Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. I’ll stop hiding behind my phone in social gatherings and try to strike a conversation with whoever sitting next to me.

  2. I am going to smile at strangers, ask the cashiers how they are doing, compliment a stranger and be less afraid to share something about myself. Also … just want to say … I’m super thankful to you David and this community <3

  3. i need to not be so busy trying to mask my discomfort that i just breezily and superficially handle situations where i am uncomfortable. because i know if i can come off as confident and normal enough but i am also too stressed out by people to figure out who i really click with for friendship. i want to feel good enough to even be able to see the differences in people and end up with people i can be comfortable around

    • Reading your words made me realise that I feel and behave very similar to what you describe. Now I can see, it’s like I throw up a smoke screen and then make my escape. So interactions I just something I have to endure the best I can until I can escape them … time to change that with new awareness 🙂

  4. What if you just generally don’t like people and feel they are rude and ignorant. IM NOT A JERK …IT SEEMS LIKE MANY PEOPLE At my work place are.

  5. Don’t procrastinate and don’t waste my time doing nothing. Learn language EVERY day and don’t stop, especially in quarantine, because I have the most free time now. Don’t care much about other people’s opinion about me. Don’t feel less worthy than others, just because they have more followers on ig, more friends in school or better social life than me, basically, stop comparing to others. Nobody has a perfect life. And of course, be even more confident than now, don’t be afraid to say my opinion loudly, don’t be afraid to join groups and never forget to OFC method.

  6. I will assume that people like me and act accordingly. I will illuminate my curious self when it comes to talking to new people.

  7. I applied “think of it as a small step towards something exciting”.

    It resulted in meeting a couple of new people, exchange of phone numbers and discussing about when to meet again.

  8. People show an interest in people who are interested in them. I will be more aware to take a genuine interest in people as well as believe those people already like me.

  9. Just have fun, be quirky, if I don’t have fun then I will most likely be bad a convo because my mind is jumping around on thought to thought.


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