Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. My goal for today is to not berate myself when nervous ticks show themselves as I’m talking to someone new. I will also not allow myself to dwell in my sadness.

    • That’s so comforting to know you too dwell in this sadness of being lonely sometimes too. I hope you know you are now alone and certainly not the only one who feels sad because you feel isolated or alone.

  2. I always make people angry…these people are my good friends. But sometimes I always bear their bad habits and do not tell them…but after a long time when I react. They become angry and I lost them…they becoming stay away from me

  3. Something that I could do in order to be confident in social situations is be engaged by speaking up projecting my voice and being interested in a group social setting and not just stand there listening, being ignored. Also I can learn how to not be afraid what people may think of me for what I am going to say and not overthink social situations so much.

  4. I am going to stay at the next social gathering of people my age for at least half an hour- even if it is akward- and try and speack up more and voice any opinions, jokes or questions I have

  5. I won’t be afraid of writing here what’s my next step, it is:
    make friends girls (not love girlfriend) and try my best to make them trust me, but slowly….
    best regards

  6. I want to be able to socialize with people smoothly and clearly express my thoughts and feelings on things without restraining myself

  7. Be curious and ask questions whenever someone is sharing a story. That is the easiest way to be more involved in a conversation.

  8. I want to be able to comfortably walk into a room full of people and talk to them without feeling out of place.

  9. I’ll try to speak out my mind more. I, usually, go through a school day without speaking at all. I’m going to start ignoring my doubts and just project my voice. I have friends at school, but I barely talk to them I feel bad. Little steps will lead to a great improvement.

  10. Im gonna try and find a social group of people in my city with similar interests to mine and attend and try to find like minded people who hopefully I can turn to friends.

  11. Try to keep a convo. alive and try maintaining eye contact longer while talking.I really want to talk this girl that i like but im really nervous and i ignore her. Now im going to talk to her and along the way im going tell her i like her….Wish me luck….

    • Great information, your idea is brilliant. I’m going try on my next inter-action. Go just a tad bit further than I normally would take it. Thank you so much for the wisdom. It feels like a life changing moment just reading it and I haven’t left my room yet.

      I’m excited and forever grateful for this email .

  12. I’d like to be comfortable talking to and making friends with just about anyone, both in one-on-one conversation and in groups. Parties with many strangers are a bit rough and can feel like tests, but I hope to be able to feel relaxed and enjoy them sometime in the future.

  13. I want to focus on the people I meet in the street to genuinely wish them well and hopefully put a smile on their face. Instead of ignoring everyone and putting my head down like I have so many times in the past.

  14. Smile more. My Dad use to say to me ‘find someone without a smile and give them one of yours’. I would like to do this more often, makes me feel better when I make someone else feel better.

  15. I will not be afraid to ask people their feelings on things, or to check up on them on what they told me in a last conversation. I think perhaps conversational threading can be used in subsequent conversations—follow up on a topic that we talked about several days ago, especially if it was a confidence or a problem. I often think of things to ask AFTER the conversation is over. I am usually too hesistant to ask later, as I think I am being too nosy or just feel shy. But maybe they will like to be asked, as it certainly is from a place of caring.

  16. I will say more than hello I’m great at greetings. But then the conversation stops. I experience all the comments I read. I think was the only one with these communication challenges. Thanks for the encouragement!!

  17. My goal is to not be inhibited, to have confidence in what I think, say and the energy I carry. I get so self conscious sometimes and it almost bugs me how self centered those types of thinking patterns are. I want to focus more on the person in front of me instead of trying to come off a certain way or say the right thing.


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