Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. Goal:In a group setting, share something about myself or try to relate in some way to what someone is saying. It may feel awkward but it will help me expand my comfort zone

  2. I want to just enjoy myself in a conversation with bunch of acquaintances or strangers and I also want to speak in the public with ease (no shaking or trembling).

  3. I want to know for how long to keep eye contact in diffrent situations, and maintain eye contact for that much time.

  4. I don’t want to be called “fat” and other terrible names to my face by a “so-called neighbour”. Therefore, I am going to set a goal of losing 20 lbs. Being slim and trim builds confidence and self-esteem. This will avoid me from being judged for my obesity.

  5. I want to be able to talk a lot and be funny in conversations with people at my school and feel like one of the group.

  6. I want to do things that scare me and even though I might fail, I want to keep at it and not seek perfection all the time. Perfection. leads to paralysis for me!

  7. I want to be able to go to a new place without feeling stupid or anxious bc I don’t know everything there is to know and I fear being uncomfortable.

    • hi Nicole, i’m a very well traveled, older knowledgeable introvert who absorbs facts, information, data, politics, sport etc. guess what? it doesn’t make me more interesting. my wife, who shuns all of the above, is always the centre of attention and everyone loves her. she talks openly, says and asks what i consider daft things to say, but this makes her much more likeable than muster clever clogs here. so don’t think that gaining knowledge is the secret to becoming more sociable and outward going. maybe being an open book and asking people about things you don’t know about is a better strategy

  8. I want to learn how to speak more eloquently instead of rambling/stumbling over my words because of anxiety.

  9. I want to have a few close relationships that I’m comfortable to share personal stuff with and not be afraid of awkward silences

  10. I want to be able to establish real connections with people I talk to and not get stuck in small talk. I’ll take the first small step with my friends; I’ll try to have deeper conversations with them.

  11. I want to be more interested in others and learn more about them and what they’re interested in without all the pointless small talk!

  12. I want to become more emotionally expressive and less monotone, and to stop worrying about going against what I only think people’s “preconceived ideas” are about me to do so

  13. I want to be someone interesting to talk to and know when it’s the right time to speak and what to say and gain my confidence back

    • I will also try to be talk to people I meet and open myself up and also try to engage as much as possible I support that to open up although it will makes me worried to strangers I will try


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