47 Signs a Girl Likes You (How to Know if She Has a Crush)

How do you know if a girl likes you or even has a crush on you? These days, it can be quite difficult to know. She may be acting friendly, but what if she’s friendly towards everyone? Is she flirting, or are you imagining it?

Some women are more outgoing than others, so they may seem like they’re flirting even when they’re not. And some are shy, so they may seem withdrawn and uninterested even if they have a huge crush! It can be pretty hard to figure out, which is why we wrote this guide.


  1. Signs she likes you
  2. Does your best friend have a crush on you?
  3. How can you know for sure if a girl likes you?

47 signs she likes you

Unless a girl tells you outright that she likes you, you will have to try to understand by her context clues. When we have a crush on someone, there are usually changes in behavior around that person. Some changes are intentional (if they’re trying to show you that they are interested), while others are unintentional (due to nervousness).

The more of these signs she shows, the more likely it is that she has a crush on you, rather than just being a flirty or friendly person overall. Here are 47 signs to help tell if a girl likes you.

1. She laughs at your jokes

Laughing at your jokes can be a huge sign of interest (especially if you are not a particularly funny person…) If she smiles and laughs a lot around you, she may have a crush.

If you want to make a girl you like to laugh more, you may like to read this article on how to be funny (for un-funny people).

2. She mirrors you

Mirroring means that her body language, posture, or even what she’s saying reflects what you said or did. So if you take a sip of your glass, if she’s mirroring that, she’ll also take a sip of her glass. Or if you cross your legs and she does the same, that’s also mirroring.

Remember that mirroring is done subconsciously when she has a very good rapport with you. But it can also be done consciously if she wants to impress or bond with you. It’s a great sign either way.

3. She adds you on social media

This one means she wants to stay in touch and is at least a little bit interested in you. It also makes it much easier for you to take initiative by messaging or commenting on her posts.

4. She writes you long texts

Is she always giving you short answers, or is she giving you a small novel as a reply?

If her texts are about the same length or longer than yours, that’s great. It’s especially good if they’re longer than yours.

If you’re usually giving her long replies but not getting the same in return, it means you’re probably too eager. In that case, it’s often good to step back a bit and try to match her better. Give her some space, so she wants to come back to you again.

5. She teases you

Is it mean teasing or more flirty and light-hearted?

Most forms of teasing (even mean) are usually a sign she’s interested in you. I LOVE it when a girl I like tries to tease me. It means she’s trying to create a flirty vibe between you and that she wants a reaction from you. Just don’t take it too seriously and try to have fun with her!

6. She leans in toward you

If she’s leaning in toward you, that’s a sign she’s eager to get your attention or get her message across. And in the best case, it also means she’s eager to get closer to you.

7. She moves closer to you

If you’re in a conversation and you feel like she’s edging closer to you, or as if she’s almost uncomfortably too close to you, that’s a good sign. It could mean she’s attracted to you and wants to feel closer to you both physically and mentally.

Take note that different cultures have different “personal spaces.” So, if she’s from a different culture than you, it might just be because of that.

8. She bites her lips

Biting herself lightly on the lip is a flirty and cute (or sexy) signal. If she’s biting herself in the lip while you’re talking, that’s great. She’s probably into you.

9. She smiles at you

If she’s smiling toward you from afar, that’s an invitation to approach her. Or she’s flirting with you. (I’m assuming you didn’t just forget to put your pants on when leaving home).

If she’s smiling toward you when you’re in a conversation, that’s a sign she likes you. Especially if she has a light smile while you’re not even joking.

10. She licks her lips or teeth

Is she licking her lips or teeth? This is similar to biting her lips, but a bit more subtle and less flirty. Still a good sign she might like you.

11. She’s blinking more than normal

According to Blake Eastman, a body language expert, an increased blink rate can signify attraction[1], so it may be a good sign if you notice that she seems to be blinking more around you.

12. Her pupils are larger than normal

If her pupils get large when you’re in a conversation, you’re doing something right. This one is quite subtle because pupil size is primarily determined by light levels, but secondarily attraction can also increase pupil size.

13. She’s keeping eye contact for longer

If you notice that she’s holding eye contact slightly longer than normal, she’s probably trying to get your attention or make a connection with you. It’s a good sign that she’s interested in you. That kind of eye contact often feels more intense and can even be a bit weird or uncomfortable.

