
Build Confidence From Within, Break Free From Worrying What Others Think, and Start Being You

My hostel dorm (Yes, I took that photo because the guy’s outfit matched the beds). When I took it, I didn’t know that an incredibly odd duo would soon enter the room.

Hi, David here.

Years ago, when I backpacked in Thailand, I met an odd duo in my hostel.

I still remember thinking to myself:

“Why on EARTH are these two even friends?”

One of them kept to himself and looked nervous when people talked to him.

I could see that he didn’t really know where to put his hands or what to say.

(I remember that feeling: Reluctantly arriving at someone’s house party, feeling everyone’s eyes on me.)

His friend, in comparison, seemed to be from another world:

This guy greeted people with a friendly nod. He moved around untroubled – as if people were his soon to be friends.

Everyone immediately liked him.

We ended up in the same dorm, so later on, I got to know them better.

I finally understood what was really going on with this unlikely duo

It never crossed my mind that the two could be related. But then the confident one, Andrew, casually mentioned that the quiet one was his brother.


A few days later, the confident Andrew opened up to me.

When he and his brother were younger, they had been very much alike

They had both had things they wanted to do (but with their social anxiety, they couldn’t).

They had both felt incredibly awkward around strangers.

They had both had an overwhelming fear of being judged by others in social situations, being embarrassed, or humiliated.

Andrew said:

“The thought of someone seeing me blush, shake, or sweat almost felt unbearable.”

So how did they end up so different?

When Andrew realized how much more shy he was than his classmates in his new school, he made it his mission to overcome his social anxiety.

He read books about how to be more confident. He did “out-of-your-comfort-zone” exercises he hoped would work.

After months, reality dawned on Andrew: There was still no lasting confidence in sight. (Only more blushing and voice-failing.)

He decided to use another tactic: To take tiny steps rather than trying to change everything overnight.

He slowly evolved into the confident, attractive Andrew that I had before me.

Jeff, the nervous one, took the safe path through life

The price he paid?

A pounding heart, a racing mind and a sweaty handshake that always stood between his real self and the world.

He had a nagging feeling that he was losing out on his full potential for this short time he walked on earth.

Before he knew it, he was in his mid 30’s.

As I got to know the two I realized how they shared the same great personality. They were both still introverts with a love for quirky humor just like me.

Now, they were on vacation together. Soon, they would continue their lives thousands of miles apart, both geographically and at heart.

How do some nervous, self-conscious people succeed at becoming truly confident?

It all begins with a tiny step.

I’m David Morin.

A few years ago, I probably looked successful on the surface. But I didn’t feel successful.


Because I was still self-conscious and nervous.

I didn’t know what to say (and was often ignored in group conversations). I got stuck in boring small talk instead of making deep connections with people I liked.

I had an ocean of insecurity inside of me worrying about what others thought of me.

Fast forward 8 years, and I’ve looked under every stone, tried every method and read every advice when it comes to social nervosity and social skills.

The interest in what I’ve learned has been huge. Perhaps you’ve seen my writing in magazines like Business Insider and Lifehacker.

Today, I’m fortunate enough to share my experience with thousands of people every day.

When you’re through the barrier of self-consciousness, what will YOUR life look like?

  • Feeling truly comfortable around new people, being yourself without worrying about what they might think?
  • Feeling relaxed and confident – so you can convey who you are?
  • Connecting with people and make friends easier?
  • Expressing yourself, your thoughts, and your personality without having that stupid voice inside of you holding you back?
  • Not letting fear of rejection dictate what you do and don’t do in life?
  • Daring to go after and get the dream job you know you were meant for?
  • Being confident enough to leave a good impression on that special someone you like?
  • Having a close family of friends who respect you and accept you for who you are?
  • Feeling CAPABLE, POWERFUL, and feeling your self-esteem blasting off?

Here’s when life stops feeling like pedaling uphill in ice-cold rain. With confidence, life is more like rolling in the summer breeze with friends.

I’ve realized that almost everything I love about my life is because I’ve developed a core confidence.

