Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. Usually, any small things stop me from starting a conversation; like my hair is messy today, or the other person looks just too busy. Today I will not make excuses.

  2. I would like to talk to other people without worrying about how i look , how I sound like or overthinking what is this person thinking about me .

  3. Today I am going to maintain interest and curiosity. I am going to be secure in myself and thoughts and share myself with others and embrace others too

  4. Being open to people and knowing that if difficulties with treaty behaviour comes. That I can effectivly communicate in a positive way.

  5. I am anxious to talk with people from my childhood.Before talking to a person I am looking their response whether they like to talk with me. some people looking at me ignore to talk.
    Now I am thinking to avoid my weaknesses and start talking with people leasurely

  6. I would like to stop thinking everyone is judging me and laughing at me. I would like to make a friend.
    Alot of the time when i speak i talk too quietly and other people either dont hear me or do not understand. this makes me so anxious and depresswdand makes me feel like i cant even talk correctly. Today i will try to speak louder and be nicer to myself

  7. I will work on my opening in a conversation. Usually I have issues with what to say to be able to get a conversation started but then I don’t feel pressure when the conversation kicks off. So with that I avoid approaching people because I just can’t get past the first stage. I will also work on holding eye contact with people while talking.

    • That’s a really nice goal!
      I also struggle with starting conversations, but feel comfortable after a while.
      For holding eye contact, you can focus on the other person’s eye color for a bit, and think about beautiful things matching that color. That way, you’ll be smiling while making eye contact, and it can become a more enjoyable habit overtime!

  8. Today I’m going to
    1. try assuming that people like me, and
    2. Try and learn more about a topic so I have material to actually discuss in a conversation

  9. i want to be carefree of what someone will think about me and do things which make me happy and would also like to put a step forward towards my dreams.

  10. Well today I will start my day with a smile and confidence and I will try to practice some conversations by my self and then try to make a small conversation with others ,but I have a small problem which is what should I say to start the conversation?

  11. Whenever I try to talk to someone , after few words I just like this conversation is going nowhere and it just ends.
    From now on I will try to speak to people about them their life and will also input my experiences.

    • That was a game changer for me too. Why? All the books teach us to ask more questions, so we learne to ask. If u are an introvert, as I’m you’re probably better than average in listening and uncomfortable when sharing stuff without clearly being asked to.

      Contribute to the conversation by sharing something about yourself that is of course relevalant, don’t have to be even exactly related, but has to be relevant… What I like to do, is simply tell what’s on my mind when things being said.

      Keep it up Arpit

  12. Today I will try to speak more often when I am in a big group. I always feel like if I talk or say something people will just stare at me and judge me, but this program has made me realise that that is not going to happen. Whenever someone talks in a big group, there’s always at least one person that will listen to you and reply to you.

  13. So in school we mixed 2 elementary schools and became one big class of high school. And there are a lot of guys who i dont know very well so I think if I talk to them a lot i think I will get better at socialazing.

    • Would ask myself, what am I afraid of when talking to people?

      Usually there’s is some limiting belief, ie. something happened to you, maybe you were ‘harmed’ which now your mind unconsciously project onto others, which at the end of the day is protection mechanism.

      Want to know more?
      Search on FB for a guy named TOMMY WALKER, he does unleashing your mindset for success. Gonna help ya with that.


    • That is the goal I would want to try, too. I have a big problem of this and, whenever I don’t connect with people when I want to, I often find myself feeling really depressed and feeling like I have major problems with talking to people.

    • I have always wondered who my true self is. I get stuck in my own thoughts. I avoid talking to anyone because I don’t know how to act or who I am as a person because I am insecure and lack self-love.

  14. I can try to leave all my doubts and self consciousness behind for that moment and try to live in the moment and be curious enough in the conversation. Try to be bit personal and focus on other person too.

    • Sounds bold, to leave all your doubts behind.

      Not sure about you, but I wouldn’t even force myself to start from here. Why? Because there’s something behind. If u feel that way, there’s a reason behind.
      Vanshika, I’d focus on that reason first, which will lead you eventually to a limiting belief about yourself.

      Wouldn’t force myself to be curious either. Some people are not even worth your time, nor your effort.
      Find a place of interests to yourself.
      Even reply to some comments under this blog posts, to practice being curious and you’ll quickly realize that being curious is a natural state of being, rather than something you have to plan.



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