How to Double Your Confidence in 5 Minutes

The science behind the experiment

In our course “Fast Friend Protocol“, you’ll learn how to talk to people and connect with them—even if you don’t know what to say or get stuck in endless small talk.

How will you use what you learned in this video clip? Share in the comments below! If someone writes something you agree with, let them know you have their support!

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  1. I am bit weak at English speaking, but I am always nervous while speaking in front of others, especially audiences. I fumble, wrong pronunciations discontinued talks are the major problems. I just hope that you suggest me how to overcome this problem.

  2. I never opened myself to others. To be honest, I felt too confused about myself. It’s not like I’m shy but I feel overcomes by kind of negativity. Some people do say that I talk less but I know I don’t. At, home or around closest people I am good at conversations. It’s not like I don’t have friends and I don’t have fun with them…but I do. But there is some sadness lurking all around that I WILL mess up here and there, that I not better at them and seriously, I feel illogical too. When I’m at one place, I think about other things which made me sad. Believe me, I cried every night that no you have got to be better. Damn them saying anything about you, judging you. But the next day, when I approach the similar faces, I am the same old girl who is better then them, but failed to show anything. I just don’t I am writing but this is the most heartily writing I ever wrote. I just could hope you will take out from this mess and bring to what I deserve to be.

  3. I’m over 50 and single and want lots of friends. I don’t smell, am of a smart appearance and I’m not mean. I’m not shy but just don’t know how to make lots of friends. Once you’re past 20 or so and aren’t married or dating, people just don’t seem to want to bother. I’ve tried looking for men’s groups in the UK but they’re few and far between. Please can you help me. Thanks a lot, Declan

    • Declan just a thought that was given to me a long time ago and that is if you count your true friends on more than one hand, you are kidding yourself. Just a thought. Good luck

  4. Thank you. I hope it helps.I feel my social anxiety prevents me from trying new things. Also i am never confident doing things.It has reached a point at which i feel crippled because of it.

  5. Thank you so much, that is exactly what I have been going through for years now. I always pick the wrong people to befriend, I get screwed. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t trust anyone anymore. I am partially disabled, sometimes I need to use a walker if I am going for a long walk or shopping and I believe people look down on that. I am tired of being judged before anyone takes the time to get to know me. I am a good person. I am trustworthy, caring, and a good person and friend. I am just tired of being lonely and alone. I want a friend I can get to know and trust. I hope you will read this, understand it and continue to send me emails. Thank you
    Monica Duarte

  6. I really appreciate this. It will help alot,I want meet more friends and to be closer with my friends but idk how to keep up conversations and become closer with them. 

  7. Thank you so much. Through my intuition i have started something like this recently as well. But this helped me so much!

  8. Anytime I’m with my friends I feel like I am awkward and run out of things to say and then I don’t get invited to stuff. I also feel like anytime I say anything I get judged very rudely and I just don’t know how to react. Anytime I confront my friends about them exluding me nothing changes. I want to be closer with my friends but idk how to keep up conversations and become closer with them. I also found out that they made a whole new gc without me in it and I’m rly sad cuz I wanna be closer w my friends but idk how. PLZ HELP ME.

    • I’m sorry it’s like this for you,maybe try meeting new people because this friendship group seems toxic. If you have any close friends then I would try to stick with them. Obviously it’s a lot easier said than done :/ Alternatively you could stick with these friends but try to find things that you have in common with them and talk about that, or you could reccomend things that you like and are passionate to them so that you have things to talk about? I hope it works out 🙂

  9. I have social anxiety, and I find it much worse being on the receiving end of a lot of questions. How do you deal with this? If I was Patrick I would be hyperventilating by the end of this video.

    • I think in your case you should assume that the other person is genuinely interested in what you have to say, and just answer honestly. People typically regret what they don’t say more than what they do after the initial nervousness subsides, and the best way to overcome anxiety is to do what you’re most afraid of until you become more comfortable and confident with it. Good luck!

  10. I tend to overthink and to mess up stuff by thinking so much about what to say that I say something unnatural and mess up the conversation. I also care EXTREMELY much what others think of me, so much I dont want to walk in the streets alone, fearing people think I dont have any friends. Hope to get over this soon as possible.

    • Hi Maya,
      What I think is that you need to be original and natural because people have negative and positive brains ????. Try to be who you are!

      Hope this would help.


  11. Am looking forward to the next email.
    I feel more nervous with people whom I know. Especially my adult daughters.
    It’s almost an inferiority. I can’t think of things to say in the moment, and then say the wrong thing.
    Am usually very good at meeting new people. Does this make sense?

  12. It looks like I have come to the right place. I am so full in the company of others the automatically walk away from me. I hope to get over this awakwardness through this course.

  13. Thank you
    That was a really interesting piece of research. I’m seen as an extrovert and chatty, but I struggle with the in-between phaze which I feel Is most importantly by that video and I’m interested. Thank you great video

  14. I feel so uncomfortable around people that I can’t even maintain eye contact.
    Also have a very difficult time knowing difference between casual friend and good friend. Such as when seeking advice with my daughter.
    Honestly, currently have a difficult relationship with her as well. She is 14 and now has moved in with her father.

    • Hi Anon, i totally relate to the difficulty with eye contact thing. Have you always had it? If not, perhaps you’ve developed depression. If you HAVE had it all your life, could you be on the autism spectrum? I am and it seems logical that lots of us will also develop social anxiety. Either way, maybe you might get somewhere by looking beyond your social anxiety into its causes.

      • I used to have that problem. I gradually got out of it by forcing myself. One second eye contact, and avert, then two second, avert. I try to increase each time and eventually I forgot about the problem.

  15. I don’t have a car and live in an area of the city I don’t know well. Bus service here is not great and does not run late. I am retired with limited income and have a cat and a housemate also without a car. I used to have a car and a job and was very independent but went through great financial loss including the loss of my home. I have gone through a long period of homelessness. Have a small place now with a male friend who is my roommate and my cat who is precious to both of us. I used to go out country line dancing but without reliable transportation I feel so stuck. Tired of watching movies I borrow from the library. I love to play skip bo but roommate doesn’t care for it. We watch movies together and share in housekeeping and meals. We Are friends no romance between us. O need friends. If I had a friend with a car to get out with that would be nice. I would help pay for gas.


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