understanding. If you’re 13, did your mom drive you to pick her up? I’m guessing yes. This is awfully weird. She is 13, right? Probably. Normally, coming from a 13-yr old girl, she wouldn’t be this… clingy. But what I’m interested in is when she told you how she felt. Here’s my thorough deduction: She loves you! :D. A LOT. Why don’t you tell her your feelings too, that is, if you like her back. If not, it’s up to you. You should really take action before she fades from you tho. Maybe that sigh was a sign, who knows? If you feel uncomfortable, you really shouldn’t try to be rushed. Spend more time with her doing things that’ll show both of your real selves. Like walking in the park, playing some games(Not those kind of games). Doing something that requires work from her too so she’s not always breathing down your neck, doing something that’ll hide her in-love self and show her true, hopefully-kind, self. If you don’t already, get to know her a bit more. Best of luck

    • ok 321 i tjought i was ganna cry from laughter after u said (not those kind of games) only because she and i r 13 so i dont think wed be doing that. and also to ansewer ur question she and i r like neighbors so i kust walked to her house and came right bck to my house. also i was getting a feeling she was acting clingy but it took me a little bit to notice. it really hit me when she sigjed when she kissed me. also i might sy my feelings to her cause i like her and i dont want her to feel rejected………but still. anyways i bet more stuff will still happen and ill try and stay posted as much as possible. but just a quick question. should i still call her a friend or ask her oit. im still thinking.

    • This is my opinion: Yes, ask her out. Nothing too fancy, just “hang out” and laugh and stuff. I doubt she’d feel rejected at this point, so now’s the time. Again, this is just my opinion.

    • ok 321 im ganna just back pedal rq (dont actually try that). u said she was acting very clingly and like victor said in the article (that i did actually read) u dont want her to be clingy. by asking he out i feel like thatll make her more clingy. also when u said to try humor im like this is right up my allyh especially with girls. but the normal talking…….u can vote me out on that…….sometimes. anyways, i will use the humor idea thx alot also i have another story to tell but later maybe and this one will get a little thoughtfull.

  12. hello om bck and i decided to call her and invited her over (denying the fact that i was tired) and i picked her up and we got some late noght food and headed to my house. along the way home she kept on either putting her arms around my neck or just grabbing my hand. along the way she would talk to me about stuff and she got into personal things. the thing is as we got closer to my house she touched me even more. and then she did something i expected. she kissed me but not on the lips. on the cheek. it was more a friendly kiss but i doubt it. i made a joke of it and said “u no if u keep kissing me ull get a disease” witch made her laugh and blush beet red. she did get a little more flirty after but im signing giving more updates soon!!!

  13. hey everyone! hope ur all having a good day ( and/or night ). i was checking my message’s and e-mails and voice mails like a normal person would.anyways, as i was looking at my text messages and i checked that one girls messages just to see if she sent me anything. i look into it and im like “WTF is this”.all i see is what im guessing is more then 50 or more messages. the thing is i had checked when they were sent and almost all of them were sent at the same time. she coulve been messing with me or she actually wanted something. as i look and read what shes saying she calls me names like “Baby-boo” and a bunch of other stuff. at one point she even calledd ne a stud muffin witch i almost felt was sarcastic. next thing u no i check my calls and shes caled me tons of times. idk what is going on. at that point i started getting kind of frustrated so i called her. she didnt pick up at all and then i tried again (btw i was home alone trying to sleep at this time). the second time she picked up. she ended up telling me she was super sorry and confessed her feeling’s to me. i was surprised at first so i said “ill call u right bck” and hung up witch wasz problably the worst thing i could have done. i need help what should i do!!!???.

  14. Alright long story, had an affair with a girl from work now broken up with my girlfriend, (work girl told me she was interested) but after the break up and everything apparently was all to much for her and she thought a relationship would be a bad idea so she ghosted me stopped replying on social media so I stopped but we work together nearly everyday and talk everyday but just not about what happened which is frustrating and she shows signs of a lot of these 42 signals like all the time but still never brings up what happened, I just don’t understand the flirting at work but no contact outside anyone got any idea?

