How to Get Past Boring Small Talk And Connect

How to be more interesting (if you don’t automatically get noticed)

How do you stand out and catch people’s interest if you’re not super charismatic or have an amazing life?

That’s what you learn in our course Invisible to Interesting.

This course is for you who…

  1. Feel like you aren’t interesting (and don’t automatically get noticed)
  2. Worry that you’ll bore or bother people
  3. Don’t know what to say, and because of that feel like you don’t have much of a personality
  4. Feel uncomfortable sharing about yourself
  5. Feel like you lack knowledge or experience, and don’t want to look stupid or like you don’t know stuff, so you avoid engaging in conversation
  6. Feel like you’re bragging when you do talk about your experiences

Click here to learn more about Invisible to Interesting.


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  1. This was very good, especially the part there the only reason I went to this website was for “FREE” training.
    Theese guys are so good at math that free = $49

    • Hi David, thanks for reaching out to me. I been feeling so DISCONNECTED W/People. I’m 63yr old, & it seems harder to connect w/others. I feel so alone, because of that. I feel like I’m standing in a middle of a room, & no one is listening!!

      • I feel the same. Hoping this training will help. I have just retired and now feeling a bit lost, especially at the moment when there’s lock down and no clubs to join.

  2. Hi David, I must say that I have enjoyed reading your tips and will take your advice. I am 61 now and find the older one gets the more challenging it is to meet new people and make friends. I start a new job next week, so ill try to put this into practice.

    Thank you


  3. Great video. I like the point about sharing too much too fast can repel. I think a lot of people can be on guard. However, this video is for when you want to be friends with a person, not just an acquaintance. That takes vulnerability. I like how you gave the person the opening to share about his personal feelings, too. I agree that the more you share together, the closer you can become.

  4. I love what you are doing here! I’ve been seeking this sort of “social training” for years. Where I get stuck more though is with opposite personality types. For example, I am a softer person that likes harmony, fairness and common courtesy. Most of the people in my life are strong, dominant female personalities that connect more with bold, dominant, take charge people. They seem to dislike me from the get go and I feel they hold a sort of disdain towards me for what they perceive as a weaker type person. I am not weak at all but rather take my time to make mature decisions based on many factors and gravitate to decisions that are fair for all parties and not this black and white based decision making. But nonetheless, I am not disliked, but rather looked down on for not being stronger. I hope to see this sort of situation addressed in future emails or videos that you present. Thanks David for the insightful work you are doing here!

    • I know the feeling with louder outgoing confident people. I find myself annoyed by these people. Is it because they are doing what I want to do and can’t or is if that they are just too much? And if they do include you in any conversation it would be at the highest volume in the room and be heard by all which for me is terrifying

  5. Going to explain the one problem I ga e that holds me back and that is the result of being around nefative people! One thing I’ve learned is not all of us are blesssed with being in the best situation to really make friends
    True friends are Nd we easy to come bygof most people and if your sutusfion has you in a less than nidgjbothood a less than Job you have to be very cautious sspecislly in the workday today,I’ve seen how the web has brought out the worst in people with ban economy that I’d strsnglingv most into servivsk mode,if yiu show ins ounce of weakness there going to pounce on you and befriend yiu for thier faint so beditd yiu look to make someonr you’ve just spoken to on occasion your best friend proceed with caution these are no longer the 59s a time of innocence is gone! And as you proceed with this email you probable like me seen just pop up in your email. Claiming to be your friend with your best intentions in mind,Slow down do your research about them cause if you gone blkndly yiur weaknesses they can eat you alive before you know it they got u in a situation yiur gibes f then to much trust they can lead you blindly into getting g about anything they wanted from you before you know it they’ve conned yiu out of hundreds and even thousands into financial investments that rob you blind!! Beware! This is today’s internet a world of scandoilous human brings all of which do nor have your best intrest in mind be cautious like I say what everything you do and say ,do your research in then find out exactly whose sponsee I f then they should have a third party group you font see Bejing then and restesch as well cshanves are thier leadings g you in a con that will be a very expensive lesson in life one that if yiur to trustworthy yiu won’t even see the con coming as most here may not be seeing now cause yiur spilling your weaknesss they are looking for to take you for much the con mans best friend and they did not even have to work you long to get it! So slow down do some research and you may find yiu saved yourself from a major financial disaster some more so than others ot you did find a great friend and u come out better for it,but odds are this is just another con and a very good one, have a good day and remenber open eyes every where and proceed with caution!

