47 Signs a Girl Likes You (How to Know if She Has a Crush)

How do you know if a girl likes you or even has a crush on you? These days, it can be quite difficult to know. She may be acting friendly, but what if she’s friendly towards everyone? Is she flirting, or are you imagining it?

Some women are more outgoing than others, so they may seem like they’re flirting even when they’re not. And some are shy, so they may seem withdrawn and uninterested even if they have a huge crush! It can be pretty hard to figure out, which is why we wrote this guide.


  1. Signs she likes you
  2. Does your best friend have a crush on you?
  3. How can you know for sure if a girl likes you?

47 signs she likes you

Unless a girl tells you outright that she likes you, you will have to try to understand by her context clues. When we have a crush on someone, there are usually changes in behavior around that person. Some changes are intentional (if they’re trying to show you that they are interested), while others are unintentional (due to nervousness).

The more of these signs she shows, the more likely it is that she has a crush on you, rather than just being a flirty or friendly person overall. Here are 47 signs to help tell if a girl likes you.

1. She laughs at your jokes

Laughing at your jokes can be a huge sign of interest (especially if you are not a particularly funny person…) If she smiles and laughs a lot around you, she may have a crush.

If you want to make a girl you like to laugh more, you may like to read this article on how to be funny (for un-funny people).

2. She mirrors you

Mirroring means that her body language, posture, or even what she’s saying reflects what you said or did. So if you take a sip of your glass, if she’s mirroring that, she’ll also take a sip of her glass. Or if you cross your legs and she does the same, that’s also mirroring.

Remember that mirroring is done subconsciously when she has a very good rapport with you. But it can also be done consciously if she wants to impress or bond with you. It’s a great sign either way.

3. She adds you on social media

This one means she wants to stay in touch and is at least a little bit interested in you. It also makes it much easier for you to take initiative by messaging or commenting on her posts.

4. She writes you long texts

Is she always giving you short answers, or is she giving you a small novel as a reply?

If her texts are about the same length or longer than yours, that’s great. It’s especially good if they’re longer than yours.

If you’re usually giving her long replies but not getting the same in return, it means you’re probably too eager. In that case, it’s often good to step back a bit and try to match her better. Give her some space, so she wants to come back to you again.

5. She teases you

Is it mean teasing or more flirty and light-hearted?

Most forms of teasing (even mean) are usually a sign she’s interested in you. I LOVE it when a girl I like tries to tease me. It means she’s trying to create a flirty vibe between you and that she wants a reaction from you. Just don’t take it too seriously and try to have fun with her!

6. She leans in toward you

If she’s leaning in toward you, that’s a sign she’s eager to get your attention or get her message across. And in the best case, it also means she’s eager to get closer to you.

7. She moves closer to you

If you’re in a conversation and you feel like she’s edging closer to you, or as if she’s almost uncomfortably too close to you, that’s a good sign. It could mean she’s attracted to you and wants to feel closer to you both physically and mentally.

Take note that different cultures have different “personal spaces.” So, if she’s from a different culture than you, it might just be because of that.

8. She bites her lips

Biting herself lightly on the lip is a flirty and cute (or sexy) signal. If she’s biting herself in the lip while you’re talking, that’s great. She’s probably into you.

9. She smiles at you

If she’s smiling toward you from afar, that’s an invitation to approach her. Or she’s flirting with you. (I’m assuming you didn’t just forget to put your pants on when leaving home).

If she’s smiling toward you when you’re in a conversation, that’s a sign she likes you. Especially if she has a light smile while you’re not even joking.

10. She licks her lips or teeth

Is she licking her lips or teeth? This is similar to biting her lips, but a bit more subtle and less flirty. Still a good sign she might like you.

11. She’s blinking more than normal

According to Blake Eastman, a body language expert, an increased blink rate can signify attraction[1], so it may be a good sign if you notice that she seems to be blinking more around you.

12. Her pupils are larger than normal

If her pupils get large when you’re in a conversation, you’re doing something right. This one is quite subtle because pupil size is primarily determined by light levels, but secondarily attraction can also increase pupil size.

13. She’s keeping eye contact for longer

If you notice that she’s holding eye contact slightly longer than normal, she’s probably trying to get your attention or make a connection with you. It’s a good sign that she’s interested in you. That kind of eye contact often feels more intense and can even be a bit weird or uncomfortable.