14. She’s gives you a light smile

Say that you’re all standing in a circle, and you two make eye contact when someone else is talking. Does she give you a slight smile? She probably likes you (or is a very kind person, which is also a good sign!)

Same thing if you make eye contact at a distance, in a park, or at a bar. A smile is like an invitation to start talking.

15. She looks at you with open body language

This sign is most useful at a place with some background music, such as a bar or a club.

If she’s moving in rhythm with the background music and at the same time looking at you, that can be a sign she’s attracted to you. Dancing like that and looking at you is an inviting form of body language. That tells you she wants your attention and is trying to get you to make a move.

16. She corrects her posture

Does she straighten her posture when she gets your attention or is close to you? That means she’s trying to make a good impression on you.

On the other hand, a more relaxed posture can mean that she feels comfortable around you, which can also be a good sign.

17. She faces you

If she’s facing you more often than she’s facing others in a group, that’s a sign she’s into you and values you more than others in the group. This is especially telling if you’re not even the one talking the most in the group.

18. Her feet point towards you

If her feet are pointing toward you, that’s a sign in the same line as if her body is facing you. She’s subconsciously focused on you, which makes her feet point toward you. It’s a sign of open body language.

19. She fiddles with or straightens her clothes, jewelry, or accessories

This could be because of nervosity, but it can also be because she wants to look good in front of you. It’s a classic sign of attraction.

20. Her palms are faced in your direction

If the palms of their hands are pointed in your direction, she might be interested in you. It’s a weak signal, but it’s still positive because it’s part of an open and welcoming body language she has toward you.

21. She touches you back

For example, if you touch her arm, does she touch you in a similar area later on in the conversation? If she does reciprocate your touch, that’s a great sign, but it also depends on if she’s touchy with most people or just you.

Keep in mind that shy girls usually don’t touch back because they’re so afraid of messing up.

22. She touches you when you talk

Common areas to touch are arms, shoulders, back, hands, or thighs. Hands or thighs are usually more intimate if she touches those. Some girls aren’t so comfortable with touch, and it takes them a while to warm up. So if she doesn’t touch you, it isn’t necessarily a sign that she doesn’t like you if she shows many other signs on the list.

23. You have “peripheral physical contact”

Peripheral physical contact is when some parts of your body are in contact with each other when you are doing something else.

For example, if you’re both sitting down and your thighs are barely touching each other. Or if you’re walking side by side and she grabs hold of your arm. That kind of passive physical contact means a lot and can build a lot of tension and attraction.

24. She’s giving you more of her attention

For example, if she directs most of her attention when you’re in a group. Or if she’s only asking you questions or if she’s laughing more than others at your jokes.

The more attention she gives you, the more interested she usually is in you.

25. She blushes

Does she blush when you talk or make eye contact? She might be shy, but she’s probably a bit self-conscious around you because she likes you.

26. She looks at you from afar

Girls are often a bit sneaky when they want to check you out. They can make it seem like they’re only looking in your direction or just grazing you with their eyes. I’ve even seen girls using window reflections to check out a guy (and to check if he’s looking at them). Sunglasses are even sneakier.

So if she’s looking in your direction, especially if she does it several times, she’s probably checking you out.

27. She keeps the conversation going

What happens when you stop talking or can’t come up with anything to say? If she seems eager to get the conversation going again, that’s good. If she excuses herself, she may not be that interested.

Click here to read my full guide on how to talk to girls.

28. She always replies

Does she always reply when you call or text?

Quicker responses are often a sign of interest. But many girls are so afraid of appearing needy that they delay their response even if they like you.

29. She texts or calls you first

If she’s often the one initiating, that’s a very strong sign she’s into you.

But if she never calls or texts first, that shows a lack of interest. In that case, it can be good to take a step back to see if she will take initiative when you don’t do it before she even has the chance.

30. She texts you often

Compare this to how often you text her. It’s the same principle as matching the length of her texts. She’s eager if she’s texting more often than you, and you’re eager if you’re the one texting more often.

31. She stammers, stutters, or forgets what she was about to say

Does she seem nervous when you guys are having a conversation? This could mean she’s a bit extra shy or self-conscious around you, which tells you that she might also be a bit extra interested in you.

32. She doesn’t back off when you get closer

If she doesn’t even flinch when you get a bit too close to her personal space, that’s a sign she wants you close to her.

If you take a step closer, and she backs off by a step, that’s a sign she’s a bit more reserved toward you.