  6. I feel like I’m finally getting usefull tips on improving my social interaction skills! Thank you so much for these videos

  7. Is it bad to say what I truly need to improve when it comes to a conversation with others is moving the conversation itself

    I dont’ want to get repelled all the time and get ignored,it makes me lower in the already low confidence I have.people keep ignoring me when I ask something as though I said something totally unrelated(at times I do ask something totally no related!).

  8. When it comes to conversations i just want to be more like myself. When im more like myself socailly with other people it make me more confident when im talking to people.

  9. Sometimes I fade away during a conversation, I’d like to improve on asking the right questions which I believe will help me with becoming a better listener. I’d also like to know how to show others that I’m interested in what they’re saying and that I am an interesting person. I need to improve on finding the things that I’m interested in to help the conversation move along more smoothly. Also, I usually respond with ‘okay’ or just ‘yep’ and I nod alot, I want to know how to respond better and how to focus more instead of being stuck in my own head. Thanks 🙂

  10. I’d like to be better at reading the other person before I start the conversation, knowing which type of questions he will respond to better. Also I would love to be better at asking the right questions. I understand conversational threading but sometimes it feels like I can’t think about all the relevant questions when I’m right in front of the person.

  11. I want to get rid of the awkwardness in a conversation with a stranger or the person I’m seeing for the very first time.I want this to come naturally.But the thing is most of the time when I try to innitiate a convo. eventually I get nervous after a while and couldn’t get anything to say next.

  12. Thanks David for sharing the video with me. I can always have a bit of small talk with someone but it never really goes any further, like a dead-end conversation because I never knew what to say next. I really want to try more personal questions. Thanks x

  13. I want to improve by focusing on others, being where my community is (I frequently isolate myself because of social anxiety), and learning more about what is going on in our world so I can be better engaged in conversation.

  14. Thank you, for your loving kindness in sharing your wisdom ang truth towards building a better understanding worldview towards humanity. Kind Regards Harriett Freedom

  15. So I’m a military child and have been betrayed multiple times by people i considered my close friends. I have trouble trusting and knowing people with the knowledge that I would be moving somewhere else. Any tips?

  16. Thank you for your words of wisdom and support to all of us. My biggest issue is not so much the small talk but opening up to people. When people ask me what do like to do or like to eat, I am so caught up in what if I say something that makes me seem boring that I forget who I really am. My confidence isn’t there. I am working on it but any advice?

  17. Hi David,

    This is a good start! Thankyou for your advice so far. My issue is that I have a problem keeping a conversation going; my confidence can hold up to progress the conversation but what I really lack is the ability to stimulate the cobnversation with Wit and Humour. Im not sure how to change this. Sometimes my mind goes blank during conversations and my mouth will keep saying words, half of which are odd things to say which makes me feel stupid. I really want to feel secure in what I’m saying and make prople laugh. At the moment I do not trust what I say, and so end up not saying much or engaging with my friends. I need some help on this

  18. What is that those popular guys have ?
    Charm? Looks ? I mean is their mind wired differently.Why is it that i have to learn all this by reading and they already have it plus i read about these techniques and tips but it’s different like the people i meet everyday i can’t be from shy to a chilled out person because if you fo that people find you weired. So how do i recreate my image in front of them ?

  19. aqidah

    I would like to get more confident at starting and holding conversations with new people, at the moment I am too shy and scared to talk as I don’t know how to have a conversation properly. I think I am boring and I find it hard to be interested in other people and usually just stay quiet and not talk

  20. I would like to be more confident in my life. I’ve always been that kid who awkwardly sit in class alone when none of my few friends (not close friend, just loners who hangout together) aren’t in class. I won’t really say that my other classmates are strangers, but at most they are just acquaintances. One day, I just suddenly thought that I couldn’t stay like this and I would like to have more connection with people. Its not like I was bothered being a loner. In fact, I enjoyed it but there are sometimes like once or twice a month that I just suddenly felt a crushing loneliness for no reason whatsoever. That’s why, Iwould like to change myself into someone who can form a strong social bonding with strangers that I met. So that I can get more new friends and probably meet that special someone.


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