“Tired of getting stuck in your head, worrying about others judging you, and holding yourself back because of anxiety?”
How People Started Gravitating Toward Me Once I Ripped Free From My Chains of Awkwardness
Here’s where I’m sitting right now. There’s a specific reason I’m shooting this seemingly pointless video…
Hi, David here.
Check out the video above…
My friend Andreas and I decided to make an escape to the sea for a few days. This cabin is tiny, but I love it!
Anyway, let me explain why I filmed this clip.
First, a short presentation of me:
My name is David Morin.
A few years ago, I probably looked successful on the surface. But I didn’t feel successful.
Because I was still self-conscious and anxious.
I didn’t know what to say (and was often ignored in group conversations). I got stuck in empty small talk instead of making deep connections. And I had almost given up trying to make meaningful connections with others.
On top of that, I had an ocean of insecurity inside of me worrying about what others thought of me.
And when I saw someone I wanted to connect with, my face turned beet red and my brain turned to jelly.
Fast forward 8 years, and I’ve spent 100+ hours on seminars on confidence and social interaction.
I’ve spent 200+ hours reading books on the subject and filled some 300+ notebook pages with my observations.
I’ve spent 2000+ hours testing everything I’ve learned to find out what works and what doesn’t.
When I was younger, I had a friend, Tom, who was thoughtful and intelligent just like me. Then, something happened…
Like many other kids, Tom and I preferred spending our time alone.
When the other kids went to school discos and parties, we loved computers, built things, and contemplated.
(By the way, out of consideration, Tom is not his real name.)
You get good at what you practice, and naturally, because we didn’t socialize much, we were both socially awkward and anxious.
We both got nervous around people we didn’t know. Hated small talk. Didn’t connect with other kids.
As the years passed I felt like I got more and more stuck in life. As school ended I stopped meeting my classmates on a daily basis. And when I got my own apartment, life got really lonely.
I can still remember it like yesterday – waking up in a quiet, dark bedroom; dragging myself out of bed; looking for something to eat in my almost empty fridge; feeling a lump in my stomach knowing that this weekend will be no different from the last one.
LESSON LEARNED: Life gets lonelier as the years pass by. Sad but true.
I felt like I was supposed to be anxious and alone forever.
Naturally, my self-esteem was pretty broken at this point. I mean, it’s easy to be motivated and happy when everything’s going your way. It’s harder when the universe is against you.
So, I did the only thing you can do in a situation like this.
I took a leap of faith.
I thought to myself: “Right now, I feel like my situation can’t change. But at least I’m going to TRY. I probably won’t make it. But if I do… It’s worth it a thousand times over!”
And you know my story by now. My life DID change. More than I ever could have hoped for.
When you’re lonely, days and life pass by like a fistful of sand. Nothing feels worth doing. But time with true friends is never wasted.
Isn’t life weird in that sense?
When I don’t work, I love the freedom of road trips. Getaways (like the one I’m on now) makes life worth living: Just hanging out with friends I love and enjoying life.
But for my childhood friend Tom who I’d once had so much in common with, life took a different path…
He made a decision to not do anything about his life. (To NOT do something is also a decision.)
We had a lot of things in common. But one important difference was that he never took that leap of faith. He didn’t think it was worth trying.
I read books on social skills and confidence – even though I felt like a WEIRDO for doing it.
Here’s the sad truth:
When you’re low on self-esteem, full of anxiety, and feel unimportant; it’s like biking uphill with rain in your face.
But on the other side of that hill, the sun is waiting for you. You just need to make the decision to get there.
Sadly, Tom never realized this.
But my journey was far from a smooth ride!
Some advice even made me WORSE off…
…like “When you’re in a social setting, just don’t forget to A, B, C, D…”
Ehh, that just made even more thoughts spin around in my head.
Or, “Tell yourself every morning that you’re the best and that nothing can stop you”.
I just didn’t believe in it and it made me feel like I’ve failed even more…
But some advice helped:
In “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, I learned some tricks to connect with people.
The problem with that book though, was that NONE of that advice helps when you have social anxiety and your brain locks up in social settings.
What’s the point of learning 100 different things you “should” do when your brain works against you and your adrenaline starts pumping and turns you into a weirdo?
That’s why we focus our program on confidence in conversations. When social anxiety no longer drags you down, life becomes fun again. And when you can express yourself fully around everyone, you become more attractive to others.
Before I figured these things out, it felt almost impossible for real change to happen.
With all the free advice out there, how come we don’t all have great social lives? Something must be missing.
The answer: More advice doesn’t automatically make us better.