When I sent out a survey asking you about social anxiety and confidence, the interest was massive.

Viktor and I had a grand vision: To make the world’s most effective program for how we anxious overthinkers can walk through life with true confidence.

Viktor Sander (B. Sc.)

Viktor is amazing:

He makes sure that every single piece of advice we give works. (We’re both fed up with made-up bro-science.)

He’s a behavioral scientist and has been working with me since 2012.

Before SocialSelf, Viktor coached men and women to be more successful in social life and with women.

I don’t know any other “gurus” out there working together with a real behavioral scientist. I’m thankful to have Viktor on my team!

We want to help you take the path Confident Andrew took, instead of you becoming another Nervous Jeff, stuck in a life that “just happened”

Viktor and I reviewed the most popular courses and books on confidence, we realized that most of them were filled with advice that doesn’t even work.

Many books prescribe “out of your comfort zone-exercises” like approaching 10 strangers on the street.

You go through this massive distress to “break out of your comfort zone” and all you get is a few hours of temporary confidence. (No wonder most people give up.)

Then there’s putting up notes on the bathroom mirror saying “you’re the best”.)

That’s been proven to make people with low self-esteem feel WORSE (because deep inside they’re thinking “That’s just not true”).


  1. Positive Self-Statements Power for Some, Peril for Others, Joanne V. Wood, W.Q. Elaine Perunovic, John W. Lee, July 1, 2009
  2. Senay, I., Albarracín, D., & Noguchi, K. (2010). Motivating Goal-Directed Behavior Through Introspective Self-Talk: The Role of the Interrogative Form of Simple Future Tense. Psychological Science 21(4), 499-504.
  3. Kappes, H., and Oettingen, G. (2011). Positive fantasies about idealized futures sap energy. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

Then there are those who try to “inspire you” to be more confident:

Far too many “experts” seem to think that if they are just positive and inspiring enough, that’ll magically make you more confident. It’s like they think they can “hype you up” to be confident.

At best, this gives only a temporary kick. You can’t just tell people “be more confident”…

So the question is – how do you build a permanent confidence?

We looked at what REAL people have actually done to get REAL confidence. Viktor and I went through 400+ new studies during 5 months in the field of cognitive behavioral and psychological research (that’s a mouthful!).

Proudly presenting: Self-Conscious to Confident

4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 25 reviews)

  • We surveyed over 20 000 people.
  • We read through 400+ NEW studies and scientific literature.
  • We condensed our own, personal lifetime experience, and turned all of this into an easy-to-follow system that anyone can use to crush their social nervousness.

Many of our members start full of self-doubt and social anxiety and leave with a core confidence, knowing they have what it takes to do what they want in life.

“Earlier I worried what people would think if I said something or behaved in a particular way which might be not according to their standards. Now I do not.”

Louise, US

“The thing that got me from a socially anxious person to be the most connected person at work is doing a lot of reading, which is how I found your program […] Your research was the eventual turning point in my personality.”

Norton, UK

Viktor and I in one of our many research-sessions.

This program isn’t about “more advice” (The internet is full of advice, and still social anxiety is super common).

Self-Conscious to Confident gives you a complete SYSTEM: As a member, you follow my clear and easy to understand step-by-step videos. Everything is done comfortably from your home, at your own pace.

Below each video is a discussion about the topic where you get all the support you need from the community, me, and Viktor.

Thanks to this system and the community you’ll always know what your next step will be.

You can be 100% anonymous in our community. And when you need us, we’re there to help you.

My goal for you is to wake up every morning a little more confident than the day before

Imagine how you start watching this program today and because of that, you’re just a tiny bit more confident when you’re waking up tomorrow.

Maybe the change is so small that you barely think about it. But each day you wake up a bit more confident. Over time, these small improvements compound into an ocean of self-confidence.

What results can you expect?

These are results that we see among our members.

After 7-14 days

You’re likely to experience some results already your first two weeks into the program.

