Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. I go through the same thing, every day I feel as if I am not good enough. That has also happened recently since I moved out.
    I wish to go back to my normal easy self.

  2. My Goal is to be more confident to speak up in a social setting and i notice tend to be nervous and speak very fast in the conversation.

    I want to be able to stay calm and connect with them on a deeper level.

  3. I want to get better at approaching people without feeling so nervous about it. I enjoy socialising but I get so tongue-tied and break into a cold sweat! What I could today about this is if I go out for a walk is to say hello or talk to some people in my neighbourhood.

  4. My goal is being confidence to speak in front of the class or a small meeting. I always get nervous about some questions from the audience and i couldn’t speak any words.

  5. my goal is to talk with people,(no matter a boy,a cute girl or a old citizen).my real goal is to talk with people and try to connect with them.I want to make real friends.I want to be real man.A true authentic person.

  6. David,
    Sometimes, I face trouble talking to girls who are basically strangers to me in a social setting.
    I notice that I speak nervously and stutter. My body language would show that I’m feeling awkward.
    I totally hate when this happens to me and I want to improve upon it.

    So, one thing I want to focus on, is on being calm and act naturally in front of cute girls the way I would do in front of my friends.

    • Same here plus I want to be able to talk to anyone without feeling nervous. Reading this I realise I was not alone as I’ve thought for a long time . This means people hardly notice socially anxious people since I’ve never notice any

  7. My goal is to try and remember even just ONE particular thing about someone that’s said to me in a conversation! I often have trouble focusing 100% just because things go so fast and that’s just kind of how I am. With your new coaching, I notice that being curious and focusing on others, asking about their relationship to a subject is a big part of being able to continue conversation, and I think if I’m a little better at remembering what others say, that would be a great first step for me! I’ll be doing my best!

  8. Just recently I found myself being more awkward and timid in more situations. But being inspired by all these other people and these articles, I want to set a solid goal to avoid being that quiet and shy person in conversations. All I’m say is that I want to get out there and speak up more with the new and the old people I meet in this life journey

  9. Just recently I found myself being more awkward and timid in more situations. But being inspired by all these other people and these articles, I want to set a solid goal to avoid being that quiet and shy person in conversations. All I’m say is that I want to get out there and speak up more with the new and the old people I meet in this life journey

  10. David, on numerous occasions my family and therapist have told me that I am a naturally curious person; and I know it’s true. Honestly, when I talk with friends and acquaintances, I’m full of personalized compliments, percipient questions, genuine solace and helpful advice. However, I only get to that sociability without telling people about my mental disability and struggles; which causes many people to be confused, concerned, scared or uninterested. So, my goal is to be calm and confident enough to not share my diagnosis with strangers at meetups. Additionally, I’ll tell my current three close friends of that goal.

    • Hi im like this too. Its so annoying . I tell them my whole life story nearly . So my goal is to listen and try smalltalk . And ring my friends and family a lot more. I get so awkward and anxious on the phone trying to think what can I talk about now.

  11. David I’m working on your suggestion to focus on the other person, instead of feeling self-conscious. When I’m with people I feel comfortable with I feel naturally curious about them and never run out of things to discuss.

    But when I feel self-conscious it’s hard to think of stuff to ask because of the way I am. I’m awkward because I tend to the wrong questions… questions that are too personal.
    I am working on small talk!

  12. David I’m working on your suggestion to focus on the other person, instead of feeling self-conscious. When I’m with people I feel comfortable with I feel naturally curious about them and never run out of things to discuss.

    But when I feel self-conscious it’s hard to think of stuff to ask because of the way I am. I’m awkward because I tend to the wrong questions… questions that are too personal.
    I am working on small talk!

  13. I don’t know if I’m doing this right, but here it goes.

    I’ve always wanted to be one of those people who were really good at coming up with things right in the spot (like improv or social interaction in general). I never really liked the silence I’ve had with my friends when we talk about things and then stop talking for a few good minutes. For some reason, when I try to start the conversation up again, I feel like I’m being needy and doing the wrong thing.

    Moral of the story, I feel like I might try to shorten the silence.

  14. I like to entertain people in social media but i get really scared everytime im with people in real life… they might think im a weirdo that is only active in social media but in real life im just a boring person alive….. but lately.. i’ve been enjoying my time with my siblings like before this i had never enjoyed my time with my siblings because it feels so awkward when they are around me i dont know what is wrong with me haha but i think.. my social skills gets better (just a little and im proud) *pat my on shoulder* 🙂

  15. I would like to introduce myself to someone new every day
    So expanding my social network will assist in making new meaningful friends

  16. I want to be more focused in a conversation, to look people in the eye and more importantly be the one to start the conversation

  17. My problem is not fear of failure, it’s fear of success. Talking to someone who might attach him or herself to me or want more than I have to give is a big fear. How do I deal with that? Also, overstimulation is a big migraine trigger for me, so there’s that too. I don’t see much hope.

  18. Smile more in conversations and share something that happened to me and be expressive and visual when talking to others to reach out better to them


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