How to Get Past The Small Talk And Connect

Do you want to be good at talking to people and connecting with them?

We’ve had a massive interest in a course that helps take you all the way — step by step — from “Hi” to hanging out with someone as a close friend. Therefore, we created “How to Talk to People & Make Friends With Them”.

The course helps you connect with anyone and with the system, the community, and the course format, you’ll get better results than we could ever achieve in our emails.

This course is for you who…

  1. Feel like it takes forever to make friends (or it never happens)
  2. Feel like people won’t be interested in what you have to say (or that you aren’t interesting enough)
  3. Get stuck in your head because of self-consciousness or social anxiety
  4. End up beating yourself up for stupid things you’ve said
  5. Feel uncomfortable about being judged if you open up
  6. Feel like people will think you’re weird if you talk to them
  7. Don’t know what to say
  8. Get stuck in small talk

Learn more about the course

Why get a course when there’s an ocean of free advice out there?

With all the advice out there, why isn’t everyone a social genius? The answer: More advice doesn’t automatically make us better.

That’s why Talk to People & Make Friends With Them isn’t another “advice-bomb”. Here’s what we do differently to give you results:

  1. Instead of trying to remember 100 different things, you can just follow our system.
  2. We focus on one core concept at a time and help you internalize it.
  3. With my practical video examples, you get experience that no blog post or book can give you.
  4. Signing up for our program means you become a part of our SocialSelf Inner Circle: Whenever you get stuck or want to discuss something, you get help from Viktor, me, and all our members who share your journey.
  5. Our material is scientifically based, optimized for results, based on countless video calls with beta testers, and created together with counselors and therapists.

Advice can be good sometimes. We give a lot of advice in our free material so you can decide if our way of doing things works for you before you spend a penny.

And when you’re ready for change, we’ve got a system proven by hundreds of men and women like you who took the leap and joined our community.

Learn more about the course

David Morin is the founder of SocialSelf. He's been writing about social skills since 2012. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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  1. I think I open up too quickly. It’s because I don’t value small talk, but I also know it’s inappropriate to make friends your therapist. Never the less, I sometimes get to the deep or personal too quickly.
    It actually happened with a friend recently, and I’d love some advice on how to rewind/salvage the friendship.

  2. I don’t really talk to people I just Listen to what they wanna talk about If they don’t say nothing than it silence

  3. I have many friends that I haven’t really connected with on a deeper level. I have hard time getting personal with them because I feel that I might ask them too personal questions. I am trying to avoid rejection that might come after this. So I want to improve the ability to ask questions gradually and get rid of the fear of rejection.

  4. I want to make a conversetion naturally. When i talk to a friend i feel like they will ignore me and think i am weird ,because in the past i barely talk or express my feeling/thinking.

  5. It is so difficult to make real, true friends. People act like they are my friends until they no longer need me or they no longer want my advice, expertise or something from me. I am always there when they need something or when they need someone to talk to but once they get what they need from me they no longer want to talk, hang out or do anything together. They don’t want to hear about “my feelings”, “my problems”, or “my hang-ups”, or even “my achievements” and good things that are happening. Everything is always about them and when I try to express my feelings and emotions they are dismissed. So I stop trying to talk to them about things that I really need to talk about and just listen and talk about what they want to talk about. Eventually, our so called “friendship” dissolves.

  6. I would like to get better at having a conversation not just a short one and not getting stuck in thinking what to say

  7. I want to be able to turn conversations that the other person and I are not really I interested into ones that we are really interested in.

  8. I want to get better at being concise and not going off on tangents trying to add in a bunch of extra background information. I sometimes find myself losing track of my original point and then feel foolish and stuck not remembering what I was trying to say.

  9. I want to be able to say something in response that is funny. In conversations with people I always try my best to make a fun social impression but I always end up saying something so unrelated and stupid in an attempt to make people laugh. It makes me lose so much confidence because I really beat myself up over it. I wish I could say things that made people laugh, because I get a huge confidence boost when someone laughs at a joke I make or a story I tell.

  10. I want to connect with people but sometimes I am afraid of rejection but other times it’s the exact opposite. Sometimes people seem to get clingy and I don’t like that either. I start feeling pressure.

  11. I’ve been so isolated and depressed when I do get around people it’s so hard to get the conversation started.
    You have some great ideas I’m going to try.

  12. I am definitely going to remind myself that things like this keep practice. For me, the most difficult thing is introducing this personal topic or asking this personal question without it seeming out of place. So asking how a person is related to the subject should help – I am quite excited to try it out.

  13. I want to improve on my confidence in meeting someone new and starting up a conversation.
    I want to stop overthinking everything and second guessing myself in other words stop being inside my head.

  14. A lot of times I’ll flush red and look down when someone makes eye contact with me. I know that some people read this as attraction, but really I’m embarrassed at how bad I am at conversation.

  15. so im bad at reacting to peoples body language rather or not to approach him or her and start up a conversation i wanna improve on being able to approach a person and not come off as desperate

  16. I really suck at making the conversation flow or even start a conversation with someone because my mind keeps shutting down and my social anxiety kicks in and I’m very very socially awkward person. I want to be fun to be with when someone’s talk to me and will never run out of things to say.

  17. Maybe this is a self esteem thing but whenever I’m talking amongst a group of people, i feel boring or uninteresting compared to them which causes me to speak less because I always feel like “no one is listening” or “no one cares”

  18. In big group settings my anxiety really kicks in and I get so nervous I just shut down. We have a big friend group and when we all get together it can be hard to feel seen and heard. I get sweaty, heart beats fast, and very nervous about what I should say and how they will think of me after saying it. I would like to be better at being myself and not feeling so held down from my anxiety and fear of being made fun of.

  19. I am okay with a single person but sometimes I have to go to places where there are 5-6 people who are also close friends and I find it hard to bond with them.

  20. I have a hard time making conversation with people. Sometimes I really want to talk to someone and be their friend, but I’m too much in my head and I can never figure out how to talk to them so I just keep quiet. Whenever I’m talking to someone I constantly rely on them to make the conversation because I never know what to say. When I do say something, I often stumble on my words because I’m so nervous about what the other person thinks about me.

  21. I want to improve on the awkward, anxious feeling. Make conversations go further than hi, how are you? I want to be relaxed and feel comfortable when starting a conversation.

  22. Hi David
    Well the thing is when I’m in a situation where i have to converse with someone, it gets really awkward. I’m constantly wondering if I’m not good enough to talk to or if i sound too boring. There are a lot of awkward silences and I mentally cringe everytime it happens. It feels like I’m coming off as very rude and I always depend on the other person to start talking again. It makes me feel stupid and hopeless.
    So I’d like to learn to keep a conversation going and not appear rude or boring, and I’d love to improve my social skills and appear more friendly and confident.
    Thank you!

  23. Hi David.

    Most of the times I don’t know how to start a conversation with other people even if I really want to talk to them. I don’t know how to do first moves and approach others but I’m trying. I sometimes think that I’m boring and that person will say something to me or laugh at me. But the good thing about me is that, when someone starts a conversation I know how to shift such topics. There are also times of an awkward silence. These are the things I want to improve.


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