Your new mindsets won’t be fully implemented yet and you’ll notice how you fall back in old thinking patterns. But that’s OK and part of the process.

When you start to see that change is possible and that the program actually works, you’ll feel how something shifts inside of you.

  • It starts getting easier for you to “let go” of negative feelings. We accomplish this by tapping into powerful new methods from cognitive behavioral therapy.
  • We break down your doubts, self-criticism, or worries about “what others think”.
  • You start having a more realistic view of what people think of you. That makes everyday social interactions easier, warmer and more enjoyable.

Comments from members two weeks into the program:

“I was invited out to a BBQ by a friend I met recently. I didn’t feel like going at first because I won’t know anyone there, but later on thought about accepting the anxious feelings from the course and using your worse case scenario method.

I decided to go despite feeling uncomfortable and when I was introduced to others that my friend knew, I felt less nervous. After a while at the BBQ, I got more comfortable and enjoyed being there!”

– Anthony

I’m now heading in the right direction, and I feel like I’m not stuck and lost anymore. It’s like somebody has finally provided me with the instruction manual I needed all along!

– Amanda

After 30 days

  • Your results from the first weeks are growing permanent: You’ll notice how you can adopt them in the majority of situations.
  • You’ve been implementing several mindsets from naturally confident people that will create an overall improvement of your self-confidence.
  • You’ve developed a new relationship to your “inner critic” (You know – the irrational voice and feeling that you won’t succeed, that you aren’t worth it or that people don’t like you.) It’s still there, but it no longer controls you.
  • You can interact more effortlessly with people without worrying that they won’t accept you or like you.
  • You’ve started to improve your ability to connect with people.
  • Around this time, many members start to receive positive feedback from others. Warm smiles, compliments, and open arms.

Here’s what our member Oscar had to say about feedback he received from others:

“Here are some things that people have said about me that really warms my heart:

‘I leave you alone for 2 seconds and you have already made new friends’ ‘You are a good person and a true friend’ ‘He seems to be very self-confident and open with people – a person that is secure and comfortable in his own skin’”

– Oscar

“I can just do what I want to do and not feel worried”

“Expecting that others will just like me allowed me to cut through doubts and worry about whether people like me or not.

Once that’s gone from my mind I can just do what I want to do and not feel worried. Making friends is much less complicated this way.

I went out with 2 colleagues and the more we bonded the positivity and playfulness increased. I was fully participating in the event and adding to it.

Thanks for that.”

– Jacob, Canada

After 60 days

You’re now through Confident in 60 Days! For some, these have been the 2 most transformational months of their lives. Here are the results you can expect after 60 days:

  • Even our members who don’t feel comfortable with their looks, career, or status often develop a core confidence.
  • You can strike up and maintain an interesting conversation with someone you like and make yourself memorable. That will also help you value yourself more.
  • You feel more at ease around people who previously intimidated you (People who are attractive, or dominant, or loud, or taller than you, or extrovert, etc).
  • You feel more at ease expressing yourself in group conversations.
  • You’ll start feeling excited, instead of stiff, talking to people you’re attracted to.
  • You feel more confident talking to someone you like.
  • You have an easier time connecting with others and making new friends.
  • Because you have more freedom to express yourself naturally, you become more interesting for others to talk to.

Maybe you’ve previously felt like a spectator, watching life pass you by. Now, you feel a sense of control and direction.

Here’s a story from Alfred who just finished Self-Conscious to ConfidentI’ll try to explain how Self-Conscious to Confident has helped me.There are many changes in my behavior. Both when I talk to a person eye to eye, and in group. Also in how I perceive others, and how I think others perceive me.I notice how I can listen more actively by using SAC. I understand others better and I feel calmer when I talk to others. I do not need to focus on what to say. I can be calm and more in the moment, just listening.I’ve also noticed that I can actively change my behavior if I become uncertain in social settings.

By changing my thoughts on how others perceive me, I can be calmer and more myself in social contexts.

The exercises in the course has helped me understand that others do not judge me as hard as I think, and that others also have self-critical thoughts.