That’s why it was so important for me to not turn Awkward to Awesome into another “advice-bomb”. Here’s what we do differently to give you results:
- Instead of trying to remember 100 different things, you can just follow our system.
- We focus on one core concept at a time and help you internalize it.
- With our recordings and analysis of real social interactions, you get real-world experience that no blog post or book can give you.
- Signing up for our program means that you become a part of our SocialSelf Inner Circle: Whenever you get stuck or want to discuss something, you get help from Viktor, me, and all our members who share your journey.
- Our material is scientifically based, optimized for results, based on thousands of surveys, and created together with a behavioral scientist.
- We tested everything with a team of 118 beta testers (and as of today, 300+ registered members).
Advice can be good sometimes. We give a lot of advice in our free material so you can decide if our way of doing things works for you before you spend a penny.
And when you’re ready for change, we got a system proven by hundreds of men and women like you who took the leap and joined our community:
“…for probably the first time that I remember I stopped feeling insanely awkward around someone I didn’t really know at all…”
-Sven, Germany
“…I have more friends than I thought I was capable of making. Once again, thank you!“
-Kaitlind, Corona, CA, US
“I was free. In year 2 and during that summer I had people commenting on how outgoing and confident I was (even how much I talk). I was in my element, I was embodying it”
-Joshua, London, UK
“[…] that’s so much more profound than I thought when I dreamed of a silver bullet to solve my conversation dead ends.”
-Bianca Gelli, Brazil
“I have to congratulate you and Viktor. Some of the things you teach give what I call “aha moments” or ‘make me see the matrix’.”
-Richard, Portugal
Here’s what most people will never know about conversations:
What we call “social life” is actually made up of a bunch of conversations or “contact spots” with others.
Our social life depends on how those conversations turn out. No one talks about this. But think about it:
Conversations are what connect us to each other.
When my anxiety started to dissolve I could convey my true self in those conversations.
My social life transformed:
I went from weekends home alone compulsively scrolling feeds on my phone, to fun meet-ups, long walks with close friends, and meaningful conversations. I started dating a pretty girl in my social circle that later became my girlfriend.
I didn’t have to go to loud parties, mingles, or bars. I could improve my conversations with the people I already came across in everyday life: Friends, work colleagues, family, and random encounters.
My childhood friend Tom believed that his social life wasn’t something he controlled. He saw it as a product of outside factors, and naturally, he still felt isolated and alone.
(I recommended Tom books that had helped me but he said “Reading won’t help, only time and embarrassment will…”)
Meanwhile, I was SHOCKED to see how small adjustments in my conversations made a huge difference in my social life.
Tom saw how random people got unfair advantages over him in life.
At work, people got benefits over him, even if he was better at the job. His less-funny and less-thoughtful friends got all the attention from girls because they were more outspoken.
This saddens me. We started off so alike, but he never got the chance to see his full potential.
He was such a thoughtful and intelligent person, but most people never got to see that side of him. Anxiety worked as a barrier between him and life. He started to avoid most social interactions and his conversation skills got covered in rust.
Do you remember that video at the very beginning of this page? How I said it would contain something about thoughtful people and social life? Good!
Tom had an inner conflict. He wanted a more social life, but he didn’t want to become a brainless jock.
The video at the top of the page shows how a great social life doesn’t have to be about never-ending parties and fake-smiling at mingles.
Have you ever heard the term passive socializing?
As a thoughtful, quite introverted person, I think it’s the best way of socializing: It’s when don’t have to talk or interact, you just have this warm feeling of knowing you have a really good friend in the same room.
You feel secure.
THAT’S the kind of socializing I enjoy the most.
Here are some pictures I took during the last months. There’s a reason I share them with you: To me, a great social life is about a close family of friends you can always rely on.
Today, I often wake up with texts from close friends asking if I’m up for hanging out. Friends like that are what brings color to my life.
Work gets more fun.
My days get more meaning (instead of life just passing by).
You know what? Even the morning coffee tastes better!
At this point in life, it’s natural for me to help others. I asked a friend of mine who’s a Behavioral Scientist:
I want to make the best, most comprehensive program on people skills and conversations there is. Can you help me out?
That’s how Viktor Sander became part of the project.
Viktor Sander (B. Sc.)
Viktor makes sure that every single piece of advice we give works. (We’re both fed up with made-up bro-science.)
He’s a behavioral scientist and has been working with me since 2012.
Before SocialSelf, Viktor coached men to be more successful in life and with women.
I don’t know any other “gurus” out there working together with a real behavioral scientist. I’m thankful to have Viktor on my team!