33. She talks about future plans

Planning or mentioning things they want to do with you in the future strongly indicates some sort of interest, romantic or platonic.

For example, if you’re talking about a newly opened restaurant, they say, “We should go there someday!” or “I’ll show you how amazing that place is!” If you’re talking about art and she wants to share her work, that’s a good sign too.

34. She’s pleased with your commonalities

How does she react when she finds out that you have something in common? If she’s happy, that’s good. This sign is extra strong if it’s something very trivial, like that you live in the same part of town, you’re the same age, or you both like pizza.

35. She asks you personal questions

If she is, that’s telling you that she wants to know more about you and is interested in you. The more she asks, the better.

For example, asking about your plans for the future, your childhood, or just about your favorite food. Asking you questions is literally showing interest in you.

36. She asks about your plans

Asking about your plans for the day or weekend might just be empty small talk, but it could also be her trying to open a window where you can meet again and hang out. It’s more likely it’s a sign of interest if she brings it up near the end of the conversation.

37. She seems embarrassed if you two are the only two people left in a situation

If she does but doesn’t do anything to leave the situation, that means she’s just a bit shy but still interested.

A classic example is if you meet her with her girlfriends at a bar, and then all her friends leave, but she stays. That’s perfect because it also means her friends approve of you.

38. She tells her friends or family about you

This one is most relevant once you’ve already started dating. But it’s such a huge sign of interest (and approval) that I thought it was worth mentioning. It’s even bigger if she’s from a culture where approval from the family is important.

If she’s told her family, it means she is visualizing and planning a future with you. Congrats!

If she just told her friends, that’s also great, but not as big as her family.

39. She offers you a massage

Offering a massage is a nice thing to do, but it’s also a smooth way for a girl to get you both touching each other. (Remember to offer her one back if you like her!)

40. She reschedules when she can’t make a date

Say you were meant to meet up with her, but she cancels. How can you know if she truly couldn’t make it or if she just isn’t interested?

Life happens, and everyone has to change or cancel plans sometimes. If she tries to reschedule when she cancels, it’s a good sign she is interested in you and had to cancel for legitimate reasons.

41. She compliments you

If she gives you positive feedback, it’s a good sign she likes you. While teasing can also be a sign she likes you, some women are more prone to compliment a guy they like, and many do both.

42. She gives you small gifts

Does she pick up things for you or give you gifts or trinkets? That’s a sign that she’s thinking about you and wants to make you feel good. For example, if you’ve mentioned that you have a weakness for pastries, and she shows up with a croissant the next time you meet up, that’s a really good sign that she likes you.

43. She follows up on things you tell her

Remembering that you said you have a test coming up and asking how it went is a sign that she takes you seriously and also that she wants you to know that she listens to you and cares.

44. She lets you know she’s single

Bringing up the fact that she’s single could be a way for her to let you know that she’s available and interested.

45. She asks for your help

Asking for your help can be a way to spend more time with you and establish a connection. It can also be a way for her to check how responsive and helpful you are to get an idea of how you would behave as a romantic partner.

46. She opens up to you

Asking you questions about yourself shows that she’s interested and wants to learn more about you. Sharing things about herself is a sign that she trusts you and wants to get closer to you.

47. She has a nickname for you

Giving you a nickname can be a flirty way to show that she likes you.

Does your best friend have a crush on you?

It can be more difficult to figure out these signs if you’re already friends with someone. If you’re close friends, she probably already texts you, tells you about her life, teases you, spends time with you, and so on. How can you know if it’s just friendship or if there’s more going on?

Is she acting differently from how she usually behaves? If there’s a sudden change in her behavior towards you, it may be a sign that her feelings have changed. On the other hand, if her behavior has changed in all aspects of life, it may have nothing to do with you.

Does she seem jealous or dismissive of other girls you might like? Is she suddenly extra touchy-feely? Is she unusually interested in your interests? These changes may indicate that her feelings towards you are shifting or that she’s trying to work out what she feels.

Those are all signs your best friend might have started liking you as more than a friend.

How do you know for sure if she’s interested?

You can’t know for sure if she’s interested based on a sign on this list. But there are a few rules you can use to help you know:

  1. Is she regularly showing you different signs of interest?
  2. Does she act differently to others than to you? (So she’s not just flirty with everyone.)
  3. Has she shown any particularly strong signs of interest?

The only one to know for sure is to check with her. Let her know you are interested and see if the feeling is mutual.

Are you still unsure if she likes you?

