Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. If I feel to say something I won’t hesitate and do whatever I really want to do instead of thinking that others may think.I will try to improve my way of communication and response in a good way.

  2. I will start doing what makes me happy all the times. contributing in a groups, meetings, or class discussion .also try to create a conversation with people and feed my mind on positive things

  3. I will start speaking louder, and clearer in groups/ group conversations. I will talk more and be more social in groups/ group conversations.

  4. I will engage with who ever i’m speaking to by comfortably sharing my personal experiences and inquiring about them. I want to get more comfortable leading the conversation and taking it places we both want it to go.

  5. I overthink and focus too much on trying to make conversation. I can relax and start off saying something small and try not to avoid people.

  6. I would start greeting and initiating small talk more with new people I meet. I need to just take the opportunity and do not hesitate.

  7. i want to be social at school and be able to be myself, and be able to remove the label of “the quiet girl”. i hate it so much. talking to people makes me so happy, and if i cant do that ill never be happy. so my goal is to be confident and social, and have alot of friends at school.

  8. Many times I do not say hi to people that I would love to talk with because they are with a group of people that I do not know (unless I know at least 2 people in the group). So I end up missing the opportunity to talk with them.

    Many times when I am in a mixed group, friends and friends of friends, I do not say a word and only listen.

    In both situations I feel so bad afterwards because I feel that I am not capable of overcoming the fear of opening up with people that I would love to know more. I think that my major issue is self-confidence.. I do not want to share my thoughts, situation, etc. Because I am scared of sharing part of me with others.

    So my goal this year is working to improve my self-confidence. Know that no one has a perfect life, and that I am worthy to feel loved, have friends, and laugh despite the bad times. Life has been hard on me and many. We deserve everything we want for us.

  9. I always find conversation boring and tend to zone out or escape from it. Now, my goal is to at least focus on the conversation and enjoythe conversation itself.

  10. I will stop worrying what others will think of me, will I look awkward and that others won’t like me. Instead, I will try to focus more on people I am talking to and to conversation.

  11. I’m reading up on everyday events and news to keep myself socially up to date. Because I’m a better listener than a talker I really pay attention to conversations around me, and use what I hear in conversation.

    Thank you so much for your hard work and dedication. This is really helping!

  12. Stop crossing my fingers under the table for better luck socially as this makes me subconsciously feel like I am doing badly and need help, whereas in reality, I am doing fine

  13. Thank you for your email on Improve Socially Without Comfort Zone Exercises. That is simple and makes so much sense. You do not want to overwhelm people when you first meet them and build the relationship slowly and at a comfortable pace.

  14. I joined a group that does a lot of charity events. This has helped me learn to meet new people, around new people that I have gotten to know!! This has been great at helping me talk to people although sometime I still “hide” behind the people I know. There are a few people that I think have noticed my weakness and help to “push” me. I have started “hiding” behind them sometimes because they only let me hide a little. My goal is to not duck away from a possible interaction but to smile and see what happens.


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