Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. Try not to worry about whether I “fit in” or not when in conversation. Try not to be a people pleaser and do things that they won’t do

  2. my small goal is to hold eye contact for a few seconds… I usually go out of my way to avoid eye contact because I am so deathly afraid that I will be noticed, I usually just try to make myself appear as small as possible.

    • SAME whenever I see someone looking at me because I was looking at them I feel weird because I forget I exist. Most of the time people don’t look back when I look at them mostly because I don’t look very long because I don’t want to be noticed for them to know and look back

  3. To stop being shy and anxious to interact with other people. To stop to overthink when I am around a group of people that I don’t know.

  4. To be less of a people pleaser. I would try not to be under pressure by taking responsibility to keep the other person I am talking to entertained. I will try to be more comfortable with who I am first. I’ll be more at ease with myself first <3

  5. My goal is to become less shy and anxious in social situations. I’ve had some better success at dating and talking to strangers since using the OFC method. I want to be able to have deep friendships and relationships! I’ve been told I come across as stuck up because I tend to be reserved and it takes me a long time to make friends.

  6. Your email has begun to make me feel more comfortable and willing to speak with strangers. I can’t tell you how much your email has helped me realize how important small steps are in letting people in. I’m 67 years old and have been a loner my entire life and your email gives me hope

  7. iv been practicing one of the first things iv learned from hear witch is trying to try to keep both myself and who I’m talking to engaged like asking more questions about stuff wear talking about iv been practicing this first with my family the ones I’m not to close with that’s my first small step

  8. Talk to someone. Like don’t talk to them because you think they don’t want to talk.
    Be yourself. Don’t change anything about yourself because of other people. Don’t act differently because you think they will like it.

  9. One of my goals is to avoid keeping the conversation flowing just for the sake of flowing. If I don’t have anything else to say on a particular topic, then I wouldn’t try to make things up as I talk.

  10. the OFC method that you taught me, helped me a lot, I am practicing it and I am able to reduce my social anxiety a lot

  11. Always get into a conversation being yourself and don’t change how u are, don’t a lot also
    Grt help by the way for this

  12. Try not to worry about whether I “fit in” or not when in conversation (in a different language) with my husband’s family – just go for it.


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