We’ve made the research, and there are lots of programs out there. But they were just OPINIONS and had no proof of actually working.
Rather than making something half-baked, we decided to go all in.
- We surveyed over 60 000 people
- We made in-depth interviews with almost 100 people
- We designed a step-by-step easy-to-follow program based on behavioral science and my 8 years of experience.
We built the program together with 118 beta testers and the 300+ members who’ve already joined. We fine-tuned and improved together with them. As things progressed, they got amazing results…
We’re not born with social skills or confidence. Everyone has to learn it. Some learn it through trial and error, starting at preschool.
Because they started early, they come off as if they’re born that way.
We see over and over how our members reach impressive results in a short time. It’s because you jump ahead of all those years of trial and error when you follow a proven system. Nice.
Now after 5 years of research and working behind the scenes, we’re ready to show you what we’ve been up to.
Today, we’re opening up registration for Awkward to Awesome for you.
Why you will become more confident in conversations simply by watching the videos in this program, in the comfort of your home:
I know that’s a bold statement, so let me show you what I mean.
There are loads of programs and books out there on confidence and making conversation. Some of them are really good, I’ve studied them myself.
But as soon as I entered a social situation, when it really mattered, my mind went blank.
These books and courses were just “more information”. They didn’t help me when I was standing eye to eye with someone, supposed to make conversation.
Unfortunately, self-help books can even take you further away from reality.
Let’s take something as fundamental as asking people questions as an example.
Ask too many and you come off as an interrogator; too few and you come off as self-absorbed. Where do you find the balance? It’s almost impossible without learning from real-life examples like we do in Awkward to Awesome.
You’ll see exactly what you should and shouldn’t do. That real-life connection will internalize those behaviors into your core.
That will in itself make you feel more confident in conversations – from the comfort of your home.
A few seconds into this video, you’ll see what makes this program special.
This is what you get in Awkward to Awesome:
- Lifetime access to the 4-week program
- 28+ videos
- Real-life video examples were you see exactly what to do in different types of conversations
- Bonus: Superconfidence (Value: USD 395)
- Bonus: Invisible to Interesting: The Game (Value: USD 349)
- Bonus: Conversation Scripts Word-for-Word (Value: USD 196)
- A community of like-minded who’ll support you and understand you
- Exercises that help you improve without being weird, scary, or awkward
- The Daily System that holds you accountable and motivated
- Downloadable audio files of the lessons so that you can listen anywhere on your phone
- 60-day money-back guarantee if you’re not DELIGHTED by the progress you’ve made, no explanation needed
Here’s what you’ll learn:
Week 1: Confident and relaxed around others
- How to be yourself without worrying what others think of you in social settings.
- How to stand out without seeking approval or falling into the trap of “external validation”.
- How to overcome feeling intimidated by people – especially dominant, powerful, loud, or attractive people. Or someone you like.
- How to get out of your head and enjoy socializing without letting self-consciousness and social anxiety get in the way.
- How to make your social life take off without weird “out of your comfort zone”- exercises.
- A comprehensive system for how to feel confident in conversations (that works even if you suffer from social anxiety or shyness today).
- Why we feel like “they just won’t like us” when we’re about to enter a group of people (and what to do about it).
- How to feel more relaxed and know what to say, even when you talk to someone you like.
- The 3 scientifically proven pillars of likability (that even the FBI use for their undercover agents to be instantly likable and gain trust).
- We’ll help you design your Daily System and create an easy and enjoyable path for you to follow.
Week 2: Starting and maintaining effortless conversation with anyone
- How to naturally start a conversation with anyone (even if you struggle with coming up with things to say today) + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How to get past awkward silence and conversations hitting a wall + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How to effortlessly come up with new, relevant, and interesting topics you can segway into when the old one dies out + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How to get past the first minutes in any conversation (even if you have social anxiety).
- How to make conversation that’s interesting to anyone +REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How to avoid saying “stupid” or “weird” things that you beat yourself up for afterward.
- How to use everyday conversation to open up new doors in life to new relationships and fun adventures with amazing people.
Week 3: Socializing in groups
- How to stop being “the quiet one” and start connecting and having fun in group conversations.
- How to naturally join an ongoing group conversation + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- Becoming a part of an existing social group. (This is a big one that troubled me for years.)
- How to be truly confident in groups.
- How to become more attractive by telling stories that capture anyone’s attention + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How to be an active part of any group conversation (without being excluded or interrupted).
- How to be more approachable, likable, and confident in social settings + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How to get people to direct their conversation toward you without you having to say anything. (Before I used this method, I was often ignored in group conversations.)
