64 Comfort Zone Quotes (With Motivation to Defy Your Fear)

Our comfort zone is the place where we feel the most in control. It’s made up of experiences that we’ve already had before and therefore don’t push us to continue to learn or grow.

But, breaking out of your regular routine is essential if you’re trying to make progress toward your goals.

If you want to live a life unlike anything you’ve experienced before, you have to start getting comfortable feeling uncomfortable.

In this article, you will find the best quotes to empower you to try new things and start moving towards creating a life that you love.


  1. Positive quotes
  2. Famous quotes
  3. Common questions

Positive quotes about leaving your comfort zone

Moving out of your comfort zone can definitely feel uncomfortable. But going after the things you fear is the best way to move towards growth and success. If you’re thinking about expanding your comfort zone but feel afraid to do so, hopefully, these quotes can help. Reading inspirational quotes like these can be a good reminder that staying in your comfort zone won’t get you any closer to living the life of your dreams.

1. “A ship in a harbour is safe, but it’s not fulfilling its potential.” —Susan Jeffers
2. “A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing grows there.” —John Assaraf
3. “Uncertainty and growth are also human needs.” —Team Tony Robbins, 6 Tips to Leave Your Comfort Zone

4. “She never felt ready, but she was brave. And the Universe responds to brave.” —Unknown 
5. “If you haven’t made any mistakes lately you must be doing something wrong.” —Susan Jeffers
6. “It’s not as scary as it looks.” —Yubin Zhang, Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone, TedX

7. “One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.” —Abraham Maslow
8. “Try. Otherwise you’ll never know.” —Unknown 
9. “Expanding your comfort zone is about motivating and inspiring yourself in a way that honors your whole person. It’s not ‘I’m going to be good at everything,’ it’s about not being scared to try.” —Elizabeth Kuster, Expand Your Comfort Zone

10. “We have been taught to believe that negative equals realistic, and positive equals unrealistic.” —Susan Jeffers
11. “Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” —Brian Tracy
12. “Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly, it is your masterpiece after all.” —Nathan Morris

13. “If you can’t surrender, you can’t allow mystery, and if you can’t allow mystery, you can’t open the door to the soul.” —Pippa Grange
14. “Follow what you are genuinely passionate about and let that guide you to your destination.” —Diane Sawyer
15. “It’s all happening perfectly.” —Susan Jeffers

16. “There is no comfort in the learning zone, and there is no learning in the comfort zone.” —Unknown 
17. “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” —Nelson Mandela
18. “Life isn’t exactly a predictable affair; perhaps then, people shouldn’t be either.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone

19. “Security is not having things, it’s handling things.” —Susan Jeffers
20. “When you leave your comfort zone, anxiety is normal. It’s telling you that you feel vulnerable. Acknowledge it, then move past it.” —Team Tony Robbins, 6 Tips to Leave Your Comfort Zone
21. “By reeducating the mind, you can accept fear as simply a fact of life instead of a barrier to success.” —Susan Jeffers

22. “If you’re not growing, you’re dying.” —Team Tony Robbins, 6 Tips to Leave Your Comfort Zone
23. “Many of us are so afraid of failure that we would rather do nothing than take a shot at our dreams.” —Cylon George, 10 Ways to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone and Overcome Your Fear
24. “Within the comfort zone, there isn’t much incentive for people to reach new heights of performance. It’s here that people go about routines devoid of risk, causing their progress to plateau.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone

25. “To leave the comfort zone, you must learn how to control the natural fear and anxiety you will feel when you try new things.” —Team Tony Robbins, 6 Tips to Leave Your Comfort Zone
26. “Learn to laugh at yourself when you make mistakes.” —Cylon George, 10 Ways to Step Outside of Your Comfort Zone and Overcome Your Fear
27. “Pushing through the fear is less frightening than living with the underlying circumstances that come from a feeling of helplessness.” —Susan Jeffers

28. “You have calibrated life when most of what you fear has the titillating prospect of adventure.” —Nassim Taleb
29. “While occupying the comfort zone, it’s tempting to feel safe, in control, and that the environment is on an even keel. It’s smooth sailing. The best sailors, however, aren’t born in smooth waters.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone
30. “Becoming is better than being. The fixed mindset does not allow people the luxury of becoming. They have to already be.” —Carol Dweck

31. “When leaving the comfort zone, fear doesn’t always equate to being in the panic zone.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone
32. “We go in with a perfectionistic idea about achievement, and that we should be able to do it. The reality is, outside our comfort zone, why would we know how to do it? That’s the whole process.” —Emine Saner, Escape Your Comfort Zone! How to Face Your Fears – and Improve Your Health Wealth and Happiness
33. “It takes courage to step from the comfort zone into the fear zone. Without a clear roadmap, there’s no way to build on previous experiences. This can be anxiety-provoking. Yet persevere long enough, and you enter the learning zone, where you gain new skills and deal with challenges resourcefully.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone

