How to Double Your Confidence in 5 Minutes

The science behind the experiment

In our course “Fast Friend Protocol“, you’ll learn how to talk to people and connect with them—even if you don’t know what to say or get stuck in endless small talk.

How will you use what you learned in this video clip? Share in the comments below! If someone writes something you agree with, let them know you have their support!

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  1. I always overthink about what people think about me whenever I’m doing things, my looks, making mistakes, talking to them. Which is the biggest reason I can’t make friends. This method is really helpful although because of the COVID stuff, It’s really hard for me to meet people at school.

  2. I enjoyed the video. I don’t have a problem meeting people. I just sometimes lose my focus talking to them usually when they want to continue talking so I just usually end the conversation and go to another topic more comfortable.

  3. I am not unconfident with strangers I am uncomfortable with people trying to control me or dominate me or put me down. By talking to me and dumping on me all their negative past or problems. I want to stop attracting these kind of folks. Why I said I was nervous is because of the behavior of body language like rolling back their eyes. Or acting that what I am saying is not important, etc.

  4. Thank you so much, this OFC method really helped me a lot.
    My problem is now how to some more interesting for the other person to enjoy what I am saying. Like for example jokes now. how an I make others laugh at my jokes
    How can I reduce talking in bits and actually bond with the person I am talking with now

  5. Thank you for this advice. I look forward to the time I can try it out. The thing is I don’t get many opportunities to meet new people now because I work at home.

  6. Thank you David,
    This approach will be helpful to overcome my problem. most of the time I make friends easily but unfortunately they are not close friends even I wanted to continue with them. I noted most of them are selfish and not genuine.I wanted to get friendly who are genuine, honest, kind people who can understand me.I am alone because of my family members who were shared with my life are not alive today.

  7. I enjoyed this OFC coaching tip and plan to try it. I believe I have moderate social anxiety. When I’m in my moderate place, I push myself by telling myself my voice matters. By focusing on what I believe is important to share, I’ve recognized others do too. I’ll now add OFC to my tool box. I feel it will draw my acquaintance/friend/associate into a more dynamic conversation. Thanks for running this website. I believe you’re helping people to feel tangibly better while interacting with others.

  8. This was incredible! Thanks for making such an efficient, scientific and friendly teaching video. OFC is going to be my new best friend!

  9. Thanks a lot! Do you have a video about story-telling? I’m good at writing stories but when it comes to telling them sometimes I find myself losing the punch. Do you know what I can do about this?

  10. My is that I don’t know what I did before and then I become nervous when I think about it and can’t sleep all night + my stomach start hurting me and don’t know what to answer it’s really a bad situation

    • Try complimenting yourself on the small pieces that you accomplished and remember to bring your thoughts back to the positive. I do this when I wake in my sleep and remind myself to refocus my mind on a better thought.

  11. Whoa dude. That makes a lot more sense. Instead of being self-conscious being curious almost instantly reduces anxiety. Thanks man

  12. when I was in first grade I got transferred to a place really far from the place a had a lot of friends. we all were friends for 5 years but when I got into the new place it was not a place with good people. They all were really bad people so I dint got a chance to make any new friends but there the bad things hit me. I really lost my touch with making and talking to friends, which resulted in me getting all alone in the home, and slowly my school friends also left me. and in-home no one was interested to talk to me so this made my mind think all at different degrees in the situations. I am a whole new person now kinda person who can’t make friends and ever can get liked and never talk to someone because I have no topics, first I thought after making some bad friends that who needs friends they are there to trait you and nothing else but to keep my mind away I saw some movies based on good friends like kissing booth (i know the name is a bit off target but it is based on a good friendship) then I saw stranger things and now I miss my friends because I don’t have any I need then to be around but how can I even tell somebody I don’t even have a single friend or I don’t even think I have anybody to whom I can trust and tell things going on that’s the reason I am here hope it will help to make good and trustworthy friends who will never leave me again!!

    • Just want to say one thing. You are not alone with this. It’s mind blowing, how I am in the same situation =\

      Hopefully, this project will help us.

    • hey Eklavya,
      Divya this side. I am a 15 year old girl . I actually read your comment and found it relatable.
      Even I have 2 real friends who actually care for me. There was a time in my life (actually a few months back only) when i was in depression and had no one to talk to . My parents would scold me everyday and I would cry almost daily. I thought that i would tell about it to my friends but I wasn’t actually able to do that coz I used to think that all my life they have been ignoring me and now all of a sudden how will they even understand me instead they would make fun of that for sure. My first real friend lives actually in other state so i thought that it would just be stupidity to tell her, what can she just even do and my other real friend is actually a tomboy kind of a girl. Finally I have ended up with being lonely most of the time and having imaginary friends. please reply……..need a friend badly in my life

  13. I think it is kind of helpful. I will use it for sure when i meet someone who i ‘m afraid to meet in any social situation. I am extremely shy person and i hate it basically why it happens to me.

  14. I really liked the video! I actually went to my notes and made a plan with this method, and I am going to try it at some point in time.

  15. Yes! I can’t wait to see all the emails! Especially number five. I have a hard time getting people to talk to me, then again I am very quiet, but when I do try to talk to someone I come off awkward, and knowing how I can get into a nice conversation without forcing it would be nice.

  16. So I want someone who is an expert to tell me something….here is the thing i have always been so active and fun and nice and outgoing when it comes to being with my family i would care about my flaws or my insecurities and I feel so supported and loved by them growing up they have provided me with everything financially and emotionally am so connected and happy being around them but the moment I stepped out of my house I lose myself I become this shy and quiet girl at school I see people having fun and making friends but am sitting there like I wish I was like that I dont know what triggered this but I think it’s just me overthinking.o dont what ccan help me

    • Id like to try and respond. Full disclosure though. Im not a mental health expert. I am however an expert on overthinking. It would seem like that is a big part of it. And generally overthinking naturally leads to social anxiety. So i would recommend you try to control that.
      All we can really do most of the time is try to be friendly and receptive to others. Dont put up with people who make you unhappy or uncomfortable. But everyone else deserves a chance. A minority of the people you meet may end up being a close friend for many years. And dont feel bad when not everyone likes you. Its inevitable and doesnt reflect badly on you.or them most of the time. It shouldnt demotivate you from being a kind and open person.
      My only other suggestion is to practice starting conversations if you dont have friends at school. But most importantly dont worry. When i left school i went from having dozens of “friends” to living i a new city where i knew no one. In the 8 years since ive made 3 real friends. It was worth the wait.
      And from what youve told of yourself i reckon you seem the type who has quality friendships rather than a high quantity of acquaintances. Just be patient. And dont worry!

  17. Hi David, I am Amena from India and your email really helped me alot. It was about the exact problem which I am facing these day .
    Thank you so much!!

  18. Hi David how long is gonna take me if I start to practice with my family I mean my younger brothers are better than me in conversation and influence friends


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