- How to project your voice so that you can be heard in loud environments (even if you feel uncomfortable using a loud voice today).
- How to increase your social status. (This has changed my life in ways I didn’t think possible…)
- How your new confidence and belief in yourself will make you stand out from the crowd.
Week 4: Instant connection through conversation
- How to get past the small talk and connect + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How to find the perfect balance between talking and listening, so that you neither come off as self-absorbed nor an interrogator.
- Learn how to get unstuck from the Listener’s Trap
- How to go from boring to bonding with less than 7 words. (This one’s a game-changer when talking with someone you like!)
- How to balance speaking your mind and keeping your opinions to yourself, without compromising your beliefs + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How to connect faster through commonalities. (Personally, this method is what’s behind most of my friendships.) + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How much should you open yourself up to others? + REAL-LIFE FOOTAGE.
- How to keep in touch with someone you just met (without coming off as needy or weird).
- Every person and every friendship is different: How to quickly make close friends with new people in different areas in life.
You Get All These Incredible Bonuses For Free
Invisible to Interesting: The Game (Worth: 349$)
Becoma a master conversationalist and go all the way from “hi” to becoming friends.
You improve your conversation skills while playing this game in the comfort of your home – without even having to talk to strangers.
Conversation Scripts Word-for-Word (Worth: 196$)
Ever wished you just had a script for what to say? This is it. This is our step-by-step system to make conversation with anyone.
Learn how to get past the small talk, avoid awkward silence, and connect by making conversation.
Conversation Confidence (Worth: 395$)
Neuroscience has given us a new way to develop unbreakable core confidence.
This program will make you more confident in conversations by turning off that annoying “What will people think of me?”-alarm.
Total Bonus Value: 940$
“In an online social skills world full of so-called gurus peddling shallow and manipulative advice, SocialSelf stands apart.
David has really done his homework on this site — much of the content is derived from psychological studies, and he takes care to explain concepts in a way that makes them easy to apply.
Plus, his content is ethical and scrupulously avoids shady tricks or manipulative techniques. I’m happy to endorse David and SocialSelf”
Daniel Wendler, Author, TEDx-Speaker, creator of the 2.4M+ subreddit r/socialskills.
How does this program differ from our other programs?
Awkward to Awesome is our program on how to crush your awkwardness. There’s no other program that we (or anyone else) offer that will help you overcome social awkwardness like this program will.
If awkwardness is keeping you from living the social life you want, this is the program for you.
However, if you halfway through realize that you’d prefer another program, just contact our support and they’d be more than happy to help you transfer or arrange a refund.
Is this a live/interactive program or can I do it on my own?
This is not a live program. (You don’t have to travel somewhere).
You take the program through our website together with hundreds of others. You can get inspired and motivated by these people who are on the same journey you are.
But if you want to do the program at your own pace and without the involvement of others, that works great too!
When you sign up, you get lifetime access.
I suffer from social anxiety/shyness. Will this work for me?
All our advice is tailored to help even to the shyest of people feel comfortable in social settings.
Here’s what two of our previously shy and socially anxious members have to say:
“I love that as you say it’s not the usual approach 10 strangers. Most shy or introverted people would die a little inside just thinking of doing that.”
Dawn T
“But David, what if now is not a good time for me?”
Whenever I was thinking about committing to a book, a course, or an online program; there was a voice in my head telling me things like:
“But I should try that technique I read about last week first”
“I should get X handled first”
“I should get Y finished first”
“I need to come to terms with my mental baggage first”
“I should free up more time first”
“I need to get my ducks in a row first”
Truth is, the time will never be perfect. If you wait for things to be perfect, life is what happens while you make up plans.
You deserve to prioritize yourself and your development now. And when you do, you will see how everything in life gets both easier and more fun.
Ask yourself:
I’ve been walking this planet for X years, and I’m still not where I want to be. Should I continue like I’ve done before and hope for change, or am I ready to try something new that is proven to work for others like me?
What if I lose motivation and don’t follow through?
At the beginning of the program, we’ll help you set up your goals.
To illustrate what your goals could look like, I asked our members William and Lee if I could share some of theirs.
Here are William’s goals:
- To be able to have interesting conversations with people.
- To feel at ease talking to new strangers.
- To never run out of things to say.
- To be able to show more interest and be able to listen to other people’s lives and to talk more about them rather than myself.
- To be more funny and witty.
- To believe that what I say has value.
- I want to be able to approach anybody, make both them and myself feel relaxed.
- I want to have a fun and interesting conversation while at the same time truly listen to what they are saying.
And here are Lee’s goals:
- To be able to tell stories of my life in a way that interest people.