That in turn means that I dare to take up more space, and also take more risks.

– Alfred

Long term results

You’ve implemented and integrated your own personalized system into your daily life. You can now enjoy the ride.

When you encounter obstacles in life, you know that you can always go back to our program for support.

  • You’ll feel comfortable in your own skin and you can be yourself fully. You don’t feel a need to change who you are to fit in.
  • You’re confident sharing your thoughts and ideas with others, even in groups.
  • Because of all the positive changes in your life, your self-esteem has grown stronger.
  • Rejection slides off of you like water on a duck’s back. You have internalized that it’s a part of life and you just keep going anyway.
  • You create relationships where you understand and accept each other fully. You can be 100% honest with your friends and resolve any issues easily because you respect each other.
  • You can face everyone around you as your true self, brightening their day with your natural and fun comments or spontaneous kindnesses. Seeing others smile at you makes you happier as well.
  • You can set boundaries and deal with conflicts when you have to.
  • You’ll see strangers as friends you just don’t know yet, so you can approach them with ease. You’ll see how this has a magnetic effect on people around you.
  • You get more out of everything you do because you can enjoy the moment instead of worrying about what others think.
  • You can be more assertive and focused on achieving what you really want in your life. This helps you to go for opportunities you thought were impossible in the past.
  • Fully being yourself makes you a more attractive person.
  • You bring out the best in people you meet. Your relaxed manner makes others at ease and your daily interactions become more fun.

Seeing where our members started off and where they are now is the reason I can give you such a detailed picture of what your progress can look like.

Oscars experience 2 months after the program

“This program has been so great. Thank you so much. I’ve learned so much and my mind-set has actually changed. I genuinely enjoy meeting people. I feel like social situations are rewarding and not something to survive.

I am able to connect much better now. I feel confident, most of the time, and when I don’t I have strategies to help me.

Game-changer! ;)”

– Oscar

How Rattana’s self-esteem took off after this program

“I used to be so extremely self-critical, bashing myself with self-hate, which lead to that I avoided a lot of social situations.

Now I just enjoy them – and can feel genuine appreciation for being in social encounters with other people. (But I should mention that I started this work on myself back in October, but this program has really helped me do progress I thought was not possible).”

– Rattana

So what exactly will we go through?

Here are some highlights from the program curriculum:

What we’ll go through

Week 1: Permanent confidence and self-esteem from within

  1. You know all those negative thoughts and feelings you have about yourself? We’ll methodically break them down and look at what’s rational and what’s not. Most thoughts turn out to not be based on reality, and simply breaking them down gives a more realistic, positive view on ourselves. This is a fun and motivating first step.
  2. In the same manner, we’ll get a realistic view of what OTHERS think of you. (This makes our members MUCH more at ease in social settings.)
  3. We’ll be looking at truly confident people and reveal their secrets. We learn how they can be immune to self-doubt, self-criticism, fear of failure, or what others think. When you worry less, life becomes more fun. And more importantly, it allows you to do all those amazing things that you didn’t dare to before.
  4. We’ll unwind your subconscious inner workings that currently cause fear and worry in your brain. We’ll use powerful new exercises from cognitive behavioral research to change those old, ingrained thought patterns for good. You’re free to do what you want in life when you’re no longer bound by old beliefs.

And much more…

Week 2: Self-Consciousness: How to feel confident and at ease in any situation

  1. We’ll be changing our inner wirings when it comes to confidence so that we AUTOMATICALLY and INTUITIVELY can feel truly confident (without having to “get into the mood” “getting pumped” or consciously having to think about it.)
  2. When our members first join, they are often overly harsh on themselves. We’ll be using powerful methods to be more accepting and supporting of ourselves, just like we are supportive of our friends.
  3. Avoiding getting stuck in your head, becoming more present in the moment and stopping self-conscious thoughts with Attention Training. (Proven to be extra effective the MORE anxious or nervous someone is.)
  4. Ever noticed how some can be confident without having the looks, status, or finances? If they can be happy with themselves, we can, too. You’ll be confident in yourself even if there’s some part of you or your life you don’t like.
  5. Why you don’t need an “interesting life” to make others take interest in us, and what we can learn from charismatic people to make others gravitate toward us.
  6. How to stop worrying whether others might like us or not.