Write it down in the comments below in as much detail as possible for other commenters to help you out. I’ll also respond to a few of the most interesting comments. But I can’t keep up with all the comments alone, so try to help others by answering them too. Poorly written comments with bad grammar will be deleted.

Show references +

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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  1. Hi Viktor, three months ago I started working in a company, the fact is that the interview was made by two people, and one of them is the girl in question. I went to work by bus, and one day when I arrived at the bus stop, there she was, she told me that her mother lived in my neighborhood, and that she sometimes went to eat at her house, obviously we sat together; She showed me photos of her daughter, and asked me if I had children, and what my wife worked on, so we talked half an hour of the journey in a fluid way. So up to three times, we went together on the bus, and all right, the conversation was fluid. At work, I noticed that she looked at me a lot, even one day I tested her and held her gaze, and she held me a lot, until she finally looked away. When we met at the cafe there at work, she looked at me and tried to get my attention by commenting such as: look Alice and I are dressed in black, and laugh nervously, then I said that she did not have a new house like the other girl , and then she touched my arm and left. Another day after leaving work I approached her and said “hello fashion girl” and she smiled and touched my arm again, we walked together talking about a trip she was going to do and she told me that she wanted to see how a tattoo was done, and I ask her where she would do it, I suggested it in the lower back, she indicated me raising her leg than her ankle. Another day I hesitated her telling her that the dress she was wearing was fashionable because I had seen two girls wearing the same dress that same morning, and the next day she put it on, I said it: let’s see what I told you about that dress, and she smiled and told me that it was impossible that I had seen it because …… I have hesitated enough, and she was looking to meet me in the hall, I was saying something and she was walking like a peacock and she looked at me like arrogant. one day when we left work I told her not to chase me jokingly, and the next day she was going into bathroom and turning her head looked at me and stuck our her tongue playfully. The fact is that she sends me confusing signals, I went to her office for two days to tell her where to go when she went on vacation, and she became nervous, another day she told me that she had a lot of work and that she could not look on the internet, that she pointed it out but she was busy, I told her bad girl, and she smiled and told me that I was tanned. I don’t know, she touches my arm a lot, it smiles at me, looks for the encounter, … but then avoids talking to me and being alone with her is complicated for me . One day I took her a cake that I had bought on a trip for the coworkers, the next day she forced the meeting in the hallway and approached me leaning towards me, he touched my arm and said: “How delicious”. Anyway, day in day out is happened this, and I’ve only been three months. The worst thing is that I want to talk to her, but she avoids me.

  2. Hey Viktor, if you still check this regularly, I would like some advice
    I work at a bagel shop, and I became friends with my coworker about 6 months ago. We make jokes and laugh all the time and recently I started to actually think of her as a potential girlfriend. I especially became interested when my coworker and the friend she got hired talked about guys they liked and boyfriends. They made it clear that my interest has never dated and is free now. One of my coworkers has special needs, and once asked in front of all of my coworkers (more than once actually) to both me and my interest if we would be interested in or say yes to a date, though it was always in a rush time (lots of customers and with our orders in the “red zone”) I did catch a quick and nervous glance in my direction. This is from a week ago: At work I like to keep things private, but my boss made me and all of my coworkers write our phone numbers on a piece of paper so that we can all contact each other in the case of something. That day I got a call from a phone number I didn’t recognize, but I had a hunch. I was partially right: I actually got unwanted attention from another coworker of mine that was brought in by the original one I mentioned. She must have been putting in my contact information and accidentally called me, because it was on her break that the call went through. When I went into work the next day a few of coworkers my age had created a group texting chat that I was a part of. I decided not to text anything because I hate group chats, but my coworkers chided all day for me to check my phone. On two days later, the coworker I am truly interested in sought me out personally. She texted my number saying she was bored and wanted to talk to me. In the past she had asked if I was on social media or anything, but her friend/coworker asked too. I am not though. I had never given her my number, and I the feeling is mutual, I don’t know how long she has been waiting to acquire it. But it did not take long for her to utilize it. I’m a little bad at responding to texts, and my phone is slow, so I only received it the next day, but I made an effort. I gave her my personal number and apologized, and that night she wanted to talk with me again. We texted and shared stories and interests for six hours, well into the night. I tried to give her easy excuses, to gauge her interest, but we continued until I was falling asleep. I had a great time, and we genuinely have a lot in common. I really want to tell her how much I enjoyed it, even though I already said I had a good time. I just don’t know if she was really “bored” and that is the only reason she wanted to talk with me. She talked with me for an hour the next day, but no word later, and nothing the next day either. I’m wondering if when we talked, even though we talk and share all the time at work, I shared in a way that made her think “no, he is just a good friend” because frankly, I think there is potential here. I will see her tomorrow, I just don’t know what to expect. I’m not doing anything different though, same old me. I might ask if she usually texts until 1 AM with people, see how she reacts.

