
Elevate every relationship in your life…

Cultivate Deep, Meaningful Friendships and Heartfelt Connections that Matter

Can you relate to any of these comments from our readers?

“All my friendships are kind of superficial… If I really had a problem, who would I call?”

“I feel like I’m burdening people, like I’m taking up their time, like they’re too popular or busy.”

“I never know how often to reach out, how to find activities to do, how to remember the details in people’s lives. And my inner critic tells me I’m not interesting enough and people won’t like me.”

“My main thing is establishing boundaries. This friend is always making passive-aggressive comments that make me feel judged, and I come away feeling like garbage.”

“This one friend is always making snide comments toward me, like Oh you failed in [name of city] so you moved to [name of other city]. […] I wonder if I should say something to him, or if it’s better to just avoid him. But we’re both friends with these other two guys so I don’t want to make it awkward.”

It may seem impossible to deepen friendships, especially if you’re suffering from self-doubt and crippling anxieties.

Another reader’s biggest fear is being harshly judged by others:

“My challenge is caring too much about what other people think. Maybe that’s a byproduct of being in my own head too much, thinking ‘Oh man this person’s probably thinking this’, or ‘Oh man I know this person doesn’t really like that.” Or, maybe it’s just not being comfortable in my own shoes, not having the proper confidence I need, and because I don’t have that confidence, this is the result.”

Let’s face it….

Shallow relationships are super frustrating! (and boring as heck)

Creating deep friendships is harder than ever before.

Today, many things may be interfering with your ability to build meaningful friendships.

For one thing, these days people are spending tons of time having shallow conversations with strangers online, which is getting in the way of real-life friendships.

Social media, texting, and other technology makes you feel like you’re having meaningful human interactions, but in reality they’re totally superficial.

Here’s how one reader put it:

I feel like I don’t know how to socialize. I have a group of friends that I spend time with but I always stay quiet around them because I don’t want to say something stupid or be laughed at or be judged.”

Another reader explains why they are worried about being hurt:

“I’m afraid that if I’m not making an effort to have better conversations, actually put thought into it, that my friend will get tired of me and like, just one day, texts get fewer and fewer and then just stop and we stop talking…and I don’t want that.”

And the length of time you’ve been friends with somebody doesn’t matter.

You may be friends with people you’ve known for years…

Yet those friendships never evolved past the superficial, even after decades.

So, it’s understandable if you’re wondering why deep friendships come easier to some people and not to you.

Why do some people develop for life friendships for life while you’re stuck in the “casual friend” zone?

I used to be so jelaous of people who seemed to have many deep friendships…

But think about it… do they really?

Appearances can be deceiving.

You can’t really know how “deep” their relationships really are from the outside.

Plus, the depth of our friendships is more important than the number of names you can put on an invitation list.

But those people are not always more interesting, better looking, smarter or more likable.

So, what gives?

Here’s the answer to that head-scratching mystery…

They know the secrets to turning superficial friendships into much deeper ones.

And here’s the thing…

Those people often experience the same crippling self-doubt that you do.

And deep down, they may be just as insecure.

But they know about the small subtle things – hidden in plane sight – that makes them so insanely good at building bonds for life.

Often they developed their powerful relationship-building skills from trial and error…

Because like you, they were fed up with feeling lonely, and never connecting with friends on a deep level.

They know there may be some disappointment along the way, but believe any risk is well worth it.

That’s the only difference between you and them.

It isn’t because they’re better than you.

They’ve simply developed the know-how for cultivating more fulfilling relationships.

And it doesn’t matter if it’s a relationship with a friend you’ve had since grade school… or an acquaintance you just met yesterday.

Anybody can easily learn how to take even the most shallow friendships to a deeper level.

You can create deep friendships even if you are awkward, lack confidence or your brain simply shuts down and stops working.

Sure, fostering friendships that go beyond the surface can be a challenge—and can feel scary at first.

But since friendship is so important to our well-being, it is essential to know how to make them as satisfying as possible.

So, how do you get past the superficial stage of a new (or old) friendship and turn someone into a close friend?

You may be wondering…..

❓ How do I know what to say to deepen a friendship, and take conversation topics past the superficial?

❓ How often should I contact friends?

❓ When should I invite a new friend to hang out?

❓ Which social activities should I invite friends to?

❓ How do I know if a friend is enjoying my conversation or activity?

❓ How much personal information should I share with them, and when?

Many of our readers feel paralyzed:

“So, let’s say you meet somebody and have this amazing conversation for hours. So, what happens next? Do you just sort of say, ‘Hey do you want to be friends?’ Or, what happens long term? Maybe I’m being too analytical. I don’t know…I guess I just have to get out there and do it. I think a really big problem is I’m just in my head too much, I’m always thinking ‘Oh, well, how will this play out, and if I really do end up doing this, how’s it going to work out, and if it doesn’t work out, well how am I going to counter that?’ I need to stop thinking so much and start doing.”

It’s no wonder so many people feel stuck in shallow friendships, and can’t figure out what to do next.

Here’s the great news that should reassure you…

Learning how to deepen friendships isn’t rocket science

In fact, it’s easier than you think!

But the problem is… that negative voice inside your head keeps telling you that you’re not deserving of deep relationships.

Plus, you may feel too socially awkward to even try.

So it becomes a vicious self-defeating cycle…

And you continue to lack close friends whom you can really be yourself around.

You’re terrified that if you show them who you truly are…

They’ll run for the hills!