And much more…

Week 3: Confidence through authenticity

Ever noticed how some try to be confident, but they come off as fake and their low self-esteem shines through? In this course, we’ll talk about how to develop an authentic, congruent confidence from within. Real confidence isn’t a facade. It’s something we truly are.

  1. Developing your congruency and authenticity to be the person you TRULY want to be.
  2. Becoming truly confident from your core without ever feeling like a fraud or “fake”.
  3. How to be confident without appearing cocky, fake, or arrogant.
  4. How to avoid “overdoing it” and come off as tryhard by calibrating our behavior
  5. Avoiding any tendency to come off as needy.
  6. Keeping 100% of your integrity in any situation life throws at you.

And much more…

Week 4: Confidence when talking to anyone

Imagine knowing that whatever social situation you end up in, you’ll know what to say and what to talk about. You’ll be able to make yourself memorable. Improving our conversation skills makes us more confident.

  1. How to feel at ease and get a natural flow in any conversation. (No more awkward silence worrying about what to say next.)
  2. Becoming fluent at everyday banter.
  3. How to get past awkward small talk and start making INTERESTING conversation that helps you actually bond and get closer to people.
  4. How to step by step go from “Hi” to in a natural way find mutual interests and having an interesting discussion about them.
  5. Exactly what you should do when your head goes blank and we can’t come up with anything to say.
  6. What to do to never worry that what you say will sound weird or stupid.

And much more…

Week 5: Confidence in groups and new situations

Throughout my life, I’ve always been the most intimidated in new groups. I can attest to the power of this week and can’t wait for you to experience it yourself:

  1. Feeling truly confident even in large or loud groups and in new situations such as a new job, a new class, or a night out.
  2. How to form an instant connection with someone you like, instead of getting stuck in endless small talk.
  3. How to not be intimidated by others (Even if they’re very successful, tall, arrogant, loud or attractive). You’ll be able to meet anyone at your level.
  4. Learning the secrets of charismatic people to be memorable and paid attention to, when you feel like it.
  5. Speaking up in group conversations and being let into the conversation, being taken seriously, being listened to and not being interrupted.

And much more…

Week 6: Confidence in dating and relationships (friends, family, and partners)

Confidence is attractive. (In fact, when it comes to dating, it’s more important than money or looks!) This week, we’ll go through…

  1. How to talk and act with someone you like
  2. How to speak with anyone you’re attracted to with rock-solid confidence without worrying about how you come off or what they’ll think of you.
  3. Initiating a conversation with anyone you’re attracted to.
  4. Being bullet-proof when it comes to taking rejection. (Imagine what you can do in life when you no longer worry about rejection or failure.)
  5. Never again risking lack of confidence coming between you and someone you love.
  6. Using confidence to create strong bonds with partners, family, and friends.
  7. Knowing exactly how to deal with toxic or dominant people without being emotionally affected by them.
  8. Always knowing how to confront people who act disrespectfully.

And much more…

Week 7: A confident life

Social anxiety doesn’t just affect friendships and dating. It’s a barrier to all areas of life. That’s why this week is so important: We’ll be going through what actually works to live our life to the fullest.

  1. What small life changes make a huge difference in our lives and enable us to live the confidently glowing life we deserve.
  2. Being able to fully put our trust in someone when we know that it benefits us.
  3. Crushing procrastination and lack of discipline.
  4. Always living our greatest – Staying on top of the world and not being confined by lack of confidence or what others might think.
  5. A system for building the exact habits you need for a colorful, enjoyable and fulfilling life.

And much more…

Week 8: Maintaining and improving your confidence permanently

Here’s where we take the next step and make your results stick. Here’s also where you’ll find the advanced areas to go even further: You’ll learn to master the life-changing capability of charisma.

