Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. My goal is to be able to carry on a conversation, and contribute to conversations, without feeling an overwhelming amount of anxiety.

  2. I simply just want to continue to be myself regardless of other peoples reactions to me!to care less about other people jugding me!

  3. I’m going to stop using profanity. I’m going to more quality small talk. I’ll try to stay engaged in small talk conversations a bit longer

  4. I would like to challenge myself to have longer conversations with people who I feel uncomfortable around (strangers, people with power over me). I tend to cut these interactions short because of a feeling of awkwardness or lack of something to say.

  5. Goal: My goal is to meet new people out of my comfort zone , make new friends. Though it isn’t easy then I promise to let go of my fears and feeling that I can’t be loved.

  6. Listen to friends and people that I’m close to when they speak very carefully without getting lost in thoughts about “me”. Prioritizing deepening focus in them and be curious for feeling less anxious and “in my head” during a conversation that every f*cking human being does normally. My social anxiety has been my weak point for all my life, and it’s about time to change that!

  7. I just want to be able to have either some or a few friends and to be able to talk with a group of either my friends or people’s friends that I know.

  8. I’m joining a run club next weekend. I want to enjoy myself and feel included. I want to practice not over-sharing or shutting down, and leave the little voice that tells me their smiles are fading and they dislike me already for later, or never. I’ll consider the meeting a success if I can maintain a casual conversation with at least one person and get some clubmates’ socials.

  9. Yes im not going to rush for anyone ,also im going to be warm and dry on a cold mn day while open to the possible not going to be a slave to others will .while being kind,helpfull as i my needs are more important.

  10. I want to be not afraid or nervous to speak up to people without having to think about my appereance to them,even if theyre people I am not really familiar with.
    I want to be able to not filter my personality to people.


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