And then you won’t have any friends at all.

So you end up walking on eggshells around them, and only talking about boring, superficial topics.

But actually, the reverse is true…

The more you can be your authentic, super cool self, the deeper your relationships will become.

Perhaps you can relate to this reader:

“I have a group of friends that I spend time with, but I always stay quiet around them because I don’t want to say something stupid or be laughed at or judged.”

Another reader shares similar fears of being rejected:

“Self-questioning, that’s what I always find with myself: whether I’m saying the right things, doing the right things…asking myself what I should say next or feeling pressure to say something funny. I lack the confidence to just be me.”

Imagine if there was an easy way to help you form deep, close, meaningful friendships where you can finally relax, let your guard down and be your authentic self.

Now there is!

And I promise I’ll share all the exciting details in a moment.

But first… I’d love to introduce myself, David, and my colleague Brandi who I’ve made this course together with, and share a bit about our backgrounds.

David Morin
My name is David A. Morin, and I’m the founder of SocialSelf, the #1 online resource for improving social skills.I used to not have a clue how to develop close friendships.I had some friends since grade school, but I often ended up in superficial small talk instead of the deep, meaningful conversations that I longed for.So I felt stuck in superficial friendships and didn’t know what to do about it.Fast forward to today, and I discovered the secret sauce for building deep, meaningful and satisfying friendships that I’d always longed for.And I’ve been applying these relationship-building skills for over a decade.These deep friendships and other relationships bring my life deep fulfillment, satisfaction, and meaning.

And I’m super stoked to share these proven techniques for creating deep friendships with you!

At SocialSelf, we employ a team of five expert counselors and leading therapists to make sure that all our content is scientifically accurate and actually works.

I’m so proud that SocialSelf has now been featured in leading publications such as Time Magazine, WebMD, MSN, Yahoo, Business Insider, and Healthline.

I’m fortunate enough to share my work with SocialSelf’s 600,000+ monthly readers.

But enough about me. It’s time to introduce my colleague, who’s turned this course into something remarkable:

My name is Brandi Newstrom.

With my Master of Education and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Northwestern University, Illinois, I’ve been able to provide a comprehensive Backward Design approach to this course.

Backward Design is when you first identify what someone needs to succeed with their goal, and then work backward from that. In other words – what needs to be in the course to give you the best possible chances of deepening your friendships?

This is the opposite of a “brain dump” where people throw in everything they can think of into a course and just end up overwhelming their participants. This course is different, and every minute of it will help you form deeper friendships.

Brandi Newstrom, MEd

I get asked this a lot…

“Why do I need a course when there’s an ocean of free advice out there?”

Well, think about it.

With all the free advice out there, why isn’t everyone enjoying deep friendships and other relationships?

Clearly, that is not happening.

Just look at the divorce rate in the U.S. – it’s skyrocketed over the past few years.

And most people are wasting time exchanging messages with total strangers on social media, rather than cultivating deep friendships in real life.

Here’s what we do differently to give you fast results:

✅ Instead of trying to remember 100 different things, you can just follow our system.

✅ We focus on one core concept at a time and help you internalize it.

✅ With my practical video examples, you get experience that no blog post or book can give you.

✅ Signing up for our program means you become a part of our SocialSelf Inner Circle: Whenever you get stuck or want to discuss something, you get help from Viktor, me, and all our members who share your journey.

✅ Our material is scientifically based, optimized for results, based on countless video calls with beta testers, and created together with counselors and therapists.

Advice can be good sometimes when you’re trying to decide if a course is right for you.

We give a lot of advice in our free material, so you can decide if our way of doing things works for you before you spend a penny.

And when you’re ready for positive change, we’ve got a system proven by hundreds of men and women like you who took the leap and joined our community.

“But I’ve already tried a zillion other courses and self-help books, and I STILL have shallow friendships”

Here’s why this course is so different…

During two months, we had countless video calls with men and women who were longing for deeper friendships.

We went through what they’d tried before that hadn’t worked, and coached them on what to do instead.

Only when a method received positive feedback, such as: “WOW! It works now!” did it earn a place in our course.

So you can rest easy knowing every single thing in our course is time-tested and proven to work.

Other courses, articles, and books out there give terrible advice when it comes to creating close friendships.

In fact, most of those relationship “gurus” are just in it to make a fast buck.

And their “advice” actually cause more harm than good:

⛔ Bad advice #1: “Just make new friends” 

– One of our participants was advised to simply meet new people who’d be open to having deep relationships. But to his devastation, nothing changed.

He was still behaving the exact same way with everybody he met – unconsciously pushing them away. Get me right – making new friendships is great. But doing it solely to create deeper friendships will backfire if nothing has changed internally.

Any new friendships will continue to be shallow if you don’t learn the necessary relationship-deepening skills.

⛔ Bad advice #2: “Just be more confident”

– Have you ever tried to “just be more confident?” What are you even supposed to do? It’s not like you can just decide to be confident one day and suddenly you can form deep relationships

When I talked to our participants, it turned out that this piece of advice gave them performance anxiety.

In reality, our course will unleash your self-confidence by showing you the steps to develop deep relationships. You’ll learn how to deepen any friendship, even if you’re painfully shy or have crippling self-doubt.

The more you practice this, the more your self-esteem will improve.

⛔ Bad advice #3: “Get rid of shallow friendships

– That’s the worst advice I’ve ever heard! And downright dangerous! Throwing away all your superficial friendships is a sure way to shoot yourself in the foot and not have any friends at all.


