How to Double Your Confidence in 5 Minutes

The science behind the experiment

In our course “Fast Friend Protocol“, you’ll learn how to talk to people and connect with them—even if you don’t know what to say or get stuck in endless small talk.

How will you use what you learned in this video clip? Share in the comments below! If someone writes something you agree with, let them know you have their support!

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  1. As an introvert I easily gets bored talking with other ppl and most of the time I don’t know How to start a conversation to break the silence. I think I’ve made a right choice by opening this page , Hope this OFC steps working … Thank you David ✨

  2. Yes this Is a good start. Only issue I have at this point is I find even when I focus on other people, smile and laugh that I still tend to be left out a little and run out of natural conversation, so the whole circle starts again. Mind you I am 49 now and struggles since I was 12. Although happily married

  3. Thank you so much for helping us here through teaching some strategies on how to overcome my anxiety especially in dealing other people.

  4. Hey , I know how this feel. I am not an expert in this and also not have cracked how to solve this, but there is one thing that I want to share that you don’t have to change in a way you don’t like just to make friends. Changing yourself in a way you don’t like will not help.

  5. Just want to say what a fine young man this is who is narrating this, it’s so helpful and to take the focus away from ourselves, I feel, is the way to go… What if the other person doesn’t seem Interested and you are the one doing all the work!

  6. It seems like the only real way to get better at conversations is to actively practice but these tips are great thank you for your hard work and research to find a guideline for us introverts ???????? For me personally I feel as if I get along with everybody I meet but can’t seem to relate to anybody or have “small talk” I can usually only hold a conversation if the topic matters to me. How can I be more open minded and empathetic? Thanks again for all your help

  7. I’m a young women who is normally very awkward except for when I’m at the grocery store where this guy works, when I see him I get so nervous! I can hear my heart beat in my ears like I went for a run. I’ve never even spoke to him but I’ve noticed him for 3 or more years working in the store, but he never looked at me when I was looking at him he would wait until I looked away. But somethings changed over the last few months and our eyes would meet at first only for a nanosecond, then a second, and now for 4 or 5 seconds time stops and we stare at each other but never smile. The voice in my head says smile, talk to him, do something! But I don’t like putting myself on the line for people. What ifs are my weakness. I don’t want to make myself look stupid and then have to shop where he works. Any ideas?

    • He could be feeling the same thing as you. So think of it that way.

      If I were that guy, I would welcome a smile and a “hi.”
      Maybe introduce yourself, and that you have seen him before, and you just thought you would say hi this time. Then just get a conversation going, just like you would with any other stranger.

      Hand him your e-mail address, and let him know that if he ever has time, maybe you two could get to know one another better. That way the ball is in his court, and you don’t have to hear a possible rejection.
      End it with “see ya around.” Then leave.

      It’s pretty simple, actually.

  8. I have trouble smiling for selfies. I am told that I have a nice smile. But my mouth nerves clamp up when I need to pose. Any idea what to do about this?

  9. Hi Anya I wanted to say that you are in 7th grade now and its good to make new friends but according to you , you are not able to make friends.Have you ever tried the reason behind this .I will tell you that you are not able to connect with them openly and seeing other people hanging out you became nervous to go infront of them .You know that how I know all this ?I will tell you that I know this because I also go through all of this but the matter is I was not so smart that I would able to know the reason behind this but as you asked which is very brave of you then I would suggest you that the only person who is holding you back to make new friends is only you and you just need to go there in front of them and without even thinking start a wholehearted conversation with them you will definitely succeed in it and I am again saying don’t think a lot before going to have fun with them .Also don’t let yourself affected if they are saying something bad which affect yourself…just laugh and say whatever you want to…good luck my friend.

  10. I am hoping this will help me a lot my problem is I’m always worrying that my house doesn’t look good enough nothing around me is good enough for the person I’ve asked to my home even if I know them I feel this


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