14. She’s gives you a light smile

Say that you’re all standing in a circle, and you two make eye contact when someone else is talking. Does she give you a slight smile? She probably likes you (or is a very kind person, which is also a good sign!)

Same thing if you make eye contact at a distance, in a park, or at a bar. A smile is like an invitation to start talking.

15. She looks at you with open body language

This sign is most useful at a place with some background music, such as a bar or a club.

If she’s moving in rhythm with the background music and at the same time looking at you, that can be a sign she’s attracted to you. Dancing like that and looking at you is an inviting form of body language. That tells you she wants your attention and is trying to get you to make a move.

16. She corrects her posture

Does she straighten her posture when she gets your attention or is close to you? That means she’s trying to make a good impression on you.

On the other hand, a more relaxed posture can mean that she feels comfortable around you, which can also be a good sign.

17. She faces you

If she’s facing you more often than she’s facing others in a group, that’s a sign she’s into you and values you more than others in the group. This is especially telling if you’re not even the one talking the most in the group.

18. Her feet point towards you

If her feet are pointing toward you, that’s a sign in the same line as if her body is facing you. She’s subconsciously focused on you, which makes her feet point toward you. It’s a sign of open body language.

19. She fiddles with or straightens her clothes, jewelry, or accessories

This could be because of nervosity, but it can also be because she wants to look good in front of you. It’s a classic sign of attraction.

20. Her palms are faced in your direction

If the palms of their hands are pointed in your direction, she might be interested in you. It’s a weak signal, but it’s still positive because it’s part of an open and welcoming body language she has toward you.

21. She touches you back

For example, if you touch her arm, does she touch you in a similar area later on in the conversation? If she does reciprocate your touch, that’s a great sign, but it also depends on if she’s touchy with most people or just you.

Keep in mind that shy girls usually don’t touch back because they’re so afraid of messing up.

22. She touches you when you talk

Common areas to touch are arms, shoulders, back, hands, or thighs. Hands or thighs are usually more intimate if she touches those. Some girls aren’t so comfortable with touch, and it takes them a while to warm up. So if she doesn’t touch you, it isn’t necessarily a sign that she doesn’t like you if she shows many other signs on the list.

23. You have “peripheral physical contact”

Peripheral physical contact is when some parts of your body are in contact with each other when you are doing something else.

For example, if you’re both sitting down and your thighs are barely touching each other. Or if you’re walking side by side and she grabs hold of your arm. That kind of passive physical contact means a lot and can build a lot of tension and attraction.

24. She’s giving you more of her attention

For example, if she directs most of her attention when you’re in a group. Or if she’s only asking you questions or if she’s laughing more than others at your jokes.

The more attention she gives you, the more interested she usually is in you.

25. She blushes

Does she blush when you talk or make eye contact? She might be shy, but she’s probably a bit self-conscious around you because she likes you.

26. She looks at you from afar

Girls are often a bit sneaky when they want to check you out. They can make it seem like they’re only looking in your direction or just grazing you with their eyes. I’ve even seen girls using window reflections to check out a guy (and to check if he’s looking at them). Sunglasses are even sneakier.

So if she’s looking in your direction, especially if she does it several times, she’s probably checking you out.

27. She keeps the conversation going

What happens when you stop talking or can’t come up with anything to say? If she seems eager to get the conversation going again, that’s good. If she excuses herself, she may not be that interested.

Click here to read my full guide on how to talk to girls.

28. She always replies

Does she always reply when you call or text?

Quicker responses are often a sign of interest. But many girls are so afraid of appearing needy that they delay their response even if they like you.

29. She texts or calls you first

If she’s often the one initiating, that’s a very strong sign she’s into you.

But if she never calls or texts first, that shows a lack of interest. In that case, it can be good to take a step back to see if she will take initiative when you don’t do it before she even has the chance.

30. She texts you often

Compare this to how often you text her. It’s the same principle as matching the length of her texts. She’s eager if she’s texting more often than you, and you’re eager if you’re the one texting more often.

31. She stammers, stutters, or forgets what she was about to say

Does she seem nervous when you guys are having a conversation? This could mean she’s a bit extra shy or self-conscious around you, which tells you that she might also be a bit extra interested in you.