Because any friendship can be salvaged and turned into a more satisfying one after you learn the skills in our course.

And by throwing away all your friends, your new ones will have the same problems if you don’t develop friendship-deepening skills.

So what the heck works, then?

– Our step-by-step course is the only thing on the market that will show you how to deepen any friendship, both new and old.

You’ll finally be able to enjoy the happiest and most satisfying relationships that you deserve.

Why do successful people invest in improving their people skills?

Have you ever noticed how top achievers are also great at talking and listening? It’s no coincidence. Building good relationships is at the heart of success.

By getting better at social skills, we make friends more easily, work well with others, and get our ideas across. In a world where teamwork matters, knowing how to communicate is a big win.

In short, to really stand out and get ahead, we need more than just brains or talent. We need to be great with people.”

Introducing our NEW breakthrough course…

This life-changing course is for you IF….

…You want to transform superficial connections to deep friendships

…You’re sick of being stuck in the casual friend zone

…You want to transform small talk into meaningful conversations

…You feel uncomfortable sharing opinions and thoughts with others

…You worry that friends aren’t interested in what you have to say

…You long to hang out with others more, but don’t know how to make it happen

…You feel like you keep others at arm’s length and can’t open up

…You feel sad that even your close friends don’t really know you

…You want others to confide in your more

…You experience loneliness when you’re with people

…You worry that you’re making people think you’re uninterested, aloof, or rude, when you’d really love to be close friends

…You worry you’ll run out of things to say

…You feel inferior and not interesting enough for close friendships

…You avoid social situations because you’re afraid you’ll “fail”

…You wish you knew when and how often to call your friends, what to say, and how long your messages should be.

…You wonder if your friends really want to be friends with you.

And much more!

Get brand NEW friendships off on a deeper start

If you have many shallow friendships, there’s a good chance they started off that way.

And superficial conversations quickly became the norm between the two of you, rather than the exception.

Perhaps you long to share deeper feelings and experiences with this friend, but the unwritten rule between you two is not to “go there.”

Topics are intentionally kept at a very superficial level – such as the weather, current events, recent shopping purchases, celebrities in the news, and the most minor details about your lives.

You’re stuck in the casual friend zone and don’t know how to get out.

So, how do you avoid that boring fate with somebody you just met and want to get close to?

My guided course will show you the easy steps to transform any new acquaintance into a deep, long-lasting friendship.

Enjoy this free sneak-peek from the course

In this video, I explain how safety behaviors can keep you from deepening your friendships. This is just one of the 45+ in-depth, easy-to-understand videos and 20+ exercises, quizzes, and in total 65+ lessons from this amazing course.

Even friends you’ve had since grade school can go from shallow to deep

It’s understandable if you’re worried that it’s “too late” to take old friendships to a deeper level.

Maybe you’ve known them for years, but you never developed the close relationship with them that you desired.

Or, maybe you were closer at some point, but drifted apart over the years.

Different careers, lifestyles, interests, marriage and kids can cause old friends to drift apart.

But here’s the great news…

It’s never too late to take even a decades-old friendship to the next level.

Here’s how….

In 5 engaging video chapters…

You’ll learn proven methods to take any relationship to a deeper level

Whether you’ve been enduring a superficial friendship since high school, or you want to form a deep connection with somebody you met yesterday… This step-by-step course will teach you how to create satisfying relationships.

Program curriculum

Dive into this five-part journey and get the skills needed to build strong and lasting friendships.

By the end of this journey, you’ll have richer, more meaningful interactions that will in turn have your friendships growing deeper. You’ll overcome your fears and start to build a network of friends who’ve always got your back. Break out a more connected version of yourself, ready to experience life with friends who really matter.

Part 1

What It Takes to Form Deep friendships


Day 1

Seeing Who Could Become a Close Friend

Day 2

Finding People Who Are Friendly Toward You

Day 3

Why You Should Spend More Time With Certain People

Day 4

Practical Advice to Spend More Time With the Right People

Day 5

Tip 1 — Team Up on a Project

Day 6

Examples of projects to team up on

Day 7

Tip 2 — Meet Up for a Hobby

Day 8

Brainstorm hobbies to try with a friend

Day 9

Tip 3 — Take on a Leadership Role

Day 10

Ideas of leadership positions to try

Day 11

Tip 4 — Be Like the Neighbor on the Corner

Day 12

Tip 5 — Say Yes to Invitations

Day 13

Do You Turn Down Invitations Because You Might Embarrass Yourself?

Part 2

What to Say to Deepen Friendships


Day 14

Conversations That Deepen Friendships

Day 15

To Get From Small Talk to Good Conversations, Make Good Comments

Day 16

Use Follow-up Questions to Deepen Friendships

Day 17

Examples of follow-up questions

Day 18

Deepen Your Conversations – and Your Friendships – With “Self-disclosure”

Day 19

How much to share

Day 20

Meaningful Conversations

Day 21

Good Questions to Deepen Your Conversations

Day 22

Asking Questions to Keep Up With Each Other’s Lives

Day 23

How to Avoid the “Project Friend”-Trap

Day 24

An Example of the “Project Friend”-Trap

Day 25

Safety Behaviors — Are You Sending the Wrong Signals?

Day 26

How to Stop Using Safety Behaviors and Deepen your Friendships

Day 27

Identifying Your Safety Behaviors

Day 28

Overcoming Your Safety Behaviors

Day 29

Avoid the Jokester Trap

Day 30

The Avoidance Trap (And How to Avoid It)

Day 31

The messages our behaviors send

Day 32

Identify a safety behavior

Day 33

Quiz: How do you score on approachability?