  1. Developing a PERMANENT confidence that you have with you in any new situation in life.
  2. I don’t know how many times in life I’ve been motivated, but then I lost motivation, felt pessimistic and failed. Here, we’ll make sure that your results STICK even if you run into challenges or experience failures.
  3. Advanced: Becoming truly charismatic. What even is charisma? YES – it’s possible for anyone to learn. We’ll break it down into detail and you’ll learn how to become a truly magnetic person.
  4. Advanced: Living a life where you get the respect you deserve from others.

And much more…

FREE Bonus

When you order today, you also get this amazing bonus to help you take your confidence to the next level:

Body language mastery (Value: $97: Yours for FREE)

I want you to master your body language so that you take control of how you present yourself. This bonus is a collection of all the most important principles to both understand and achieve a more confident and natural body language.

David is illustrating the principles with video and pictures. Together with David, Viktor has analyzed all the videos and added both exercises and tips on how to improve and understand body language.

This is what you get in the program:

  • A complete and easy-to-follow system to make you confident, proven to work by hundreds of beta testers and members
  • Lifetime access to the 8-week program and all future updates.
  • 51 videos carefully explaining everything in a step-by-step, easy to understand manner.
  • 32+ exercises (that are not weird or scary but there to teach you new, confident, mindsets) proven in studies to significantly increase confidence.
  • Personalized help from David and Viktor when you need us.
  • A community of like-minded who’ll support you and understand you.
  • Your own personalized “Daily System” that keeps you motivated and ensures that you follow through.
  • BONUS: Body language mastery (Value: $97: Yours for FREE).
  • No-questions-asked 60-day money-back guarantee if you’re not DELIGHTED with the progress you’ve made.

Who is this program for?

  • You restrict yourself around new people because you worry about what they might think of you.
  • Sometimes you don’t believe in yourself or your abilities.
  • You often worry about embarrassing or humiliating yourself.
  • You often feel shy around those you’re not yet comfortable with.
  • You’re afraid others will notice when you’re either anxious, sweating, blushing, trembling, or stuttering.
  • Maybe you think that “If I only looked more fit or attractive things would change” (Even though you know about all those people who are confident DESPITE their looks.)
  • After a social situation, you often analyze everything you said and did and beat yourself up for any mistakes.
  • Your social anxiety is hurting your relationships and your daily life because you avoid social events, parties, and maybe even small things like talking on the phone.
  • You want to be more confident in group conversations and especially around people who intimidate you.
  • You want to be better at hitting up conversations with others and know what to say, especially around someone you’re attracted to.
  • Your mind goes blank because you overthink and worry too much in social settings.
  • You avoid many opportunities in life because you’re afraid to fail.
  • This makes you feel like you’re missing out on life.

If you can relate to several of these points, this program is for you.

It’s NOT for those who…

… are looking for techniques to manipulate people or act in an insincere way
… are looking for a magic pill to instantly fix everything
… can’t dedicate 1 hour a week

What if I lose motivation and don’t follow through?

The most common reasons we lose our motivation are the following:

  1. It feels like we won’t succeed
  2. We don’t see enough results
  3. Something gets too hard

That’s why we’ve designed the program in the following way:

  1. It clearly shows you how you can succeed
  2. You’ll see the initial results quickly
  3. The exercises are fun and motivating, not hard

This is the reason the majority of our participants feel highly motivated throughout the program.

You see, when I first started my journey, I either tried on my own or listened to dubious internet advice. When things didn’t work out, I got discouraged (and blamed myself).

In Self-Conscious to Confident, you have Me, Viktor, and our amazing community together with a powerful system specifically designed to help you all the way from start to goal.

If it still turns out you won’t be able to follow through, you can use our 60 days 100% money back guarantee. This means that you get a full refund at any time up to 2 months after you registered for the program.

What’s the yearly $ cost of lacking confidence?

If we just look at cold hard cash, what would one single successful job interview or one single promotion mean to you if you had the confidence to go in there and show your best side?

