Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. Initiating small talk with an acquaintance or total stranger. Went to the supermarket and made a comment to the cashier who I’ve seen before but who comes across as aggressive. Making small talk with someone like that, in a friendly way is intimidating for me because I fear the backlash or worse being ignored. It was a confidence boost though. I will make an effort to make people smile especially those from whom I’d normally cringe and stay away.

  2. Today, I took a deep breath and then gave my opinion when a colleague asked me how I was doing, instead of just saying ‘yeah, I’m fine’. We had a conversation about work for a few minutes and later he approached me again to talk to me. It’s the first real connection I’ve had with him and it gave me a confidence boost today. Thank you David … It was reading your advice that made me do something different today 🙏

  3. I kind of already did something today to expand my comfort zone. I matched with someone on a dating app and messaged them first instead of waiting to see if they would message me.

  4. My goal is to not be too scared to talk to someone new and make myself comfortable around them, especially people that I personally think are cool or attractive, and also to continue a conversation smoothly.

  5. For me, my goal is to talk fluently with anyone, especially girls, and stop stammering. Anytime I talk to a stranger(Girl) my heart beats quickly. Dear David, I appreciate what you do. You are helping thousands of people. May the Good Lord Bless you. AMEN

  6. I’m going to a wedding tomorrow, so starting a conversation with one person there I’ve never met or trying to have a more personal conversation with someone I have met but want to know better.

    • Yea tomorrow is my last day at college. First I thought not to show up but now I’m determined to go and bade farewell to everybody equally including teachers with whom I never interacted my whole life
      And I’ll not pressurize myself to be THE BEST I’ll just take small steps outta my comfort zone:) wish me luck🤞🏻

  7. My goal is to become involved in situations where I can interact and perhaps make new friends. Lately, I seem to do more listening than interacting. I have avoided some situations where I felt that I did not fit in for some reason – I was confident and outgoing and in certain situations still am but my insecurities are definitely more front and center now.

  8. I usually just end up listening to what other people are saying so my goal is to try and engage more in conversations.

  9. My goal is to not dwell on the people that didn’t want or deserve to be my friend, focus on being confident in myself and the fact that there are people out there that want to be my friend!!

    • Wow !!!! I’m socially so awkward that my brain cannot even generate ONE good idea… When they asked to write down one thing I panicked… I read all the comments to see if I could find anything that I could follow or at least get some inspiration from… You have posted something that TRULY sounds and feels like a First Step… I don’t have to think up something smart, funny, or witty and I don’t even have to worry about what to reply if the other person asks me something back… Yet I can have something positive and decent to say…

      Thank you very much for the comment ❤️

  10. My goal is to leave my past and lies behind me – live more in the truth of my life. Challenge myself in these areas I struggle, yet to not push myself to far out of my comfort zone. I am and can be a social butterfly! One step at a time

    We can all do this – I believe in you all

  11. My goal is to find friends, I want to become less socially awkward and speak up even when I don’t feel like doing it, I really hope that one day I will be able to make a nice conversation with almost any person even when I don’t feel really comfortable


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