We’ve researched and ranked the most popular courses on confidence online.
How we did the research
We searched for courses on confidence and found 15 popular programs. We went through their summaries, their free material and their reviews – good and bad. Based on what we learned, we evaluated which courses are worth your time and money – and which ones aren’t.
Our top picks
There are 15 courses in this list. To make your decision easier, here are our top picks.
- Top pick free training: Conversation Advice for Overthinkers
- Top pick for the workplace: Radiate Confidence: How to Create a 1000 Watt Presence
- Top pick for introverts: Confidence Tools – Confidence & Self Esteem for Introverts
- Top pick for presenters: Confidence On Camera: Make Amazing Videos, Easily
All confidence courses
1. Self Confidence: The Ultimate Confidence Booster Formula
Creator: Bogdan Alex Raducanu
Summary: This course aims to provide tools that can be used daily to build up your confidence. It deals with fear, perfectionism, self-doubt, low self esteem, criticism and rejection.
Our review: A very good course, especially for its price. Even at 5 hours, it doesn’t feel repetitive or dragged out. There is plenty of both theoretical and practical information, but sometimes it could’ve gone more in-depth with practical advice on how to implement certain ideas that it presents. The presenter’s accent can be a little bit hard to understand.
Price: $19.99 USD | User rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars | Length: 5 hours of video
Top pick free training
2. Conversation Advice for Overthinkers
DISCLAIMER: This is our own training so we might be biased. But our readers love it and it’s 100% free, so we think you’ll like it, too.
You do a quick quiz, and get a customized email training based on your responses. That way, you get advice tailored to you, no matter if you want to improve your social confidence, want to be better at making conversation, or learn to connect with people more easily.
Top pick for the workplace
3. Radiate Confidence: How to Create a 1000 Watt Presence
Creator: Alexa Fischer
Summary: Centered around business-related themes, the course deals with becoming more authentic, getting over self doubt and improving communication. It also touches on sales and appearing before a camera.
Our review: The presenter speaks clearly and passionately on the subject, engaging from the get-go. Some reviews praised it for having a very practical approach, while some reviews complained about it being more motivational speech -like, rather than a course that gives you specific tools to deal with specific situations.
Price: $159.99 USD | User rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars | Length: 5 hours of video
4. How I Overcame Social Anxiety, Grew Confidence & Self-Esteem
Creator: Tobias Atkins
Summary: This course aims to teach you how to get people to pay attention, respect and take you seriously, how to get out of your comfort zone, be more assertive, overcome fear, and turn your negative inner voice into a positive one. It also goes into the common causes of low self esteem.
Our review: The information isn’t bad, but the videos almost seem to be unscripted, which creates a lot of dead space, making the course a lot longer than it should’ve been. It ends up feeling more like a spontaneous conversation, rather than a well-structured course. On the other hand, the course is one of the cheapest ones on the list.
Price: $19.99 USD | User rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars | Length: 7.5 hours of video
5. Unshakable Confidence: Become 100% Secure in Who You Are
Creator: Kain Ramsay
Summary: This course deals with stopping to seek for approval, overcoming social anxiety, communicating with assertiveness, reducing negative self-talk and caring less of what others think of you.
Our review: A longer course that goes pretty in-depth on what makes someone feel not confident in the first place and provides tools for how to deal with it in the long-term. It is a little bit slow and can feel stretched out, as some parts are repetitive.
Price: $129.99 USD | User rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars | Length: 9.5 hours of video
6. Growth Mindset: The Key to Greater Confidence and Impact
Creator: Diane Flynn
Summary: This course introduces the idea of changing your mindset from a “fixed” one to a “growth” one.
Our review: A good introduction to what a growth mindset is. The presenter speaks clearly, and is easy to follow.
Price: $19.99 USD | User rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars | Length: 1 hour of video
7. The NLP Confidence & Self Esteem Breakthrough Programme
Creator: Kain Ramsay
Summary: This course aims to increase your understanding of where the confidence problems stem from, instead of giving you motivational speech -like boost of confidence. It deals with overcoming destructive thought patterns, improving self esteem, gaining more control over one’s thoughts and actions, understanding how your brain handles information, increasing self awareness and getting rid of old habits.