- Be able to strike up conversations with anyone and stop shutting down conversation early in fear they will go south.
- Switch focus to enjoy conversations; listening and asking questions out of interest not out of fear.
- Understanding how to bond with people instead of feeling like I am hitting a strike of luck the times I do.
- I’m able to respond to conflict calmly should it ever happen.
- I want to interest people I talk to and discuss fascinating subjects.
- I’m able to bond with someone on a deeper, possibly romantic, level.
- I can speak my mind clearly, projecting my voice if necessary.
Just being part of a community filled with others like you will inspire you and keep you motivated. Throughout the program, you can follow each other’s progress and help support and each other.
It’s not about reaching your goals instantly. It’s all about taking small easy steps in the right direction.
That’s how our daily system is designed.
When you succeed with something small, you will feel even more motivated to keep going.
This daily system will be designed so that it’s not scary, not boring, but just right to make you feel motivated.
No weird “out of your comfort zone”-exercises
Many programs and books use out of-comfort-zone exercises like “approach 10 strangers at a bar and ask them to marry you”.
In our research, we could see that it just doesn’t work for most people. Getting pushed like that sucked their motivation dry.
We’ll be taking much smaller steps that feel fun all the way through. You won’t do things that scare you.
Many small and easy steps will have a permanent impact in your life – we’ve seen it over and over again with our members.
Real conversations between strangers analyzed on video
When we talked to our beta testers many of them wanted real-life examples.
So, we covered an apartment with cameras in every corner, Big Brother style. Then we invited people over who’d never met before. We recorded it all to make sure that we had all sorts of conversations we could learn from.
This is real, unscripted conversations between strangers. In the program, you’ll learn as much from what people are doing right, as from their mistakes.
We then linked the modules in our program to real-life video examples and added our own analysis to accompany each example. This gives you an inside look on even the smallest, almost impossible to spot, details in real conversations.
What about differences between cultures?
There are many differences between cultures. Generally speaking, Americans are more extroverted than people from Asia. South American cultures are often more expressive than West-Europeans.
We’ve made sure to take this into account designing this program, and I think that we’ve succeeded:
What I teach in Awkward to Awesome is what has helped me make friends in the US, Thailand, China, France, Spain, UK, and Sweden. More importantly, we’ve had 300+ Awkward to Awesome members from all over the world who report great success.
The reason why Awkward to Awesome works for different ages and genders is simple: The psychology behind why humans connect is universal.
Here’s what our members write about their experience:
“…I’m more upbeat and positive when I speak to others. I don’t try to worry as much, either.
If something doesn’t go as planned, I used to freak out and pretty much just worry in my head about how it went wrong- but I realized it just makes the situation even worse!
Even if situations don’t go as expected, you have the power to change it.
If you let the situation slide, others will, too.
One example that you’ve helped me with is the interest you should take in other people.
When I met someone from my class, they mentioned a simple topic, where I then asked them how they felt about it.
Some people don’t even ask much about feelings anymore, but he responded with oceans full- I barely had room to reply! I know they feel like I listen and that I care, so it has impacted my relationships with others in such a great way!”
Eirik in Massachusetts, US
“…As time wore on, many of my friends began to leave me, and having very few close friends with whom to interact, I felt lonely and left out.
I never had the adequate skill and confidence to make new friends and build ties with others. (…) With the many techniques, methods, tips, and exercises that I have followed from your program, I can honestly say that it is truly changing my life for the better. It’s strengthening my overall confidence and other skills crucial to a more social life.”
– John Claveria in Manila, the Philippines
Who is this program for?
- You feel anxious and self-conscious talking to strangers.
- In social situations, you sometimes stiffen up, tremble, blush, stammer or sweat. (Those reactions, in turn, make you more nervous.)
- You feel like anxiety and self-doubt is like a barrier between you and what you really want in life.
- Sometimes you feel like you bore people or that you aren’t interesting enough.
- Around strangers, you often end up being the quiet one – OR – you say “stupid” things that you beat yourself up over for days to come.
- You’re tired of feeling awkward and making small talk that doesn’t lead anywhere.
- In social settings, it can almost feel like people keep track of your screw-ups.
- When you have to approach strangers, there’s an irrational worry in your chest that they might not like you.
- You’d like to keep in touch with some people you come across but don’t know how to do it without feeling try-hard or needy.
- Often your conversations hit a wall and then there’s a sharp and awkward silence.
- You get tongue-tied or feel like a weirdo when around someone you like.
- You’re tired of “Information-bombs”: Programs that just overwhelm you with advice instead of giving you a system that takes you where you want to go.