According to the US Department of Labor, it’s normal that a promotion, or a new job, gives you…

$1 000 – $5 000 extra (or more) per year.

Naturally, it’s those with confidence to convey who they are who get these opportunities.

“I feel like a completely different person”

“I used to struggle with socializing and felt uncomfortable in social settings. However, after taking this course, I feel like a completely different…”

Read more

Anthony, 32
Product Manager
North Carolina, USA

“Helped me a lot with my social nervousness”

“I’ve signed up for a few courses at SocialSelf now. I’ve always liked David’s videos and feel like he breaks down the…”

Read more

Kristina Chepak, 28
UX Researcher
California, USA

“I felt like there was no hope for me, but it’s amazing to see the progress I’ve made.”

“I’ve been quiet for as long as I can remember. Not until middle school did I start…”

Read more

Jerry Finn, 28
Web Developer
Arkansas, USA

“If it can make an extreme introvert like myself excited to meet strangers, these courses work!”

“I signed up for the courses because SocialSelf’s website was correct in explaining how…”

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Alice Chang
Mental Health Professional
New Jersey, USA

“Before your course I was so overwhelmed with worry, I wouldn’t even consider joining a group like this.”
“I’m disabled from multiple traumatic brain injuries. These injuries have basically reset all my social skills and this created a lot of social worry…”

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Michael Green, 54.
Michigan, USA

“I basically feel no worry whatsoever in social situations now”

“I’m not joking, I’d start to sob because of how nervous I was. It was the most extreme case of…”

Read more

Rachel Keller, 19
United Kingdom


100% Risk-Free

Take this whole program and try it out. If you’re not satisfied within 60 days, you’ll get 100% of your money back. The reason we can give you this bold guarantee is that we’ve seen the difference this program makes.

How to get a refund

If you after the purchase realize that this wasn’t for you, you got two full months to just shoot me an email saying something like, “David, turns out this isn’t for me”, and I’ll go ahead and refund the full amount within the next business day.

Just send me an email and I’ll send your money back, no questions asked.

4 Monthly Payments of Only 139$

Full 60-day Money-Back Guarantee.

Get Instant Access >

Secure Paypal / Credit Card Payment.

Or, save $59 and pay in full

4.7 out of 5 stars (based on 25 reviews)

How does this program differ from our other programs?

Self-Conscious to Confident is our program on how to crush your social nervousness and build a deep core confidence. There’s no other program that we (or anyone else) offer that will help build your confidence like this program will.

If confidence is keeping you from living the social life you want, this is the program for you.

However, if you halfway through realize that you’d prefer another program, just contact our support and they’d be more than happy to help you transfer or arrange a refund.

What to do now

Click on the button below. On the next page, simply fill in the fields with your information. After you’ve pressed submit, you get instant access to the first week of Confident in 60 Days.

You can instantly start watching the videos from the first week. After 7 days, you get access to your next week, and so on.

You have lifetime access to this program: You can go through it at your own pace and revisit it for as many times as you want, whenever you want.

What if you decide to act later?

Andrew (the confident guy I told you about earlier) started his journey with a single step.

Jeff, on the other hand, decided to do nothing.

Doing nothing is always the easiest decision to make. But let’s look at where it takes us in life.

It’s the small steps that compound to all the difference in the world.

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My promise to you is that you’ll improve your conversations in a way that you feel satisfied with within 2 months. If you don’t, just send me an email and you’ll get 100% of your money back. Contact information can be found at our contact page.

I am not a psychiatrist or professional advisor. All products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. Check with your doctor, therapist, psychiatrist or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information.

Any success statements, or success examples, are from real users and customers. Some names have been altered to preserve their anonymity. Some testimonials in the FAQ-section may have been re-used from the FAQ's from our other courses when those testimonials were describing a feature that was similar in both courses. What these participants have accomplished are only estimates of what we think you could achieve. There is no assurance you’ll do as well. Read the full disclaimer here.