    Anyway, if you still do check this comment section, please give me your insights. I really feel we have a connection, but maybe she sees me as a fun friend, that’s my questions.


    • Update, I was right, the feeling is mutual, we figured it out this evening, what a thrill. I just feel like an idiot for not making a move sooner. Thanks for the tips in the article, and for reference this reply is 24 hours after the original post, so Viktor didn’t really have the chance to analyze my situation

      Well, just gotta keep it going now I guess,

  3. I work at Starbucks and there is this coworker I’m interested in. There are times that she will hugs random objects when only the two of us are engaging in a conversation during work. Once, she was hugging this bucket that we use to store leftover coffee beans out of no reason. And the other she took and hugged a transparent trash bag filled with empty pastry containers and used parchment papers in the midst of talking.

    She dresses well since day one I met here and is bubbly to everyone, so I cannot really tell if she’s interested in anyone. I don’t want to get the wrong idea of her actions, I also don’t wish to be so into her before getting a clearer picture. I really need some help, do you have any ideas if her actions meant anything?

    • It’s very unclear to me too from just that sign. Especially if she’s bubbly to everyone. Any other signs?

      • Thanks Viktor for replying. I never really pay attention to any special signs because I myself, is quite shy. And I tend to get nervous and slide away after a while if there is only the two of us. Is there any way I could test her out secretly and look of signs of interest? Would really appreciate it.

  4. There’s this girl I like and she’s really someone I’m into but she’s tough to figure out from these tips. They are great but A. She doesn’t wear fancy clothes only normal clothes B. I can’t tell how her personality changes when we get one one time. My main problem is telling her I have feelings for her I’m to afraid from rejection please help me find a way to tell her thanks.

    • There is a girl I like in the gym and one day I was on the treadmill and she got on the treadmill next to me even though there was loads of empty treadmills and while I was running she started a conversation with me and then she has come over to me and wanted to be in my company a few times since and then I asked her if she had any plans and she said no and then when I said I was going out drinking she said that she likes to go for a meal and a glass of wine was she hinting at me to ask her out

      • Wow nice one! She was most definitely interested in getting to know you more. I hope you see her again.

  5. It’s a woman I meet back in February this year. We agreed to be just friends, but my feelings for her have grown, not sure if hers has as well, most of the signs you speak of are all there, but she keeps telling me she not ready for a relationship, I don’t ask and have never told her how I feel, but she keeps reminding me of this on a regular bases.
    What’s worse for me is I know currently she has had a Fwb going on with another woman, she tells me it’s just fun as that’s all she after, but then keeps inviting me every where she’s going, the smiles the dancing the touching is all confusing me, she acts like she wants more than Friends but then tells me she is not ready for a relationship.
    Haven’t just been friendzoned, reading into the situation wrong as I have feelings, or is it just a matter of time, let her so her thing and wait and see, or is it time to man up and tell her how I feel

    • She could very well be attracted to you, but still not interested in a relationship. She could also just like the attention you’re giving her.

      I think you should emotionally prepare yourself to move on. Make your move, but be ready to get rejected. And then move on to greener pastures.

      The worst thing you could do is to keep waiting for her to “get ready”. She might never get ready for something serious with you, and then one day she’s suddenly ready when she meets someone else.

      I’ve been there. Waiting for someone to get ready, who never got ready – for me. It’s the worst.

  6. Hi Viktor,
    I recently met this girl online and I recently asked her out on the date and she agreed. We both went for lunch and she asked few questions for me but I kept the conversation going and it was chill. After lunch, she asked me places to eat and I told her maybe next time we could go and she seemed good about it. I asked her about her schedule for the week and she said she would let me know. After the date, I texted her and said I had a good time and asked when she was free. She did not respond after 1 day. SHould I wait or is she just not interested?


    • She’s not interested I’m afraid, but she’s probably afraid of rejecting you because she doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. There’s also like a 5% chance she’s just really busy, but I wouldn’t hold my breath for that.