34. “Most people have experience leaving the comfort zone in at least one area of life, and there are usually plenty of insights to be uncovered from this experience.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone
35. “For many, self-actualization acts as a powerful incentive to leave the comfort zone.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone
36. “Intentionally leaving the comfort zone goes hand-in-hand with developing a growth mindset. While the fixed mindset keeps us trapped by fear of failure, the growth mindset expands the possible. It inspires us to learn and take healthy risks, leading to positive outcomes across life domains.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone

37. “A habit of expanding our comfort zone equips people to handle change and ambiguity with more poise, leading to resilience.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone
38. “Face your fear. Even if it’s only a tiptoe outside of your comfort zone instead of a leap. Progress is progress.” —Anette White
39. “Leaving behind the comfort zone doesn’t mean recklessly throwing caution to the wind. Every step forward is progress.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone

40. “You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.” —Brian Tracy
41. “My comfort zone is like a little bubble around me, and I’ve pushed it in different directions and made it bigger and bigger until these objectives that seemed totally crazy eventually fall within the realm of the possible.” —Alex Honnold
42. “Your comfort zone is your danger zone.” —Greg Plitt

43. “You can settle for what you know – the seemingly safe, familiar, and routine. Or, you can become receptive to opportunities for growth, challenging your personal status quo and seeing what you’re capable of.” —Oliver Page, How to Leave Your Comfort Zone and Enter Your ‘Growth’ Zone
44. “You want to have the largest comfort zone possible — because the larger it is, the more masterful you feel in more areas of your life. When you have a large comfort zone, you can take risks that really shift you.” —Elizabeth Kuster, Expand Your Comfort Zone
45. “Whatever is your norm, whatever your life is right now, whatever you’re not even thinking about changing — that’s your comfort zone… some people call it a rut. It’s not a rut; it’s life. It’s the things that are regular, that are predictable, that cause no mental or emotional strain and stress.” —Elizabeth Kuster, Expand Your Comfort Zone

46. “Give something up. Make it difficult. Make it scary. Make it be something you never thought you could achieve.” —Elizabeth Kuster, Expand Your Comfort Zone
47. “There are clearly more tangible potential rewards for stepping outside your comfort zone, too – a better social life, a pay rise, more intimacy in a relationship, a new skill.” —Emine Saner, Escape Your Comfort Zone! How to Face Your Fears – and Improve Your Health Wealth and Happiness
48. “You can’t avoid pain, but you can say yes to the pain, understanding that it is a part of life.” —Susan Jeffers

49. “Adaptation and stimulation are important parts of our wellbeing, and a huge part of our capacity to be resilient. We can get stagnant, and it is about growing and finding different ways to be, which then allows us to have a different life experience.” —Emine Saner, Escape Your Comfort Zone! How to Face Your Fears – and Improve Your Health Wealth and Happiness

Famous quotes about stepping out of your comfort zone

When you look at a lot of the most motivational people in history, it’s normal to only see success. But the truth is, many of their accomplishments come from their ability to push through discomfort. Don’t be so afraid of change that it keeps you from living up to your full potential.

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1. “When you look at the best athletes, business people and actors, you will find they have one thing in common: they have all failed spectacularly at some point in their lives.” —Team Tony Robbins, 6 Tips to Leave Your Comfort Zone
2. “Do one thing every day that scares you.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
3. “Comfort zones: if you live in one too long – that becomes your norm. Get comfortable being uncomfortable.” —David Goggins

4. “A ship is always safe at the shore, but that is not what it is built for.” —Albert Einstein
5. “Unless you do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
6. “The only way that you’re ever going to get on the other side of this journey is by suffering. You have to suffer in order to grow. Some people get this, some people do not.” —David Goggins

7. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” —Unknown 
8. “Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quit. But it’s what you do at that moment that determines who you are.” —David Goggins
9. “The comfort zone is the great enemy of courage and confidence.” —Brian Tracy

10. “We have to be honest about what we want and take risks rather than lie to ourselves and make excuses to stay in our comfort zone.” —Roy T. Bennett
11. “I thought I’d solved a problem when really I was creating new ones by taking the path of least resistance.” —David Goggins
12. “The level of effort you tolerate from yourself will define your life.” —Tom Bilyeu

13. “There is no better way to grow as a person than to do every day something that you hate.” —David Goggins
14. “All growth starts at the end of your comfort zone.” —Tony Robbins
15. “If you can get through doing things that you hate to do, on the other side is greatness.” —David Goggins

Common questions:

Is a comfort zone a good thing?

Having a comfort zone is not inherently a bad thing. Everybody has one, and it’s the zone that helps us feel safe and comfortable. It’s only when a person is afraid to leave this zone that it can become problematic.

Why is it important to get out of your comfort zone?

Leaving your comfort zone has many positive benefits, such as improved confidence, gaining new skills, and increasing your threshold for difficult times. New experiences will often require you to step outside of your comfort zone.

You might like to learn how to deal with one of the most common reasons people avoid leaving their comfort zone: fear of rejection.

Viktor is a Counselor specialized in interpersonal communication and relationships. He manages SocialSelf’s scientific review board. Follow on Twitter or read more.

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