Day 34

Your Body Language — Looking Approachable and Open to Friendship

Day 35

Your Friends’ Body Language — Are They Interested?

Part 3

How to Invite Friends to Hang Out – In a Way That Feels Natural and Comfortable


Day 36

Easy, Casual Ways to Invite Your Friend to Get Together

Day 37

Prepare the Way With a Great Conversation

Day 38

Interesting Attraction or Event

Day 39

Inviting a Busy Friend to Hang Out

Day 40

Why Inviting Your Friend Won’t Make You Look Needy Or Weird

Day 41

Do You Worry About Being a “Burden” Or Taking Up People’s Time?

Day 42

Things to invite a friend to do with you

Day 43

How to find fun activities or events to invite friends to do

Day 44

How to Relax and Have Fun When You’re Hanging Out With Your Friend

Day 45

How to Shut Down Your Inner Critic After You Hang Out With Your Friend

Day 46

Balanced Invitations — If Your Friend Says Yes But Doesn’t Invite You Next Time

Day 47

Help others who are in your shoes

Part 4

What to Say and Do So People Want to Be Closer To You


Day 48

Invest the Time and Highlight the Similarities

Day 49

Making Fun Memories (And Other Friendship Maintenance Behaviors)

Day 50

Reacting to Your Friend’s Good News

Day 51

Specific examples of the friendship maintenance behaviors

Part 5

What to Say And Do If Your Friendship Encounters a Challenge


Day 52

Navigating Challenges As Your Friendship Deepens

Day 53

When to Set Boundaries In a Relationship

Day 54

When the Honeymoon is Over

Day 55

What’s Next

Part 1

What It Takes to Form Deep Friendships


In this initial part, you’ll learn the key factor – according to research – that leads some people to form close friendships while others get stuck in acquaintanceship. You’ll get there step-by-step:

  • 5 easy principles to deepen your friendships.
  • Progressing into a deeper, more connected friendship
  • Examples that clearly show you how you can use these tips in your own life
  • Common mistakes that may be holding you back from developing closer friendships

Part 2

What to Say to Deepen Friendships


In part 2, you will learn what to say to get from greetings and small talk to deeper conversations that improve friendships.

  • Strategies to get from small talk to conversations that connect
  • Finding out what to talk about
  • Learning how much to share, and when
  • Identifying signals you send that might be preventing you from connecting

Part 3

Hanging Out With Friends


It’s time to learn how to invite a friend to hang out in a way that feels natural and low-risk for you – even if you’ve always worried about coming across as awkward or needy.

  • Easy and casual ways to invite friends
  • Choosing the right activities
  • If you worry about running out of things to talk about
  • If your friend says they can’t make it, or if you’re always the one doing the inviting
  • Reading your friends’ body language for clues of whether they want to hang out or not.
  • Learning through practical examples

Part 4

What to Say and Do So People Want to Be Closer To You


Life is busy. The fact is, people only have time for so many close friends. In part 4, you’ll learn how to become the friend that your friends want to be closer to – even if they’re busy.

  • How to have friends calling, texting, and inviting you to hang out
  • The secrets to being a truly good friend
  • Remembering details about your friend even if you’re usually forgetful
  • Identifying real friends from fake friends

Part 5

Dealing With Friendship Challenges


As your friendships continue to grow deeper and closer over months or years, occasional conflicts or differences may arise. Learn how to communicate in ways that will keep your friendships healthy.

  • Passive-aggressive behaviors that destroys friendships
  • Resolving even the most difficult conflicts effectively
  • Setting and honoring boundaries in your friendship
  • What happens after the “Honeymoon phase” in friendships

How does this program differ from our other programs?

This is our program on how to develop better and more meaningful friendships. There’s no other program that we (or anyone else) offer that will help you develop deeper friendships like this program will.

This time, we decided to go deeper than we’ve ever done, to give you insights beyond what any of our other programs have done before. This is our most comprehensive program ever.

If you currently wish you had deeper and more fulfilling friendships, this is the program for you.

However, if you halfway through realize that you’d prefer another program, just contact our support and they’d be more than happy to help you transfer or arrange a refund.

Here’s what happens when you become a master at deepening friendships…

Imagine in just one week, getting a text from a close friend saying “Can we get together this weekend? It’s been too long!”

And then you hear from another close friend who calls to chat almost every day on their commute to work.

Even more exciting… you get invited by still another friend to go to that big event that everyone’s been talking about.

You pause, smile, and think, “Wow, when did this happen? It must be due to the How to Deepen Your Friendships course. I suddenly have tons of wonderful close friends in my life!”

And what’s more, you notice that instead of immediately searching for excuses to get out of these invitations, you genuinely look forward to spending time with each of these friends.

You feel excited instead of anxious.

You finally have friends you feel comfortable being yourself with.

And you accept each other unconditionally.

One of the best parts is that after spending time with your good friends, you find yourself feeling happy and energized instead of reeling from self-doubt or embarrassment.

This is the kind of deep friendship that you can develop with the step-by-step strategies you’ll learn in the How to Deepen Your Friendships course.

Register Today and Also Get These Incredible Bonuses for Free

You get these incredible bonuses completely free.

Invisible to Interesting: The Game (Worth: 349$)

Invisible to Interesting: The Game

Becoma a master conversationalist and go all the way from “hi” to becoming friends.