If 3 or more of these points describe you, this program is for you.
Richard, 29, is a mechanical engineer from Portugal
“I’ve read several things about improving social skills and most, by far, are very general, vague tips.
I have to congratulate you and Viktor. Some of the things you teach give what I call ‘aha moments’ or ‘make me see the matrix’.
It’s those bits of knowledge so well thought of that make you connect the dots.”
However, I must warn you. This program isn’t for everyone.
Awkward to Awesome is NOT for those who…
- … are looking for techniques to manipulate people or act in an insincere way
- … are looking for a magic pill to instantly fix everything
- … can’t dedicate 1 hour a week on improving your conversation skills
- … think that their life is beyond their control and up to circumstance
Awkward to Awesome IS for you if…
- … you know that even if some days are good and some bad, it’s the long term that matters
- … you rather invest in yourself than spend money on another phone or outfit that doesn’t give you long-term happiness.
- … you’ve treaded water for long enough on your own and are ready to use our tried and tested system
- … you’re tired of trying random advice, and want to learn from someone who understands your situation
- … you’re willing to keep trying even if you fail a couple of times to find what works for you
- … you can see that what you’ve been doing in the past may need to change to reach your goals
- … you’re ready to invest at least 1 hour a week in your personal growth
Comments from our users
“There is a poem called “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” that expresses how I feel in social situations.
The poem is actually an internal monologue of a man suffering from internal division.
‘In a minute there is time for a hundred decisions that a minute will reverse.’
Your simple advice of offering a bit of oneself and then switching into a more personal mode of communication is extremely helpful. I’ve very prone to overthinking everything and your simple step-by-step is just what I need.
Thank you for the work you have done in developing this program.”
– J
“I personally bought the course about 7 months ago. I honestly couldn’t imagine myself socially successful.
I was the awkward guy that smiles at people and acts nice but not knowing what to say which resulted in awkward conversation.
Now I am in college and I can’t believe the person I am today, I easily initiate social interaction and I gradually ask people more personal questions.
I am really grateful now that have so many friends to hang out with. Now I am getting into the course again to review what I learned and motivate myself even more.
I wanna say thank you so much David. You truly changed my life!”
– Anonymous

“I feel like a completely different person”
“I used to struggle with socializing and felt uncomfortable in social settings. However, after taking this course, I feel like a completely different…”
Read moreAnthony, 32
Product Manager
North Carolina, USA

“Helped me a lot with my social nervousness”
“I’ve signed up for a few courses at SocialSelf now. I’ve always liked David’s videos and feel like he breaks down the…”
Read moreKristina Chepak, 28
UX Researcher
California, USA

“I highly recommend this course”
“I completed the course and found it to be incredibly valuable. It covered a wide range of topics, including effective communication, active listening…”
Read moreWallace Rangel, 40
Civil Servant

“I get more of the feeling that people I meet like me and have enjoyed talking to me”
“I think the feeling of not being socially skilled…”
Read moreClaire, 33
The Netherlands

“Before your course I was so overwhelmed with worry, I wouldn’t even consider joining a group like this.”
“I’m disabled from multiple traumatic brain injuries. These injuries have basically reset all my social skills and this created a lot of social worry…”
Michael Green, 54.
Michigan, USA

“If it can make an extreme introvert like myself excited to meet strangers, these courses work!”
“I signed up for the courses because SocialSelf’s website was correct in explaining how…”
Read moreAlice Chang
Mental Health Professional
New Jersey, USA

“I used to struggle with socializing and felt uncomfortable in social settings. However, after taking this course, I feel like a completely different person. I’m now able to initiate conversations and contribute to group discussions with ease.
One of the most valuable things I learned was how to approach people without coming off as needy. The course taught me the importance of being confident and assertive in my interactions with others. As a result, I’ve been able to form deeper connections with the people in my life.
Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone who wants to improve their social skills. It’s been a game-changer for me and has helped me become more confident and comfortable in my own skin.”
Anthony, 32
Product Manager
North Carolina, USA

“I’ve signed up for a few courses at SocialSelf now. I’ve always liked David’s videos and feel like he breaks down the components into understandable, digestible information that I can apply on a daily basis.
One of my favorite bits of information was that when I speak with someone, I focus on what they are saying instead of on myself, and that will help me feel much more relaxed. This tip has helped me a lot to feel less stressed when I socialize.
I used to get too nervous when speaking to strangers or people I didn’t know very well, or even my loved ones! Being mindful of what the other person is saying helps me connect with them. Thanks for the great courses!”