32. She doesn’t back off when you get closer

If she doesn’t even flinch when you get a bit too close to her personal space, that’s a sign she wants you close to her.

If you take a step closer, and she backs off by a step, that’s a sign she’s a bit more reserved toward you.

33. She talks about future plans

Planning or mentioning things they want to do with you in the future strongly indicates some sort of interest, romantic or platonic.

For example, if you’re talking about a newly opened restaurant, they say, “We should go there someday!” or “I’ll show you how amazing that place is!” If you’re talking about art and she wants to share her work, that’s a good sign too.

34. She’s pleased with your commonalities

How does she react when she finds out that you have something in common? If she’s happy, that’s good. This sign is extra strong if it’s something very trivial, like that you live in the same part of town, you’re the same age, or you both like pizza.

35. She asks you personal questions

If she is, that’s telling you that she wants to know more about you and is interested in you. The more she asks, the better.

For example, asking about your plans for the future, your childhood, or just about your favorite food. Asking you questions is literally showing interest in you.

36. She asks about your plans

Asking about your plans for the day or weekend might just be empty small talk, but it could also be her trying to open a window where you can meet again and hang out. It’s more likely it’s a sign of interest if she brings it up near the end of the conversation.

37. She seems embarrassed if you two are the only two people left in a situation

If she does but doesn’t do anything to leave the situation, that means she’s just a bit shy but still interested.

A classic example is if you meet her with her girlfriends at a bar, and then all her friends leave, but she stays. That’s perfect because it also means her friends approve of you.

38. She tells her friends or family about you

This one is most relevant once you’ve already started dating. But it’s such a huge sign of interest (and approval) that I thought it was worth mentioning. It’s even bigger if she’s from a culture where approval from the family is important.

If she’s told her family, it means she is visualizing and planning a future with you. Congrats!

If she just told her friends, that’s also great, but not as big as her family.

39. She offers you a massage

Offering a massage is a nice thing to do, but it’s also a smooth way for a girl to get you both touching each other. (Remember to offer her one back if you like her!)

40. She reschedules when she can’t make a date

Say you were meant to meet up with her, but she cancels. How can you know if she truly couldn’t make it or if she just isn’t interested?

Life happens, and everyone has to change or cancel plans sometimes. If she tries to reschedule when she cancels, it’s a good sign she is interested in you and had to cancel for legitimate reasons.

41. She compliments you

If she gives you positive feedback, it’s a good sign she likes you. While teasing can also be a sign she likes you, some women are more prone to compliment a guy they like, and many do both.

42. She gives you small gifts

Does she pick up things for you or give you gifts or trinkets? That’s a sign that she’s thinking about you and wants to make you feel good. For example, if you’ve mentioned that you have a weakness for pastries, and she shows up with a croissant the next time you meet up, that’s a really good sign that she likes you.

43. She follows up on things you tell her

Remembering that you said you have a test coming up and asking how it went is a sign that she takes you seriously and also that she wants you to know that she listens to you and cares.

44. She lets you know she’s single

Bringing up the fact that she’s single could be a way for her to let you know that she’s available and interested.

45. She asks for your help

Asking for your help can be a way to spend more time with you and establish a connection. It can also be a way for her to check how responsive and helpful you are to get an idea of how you would behave as a romantic partner.

46. She opens up to you

Asking you questions about yourself shows that she’s interested and wants to learn more about you. Sharing things about herself is a sign that she trusts you and wants to get closer to you.

47. She has a nickname for you

Giving you a nickname can be a flirty way to show that she likes you.

Does your best friend have a crush on you?

It can be more difficult to figure out these signs if you’re already friends with someone. If you’re close friends, she probably already texts you, tells you about her life, teases you, spends time with you, and so on. How can you know if it’s just friendship or if there’s more going on?

Is she acting differently from how she usually behaves? If there’s a sudden change in her behavior towards you, it may be a sign that her feelings have changed. On the other hand, if her behavior has changed in all aspects of life, it may have nothing to do with you.

Does she seem jealous or dismissive of other girls you might like? Is she suddenly extra touchy-feely? Is she unusually interested in your interests? These changes may indicate that her feelings towards you are shifting or that she’s trying to work out what she feels.

Those are all signs your best friend might have started liking you as more than a friend.