You improve your conversation skills while playing this game in the comfort of your home – without even having to talk to strangers.

Conversation Confidence (Worth: 395$)

Conversation Confidence

Neuroscience has given us a new way to develop unbreakable core confidence.

This program will make you more confident in conversations by turning off that annoying “What will people think of me?”-alarm.

Conversation Scripts Word-for-Word (Worth: 196$)

Ever wished you just had a script for what to say? This is it. This is our step-by-step system to make conversation with anyone.

Learn how to get past the small talk, avoid awkward silence, and connect by making conversation.

“The course really helped me to not be afraid to talk about issues that were personal to me in case an argument was created, because now I understand that arguments only make friendships stronger, and you learn to understand and respect each other’s boundaries.”– Anonymous
“The most powerful tool to dive deep with your friendships. I always thought there was something wrong with me until I found out what I was doing wrong! I am now more connected to my friends than I’ve ever been”– Majed

This groundbreaking course will help you…

✅ Stop avoiding social situations

✅ No longer feel inferior to others

✅ Feel deserving of close and deeper friendships

✅ Look forward to meeting new people again

✅ Develop skills so your friends really know and accept you

✅ Overcome fears of being your authentic self.

✅ Stop walking on eggshells as no topic of conversation will be off limits

✅ No longer be afraid to call friends when you need advice or support

✅ Stop keeping others at arm’s length

✅ Finally feel accepted for who you truly are

✅ Become a master at deepening all kinds of relationships

✅ And much more!

Here’s What You’ll Get…

  1. Lifetime access to the 5-week course
  2. 45+ super in-depth, easy to understand videos packed with ultra-practical real-world examples
  3. A community of like-minded who’ll support you and understand you
  4. Exercises that help you improve without being weird, scary, or awkward
  5. A system that holds you accountable and motivated
  6. Downloadable audio files of the lessons so that you can listen anywhere on your phone
  7. 60-day money-back guarantee: If you haven’t deepened your friendships in a way you’re satisfied with within in 60 days, you get your money back.

You’ll become an exclusive member of our supportive community

“I felt like there was no hope for me, but it’s amazing to see the progress I’ve made.”

“I’ve been quiet for as long as I can remember. Not until middle school did I start…”

Read more

Jerry Finn, 28
Web Developer
Arkansas, USA

“If it can make an extreme introvert like myself excited to meet strangers, these courses work!”

“I signed up for the courses because SocialSelf’s website was correct in explaining how…”

Read more

Alice Chang
Mental Health Professional
New Jersey, USA

“On my way to live the life I’ve always wanted”

“Before I discovered the SocialSelf website programs I was socially and emotionally isolated for over 34.5 years, and I suffered extreme loneliness…”

Read more

Monica Meas, 36
Accounting Specialist
Washington State, USA

When you register for the How to Deepen Your Friendships course, you’ll automatically become part of our big supportive family. You’ll be able to connect with like-minded people who share your goals and will support you along the way.

You’ll do fun exercises, discuss challenges and keep each other motivated and on track while you go through the course.

I’ll drop by along with leading experts who will be happy to answer your questions or concerns.

Our No Risk Money-Back Guarantee

We’re so confident that you’re going to love our course, we’ve decided to assume all the financial risk.

Register for How to Deepen Your Friendships, and try it out. If you don’t experience closer, more satisfying friendships within 60 days, we’ll happily refund your full purchase price, no questions asked.

The reason we can give you this bold guarantee is that we’ve seen the difference this program makes, and we know it’ll provide the same wonderful results for you.

What happens after you register?

Now the fun begins!

As soon as you register for this course, you automatically get logged into our course portal and get immediate access to the entire course.

This means that you can start watching this course instantly after you’ve completed the registration.

And, of course, you also have the option to take the course by yourself, at your own pace.

The first video will welcome you, and explains how the course works and what to do next.

What to do next

Click the “Get Instant Access” button in the box above. On the page that comes up, fill in your information and choose if you want to use your debit/credit card or PayPal.

As soon as you’ve entered your information and clicked “Sign up now”, you’ll be greeted by me inside the course system and I’ll show you exactly how to get started.

I hope to see you on the inside!

Are you ready to move past the superficial and create deep friendships that last a lifetime?

Let’s do this!

Click the button above and take the first step to creating the deep, satisfying friendships you deserve.

Common questions

I’ll do my best to answer your most common questions below. If your question isn’t answered, please reach out to me by using the chatbox below.

Why should I get this course?

Why not just deal with this by myself?

You can deal with this on your own. I did. It’s possible, but it takes time. I, for example, spent 8 years of trial and error to get to a level I was satisfied with.

Taking one of our courses is like pressing a fast-forward button. Our courses contain a proven system you can follow that tells you exactly what to do. It’s created by someone who’s been where you are and understand your struggles and challenges.  Our courses contain the very system I wish I had 8 years ago.

Would I have been willing to pay money for it? Yes. If I had the ability back then to fast-track 8 years, it would have been worth more than all the money in the world to me.

There are so many obvious mistakes and so much needless pain and rejection going through this alone. Those who participate in our courses have decided to learn from my mistakes instead of treading water on their own.

Even for people who are several years behind, our courses give the opportunity to make a giant leap to close the gap. Many of our participants even decide to go further. They use their motivation to rise above what most people can only dream about.