Kristina Chepak, 28
UX Researcher
California, USA

“I completed the course and found it to be incredibly valuable. It covered a wide range of topics, including effective communication, active listening, body language, and building rapport with others. David is knowledgeable and engaging, and the course materials were well-organized and easy to follow. Through a combination of lectures and videos, I was able to develop new skills and improve my existing ones.
Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enhance their social skills and improve their interactions with others.”
Wallace Rangel, 40
Civil Servant

“I think the feeling of not being socially skilled gradually eroded my self-confidence as I got older and if anything, I think it made me reject interaction with people and prefer to stay alone where things are “safer”.
I realized when I found your course that it’s not only me who feels self-conscious in social situations but most people feel that way. I think that had the biggest impact on how I feel about myself initially. I have also always felt like I don’t know what to say and I think I am now overcoming that. I think it was the feeling that actually there isn’t something wrong with me that has made the difference, and it’s helped me to start to forget the painful things that harmed my confidence in the past.
I would see someone and I think the voice was telling me that I didn’t know the ‘right’ way to be with people. Same in general interactions with people I don’t know really – feeling like I don’t know how to come off as normal. I think that the more I have followed the course material, I have just started to see that I am over-analyzing and overthinking, and that in itself has made me more relaxed and better.
I get more of the feeling that people I meet like me and have enjoyed talking to me. I still feel I have a long way to go but I think it’s now more about finding the opportunities to meet people and putting the new skills and attitude to use!
I would say the quality and structure of the material is very good and easy to follow, and you feel from the beginning that you can succeed. It’s not difficult or overly time-consuming. I was very happy to find something like that as I had never come across anything like it before. I think I was just very keen to try it, I had a lot of optimism about it.
I like the fact that I don’t feel pressured to spend time with people I don’t want to be around. I prefer to be with genuine friends who I have something in common with.”
Claire, 33
The Netherlands

“I’m disabled from multiple traumatic brain injuries. These injuries have basically reset all my social skills and this created a lot of social worry. Not only have these courses retaught me about my social skills, they are superior to the regular skills you develop in most people regular everyday life. I perform better socially now than I did before my injuries.
In addition to taking your course, I’ve become a member of several groups on Meetup, which has expanded my social contacts tremendously. As a result of your courses I feel a lot more confident in these situations which have definitely helped me to meet new people that also like to participate in activities that I enjoy.
Before your course I was so worried, I wouldn’t even consider joining a group like this but your course has helped me to overcome this and I’m sure I will see continuing results as I meet more people and have more opportunities to apply the skills.”
Michael Green, 54.
Michigan, USA

“I signed up for the courses because SocialSelf’s website was correct in explaining how going on expensive trips and other material things do not make you interesting, but how you engage with the other person does. It was backed with a generous 60-day money-back guarantee, so I felt comfortable purchasing all the classes.
Being extremely introverted, I assumed that others were comfortable socializing, not realizing that they may also struggle with talking to strangers, and find initiating conversations awkward, especially since I always see everyone grouped together in conversation. This made me much more comfortable with putting myself out there in marketing and networking, and I love the advice to be the one who’s extroverted! Great example of faking it until making it!
David normalized how I was feeling and very kind in empathizing with my situation, and gave great advice. The videos are of superb quality, concise and clear – there’s no fluff or time wasting, David gets straight to the point, explains very clearly each topic, and gives multiple examples to back up his statements.
One example is explaining why small talk is not “useless” as I always dread small talk, but rather a quick signal to let others know that you’re friendly and open, which makes you much more interesting and approachable. And understanding that still might make you uncomfortable, especially in a large crowd of strangers, just smiling helps when people pass by, and you might actually strike up a conversation when someone approaches you, and introduces themselves to you. Each video lasts around 5 mins, but packed with a lot of information and actionable steps that you can use right away.
To make sure that we’ve understood the ideas in videos, we engage in written exercises, commenting below to other subscribers. One such exercise is to share something about yourself that is personal but non-threatening, one example is talking about a movie you watched, which is a good icebreaker.
David discusses multiple techniques on how to be engaging, and I got excited about practicing these strategies, that for the first time in my life, I was excited to attend a social event!
Five stars at least – if it can make an extreme introvert like myself WILLING and excited to go out and meet strangers, these courses work!”
Alice Chang
Mental Health Professional
New Jersey, USA
What to do now
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Take this program and try it out. If you’re not satisfied within 60 days, you’ll get 100% of your money back. The reason we can give you this bold guarantee is that we’ve seen the difference this program makes.
