Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. Start a second conversation with someone you’ve already made a decent first impression with. Do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT BE AFRAID OF RUINING THE NON‐EXISTENT RELATIONSHIP YOU CURRENTLY HOLD DEAR

  2. Genuinely wishing a nice day to everyone who I end up talking to (cashiers, cleaning ladies, acquaintances). I almost never leave the house, especially not alone. I want to go grocery shopping and instead of masking my nervousness with humor, I want to genuinely feel in control.

  3. I want to feel more relaxed, confident and open to engaging with others. Because my husband is the life of the party type I tend to get irritable, closed off and just wait till the evening is over.

  4. My goal is to overcome my nervousness whenever I am in crowded place. To express my self with enthusiasm and to feel that they are satisfy in the way I talk.

  5. My goal is to become better and more comfortable with small talk instead of feeling uncomfortable and “awkward” with it. I often find it difficult to talk to someone I’m not familiar with because I don’t know what to say and dread the small talk that comes first.

  6. Starting small: I want to have more sincere conversations with my coworkers, instead of the awkward small talk that I can tell feels lame to both of us.

  7. My goal is to not stop during my sentence because I worry about what I should say and just be able to not be worried of what people think.

  8. I want to increase my capacity to initiate with others — conversations, plans, topic changes. There are many things that I want to do with people, but I often self-reject because I’m guarding myself against their potential rejection of me, and/or because I do not know how to approach them with my ideas and see them effectively escalated. A third reason is have long since convinced myself that I am a hindrance to others, that they are doing me a favor by talking to me. I want to remove these roadblocks and be on my way to living a more fulfilling life.

  9. I want to have a stronger connection to my best friend. She’s grown somewhat distant (but there’s definitely hope) since we were little, and it’s like she prefers being with her sister more than she does me. I try to update her as much as I can on what’s happening in my life, which doesn’t amount to much since I’m only sixteen, in hopes that she’ll share her updates as well. Sometimes she does, other times she just kinda nods and says “yeah” before turning to something else. I ask her questions, too, of course, but even then our conversation definitely lulls.

  10. I want to be able to say Hi to strangers at the gym, at least one people a day, more is welcomed. If I do this, I can allow myself a treat, like a piece of chocolate or stuff like that.

  11. I want to be cool and calm from within because when I interact with people I always have pressure buildup which makes me look like I am cruel and un approachable

    • I have the same goal like your. From inner I am a very polite and kind individual but outside I masked myself In some cases and want hide away from the worst people may be they are not but for me they are

  12. l want to be able to voice my opinion in social discussions without worrying what people are going to say about me and to overcome overthinking that people are judging me,also l don’t want people to feel awkward in my presence .l don’t want to be anxious around strangers or the feeling that l am in a wrong place .

  13. I will not push to be funny, but say witty comments as they come to mind. I will deliberately choose to be myself, and be OK if she is not interested, because the point of social interaction is to get to know people.

  14. I want to be able to talk to my friend anytime without feeling like I need to stop so I don’t feel like I’m a hindrance to them.

  15. I want to appear more confident visually and be at peace mentally (no overthinking, self-doubt etc). I will also learn to smile more and be more relaxed when in the presence of others, to avoid appearing awkward or desperate for communication.

  16. Not only be comfortable talking with people without awkward pauses, I want to be more confident to reach out to others and not feel bad if rejected.


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