The thing that got me from a socially anxious person to being the most connected person at work now is doing a lot of reading, which is how I found your course, and your research was the eventual turning point I would say in my personality.”

Prakhar V, 26

Why pay for a course like this when there’s an ocean of free advice out there?

With all the free advice out there, how come everyone isn’t walking around as a social genius?

Because more advice doesn’t make us better. Our programs aren’t “advice-bombs”. Here’s what we do differently to give you results:

  1. Our programs aren’t about “more information” “more tips” or “a list of things to do”. Instead, they give you insights that cause behavioral changes. Information is easy to forget. Wisdom derived from insights is with you for life.
  2. Signing up for our programs means becoming part of our big community with hundreds of members. Whenever you feel stuck or want to discuss something, you get help from me, Viktor, and all our participants who are sharing your journey.
  3. Our material is scientifically based, optimized for results, based on thousands of surveys, created together with a behavioral scientist and finally tested by a team of beta testers.

Advice can be good sometimes. We give a lot of advice in our free material so you can decide if our way of doing things works for you before you spend a penny. But when you’re ready to create a big change in your life, you don’t want more advice, but a proven system that slingshots you to where you want to be.

More advice just makes me confused or overwhelmed, is this different?

If you’re tired of “more advice”, you’re just like me. I give an answer to this question in the step above (“Why pay for a course like this when there’s an ocean of free advice out there?”)

Will this work for me?

Will this work in my country/culture?

There are many differences between cultures. Generally speaking, Americans are more extroverted than Asians. South American cultures are often more expressive than West Europeans.(ref)

We’ve made sure to take this into account designing our courses, and the results from all over the world show that we’ve succeeded:

I’ve personally used the methods we teach with great success in the US, Thailand, China, France, Spain, UK, and Sweden. More importantly, our thousands of participants from all over the world report amazing results.

The reason is the same for why our courses work for different ages and genders: Different ages, genders, and cultures all have different norms. But the underlying human psychology is universal.

Here’s what some of our participants from different corners of the world have to say:

I was thrilled to see that I could have fun in just a few minutes with a complete stranger, and exchange on our experiences, lives, passions and so on.

Hugo, Bordeaux, France.

…for probably the first time that I remember I stopped feeling insanely awkward around someone I didn’t really know at all…

Sven, Germany

Group projects are now fun instead of dreadful and the relationships I’m building are growing outside of school as well.

Riley, Calgary, Canada

[…] I can honestly say that it is truly changing my life for the better

John Claveria, Philippines

I was free. In year 2 and during that summer I had people commenting on how outgoing and confident I was (even how much I talk). I was in my element, I was embodying it

Joshua, London, UK

[…] one thing it has done is completely eliminated awkward moments. And because I’m not putting on a mask, it’s not at all tiring.

Rakesh, India

Now I’m outgoing, social and generally easy to talk to. What I learned is that change is possible!

William, Irvine, California, USA

I have been implementing your ideas, and it has changed my life in such a positive way.

Rachel, Australia

Now I know that I can make a difference in people’s lives just by connecting with them and sharing what I am.

Estuardo Paz, Guatemala

[…] that’s so much more profound than I thought when I dreamed of a silver bullet to solve my conversation dead ends.

Bianca Gelli, Brazil

I do really like the fact that I am (now) able to hold a conversation.

Theodor, Norway

I have to congratulate you and Viktor. Some of the things you teach give what I call “aha moments” or “make me see the matrix”.

Richard, Portugal

References: Triandis, Harry C. (1994) Culture and Social Behavior. McGraw-Hill College.

Am I too young/old for this?

The majority of our participants are between 20 and 50 years old. The youngest is 18 years old and the oldest 75. Human psychology is very much the same no matter your age. We’ve had beta testers and participants of older courses of all ages reporting great results.

Below, I picked out a few testimonials from participants of varying ages. Notice how the youngest one is 18 years old and the oldest one is 75 years old. That’s a 57-year difference! This shows that our courses work no matter what your age is.

I am an older woman who was born in England & migrated to Australia in 1963 with my husband & 3 small children. My husband was a very outgoing character who had no fears or worries about relating to anyone or anything. I was ultra-reserved & well accustomed to keeping to myself, totally scared of people & relationships. I could hide behind that outgoing partner, & did, all the time, for 25 years. Once our children left home there was very little of a relationship between those 2 disparate people & the marriage ended.

I am so happy with what I’ve learned from you, including that I feel a strongly growing sense of belonging to humanity instead of being an outcast! Your personal quick responses are part of this, too. I feel supported by you, thank you. So I’m super keen to continue with the Course

Christina Beaumont, Australia 75

This is sooo good! And don’t forget – your often simple, but brilliant advice can be used by us, who have left the youth! I really wish I had been given so much good advice 20-30 years ago.

Mary Anne, 47

I have more friends in my youth group than I thought I was capable of making. I’m still shy and all of that, but I have definitely changed. Thank you so much! I filled this out so you would know how your blog and guides have really changed my social life. Thank you! (I’m now private schooled and in all honors classes and slowly making friends there as well. 🙂 Once again, thank you!

Kaitlind,Corona, CA, USA, 18

Will this work for my very specific situation?

All our courses are tested on people from all walks of life. Our participants are between the ages of 18 to 75. They are people from all over the world from different cultures with different careers and lifestyles.

Some of them would mainly like to be more confident in social settings. Others would like to be better at bonding with people they come across. Some of them would like to have a better career, live in a larger house, have a bigger paycheck, or have a better physique. Some want to be better in networking and business and career. Still, they’ve had great results with our courses, due to the extensive testing we do.