How to get a refund
If you after the purchase realize that this wasn’t for you, you got two full months to just shoot me an email saying, “David, turns out this isn’t for me”, and I’ll refund the full amount.
Just send me an email and I’ll send all your money back, no explanation needed.
4 Monthly Payments of Only 139$
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Every new awkward conversation you’re having is another lost opportunity
Not being a good conversationalist makes you lose out on…
- Friendships
- A relationship
- Job opportunities
- Social life
Think about it:
You’re at a small get-together.
You’re having a conversation with someone that seems like an interesting and thoughtful person.
They tell you a great story, but then it’s your time to say something. Your heart starts beating harder. You start sweating. Your face feel red. Your head goes blank. It gets awkward.
The other person eventually excuses themselves from the conversation.
Now imagine if you felt confident and knew exactly what to say. Instead of awkward silence, you hit it off. You find out you both share a common interest and have a great conversation. You feel connected. Nice.
It feels natural to keep in touch. A few months later you hang out every week.
You can talk about anything with each other.
This is the beauty of dissolving the barrier of social anxiety that lies between us and life.
No weird “out of your comfort zone”-exercises
Many programs and books use out of-comfort-zone exercises like “introduce yourself to 10 random strangers and tell them that you love chicken”.
In our research, we could see that it just doesn’t work for most people. Getting pushed like that sucked their motivation dry.
We’ll be taking much smaller steps that feel fun all the way through. You won’t do things that scare you.
Many small and easy steps will have an even more massive impact in your life – we’ve seen it over and over with our members:
Kaitlind, 19, lives and studies in Corona, California
“I’ve been homeschooled, so I didn’t have very much social experience and I wasn’t very good at making friends.
I hardly had any friends. Almost a year ago, I started going to my church’s huge youth group. As you can imagine, from my background, I got off to a bad start.”
“…friendships have blossomed at my youth group. Your concept of slowly going out of my comfort zone has really helped. I have more friends in my youth group than I thought I was capable of making.”
Estuardo Paz, 29, from Guatemala works as a data processor for a U.S. media company and part time giving formal english classes
“Before I would get all anxious when being in the cafeteria with no one to talk to.
I would stay terrified about the silence and feel all bad because I didn’t make any friends 🙁
Now in the same situation I don’t panic first of all and then, I make a comment about something about the person, clothes, accessories, etc. and upon their response I then go on speaking more about them until I create some rapport.”
This program is filled with hundreds of small and big insights. One small insight can completely change how a conversation, job interview, or a date turns out. If you only take a handful of those insights to heart, that would still make a massive difference in the end.
Imagine if those small – but life-changing – conversations would go well in your life. It’s the straight way to a life filled with an impressive career, caring friends, fun adventures, deep conversations, and a hot girlfriend. Nice.
The alternative is a life where awkward conversations and social anxiety keep people away from you. To be honest – wouldn’t you avoid someone who was always awkward and boring to talk to?
Every 7th year we lose half our friends. (Gerald Mollenhorst et al).
Unless we’re able to connect with new people we come across in life, we’re up for spending more and more of our future Saturday afternoons without plans in an empty apartment.
Conversation skills help us get past the small talk, make conversation with confidence, and connect with those we choose.
Everyone’s different, but here are common results our members have:
- In conversations, you know what to say next
- You feel more confident around strangers and can express yourself more freely
- You can connect with people you like, not just “hoping for it to magically happen”
- You can be more authentic (and don’t have to turn into someone you’re not)
- You’ll be able to deepen your existing friendships, so that you can be both more honest and close
- Over time you feel confident and are able to do what you want (without fear holding you back)
- You start talking to more girls you like to because you’re no longer afraid you’ll freeze up and embarrass yourself
This confidence helps you live a more rich and enjoyable life where you do the things you truly want to do.
As a result of this, you’ll be able to truly enjoy being around people.
“I was free. In year 2 and during that summer I had people commenting on how outgoing and confident I was (even how much I talk).
I was in my element, I was embodying it.
I had lots of fun and met cool people. One of the best summers ever, and just cause of the little things, nothing grand really happened but I felt happy”
– Joshua in London, UK
“I’m very happy with the program. I’m feeling easier around people already. I also listen to others talking & am becoming more & more conscious about interacting & contributing. Thank you.”
– Christina Beaumont
“Hi David,
I have always felt nervous around my boss. Today I implemented your advice and instantly felt more self confident around him.
He is now much nicer to me and I feel in five years from now my career will have progressed much further as a direct result if this.”
– Jonnie
4 Monthly Payments of Only 139$
Lifetime access. Full 60-day Money-Back Guarantee.
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