Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. I want to sit in a group, remain calm enough to stay focused on the conversation, contribute naturally when I have something to add, and genuinely appreciate the company of others.

  2. At my next work social event I would like to start a conversation with people I don’t know instead of hovering on the fringes waiting for people to talk to me.

  3. If my neighbours are outside when I walk past, I usually just say hello and try to get inside as quickly as possible, instead I want to say more than hello.
    I will stop and try to have a conversation.

  4. My goal is: To tell my favorite coworker that she is amazing, I appreciate her warm personality and that she inspires me a lot. And that, I wish for us to one day, be good friends. 🥹🌸

  5. My goal is:
    To find a good friend old or new whom I can call and talk to about any and everything and who I can call to hang out with when I need to get away from the wife and mom life for a bit.

  6. My goal is to get more authentic in my conversations. I want to share my views and opinions without feeling scared of what others will think of me.

    • This is a good goal, and I will steal this from you. I want to be more authentic in conversations, and not just say whatever “fits the situation”.

  7. Repair my relationship with a close friend that i’ve lost touch with and also make a new best friend, two people i can be totally open with and have a relationship with mutual support and growth.

  8. I want to greet people even those who aren’t really close to me. One I tried greeting a person who wasn’t really close to me. Would’ve that make me look weird? And how should I greet others who aren’t even close to me, confidently? I just feel like people wouldn’t like it when I greet them if we aren’t close.

  9. Great tips. Thanks!
    My goal is respond to social ques better.
    My new neighbor asked yesterday;
    How do you meet people around here?
    I answered with a website instead of saying “Do you want to grab lunch sometime?”
    I left an open invitation note with my number on it after reading your tips this morning.
    Small steps!

  10. I want to contact an acquaintance and ask them for coffee. I have lots of acquaintances but no friends. I want to try and turn some of my acquaintances into friends.

  11. – Maintain eye contact when talking to others
    – Observe social cues during conversations
    – Focus on the conversation instead on being on my head
    – Enjoy conversations and not overthink about what I will say next
    – Say whatever comes in my mind
    – Share a little bit more about myself
    – Share my thoughts and opinions

  12. I want to be brave and work at the station next to that girl if I am given another opportunity to do so, and take advantage of that by talking to her some more than what I usually do, with confidence. I won’t beat myself up if I don’t, I’m real good to be doing that. 😉

  13. I usually sound monotone when talking to others. I would like to practice putting emotion into my words, finding a way that doesn’t consume my energy.

    • That’s a great goal. Its then up to the group to make sure they include you. If they don’t, move on to a group that will. I have tried this & felt bad when it didn’t work, but actually it’s a two-way exchange & we can’t make it work if they don’t include the new person. When I’m in a group I try & make sure everyone feels included, especially new people.


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