Our review: The course doesn’t include practical tips to start using right then and there, instead it’s pretty theoretical, but that is by design. The information isn’t bad, but applying it practically will take time and patience. On the negative side, it often feels repetitive. At times, the presenter talks down other techniques, which might put some people off.
Price: $64.99 USD | User rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars | Length: 9 hours of video
Top pick for introverts
8. Confidence Tools – Confidence & Self Esteem for Introverts
Creator: Jimmy Naraine, Richard Korbut
Summary: This course aims to reduce nervousness, social anxiety, fear of rejection, help with stopping to seek approval, make you feel comfortable in your own skin and start believing in yourself.
Our review: Aimed mainly at introverts, this course is easy to follow and contains actionable advice.
Price: $99.99 USD | User rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars | Length: 2 hours of video
9. Double Your Confidence & Self Esteem – Complete Blueprint
Creator: Jimmy Naraine
Summary: The course deals with the fear of rejection, becoming more social, making a good first impression and believing in yourself.
Our review: There’s some decent practical information but it’s not very in-depth and some sections are repetitive, so the course ends up feeling too stretched out.
Price: $139.99 USD | User rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars | Length: 5 hours of video
Top pick for presenters
10. Confidence On Camera: Make Amazing Videos, Easily.
Creator: Alexa Fischer
Summary: This course is all about learning to be confident on camera: overcoming fear and awkwardness, structuring what you’ll be saying, voice exercise, setting up a DIY studio, improving body language. It also has some tips on how to look good, talking about hair, makeup and clothing.
Our review: Kind of a niche course. The presenter speaks clearly and passionately on the subject, and observing the way she speaks is in itself a pretty good way to pick up some ideas on how to present well. Some reviews mentioned that the course isn’t aimed at experienced video makers, and can be rather basic.
Price: $94.99 USD | User rating: 4.6 out of 5 stars | Length: 5 hours of video
11. Success Tips: Boosting Confidence, Wealth & Productivity
Creator: Jimmy Naraine
Summary: This course deals with defining a vision for success, handling misfortune, designing a morning ritual and increasing your productivity.
Our review: Some good, but pretty generic ideas that get repetitive even at 1.5 hours of runtime. At times the course feels more motivational speech -like, rather than a course that gives you specific tools to deal with specific situations.
Price: $94.99 USD | User rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars | Length: 1.5 hours of video
12. Confidence and Self Esteem: Develop Confident Body Language
Creator: Jimmy Naraine
Summary: This course is about confident body language, interpreting body language of others, learning how to appear more positive and trustworthy, becoming a better listener and being more comfortable in your own skin.
Our review: While not bad, the advice is basic, and the course ends up being too expensive for the amount of information that you get.
Price: $124.99 USD | User rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars | Length: 1 hour of video
13. Double Your Assertiveness Confidence & Communication Skills
Creator: Alain Wolf
Summary: This course aims to improve your body language, teach you how to express yourself, say no and accept negative feedback.
Our review: The presenter’s accent can be difficult to understand. The information isn’t bad, but is fairly basic, and even at 2 hours, the course feels stretched out, which makes it hard to recommend at its price.
Price: $124.99 USD | User rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars | Length: 2 hours of video
14. Self-Confidence: 40-minute Confidence & Self Esteem Guide
Creator: Jimmy Naraine
Summary: The course aims to improve body language, self esteem and overcome the fear of rejection.
Our review: The advice is decent, but a little bit too basic for its price.
Price: $124.99 USD | User rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars | Length: 1 hour of video
The Way Of Confidence
Creator: Anghel Marty
Summary: The course aims to restore “the confidence you had as a kid” by eliminating neurotic holding patterns.
Our review: The course is very short, the presenter is easy to listen to and understand. It’s a course on primal therapy that has been largely discredited, but I decided to mention it on this list because it has been getting positive reviews.
Price: $19.99 USD | User rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars | Length: 33 minutes of video