How do you know for sure if she’s interested?

You can’t know for sure if she’s interested based on a sign on this list. But there are a few rules you can use to help you know:

  1. Is she regularly showing you different signs of interest?
  2. Does she act differently to others than to you? (So she’s not just flirty with everyone.)
  3. Has she shown any particularly strong signs of interest?

The only one to know for sure is to check with her. Let her know you are interested and see if the feeling is mutual.

Are you still unsure if she likes you?

Write it down in the comments below in as much detail as possible for other commenters to help you out. I’ll also respond to a few of the most interesting comments. But I can’t keep up with all the comments alone, so try to help others by answering them too. Poorly written comments with bad grammar will be deleted.

Show references +

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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  1. I have been texting (like long texting sessions) that girl for 3 years (different cities) and we met for 2 days recently, we had a good time, showing me around her city, been to restaurants, talked to my dad for fun and saw her mum quickly. We get along very well and she said she trusts me as she shared some personal health issues only with me and her best friend. She is not into letting emotions go so it’s hard to know what she thinks about me. any clue ? thanks !

  2. There’s this girl in my school that isn’t around me much, but when she is she loves to talk to me, and laughs at my jokes and always asks me how I’m doing. she even flirts with me sometimes, even tho we aren’t close as friends or anything else. does she fancy me or not?

  3. what does it means if a girl messaged you that you made her uncomfortable with your comments on her post in social media? then why didnt she block you instead if she’s uncomfortable?

  4. She also looks at me in school. And she talks about me to her friends when I walk past her. Can someone tell me what all of this means? Because I still don’t know.

  5. And something. To add when I see her in school she looks at me. And when she is with her friends they talk about me. But I still don’t know what all of this means. Please someone tell me.

  6. So I like this girl and we got on really well. And we used to talk a lot However when my friend told her that I liked her she stopped talking to me and blocked me on Instagram. However, she didn’t block me on Snapchat. But she is not responding to anything that I message her. And when she did text me she used these emojis ????????. Can someone tell me what all of this means please?

  7. There is this girl I’m attracted to and when we talk about common interests she does a little giggle glances at me then quickly looks away. I get nervous around her because I like her but I’m worried if I admit to it she will judge me.

  8. She shows signs like
    Sharing a spoon or a fork with me to eat
    Looking in my direction
    Sitting right beside me when there are other places to sit
    We talk regularly
    But sometimes seems off when I am trying to strike up a conversation while both of us are walking ( this has happened three times that I felt that she was trying to avoid me.)
    BTW I am in high school

  9. Catch her staring often, always sits near me in a group, follows me in a group walk, likes me lifting her to do an exercise, holds eye contact till I look away, watches me do activities

  10. There’s this girl who I’m not sure about we talk but only when it’s the two of us alone she won’t talk to me in a large group of even if there is only one other person with us she says things I say are sweet she is always close to me in groups she always wants to help or do something with me no matter how crazy it seems she recently lost her other boyfriend and wasn’t sad about it but has been looking for other boys we are pretty good friends and all the other boys who are her friends are taken by her girlfriends so I don’t know please help me

    • I think not looking at you when there’s other people there is a sign. I’m in a similar situation. This girl invites me places, then if it’s with someone else she doesn’t really talk to me till we’re alone. I think it’s part awkwardness and part as if we’re already together and the other person is the extra that needs attention. That’s my hope and intuition, I only think otherwise when I get insecure.
      I like her a lot but she’s kind and attentive with a lot of people so I’m not always sure. It’s hard to trust vibes.

  11. Guys, I am somehow confused about this girl I really like both should I just go straight to the point and tell her how I feel about her.

  12. I am fundamentally unattractive and therefore ineligible to flirt or experience any form of intimacy because no woman could be sexually attracted to me. As such I interact with women I am attracted to with extreme caution to ensure my feelings are not detectable. Loneliness is painful and I would love to know a woman ‘wants’ me. But actually thinking that / wishing for it is pure self delusion. It will never happen because it can’t. I have seen 2 therapists and both have advised me to change my mindset and the way I view myself. I asked evidence on which to base a different way of viewing myself, but neither could provide a shred of proof that I even might be capable of attracting any woman.