  15. ok for all the guys that commented about this article i looked at the article that was “43 ways to no if a guy likes you (for sure)” and then read the comments some of the girls left and it turns out were just as much as a mystery to them as they r to us so i would check the oppisite of this article(its by the same that wrote this article btw)

  16. Hay their is a girl in my class who I really like and were friends and a lot of the signs are there but not all just wondering if anyone had some advice I’m only young

  17. Ive also recently been talking to this girl whom i feel is a little obsessed about me and all 42 of the things that were listed were all the things she does and she gives me stalker kind of vibes. is this like a ¨im a stalker and i will hunt u down thing¨ or is this girl a little too obsessed

  18. Hello. Last year, there was a girl in my class. Over the course of the year, I grew fond of her, and I felt sure that she felt fond of me too. I’d catch her look at me often and she’d act differently around me, like she wanted to impress me by talking louder while keeping me in the corner of her eye, and one time, we even had stared at each other for more than 3 seconds. I was shy, and I thought she was shy too. After covid hit, I started to Email her, and I heard from her friend that she didn’t want to receive my emails anymore. She FINALLY answered my emails and I told her how I felt, but she brutally rejected me. I’m wondering what just happened when all of the signs were there. She couldn’t be THAT shy, could she?

    Let me add that before she responded, some weird person named “Patch :]” emailed me about how people extending everyday politeness doesn’t indicate a romantic interest. Who in the world is that!???? Anonymous person from the shadows indeed. I figured it’d be the girl’s mother, because the timestamp difference. What she was doing wasn’t extending kindness. She’d look at me almost every day, she wouldn’t talk to me very much, but she’d be in the same places as me often. She’d also make a scenario when she was by herself so that I’d come and sit with her. But, me being shy, I didn’t do that.

    • thethe2 it seems shes scrrwing with u. she could have also been that anonymous person. trust me girls r tricky. the only thing good at with them is talking im not a shy person. If i were u i would see what u can do whie u can. time is ticking so hurry it up maybe!!!!

      • yeah, but. I mean… She said she didn’t like me. That seems pretty straight forward, but something doesn’t seem right, tho. If I keep emailing her, she might get irritated, and that’s the last thing I want to do

  19. ive recently heen chatting with this girl over quarintine. we have also seen each othe. she hugs me and cuddles me at random moments (and im only 13 so im still new to this). she often gets super jealous when i talk to other girls. what perplexs me the most is that she has a bf. and even worse we had recently watched a movie together and out of the random she kissed me witch was like a “WTF” moment for me. im pretty sure thts a 100% sign she likes me
    plz give me more clarification

  20. Hi, I have been getting close to this girl for about 2 months now. We have been texting each other everyday since November of 2020 to talk about school and random stuff outside school. In the past 2 months we have went out together 1 on 1 multiple times to eat and to do stuff together like playing arcade games at the mall. I really felt like it was fun and she is really nice to be with. She’s pretty touchy too and would touch like my hands and legs during the outings. Also, I would find that a lot of the times we would have peripheral contact. Recently she asked if she could come to my house to kill time before her meeting with her friend. We ended up watching a horror movie together(she kept touching my hands also when she was scared) and played some games too but that’s about it, no sex whatsoever. She also mentions like we could possibly do stuff in the future again. Are these signs that she may be interested in me as more than just a friend and is interested in a relationship?

  21. Hello. Last year, there was a girl in my class. Over the course of the year, I grew fond of her, and I felt sure that she felt fond of me too. I’d catch her look at me often and she’d act differently around me, like she wanted to impress me by talking louder while keeping me in the corner of her eye, and one time, we even had stared at each other for more than 3 seconds. I was shy, and I thought she was shy too. After covid hit, I started to Email her, and I heard from her friend that she didn’t want to receive my emails anymore. She FINALLY answered my emails and I told her how I felt, but she brutally rejected me. I’m wondering what just happened when all of the signs were there. She couldn’t be THAT shy, could she?

