How to Get Past Boring Small Talk And Connect

How to be more interesting (if you don’t automatically get noticed)

How do you stand out and catch people’s interest if you’re not super charismatic or have an amazing life?

That’s what you learn in our course Invisible to Interesting.

This course is for you who…

  1. Feel like you aren’t interesting (and don’t automatically get noticed)
  2. Worry that you’ll bore or bother people
  3. Don’t know what to say, and because of that feel like you don’t have much of a personality
  4. Feel uncomfortable sharing about yourself
  5. Feel like you lack knowledge or experience, and don’t want to look stupid or like you don’t know stuff, so you avoid engaging in conversation
  6. Feel like you’re bragging when you do talk about your experiences

Click here to learn more about Invisible to Interesting.


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  1. Hi 🙂
    I’m also facing the same problems. But from these videos, I get some ideas for the conversation. I think ending a conversation isn’t a good idea, you should talk more about the current topic. And also try to tell more about yourself which is related to the topic or ask about another person.
    Person 1- The weather is so nice today
    Person 2- yeah you’re right. (adding) It had been raining for a while. (telling about yourself) I took my umbrella as well, in case.

  2. Your video is really so helpful. I tried it with my tutor (also relative) and it was really so effective. I want to talk more openly. And also make sure that people are liking the conversation. I sometimes don’t understand why people aren’t interested in talking.

  3. It’s a good idea as someone can get puzzled and fearful. But now I am fully satisfied with the knowledge you gave me. Thanks a lot. My dear it’s my eighties birthday on June fifth.

  4. I want to start forming deep and meaningful friendships. I want to be me and have interesting conversations about life. I do not want to give up. Social life is something I value more and more.

  5. I would like to talk to people in social situations. I’m fine when I’m talking about work, but when it comes to small talk, I have a block, and tell myself I can’t be bothered, and am not interested in other people fast forward 20 years, I avoid social situations which I have learned is not healthy. I’m ready to get out in the world and meet people.

  6. I wish I knew how to be more interesting. I feel very bland compared to others I work with. I have a hard time connecting and because of that, it has led me to avoid others.

  7. Hi
    I’m 25 and suddenly realize how few friends I have (if any). I live in the past a lot which is not a beneficial thing to me or my relationships. I feel like I stick out in a crowd and I am more of a bother to others so I tend to keep to myself. I’m worried that I’m missing out on my true potential and real relationships. I want others to like me but have a hard time opening up to them. I don’t want this to be my life story. I have a lot to live for but don’t know where to begin.

  8. I want to improve on building friendships and moving the people around me from acquaintances to real friends.
    For as long as I can remember, I’ve never really had friends. Or, maybe I did at some point, but as people kept coming into my surroundings, the people who I maybe was friends with just stopped talking to me. Over time, I started telling myself lies like ‘People didn’t like me’, ‘I wasn’t the right kind of person to make friends, or ‘I wouldn’t ever have friends and I would always be the person hiding in the corner’. Sometimes I’ll break out of my comfort zone a little bit, but it never ends well. Either, they’ll ignore me, I’ll say the wrong thing, or I’ll make a fool out of myself. I just never felt like I belonged anywhere without my family. I’m hoping that Social Pro will give me a few ideas or techniques to socially change myself.

  9. I want to improve upon being able to make interesting small talk and going beyond that to meaningful conversations. I always find my conversations dying away in social settings and I feel like I have no one to speak with.

  10. Does it matter if the person was from a different country or different gender?
    I like people and at one point in life chose some companions to do activities together, but unfortunately, it has all been in the past and I am back to flying solo.

  11. When meeting new people, I usually just smile and nod to any question/comment as I might be so nervous that I can’t even understand or listen.
    I would like to be able to pay complete attention and focus on the other person talking, so I can rebound back with meaningful statements and/or questions in regards to the subject at hand.

  12. Hi, I am Madhav a 14-year-old boy who is shy but requires support from others(sometimes). I am very shy and feel ashamed of what I say to other people I have such question will they judge me

  13. David, thank you so much. I have always been interested in Behavioral science and the need to understand people’s behavior. This platform is extremely helpful. Thank you.

  14. I have worked with a team of 14 people over the past two years and I’ve only been somewhat close to 3 of them. I feel very distant to the rest of my team. Although it has been two years since I started with this group of people, I hope that I can bond with my coworkers using this technique. I’m very nervous and skeptical about whether I can succeed. I can’t help thinking how awkward it would be to start bonding with them after they’ve seen me around for two years?! Not a good start I know! But I will give it a shot!