    • Now that’s a hard one. Try meditating and bringing inner peace with yourself. Your mindset does have a lot to do with things. If you constantly think you won’t find love than subconsciously your brain will find ways to prove that fact. Your subconscious mind does a lot more than people think and can lead you to self sabotage.

  13. I have a girl at my school she was placed in front of me by the teacher we do alphabetical seating and she flips her hair but i dont know what direction or if she just does it. then every now and then she turns around and looks straight at me not knowing i can see her out of the corner of my eye. Does she like me?

  14. Guys, I need help. So there’s one girl I want so bad but I’m really confused about her. She sometimes responds to my stories on Instagram, especially if there’s a gaming story. Once I intentionally posted a video and she responded. So she texts me first we talk for a bit and then nothing for days. She leaves me in delivered even tho she started the conversation?! Whaaat?? I don’t wanna text her again, she’ll figure out that I’m in love with her…She waves at me on the school hallway, sometimes she smiles. We talked in person once and she started asking me random questions. I responded st every single one and bcuz I talk a lot I added a lot of details to my answers..when I finished my sentences I stopped talking and after a minute or two of silence she asks me something else. She also wanted to play video games with her and I told her that I am going to play with her one day. But I still don’t understand why she leaves me in delivery or why she responds so late. Rn I have two delivered messages that I sent her. What should I do? Text her again? I don’t know if she really likes me. There may be a reason why she’s acting like that and that reason is… I already have a girlfriend…but this girl just keeps me awake at night, only if I knew for sure that she likes me… what do I do to keep her interested, I want to show her my love but without risking…

    • Which one do you like more, your girlfriend or the other one? If you try to show your love to this other girl who seems to like you, there’s a risk that your girlfriend will find out. Then you’re in trouble. Choose which one you like and then go for them, that’s what I would do.

    • Try to do a game night with her and see where it leads. Like go to one of your houses and just play a video game. Try to lead into a deep talk and feel it out. Look at how close she sits to you and what not.

  15. So I like this girl at a club and we chat and enjoy musical theatre together. However, I only have 3 brain cells and this means that it’s tough to see if she likes me back. Here’s a list of things she does:

    -She will always try to initiate conversation and can be extremely talkative once you start.

    -Looks at me CONSTANTLY. I look at her and when I look away/ talk to my friend, she looks at me and vice-versa. When we both look at each other at the same time it’s awkward but nice.

    -Reflects my mood. Me happy, she happy. Me sad, she sad. Simples.

    -Leans towards me. Strange.

    -Participates in the things I do. For instance, I wanted to record a video of a roley-poley to do with my friend but then, she asked if she could be in it too even though she struggled to do one.

    -Tries to be near me

    -Laughs at every joke I make, even if it’s worse than the jokes your dad makes

    -She was in a show recently and when she sang her song, I’m pretty sure she was looking at me…

    -Copy’s what I do. I pointed at a random, empty chair and said “YOU SIR, MUST BELIEVE!” after we sang a song in the club which was about believing. She pointed at the same chair and said “YEAH! BELIEVE!” pointing with the same hand I used

    This has bugged me for a while now. And I need help! If you could tell me your thoughts I would appreciate it.

  16. Hm tnx very much, it is clear already but am still confused there is a guy I like in my place of worship but am planning to make the first approach but am scared of what he is going to think of me and my value as a lady.
    Am just trying for a friendship first

  17. I am one of these guys that needs a concrete block with a note saying “I like you”. So need some help,

    There are several signs from above that a girl might like me. In the office last week, we had multiple breaks/lunches together, she showed me pics on her phone of family things or TIKTOKs she had done, but would position the phone so I had to move in. I also noticed she was shaking a lot when I saw her hand, at this point.

    Along with this, she wore her hair to the side, always turned fully to face me and played with hair whilst talking and shared some very personal experiences from her past. And hugs after walking home to the point where we would go our separate ways.

    But, we have texted a little and she replies, with an open question… “How are you feeling today?” Etc…But then doesn’t reply to my reply.

    Any thoughts?

    • Tough one. My advice, ask her out over text, and if she says no, make it seem like a joke or say it was a dare from a friend. Good luck!

  18. So this girl told my sister she wanted to dance with me. I would consider her a friend but barely, we hardly ever talk and we’ve never really had a one on one conversation except for the one time I dance with her after she talked to my sister. Does she like me or is she just being nice?

