Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. These were good articles, It can improve my self confidence to be in social environment. If it is possible, give me a suggestion to coach our children to be confidence socially.


    Abdul Sari

  2. I could speak my mind more at work about the weather or the things I like rather than bowing my head and thinking no one wants to know.

  3. Thanks for the great advice. OFC has been helpful speaking a new social group I’ve just joined. This latest point about small steps is really interesting too – I often aim too high and then feel worse when I don’t achieve it.

  4. I’m already good with body language, so certain gestures, looks, or postures are clear to me.

    A small step I’d like to take, without going too far, is get used to talking to othera on the internet. I am currently on a Discord server with around 40 people, including myself. And I barely know these people because I’m too shy to talk to them.

    A few years ago, before I had major anxiety, talking on the internet was easy. Some people even came to me for advice and questions. I want to be that person again.

  5. I know this is a little off topic by I’m an introvert who has difficulty fitting in with a group of really extroverted people in school. I’ve been trying to fit in with them for almost 3yrs now and nothing seems to be working. HELP !!!

  6. Hey David! Thanks for creating this! I know I along with MANY others can feel uncomfortable in social settings and you are creating very easy to follow and logical tips to improve the experience. OFC is great to stop the anxious loop! Looking forward to learning more and improving socially because I genuinely love people and want my interactions to be more enjoyable:)

  7. I try to slowly push myself to do new things. Whether that’s showing myself more in public or pushing myself to be in the presence of people I usually find uncomfortable.

  8. I was able to use your O.F.C. method on a perfect stranger yesterday. I would have otherwise not spoken to him because he seemed intimidating to me in our initial introduction. Just one successful interaction has given me confidence to continue moving ahead with your videos and advice. Thank you so much!!!!

  9. Thank you so much David!
    I’ll try to be more friendly by smiling to people and saying hi. And also open up simple conversations like : how was your weekend?

    • I would like to know how to read body language and to keep eye contact. But at least am gradually changing I can feel it.

  10. Your technique to not be linear in conversations helped me relax tremendously and have an awesome first date the other night. Thanks!

  11. I am so glad I found your blog. I am 63, recently widowed and look forward to enjoying life and meeting new people. You make it seem possible.

    • Hello Alice. I am in the same boat as you. Age and marital status.
      It can converse beautifully online, but when it comes to being in a group setting. I seem to become tongue tide. Has that happened to you and how have
      you overcome that? Regards Kal.

  12. Hi David, thank you for everything you are doing for us, great achievements have been manifested in our lives socially. God bless you.

  13. Hi David I want to say thank you for including me to the email and i am feeling positive about myself now than before so I will loose weight and improve my English this my goal

  14. Hi David.
    So far I’m enjoying your approach.
    I’m excited to hear more from you as ive only received a couple of emails so far but I feel like I can relate to your advice

    Thanks alot

  15. Really fantastic email. I have had loads of improvement in my social skills to the point where a lot of people view me as a very competent and social person.

    From this perspective, and from my own work & results I can say you are right on the money (with regards to doing something in smaller / more incremental steps).

    Beautiful information & thanks for the share.


  16. Hi David,

    Currently wanting to get more clients and expand my business as a 19 year old. I am making 10 cold calls a day to get started. I’m slowly getting more confident and assertive to do it everyday.

  17. Hi Dave,

    Currently trying to exercise each morning before I leave for work and that has infused some good energy, making me a bit less sluggish and more likely less irritable. I’ve been going to a woodworking group every weekend, where I usually meet new people and hang out with people I’ve already made some connection with. The group is really open and non-judgemental so I can be a little bit more at ease and not be so anxious. It was a great choice to start going, and we get to make cool wood items!

    • Hi Nick, joining a group of likeminded like that is actually one of the things that’s shown to be incredibly effective at making great friends. ( + that woodworking is awesome!)

  18. Hi David, I’ve tried to work hard on my body language and I’ve also started going to the gym and eating healthier, and it has definitely made me feel better about myself. I also have tried looking more “open” and approachable by trying to smile at people more often.

  19. Great explanation David. Show really well why I struggle with some challenges, and others are really exciting. Though the major trap is thinking you are still at ‘exciting’, while that place has already become the comfort zone. I guess my next social challenge is talking to more random strangers for practice!


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