Challenge: Do Something Exciting

Did you know that just by writing a goal down, you become 42% more likely to reach that goal?

Challenge: Write down one small step you could take in your next social interaction. It should be something that feels exciting, not terrifying.

Check the comments below for inspiration. If someone writes something you like, let them know in the comments that they have your support.


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  1. I’ll often be having a conversation with somebody, and then when there’s a break in the conversation, I think of about a hundred things I could talk about or ask them about to continue the conversation, but I never say any of them. So, in the future, when there’s a break in the conversation when I think of something to say, I’m just gonna say it. 🙂

  2. I have recently joined a new group and I remain silent most of the time while others have fun, some members don’t talk with me like they do with others. I want to improve my mindset that is I don’t wanna care who likes me or who doesn’t. I am ME! I am gonna stay and act like myself coz a lot of people act fake in front of others but I am gonna stay Original! I am gonna improve my excitement level to meet new people and appreciate them.

  3. Talk to the cashier briefly rather than waiting for them to scan my items if it doesn’t distract them from their job too much.

  4. My goal is to hold eye contact a bit longer than I normally would. And a mini goal that scares me but the only next step(there is no smaller goal) is to text my friends first. I have a habit of quickly darting my eyes away if someone catches me looking at them. I also never text my very own friends(apart from one close one) first. This leads to long periods of zero conversation. I believe these two goals will help me become better socially

  5. Some thing today that will improve my confidence would be to talk to someone I find attractive.

  6. Say hello to strangers during my everyday walks. Some of the time, I say something to them that interests them, like a compliment. For example, I tell a person that their dog is beautiful. If they feel like talking, I will inquire about their pet. People LOVE others to show interest in something that interests them! If it is a short conversation, that is okay!

  7. I have been struggling to talk to strangers in the past. A week ago, it was my first time I spoke to a complete stranger (that I found interesting). I want to continue doing it. It feels so rejuvenating realising that people want to get approached and discuss with others.

  8. One small step I could do is compliment people’s outfit in the street if I see them looking at me/don’t have to ‘disturb’ them to tell them 🙂

  9. During Covid-19 circumstances, I have seen people talking to each other like for so many hours every day. And I just want to be like them, open conversations with my family, friends. I am improving a little bit talking with them, as my family says. But still I don’t feel that improving. I hope one day I feel that one day.
    By the way, i am really enjoying this course. And I am taking what you say step by step.
    Thanks David.


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