    • Hey John, maybe she liked the dance from last time and thought you would be a good partner. Who knows, maybe she might want to get to know you a little better. Be looking out for body language and compliments. It could also be that she feels comfortable around you and didn’t want to make it seem like she was really interested. She can also be a nice person and maybe thinks you are a nice person too.

  19. I have a crush on a girl from a sports club. She is now going into the same high school as me. She is a flirty person towards everyone, but I can’t help but think she especially likes me. She also maintains deep eye contact and we have our own inside joke that we bond over. I have no idea what to do at all, I feel like I’m just pretending she likes me. HELP

  20. What happened to me in school. There’s a girl who looks at me and then quickly looks away and one of my great close friends says he saw her looking at me while smiling. The first day of school, she wanted to shake my hand and refused a fist bump and after I shook her hand, she said that my hands are soft then her friend teased her by saying that if a girl says a guy’s hand is soft then it means she likes him and the girl hid her face. One of the friends of the girl was about to tell me something but then the girl pulled her friend away saying “Nope”. The girl also makes weird comments about me and it confuses me. Beginning of the school year, she said hi to me a lot while smiling and waving. The next story is, she was talking to her friend, and when I was wandering around the halls, she was looking at me and smiling. The girl also asked for my age and my birthdate. I still don’t know what her intentions are.

  21. There is this girl that I am crazy for, but I have no idea about her interest in me. She is very nice and talkative in person, but on texts very short messages and seems almost cold. Also, she is very busy with hobbies, so maybe I express stress to her? The times we meet either at parties or in friend groups, I feel it should be obvious for her that I like her if she pays attention to my behavior. In conversations, she talks and talks and doesn’t stop, and likes to answer questions I got for her future, family etc. Also, she wants me to dance with her when we are drunk, and lets me braid her hair. I have had strong feelings for 4 months now but don’t know what to do, as I am afraid of losing the little I have by taking the next step. I got so many ideas, but was too afraid to execute them. What should I do?

    • if she’s busy, she’s not into you dawg. doesn’t mean it can’t happen eventually but you seriously need to back off. don’t express stress, demonstrate how you’re living your life and enjoying it and wait for her to come back around.

      short answers aren’t a good sign and neither is having to initiate contact constantly. learn about abundance mentality. the better you become the more options you have and there are billions of people on earth.


  22. There is this girl I like in my place of worship but I always feel nervous to talk to her but after I have read some of your articles I don’t see a reason I should be nervous. like you said: what’s the worst that could happen. thank you for all your tips.

  23. There is this girl I love but didn’t know how to tell her and am a shy guy, I once asked her on a date and she speedily said yes, so help me to relay to her. I usually text her about some good stuff but she didn’t reply but when I got her number she didn’t demand my own and I have continued to text her but she reply any of my messages. Help on what next to do but I haven’t taken her on a date

  24. there’s this girl at work who I’ve spoken to, we get on really well and it turns out we already knew each other as I used to walk her home from school. when we are together at work we speak a lot but as soon as someone joins in the conversation it gets really awkward and we just stop talking until the other person is gone, she really goes out of her way to speak to me as in taking the longest route around work to say hello and it is very obvious she does this, but the one problem is on text messages, she messages well as in she carry’s on the conversation and will ask me questions instead of being blunt, I wake up to a text message saying hello and asking if I slept well and stuff , but she sometimes takes forever to message and idk if its because she is busy or maybe don’t want to talk to me, she apologises when she goes for a while and I just tell her not to apologises she has no obligation to message me, but yesterday she said to me “i enjoy talking to you :)”, she is a really genuine person so i feel like if she didn’t want to talk to me she would of just said, I’m just in this constant paranoia that maybe she is just trying to be nice. I just don’t know how to feel about it, out of the 42 things to tell is she likes you about 38 were true, but I work in retail so we have covid restrictions still so a lot of the time it distanced, she will sometimes touch my hand when I’m walking with her and she will apologize but idk if that’s good or not. and feedback would be nice

    • I have the same paranoia about it at work. I think it’s just anxiety and your body going haywire trying to protect yourself, both physically and emotionally. Take the chance cause to me that seems like she is interested. Try to also see how she acts around other people.


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