These people all have one thing in common. They’re quite thoughtful and tend to overthink in social settings. If you can relate to this, I am confident that this course will work for you, no matter your specific situation.

If it turns out the course wasn’t right for you, you can use our 60 days 100% money-back guarantee. You get a full refund up to 60 days after you bought the course.

What if I blank out in conversations today?

In this course, you won’t just get “more advice”. No advice in the world helps if you blank out in conversations (because in those situations, the brain doesn’t work like it’s supposed to do anyway).

What you DO need is a small set of precise and powerful mindsets. As these mindsets become second nature to you, you will notice how you’ll no longer blank out. You’ll be able to think more clearly in social settings.

One example of such a mindset change is the OFC-coaching method I emailed you a video about a while back. There, we hooked up a participant to a stress monitor and showed that we could cut her stress levels in half after just 5 minutes of coaching. One mindset change like that is worth more than a thousand well-meant advice. However, in our courses we have the time and resources to go even deeper than the OFC-method and get even more impressive results.

If blanking out is your problem, this course will be a perfect fit for you.

What if I don’t want to “play the social game”, be shallow, or turning into a people pleaser?

This is my favorite question to answer. People often think that being social is about being one of those annoying, shallow people you see on the TV commercials for beer.

To me (and to our participants) being socially skilled is the opposite: It’s about getting away with being who you WANT to be because people will like you anyway.

We teach you how to be yourself and get away with it, even if you, like me, have a quirky personality and humor. When you master the foundations of bonding with people, that’s when you’re able to “get away” with being who you want to be.

At that point, you don’t have to “put on a mask to fit in” or feeling like you have to compromise yourself.
Here’s what some participants write:

[…] I end up feeling empathetic, less concerned with how I look, more interested in the other person, and naturally more confident and good in conversation.”


“… From this point, I quit putting any pressure on myself and soon my interactions started to become much more natural. I spent more time doing the things I love, and going out with people I appreciate.”

Hugo, Bordeaux, France

What if I lose my motivation halfway through?

The most common reasons we lose our motivation are the following:

  1. It feels like we won’t succeed
  2. We don’t see enough results
  3. Something gets too hard

That’s why we’ve designed the course in the following way:

  1. It clearly shows you how you can succeed
  2. You’ll see the initial results quickly
  3. The exercises are fun and motivating, not hard

This is the reason the majority of our participants feel highly motivated throughout the course.

Remember, if it turns out you aren’t able to complete the course, you can use our 60 days 100% money-back guarantee. You get a full refund up to 60 days after you bought the course.

What if I fall behind?

You can take the course at whatever pace that fits you. If you are unable to attend for a period of time, you can just start off where you left. The only one setting the pace is you. We give you the tools and the support you need to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

What if it turns out this course is not right for me?

This course is the result of hundreds of survey responses, dozens of hours of phone interviews, and months of beta testing. Our participants are 18-75 years old and from all over the world.

What these people have in common is that they describe themselves as social overthinkers. If you identify with being a social overthinker, you can be confident that this course is for you.

If it turns out the course still wasn’t what you were looking for, you can use our 60 days 100% money-back guarantee. You get a full refund up to 60 days after you bought the course.

What if now is not a good time for me?

A “theme” I recognized whenever I was thinking about committing to a book or a course was a voice in my head telling me things like:

“- But I should try that technique I read about last week first”
“- I should get X handled first”
“- I should get Y finished first”
“- I need to come to terms with my mental baggage first”
“- I should free up more time first”
“-I need to get my ducks in a row”

Truth is, the time will never be perfect. If you wait for things to be perfect, life is what happens while you make up plans. You want to prioritize a great social life sooner rather than later because when you do, everything in life gets both easier and more fun.

You want to ask yourself: I’ve been walking this planet for X years, and I’m still not where I want to be. Should I continue like I’ve done before and hope to one day figure this all out on my own, or is now the time to start following a proven system to get this handled?

Will this help me with…

Will this course help me with my dating?

This is a course on how to deepen friendships. There will be no “pick up-openers” or similar techniques. However, what you WILL learn is a natural way to make yourself more interesting to people including those you are attracted to. You will be more at ease and more confident in conversations and know what to talk about. This will make you more self-confident and more attractive. This is why our participants have such great results when it comes to dating and romantic partners.

Here’s what Justin from the Netherlands writes:

I just walked up to the girl I like for soooo long. It was a huge step, but I had the confidence and knowledge of what to talk about. If I hadn’t had this course, I would never dare to talk to her.

– Justin in Maastricht, Netherlands

I suffer from Social anxiety. Will this work for me?

Yes! This course is designed with anxiety in mind and works both if you have mild, moderate or severe social anxiety. If you have clinical social anxiety we recommend that you seek appropriate care from medical professionals. A medical professional can help you with the anxiety part, but most likely not the conversation skills part. Therefore, some of those with social anxiety who join our courses see it as a great complement to therapy.

Here are some testimonials from participants who suffered from social anxiety.

“The thing that got me from a socially anxious person to being the most connected person at work now is doing a lot of reading, which is how I found your course (and your research was the eventual turning point I would say in my personality).”

Prakhar V, 26

“The breakthrough way that you have helped me is when you told me to focus my attention on other people thus away from myself.

I had never realised that my awkwardness or anxiety was rooted by me being self-conscious and my constantly thinking about how I look and how I come across in social situation and I always used to attempt to show myself in a good light.