      Keep looking for someone better, you got this!

  7. I have met a girl and we both get on really well and I have some sort of feelings for her. She displays many of the green signs in this article and she has suggested that we meet up again and get something to eat / her come to my place. I think we are both okay with just being friends at this moment. I am a very anxious person and overthink a lot so I am anxious about my next steps in talking to her. How can I create this friendship and take the initiative to invite her to do things and get involved with each other’s lives? How can I keep the conversations interesting without letting anxiety take over and how can I become a interesting person she wants to be around, although I know she likes being around me anyway I don’t want to screw it up. She compliments me to me and other people so I assume that’s a sign she likes me even as a friend?

  8. Hi Viktor,
    There is a girl I had interest in, but later on she started showing feelings which I knew she was interested. After a while, she started pretending as if she was not interested, or even making me jealous. The first time we met, she called her brother who was my friend back in university, to let him know I was with her. Recently, I told her I don’t think I can date her, that we should Just be friends (via text/chat), and her reply was: “let me first give you a hug, thank you very much”.
    Her next chat immediately after that was: “how can I invest in cryptocurrency”, which she knew somehow that I am very good and knowledgeable in that area.

    Could she still be interested in me, or she felt rather heartbroken or happy that I said I can’t date her?
    Or could her interest in what I like be a means to get my attention back to her?


  9. I’ve known my female friend for a minute I recently told her I like her she said”I like the relationship we have now it’s not really a good time for me to change it”. Any suggestions if she likes

  10. Hi.
    A girl I work with is throwing my head all over. Started with a work do last year, she sat with me, legs over mine, took my hand to drag me out to the smoking area,pulled my hand around her waist to her arse, proper flirty. Then as nights go on she socialises with her friends and I do mine. Over the past few months she would every now and then pass a comment to me regarding pretty much anything. A week or so ago she added me on Instagram, and she has no other guy from work on there despite working closer with them. I decided to drop her a message 2 days ago as a response to something she randomly showed me at work, and her responses went almost straight to innuendos and clearly pretty raunchy related stuff, but denies all knowledge of anything that happened at the party last year. Messages go from wanting me to be ‘exciting’, some teasing but also an occasional short message and long between replies. I don’t know if I’m onto something here or if I’m just being used as a way of getting attention. Thanks

  11. There is a girl in my high school, we have talked just a few times and she seems nice to me. The thing is that we don’t get to talk much. What I have noticed that she does greet me with a nice and cheerful ‘hi!’ unlike the way she greets her other guy friends. Her guys friends also tell me that she thinks that I am a smart guy. I like her a lot and I just want to know for sure that whether she like back or not? Is she just friendly or is there a chance for something more?

  12. One of my best friends is showing loads of signs but I’m not sure if it’s just coincidental. She put her legs on mine the other day when we were sat next to each other in class and cuddled me and hugged me whenever there was an opportunity e.g. I was saying oh no I might have to do the 800m on sports day and she quickly grabbed me and said “oh (my name)” and squeezed me gently I don’t know how long it would have gone on if I hadn’t pulled away. Then later she kept leaning into me and then put her hand on mine and was teasing me a bit and then she kissed the air near me in a kind of jokey way (“mwah”). I was really nervous and kept pushing her off in case people saw us (we were in a lesson) but I don’t know if she’s just like that with everyone or it’s just like banter because we are close friends or anything?

  13. I’M a female and I was at a dealership and the finance manager shared some personal information with me. She told me she was divorced, she had a daughter, she didn’t do church, and she would like to do lunch sometimes. She gave me her
    direct number at work not her cell number. Do you think she want a friend or lover.

    • I doubt it was purely friendship. But it could also have been business, maybe she’s part of some MLM-scam she wanted to recruit you to.

      Did you get any flirty vibes?

  14. We are swim mates, she is 4years younger than me and I think she likes me, do you think this age difference can be uncomfortable for her?

  15. I suspect she’s a bit older and I think she knows it too. But I’m not sure of what she’s up to. She greets me whenever she sees me, but initially, her greetings weren’t always audible enough. I think it’s because I was not responding at first, but since I noticed and started responding, she’s been greeting loud and clear. It even feels like she may be looking for a way to talk to me, but I’m not sure.

  16. Hi.was there for her in a breakup.shes always texting me.comes over when im out.laughs at alot of things i say.when shes down she always txt me.shes just started to go on a thew dates with a guy but just says i will see were it goes.tells me when shes been crying.if im out she always looks over then comes across aswell.just not sure how she feels.