  15. The hardest part for me on this social stuff is the beginning. I have some friends with who I can have really deep conversations about everything, but they’re really close and THEY reached out to me in our first interactions. I myself can’t do that. I say “Hi!” trying to look genuinely excited to get to know someone new, most of them go to the superficial stuff and, as soon as I start making questions about them, they look uninterested as heck. I don’t know what’s the problem with me or with how I start a conversation, they look so uncomfortable or bored, or even mad with my presence, it’s really discouraging. I get too upset and it really messes with my head. I lose a lot of confidence to try again.

  16. Hi noah,
    I’m normally the one who’s always trying to leave conversations, like the people you talk to.
    The reason I do that is not because I see something bad in the other person, or because I don’t enjoy our conversation. I leave because I’m so insecure that I’m afraid that the OTHER PERSON will see something bad in me, or that they don’t enjoy our conversation.
    I think that’s the reason why the people who you talk to tend to leave the setting. The truth is, they’re just as insecure as you might be.
    The way to fix this is just to be open when you talk to them, but take care not to get too close until you’re sure that you’re both comfortable. You can check by watching their body language. Make the other person feel as if you genuinely want to spend time talking with them. And if you’re still being left alone, be patient and wait for them to come to you.
    This is advice I wish people I talked to would hear. I really don’t mean to make you feel like you’re doing something wrong, I just need that encouragement. So do those people.
    I hope this helps.

  17. I’m an introvert through and through, but when I’m conversing with somebody else, I’m super loud and talkative and laugh a lot to sound lively. Does that make me look like I’m really having a good time or can people see right through me?
    Just so you know, I feel 110% awkward doing that, it does not feel good at all and I just want to hide under a blanket, how do I fix my life??

  18. I know how to make a conversation going but always the person I talk to just wants the conversation to end and leaves idk y but it’s a thing that has made me feel really bad about myself and btw it really awkward too I felt is there something wrong they see in me??.

  19. It’s difficult for me to open up and to get near to people. I feel odd sometimes.
    But through all your teaching these few days I’m catching up with the messages
    This is very helpful
    Thank you very much ????

  20. Something I would like to be better at when it comes to conversations is starting a conversation. I struggle with this because I just don’t know what to say. And I fear judgment.

  21. I guess I can relate to people easily, but whenever someone asks me a question I don’t immediately respond because I get flustered and nervous and a little self conscious. I don’t know how to easily reply to the person and make that into a conversation. As a result, people just look at me this way and think I’m weird.

  22. Trying too hard to think of what to say and then get anxious and tense when I can’t think of anything. I want to be able to let the conversation flow more naturally, and in turn bond with more people. This would make me feel more connected with myself and the world.

  23. I have a boring social life and it’s really hard for me to get to know someone or even open up. Will most definitely follow the tips in this video and see how it goes ☺️

  24. WOW, I have read these comments, Amazing how many of us are in the same boat, I can so relate 2 all of this all 2 well. My life is boring, I am a 50-year-old female, people like me at first and then quickly lose interest in me, and someone new comes in and I am all alone again, being an only child didn’t help either. I back away from people out of jealousy when someone new comes in because I think, what is wrong with me, and then I shut down. I so would love 2 have a good friend who shares with me their true feelings, but I have yet 2 have this happen…

    • Hi Monica
      This sounds exactly like me, I am 48 years old and I do not know where I am going wrong.
      I am not shy or nervous and I can keep up a conversation and people seem to like me then for some reason boom that’s the end of it.
      I have had friends in the past but never close friends.
      I have moved closer to the countryside and really don’t know where to start making friends and it gets really lonely.

      • Hey Erica! I can relate to your situation. I like that you keep trying, that is so good because everyone is different. You will keep meeting new people and CERTAINLY you WILL meet those who will enjoy connecting with you. Continue trying to meet and get to know others! Keep learning and enjoying all things. This will build your people wealth. What I mean by this is that all you learn will make it easier for you to relate to those you meet, have many topics to discuss, have rich experiences to share. This will make you a person that others want to learn about, spend time with, talk with. You can do this. All the best to you! ~sa

  25. This video was super helpful for me. I struggle a lot with small talk and getting to know a person without being awkward. I am a college student, and people will ask me how am I doing, and then I just talk about college, and then the conversation usually dies after that. I will definitely try to be more personal like you said. Thank you.


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