You advice had helped me liberate myself from this anxiety from social situations. Also, the statistics that show others are also anxious had increased my confidence in initiating conversation as before I assumed they just didn’t like me.”

Armaan Chana, London, UK

I suffer from shyness. Will this work for me?

Yes! All our courses are tailored to also help shy people feel comfortable in social settings. Look at some of the testimonials from previously shy people:

“I love that as you say it’s not the usual approach 10 strangers. Most shy or introverted people would die a little inside just thinking of doing that.”

Dawn T

“Throughout most of my life I had terrible social skills. Whenever someone tried to converse with me I would be so shy that I would either give one word answers that don’t really contribute or further the conversation, or I would basically ignore them which made me come off as kinda strange.

This really hurt because inside I actually wanted to talk with people, I just had no idea what people talked about or what the flow of normal conversation was like.

Recently I’ve been going back to school to try and improve my career situation. At first I was incredibly nervous because of the social situations that I would be forced into like group projects, and I didn’t want to come off as the strange quiet guy like I was through my past experiences. I have seen a very positive outcome in my social life.

Group projects are now fun instead of dreadful and the relationships I’m building are growing outside of school as well.”

Riley, Alberta, Canada

Will this help me in business, networking, or job interviews?

Here’s a realization that has helped me a lot in life:

When you deal with businesses (like employers, or customers, or business networks) they are still humans. That means that the same principles that help us bond with someone in private will help us bond with someone in business.

Some get into this weird stiff persona whenever they interact with businesses. But you still want to be easy-going, confident and warm, just like when talking to non-business people.

This course helps you do that.

Little did I understand how powerful the principles here were for business success. When I first started networking around the time of my first company, I didn’t do particularly well. As a result, I lost out on a lot of business opportunities. Nowadays, I have the ability to bond quickly with anyone. That has helped me build up a big business network and have contacts I never would have had otherwise.

“The thing that got me from a socially anxious person to being the most connected person at work now is doing a lot of reading, which is how I found your course, and your research was the eventual turning point I would say in my personality.”

Prakhar V, 26

What can I expect?

Do I need to force myself to talk to strangers?

No. We don’t believe that is an effective method of improving. We’ve tried it, but our experience confirmed what other studies have shown:

Most people can’t push way out of their comfort zone day after day.

Doing outrageous social stunts doesn’t create long-term change.

Our exercises are designed to be fun and motivating. With our system, based on the latest findings in behavioral science, you can practice new mindsets and behaviors in social settings without doing something that others think is weird (or even notice you doing).

About the course

How does the course work?

This is an online course that takes 5 weeks to complete. You can access the course on your computer, your tablet or smartphone.

The course is divided into 5 chapters. I explain all the concepts in clear and easy-to-understand videos.

Together with the videos, you’ll get exercises that’ll help you turn this into actual change in your life. For each lesson, there is a comment area where you’ll be able to discuss the material with both us and others.

How much time will this course take?

Our participants spend 5-10 minutes per day studying the material. It’s when you interact with someone that the real magic happens. That’s when your brain automatically starts applying your new wisdom.

I feel weird taking a course like this. Am I a weirdo?

Yes, you’re a bit weird for taking a course like this. But (just like me), you’re weird in a good way.

You see, when I told people that I wanted to become better socially, some thought that I was weird. But to me, it’s even weirder to NOT try to improve all areas of who we are. I figured that I only have this one life, and why not make the most out of it and be the best I can be?

If someone thinks I’m weird, that is a prize I’m more than willing to pay for the amazing life I’m able to live today: I can bond with people fast. I have wonderful friends. I have a huge social circle. I can do the things I love every day.

Maybe you’re not sure if this course is right for you. I encourage you to try it, because I see how it changes people’s lives for good. But if you decide not to, at least take this with you: Never keep yourself from doing things in life because you’re afraid that someone will think you’re weird. This is actually one of the top regrets people have on their deathbed:

Regret #6: Worrying about what others thought about me so much. Most of us place way too much importance on what other people around us think about us. How will they judge us? In the moment, we think their opinions are crucial to our future success and happiness. On our deathbeds, none of that matters.”

The 25 most common deathbed regrets – Forbes Magazine

To today’s date, over 118 000 thoughtful, smart overthinkers who want to improve socially have taken our free training. So even if we’re a bit weird, we all share an ambition to become better socially.

My life philosophy is to not walk around life fearing if doing this or that makes us weird. Instead, I try to always do what I know is the right thing to do.

Is this a live/interactive course or can I do it on my own?

This is not a live course. You take the course through our website. You’ll be taking the course together with haundreds of others and can get inspired and motivated by them. But if you want to do the course at your own pace and without the involvement of others, that works great too!

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My promise to you is that you’ll improve your conversations in a way that you feel satisfied with within 2 months. If you don’t, just send me an email and you’ll get 100% of your money back. Contact information can be found at our contact page.

I am not a psychiatrist or professional advisor. All products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Use caution and seek the advice of qualified professionals. Check with your doctor, therapist, psychiatrist or professional advisor, before acting on this or any information.

Any success statements, or success examples, are from real users and customers. Some names have been altered to preserve their anonymity. Some testimonials in the FAQ-section may have been re-used from the FAQ's from our other courses when those testimonials were describing a feature that was similar in both courses. What these participants have accomplished are only estimates of what we think you could achieve. There is no assurance you’ll do as well. Read the full disclaimer here.