  17. Few signs shows she likes me. But some times i feel that she is not sexually attracted.
    Some times i linger my hand on her external thigh she dont take my hand off even. But sometimes she dont sit with me in front seat.
    I dont know is she intrested sexualy or no.
    She smiles, lock eyes, sometimes her body language shows she is into me. But i am not 100% sure.
    Help.me please

  18. How do I know if she’s into me like the other day I was texting this girl inviting her to come over to cuddle and watch movies with me she said lol ion wanna tease you with my body with a ? what does this mean?

  19. Sir, I got a question about you men please help as much as you can. 1 of my men friends while alone will not smile at me but around his friends he will. I have a broken foot his friends asked how I was doing and I said I’m getting over a broken foot they said we heard I smile and said OK. His friends while we are at places will be talking then looks over at me a lot.I have walked past him on 28th of June and looking down looking at him out if corner of my eye smiling around his friends my friend said as soon as I walked past him he looked and smiled at me. We’ve in the past 4-5 years ago flirted locked eyes and he tapped my rear 4 times I acted like I tripped to get him back I said sorry he smiled said it was fine. Last 2 years we both have been not talking as much we both went through a divorce but now things is coming back around like it was the looking the smiling. What is your opinion please help ease my mind.?????

  20. Hi

    I actually have a question that concerns me. I sometimes get bullied by my friends at university. It is not physical bullying. It is actually verbal bullying.

    The problem is that I got bullied in front of my crush, but I try my best to answer and argue with what they are saying. Do you think that she is not interested in me anymore because of that?


  21. Ok. I like a like a girl in my university. But iam not sure if she too like me.she do the lip biting thing. She tries to keep the conversation going even if I have stopped talking. I also told that I like her and in future i want her but she always she i’ll do whatever my parents say..but she always laugh when I say that I like her and need her… What should I do??

  22. She always seems interested in what I have to say, has a nickname for me, laughs at pretty much every joke I tell, and she said I should work the exact same days she does after school.

  23. Hello i was actully curious been talking to this girl and everything goes smooth and we laugh and talk about everthing, but recently shes been really touchy,touching everytime and sometimes when our hands collide she touches my hands or our legs or very close that we touch each other and she likes to put her arms on my shoulder sometimes when i do mean joke but its all jokes it doesnt hurt but shes been touchy alot, and for testing her i saw a girl where we where and i said oh shes hot and she said hey im right here and she started to laugh.
    I dont know if it was a joke or maybe it kinda affected her i dont know but we do have alot of fun together but the thing is she has a boyfriend so im kinda confuse ?? I did ask her if she realize thats she touches me alot but she said im her best friend ?? Is she indenial ? Is there something building up.

    Thanks for the advice

  24. Ok so I like this girl from work. Whenever I pass by or talk with her she’s always prolonging her eye contact, smiling at me a little longer than normal, and she’ll always shift more towards me when we’re talking to each other or in a group of people. Also our conversations are always long and back and forth. I’ve NEVER been able to talk to other girls the way I’ve been able to talk to her. I notice that she doesn’t do this a lot with the other guys that she works with or talks to. I’m not sure if she actually does like me or if this is just her personality?

  25. Ok, so I like this girl who I semi regularly work with. Whenever I pass by her or talk to her she will hold eye contact with me for almost the entire time I’m with her, she will smile at me for most of the time I’m talking to her or whenever I pass by and she’s ALWAYS facing me when we’re talking. I notice that she doesn’t do this a lot with other guys that she works with. I’ve wanted to ask her out for the longest time but things always seem to get in the way. I’m not sure if she actually does like me or if this is just her personality?

  26. theres a girl i like and she gives a lot of signs that she likes me: the teeth lick, the lip bite thing ect., but she says she likes me almost as a joke, does she really like me?

  27. She like says she won’t date me but she like play hits me and she but her hair in my ear and lately she’s been real nicer and she gets mad for me having another girl bestfriend. So like something tells me she likes me but she won’t amit it yet is it best if like i don’t talk to her for a while.

    • She most likely likes you, as Viktor said, most shy girls will say that its a joke or play it off, but since she gets mad if you are best friends with other girls, bites her lips , etc., you should straight ask her, however this might come with a mild risk as she wont know how to respond as she doesn’t want to ruin the friendship between both of you, you should start a casual conversation and try to transition little by little to the question.


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