    • Let me add that before she responded, some weird person named “Patch :]” emailed me about how people extending everyday politeness doesn’t indicate a romantic interest. Who in the world is that!???? Anonymous person from the shadows indeed. I figured it’d be the girl’s mother, because the timestamp difference. What she was doing wasn’t extending kindness. She’d look at me almost every day, she wouldn’t talk to me very much, but she’d be in the same places as me often. She’d also make a scenario when she was by herself so that I’d come and sit with her. But, me being shy, I didn’t do that.

  22. She allows me to cuddle her whenever I want. Let’s me hold her at her waist, let’s my lye down on her lap or chest and she’ll often hold my hand or stroke my hair. She laughs and smiles when looking at my face. And we hugged under the moonlight once. Soo but couldn’t this be friend stuff too?

    • Friend stuff? me thinks not. Try getting her by chance to go on a date with you. Or if you don’t want that, you can make it a lunch “meeting”. While you’re on this date, you can further look to see if she brings up topics like romance, family, friends. She’d most likely never stop talking about her background.

  23. Hello. Last year, there was a girl in my class. Over the course of the year, I grew fond of her, and I felt sure that she felt fond of me too. I’d catch her look at me often and she’d act differently around me, like she wanted to impress me by talking louder while keeping me in the corner of her eye, and one time, we even had stared at each other for more than 3 seconds. I was shy, and I thought she was shy too. After covid hit, I started to Email her, and I heard from her friend that she didn’t want to receive my emails anymore. She FINALLY answered my emails and I told her how I felt, but she brutally rejected me. I’m wondering what just happened when all of the signs were there. She couldn’t be THAT shy, could she?

    • Sorry this is a super late response. But the girl might have just accidentally spaced out multiple times in your direction. Lol, my sister’s talk about this sometimes when they get home from school. And they accidentally do it on the same poor guy sometimes. Or shy could be super shy and not ready for a relationship? Either way I hope it worked out for ya.

  24. Hey,uh,how do I know if she likes me if she doesn’t flirt too much,but stares from a distance at me, shares lots of interests and always laughs at my jokes. But isn’t sure if she likes me?? (Like she said)

  25. So there’s this woman that moved in with me and my family almost 3 months ago. She’s 29 and I’m 19, she’s done a lot of the signs listed above but she’s also Mexican (so am I) and I think that Mexican people are just more touchy. Me and her have only really been talking for about 2 and a half months. She touches me a lot during conversation, sometimes she’ll rest her hand on mine for a while and I just act like it’s not there, then she’ll put her hand on my thigh and leave it there for a bit, other times I put my hand around her waist and she just acts like it’s not there. We also tease each other a lot jokingly. We’ve talked about sex and what it was like for us. We didn’t go into specific partners or anything just sex in general. We usually stay up watching tv and when we have the living room to ourselves we’ll talk about whatever for an hour or 2. Sometimes when we’re watching tv she’ll say something like “oh that guys cute” she never goes farther then that so I don’t know if that means anything. I started doing the same thing calling female celebrities cute and she jokingly called me a pervert while smiling. She makes sexual jokes, sometimes involving me. Then there’s times when we’ll start tickling each other and she’ll playfully bite me on the arm or the hand, I started doing it back to her and she doesn’t seem to mind or look disgusted when I do that. When we went out to the mall last weekend she’d link arms with me while walking and she’d hug me from behind randomly when I was looking at something or talking to someone. She’s also been telling me she wants me to go back to Mexico with her next year so I can get to know the country. We’ve talked about our personal problems a bit too. I know for a fact that she likes me as a friend at this point but I can’t tell if there’s anything there sexually or not this mostly just looks platonic to me, sometimes I fell like she really does like me other times I don’t. What do you guys think?

  26. There’s this girl who I’ve been friends with for a year now. When were talking she gets really close and keeps eye contact and even smiles at me. She’s always touching me in some kind of way whether it’s my shoulders or my hands. Her body language most times is very open. But she has a man .

  27. There is this girl who says I’m her best friend and laughs at my jokes. She also got me a Christmas present. She talks to me about her boy problems a lot, and she smiles at me a lot too. She told me once randomly that she wouldn’t date me but I feel like she just said that to cover up that she likes me. So, do you think she likes me?


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